
Zhuzhou High-tech Zone has comprehensively improved the level of standardized construction of "small three-level" trade unions

author:Red Net

Red Net Moment October 19 news (correspondent Yang Ru Han Jingyu) On October 15, Zhuzhou City's "small three-level" trade union standardized construction site exchange meeting was held. At the meeting, the Zhuzhou High-tech Zone (Tianyuan District) Federation of Trade Unions made a speech on the exchange of experience. In recent years, the Federation of Trade Unions of The High-tech Zone (Tianyuan District), which has been awarded the honorary titles of Hunan Provincial Advanced County-level Trade Union, Hunan Provincial Advanced Park Trade Union, Provincial Model Workers' Home, and Baijia Township (Street) Development Zone (Industrial Park) Trade Union, has made every effort to promote the standardized construction of "small three-level" trade unions in accordance with the work idea of "party building leading, demonstration driven, highlighting key points, and building as much as possible". At present, more than 600 companies have completed the establishment of the association, of which more than 25 enterprises have basically achieved full coverage of the establishment rate and membership rate, and the number of members is nearly 100,000.

Multiple measures should be taken at the same time to promote the construction of "small three-level" trade union organizations in the whole region

In 2018, the Zhuzhou High-tech Zone Federation of Trade Unions was established, that is, with the principle of territorial management as the mainstay and park management as a supplement, it promoted the reform of the trade union management system of "dividing the industrial chain and dividing the park into blocks", and included the large-scale comprehensive professional parks, emerging industry demonstration parks, district-affiliated first-level platform companies, as well as leading enterprises in the park and industrial chain leaders into the direct management of the district federation of trade unions, and other types of parks, enterprises, and "two new" organization trade unions were under the jurisdiction of the trade union federation of the street (town), effectively solving the phenomenon of disconnection in trade union management and chaotic work.

According to the scale of enterprises and the number of employees in the park, classified guidance is implemented and the association is established in layers. All enterprises with larger scale and a large number of employees shall establish trade union organizations separately; for enterprises of smaller scale, the same type and the same industrial chain, promote the joint establishment of trade unions. Zhuzhou Hi-Tech Group Trade Union Committee has 9 secondary platform trade unions, the trade union of BAIC Zhuzhou Branch led more than 20 supporting enterprises to establish the BAIC (Zhuzhou) Supporting Enterprises Trade Union Federation, and more than 30 enterprises in the SME Promotion Park organized the park to establish a joint trade union of the SME Promotion Park...... In view of the reality of the multi-point layout of some enterprises, regional consultation and departmental collaboration are carried out, "one-stop" trade unions are built, and "one point drives one piece, one station serves multiple points" to achieve full coverage of trade union work.

Zhuzhou High-tech Zone has comprehensively improved the level of standardized construction of "small three-level" trade unions

Staff Sorority.

Up to now, the Zhuzhou High-tech Zone (Tianyuan District) Federation of Trade Unions has built 2 streets, 1 platform company, 1 state-owned leading enterprise, 2 private science and technology enterprises, 1 industrial park, 3 industries and industrial chain construction model, built a number of radiation surrounding areas, the same industry chain enterprises, set entertainment and fitness, legal advice, skills training as one of the staff home.

Create excellent services and improve the work efficiency of "small three-level" trade unions

"The moment I stood on the podium, I was honored and anxious. In the future, I will work harder, continue to improve, and achieve better results. This is Yuan Hao from Zhuzhou Changhe Electric Locomotive Technology Co., Ltd., after winning the second "China Power Valley Cup" labor competition "New District Craftsman".

Zhuzhou High-tech Zone (Tianyuan District) Federation of Trade Unions organizes the "China Power Valley Cup" labor competition every two years, and selects and rewards "craftsmen in the new district", outstanding employees, labor team leaders, labor teams and red flag units of labor competitions. At the same time, labor skills competitions are held regularly, and "technical champions", "technical pacesetters", "technical experts" and "gold medal workers" are organized. Since 2020, more than 400 enterprises and more than 26,000 employees in the region have participated in labor competitions, technical competitions and rationalization suggestions organized by trade unions at all levels.

Send posts in spring, cool in summer, study in autumn, and warm in winter. Throughout the year, employees in Tianyuan District can feel the care sent by the union's mother's family.

He Chao is an employee of an enterprise in Tianyuan District, diagnosed with advanced liver cancer, spent tens of thousands of yuan in medical expenses, and there are elderly parents in the family who need to be supported; Liu Feng, who is engaged in procurement work, her husband was diagnosed with acute leukemia, hospitalized at self-expense of nearly 100,000 yuan, has been chemotherapy, family life is difficult. After the Zhuzhou High-tech Zone (Tianyuan District) Federation of Trade Unions learned of the situation, it sent them materials and condolence money. "Thank you, it's a real hit." He Chao and Liu Feng were very touched after receiving condolence money and materials.

Connect with the hearts of employees and serve the masses with heart. Zhuzhou High-tech Zone (Tianyuan District) Federation of Trade Unions every year through the "to the front line, cheers for employees" and "into the enterprise, for the staff to solve difficulties" and other activities, help and service workers are more than 30,000 times. At the same time, it has also established a personalized prevention and early warning mechanism for labor disputes and mass incidents, effectively avoiding mass labor disputes and actively promoting the modernization of urban social governance.