
The towns in Qinzhou District have comprehensively fought the battle of epidemic prevention and control

author:Tianshui online
The towns in Qinzhou District have comprehensively fought the battle of epidemic prevention and control

The epidemic prevention and control station is at the head, and the "epidemic" line is tempered and shows responsibility. Qinling Town actively responded to the call of the district party committee and the district government, comprehensively organized mobilization, flew the party flag on the "epidemic" line, the party organization moved forward on the "epidemic" line, and the party members led the practice on the "epidemic" line, taking the epidemic prevention and control as the touchstone and whetstone for the majority of party members and cadres to practice their original mission, practice "I do practical things for the masses", and practice post training.

The towns in Qinzhou District have comprehensively fought the battle of epidemic prevention and control

In the face of the current severe situation of the epidemic, Huaqi Town has given full play to the role of the party organizations in the town as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of the majority of party members and cadres, set up demonstration posts for party members in the frontline of epidemic prevention and control, carried out the 24-hour duty work of "the responsible persons of the two village committees are on duty, party members and cadres are on duty, and volunteers are rotated", set up 20 party member vanguard duty points, and quickly organized and mobilized more than 300 party members and more than 130 volunteers to take the initiative to participate in prevention and control work. Relying on the party members and cadres in towns and villages, solidly carry out the investigation of "carpet-style" visits, "drag-net" inspections, "ledger-style" management, and "dynamic" updates, and detail the investigation and control of risk areas and key areas to return to the countryside.

The towns in Qinzhou District have comprehensively fought the battle of epidemic prevention and control

Damen Town launched an emergency plan at the first time, increased the investigation of passing vehicles and personnel, and established a ledger to ensure that no car was missed or a person was left behind. Comprehensively carry out the work of mapping and information verification of personnel returning to Qinqin in medium- and high-risk areas and key areas, ensure the classified control of key groups, and resolutely win the battle of epidemic prevention and control. At the same time, on the afternoon of October 24, the main responsible persons of the party committee and government of Damen Town successively went to the town and village epidemic prevention and control duty station, the health center and the police station to comfort the front-line personnel, and sent them masks, disinfectants, instant noodles and other condolences to them, and instructed them to do a good job in personal protection on the front line, not only to keep one side safe, but also to protect their own safety.

The towns in Qinzhou District have comprehensively fought the battle of epidemic prevention and control

In the face of the epidemic, volunteers in Tianshui Town actively responded to the call and undertook the glorious mission of working together to fight the epidemic with firm faith, lofty feelings and the courage to win. The red vests converge into a warm current, warming people's hearts. The town's New Era Civilization Practice Institute and Station Volunteer Service Detachment (Squad) are mainly composed of town and village cadres, who quickly enter the card point on duty and enter the village according to the assignment, carry out policy publicity, scientific popularization, personnel mapping, order maintenance, investigation and registration, data entry, transportation services, psychological counseling, etc., to assist in all aspects of epidemic prevention and control.

The towns in Qinzhou District have comprehensively fought the battle of epidemic prevention and control

In accordance with the spirit of the provincial, municipal and district epidemic prevention and control work conferences, Taijing Town coordinates and operates efficiently from top to bottom of the town, and the "epidemic" is not reciprocated, and the publicity of the "epidemic" is widely used, such as publicity columns, "small speakers", and WeChat groups, to increase the publicity of epidemic prevention and control knowledge. At present, more than 80 slogans have been issued and more than 300 propaganda and epidemic prevention circulars have been broadcast; the "epidemic" has no hesitation in grasping and touching, through door-to-door visits, to learn more about the recent travel situation of each family member, especially for those who enter and leave key epidemic areas and those who come to Qin and return to Qin, carry out key investigation and control, and comprehensively build a "firewall" for the epidemic to ensure that no household is missed and no one is missed; the "epidemic" has no hesitation to grasp the duty, set up card points at the entrances and exits of various villages and important traffic arteries, and strictly guard 24 hours a day, so as to achieve "every vehicle must be inspected." Every entry personnel must be measured", do not miss a car and a person, resolutely persuade those who cannot enter, and comprehensively fight the epidemic prevention and control battle.

The towns in Qinzhou District have comprehensively fought the battle of epidemic prevention and control

In the past few days, the Village Help and Support Task Force and the cadres of the two village committees in Housi Village, Qishou Town, have moved at the behest of orders, actively participated in the prevention and control of the epidemic, stuck to their posts to implement the epidemic prevention and control monitoring points on duty, bright code temperature measurement, classified registration, killing protection, policy publicity and other work, polished the party emblem in the implementation of responsibilities, gathered strength in policy publicity, and tempered their responsibilities in the persistence of their posts, so that the party emblem can shine on the front line of epidemic prevention and control.

(Tianshui Online Editor: Li Junfeng)