
Gao Hao: An eye-catching new star in the field of chinese medicine chemistry research

author:China News Network
Gao Hao: An eye-catching new star in the field of chinese medicine chemistry research

Gao Hao and his mentor Yao Xinsheng, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Photo courtesy of interviewee Gao Hao

Zhongxin Network Guangzhou, January 6 Title: Gao Hao: An eye-catching new star in the field of traditional Chinese medicine chemistry research

Reporter Guo Jun

Gentle and simple, sunny and vibrant, whether walking on campus, standing on the podium, or in the laboratory, Gao Hao always gives people the impression of being so simple and fresh.

Those who are familiar with him know that this young teacher who exudes a faint bookish atmosphere has now made remarkable achievements in the field of traditional Chinese medicine chemistry research. Recently, with a series of innovative achievements in this field, Gao Hao won the 16th China Youth Science and Technology Award jointly initiated by the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the China Association for Science and Technology, and the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, achieving a breakthrough of Zero in Jinan University in this award.

It is reported that the award is selected every two years, and no more than 100 people are commended in each session. The relevant commendation decision pointed out that the winners of the China Youth Science and Technology Award carried forward the spirit of scientists in the new era, worked hard and made contributions to building a world scientific and technological power, made outstanding achievements in basic research, engineering science and technology, popularization of science, and transformation of achievements, made important contributions to enhancing China's economic strength, scientific and technological strength, national defense strength, and international influence, and were outstanding representatives of China's young scientific and technological workers.

"I don't think I'm doing anything earth-shattering, I'm just doing every little thing well." Gao Hao said. Recently, when the reporter called to interview him, he was on a business trip, busy preparing various scientific research materials, and when it came to the feeling of winning the award, he seemed very humble.

Gao Hao is currently the Director of the Science and Technology Research Office of Jinan University, the Director of the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Natural Medicine, and a member of the Academic Committee of the University. He has long been engaged in the research of medicinal potent substances and natural active ingredients of traditional Chinese medicines. "The source of traditional Chinese medicine is natural, it is a multi-component complex mixing system, and its components are affected by environmental factors such as the place of origin, but also by their own factors such as varieties and harvest seasons, and are also affected by production factors such as preparation, storage, production, and processing, which affect the stability of their composition and efficacy, and also cause the elucidation of their mechanism of action and the establishment of quality control methods to be more difficult than chemical drugs." Gao Hao explained.

Gao Hao: An eye-catching new star in the field of chinese medicine chemistry research

Gao Hao. Photo courtesy of interviewee Gao Hao

According to statistics, among the more than 12,000 kinds of Chinese herbal medicines in China, about 70%-80% of the varieties have not yet undergone systematic chemical composition studies. Even if there are a large number of commonly used Chinese medicines, limited to the bottleneck of research technology and methods, some chemical components that are difficult to separate and difficult to identify have yet to be clarified, and the chemical components contained in some varieties have not yet been recognized, and the medicinal substances cannot be revealed.

Guided by the actual needs of discipline and industrial development, Gao Hao selected commonly used bulk medicinal materials that have undergone extensive research but still have gaps in chemical composition and pharmacodynamic substances, conducted systematic research on the chemical components and pharmacodynamic substances of traditional chinese medicines represented by goji berries and angelica, and made a series of innovative achievements in key technical method innovation, elucidation of the basis of pharmacodynamic substances, and innovative drug development of traditional Chinese medicines.

For example, his scientific research team has comprehensively revealed the full picture of the chemical components contained in it through systematic research on the medicinal properties of goji berries, established a metabolomics method of its component analysis, and found a class of main, new and characteristic active ingredients, named goji berry spermidine, which has been granted Chinese patents and a number of foreign patents. This original discovery perfected the understanding of the chemical composition and medicinal properties of goji berries, providing a new source for the creation of traditional Chinese medicine drugs.

"Chinese medicine is a treasure of China's excellent traditional culture." Talking about the cause he is engaged in, Gao Hao's heart is full of hope and love. Fourteen years ago, this young man, who had just graduated from Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, was summoned by his mentor Yao Xinsheng, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, to Jinan University to participate in the construction of the discipline of traditional Chinese medicine and natural medicine.

As soon as he entered Jinan University, he took the initiative to take up the burden of building a scientific research team, serving as an assistant to the tutor, being a brother to the team members, and a teacher to the graduate students. At the same time, the pace of my own research work has not stopped.

Over the past ten years, he has presided over 6 National Natural Science Foundation of China and a number of ministerial/provincial projects, published more than 50 newsletter SCI papers in the past five years, and obtained more than 10 authorized patents; won the Fok Ying Tung Young Teacher Fund of the Ministry of Education, the Young And Middle-Aged Innovative Talent Award of the Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Shi Weiya Youth Medicinal Chemistry Award of the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, the Yiling Biomedical Youth Award of the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, the Ding Ying Science and Technology Award of Guangdong Province, and other scientific and technological awards; participated in the completion of 1 second prize of the Ministry of Education Science and Technology Progress Award, 2 first prizes of Guangdong Province Science and Technology Progress Award He has served as the vice chairman of the special committee of many national and provincial societies, as well as the editor or (youth) editorial board of many SCI and domestic core journals; selected as the leading talent of the National Ten Thousand Talents Program, the national Jieqing, the young Yangtze River Scholar of the Ministry of Education, the young and middle-aged scientific and technological innovation leading talents of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the leading talents of scientific and technological innovation of the Guangdong Special Branch Program, and the Guangdong Pearl River Scholars Distinguished Professor.

Although he has made a lot of achievements on the road of scientific research in his early forties, he is not arrogant, and while adhering to the scientific research position, he has always stood in the front line of teaching, and has been awarded the National Model Teacher, the Guangdong Youth May Fourth Medal, and the Guangdong Nanyue Outstanding Teacher. His undergraduate core course, Natural Medicinal Chemistry, was well received by his students. He is good at accumulating teaching materials from scientific research and promoting teaching with scientific research. He has a thick handwritten lesson plan full of representative examples he has picked from his lab and research.

Today, many honors have been added, but he still humbly said: "Whether it is leading a scientific research team, teaching, or administrative services, you must first do yourself well, and then influence others." What I'm good at doing is such a small thing. (End)

Source: China News Network