
Kidd: He's going to shoot three-pointers, but it's good for Boshin to play inside

author:Beiqing Net
Kidd: He's going to shoot three-pointers, but it's good for Boshin to play inside

On October 9, Beijing time, Lone Ranger coach Jason Kidd talked about the team's three-pointers and mistakes in an interview.

In previous games, the Lone Ranger seemed to have fewer three-pointers.

In response, Kidd said: "I don't want to make people panic about losing three-pointers. Of course we'll still shoot three-pointers. But boshin hits the inside line, which is good for us. And rotation also has an impact. The players only play half-time. We'll shoot more three-pointers in the future, but we'll also try to hit the inside first and try some free throws from the basket. ”

At the same time, he stressed that he wants the team to work harder on the defensive end, even if it means affecting the feel of the shot.

Kidd said: "Sometimes, when you put too much energy into the defensive end, your legs get tired. So the players need to adapt. ”

He also talked about the team's mistakes. He said passing is always a good thing.

"I also had a lot of mistakes [when I was a player]." Kidd said, "We had some early missteps, but the intentions were good. I often tell the players that as long as the intentions are good, I don't care about mistakes. We need to be careful, but as long as you're trying to share the ball with your teammates, I'm behind. ”

Source: NBA official website