
DENZEL WASHINGTON: I have great respect for the police

DENZEL WASHINGTON: I have great respect for the police

Washington in The Clues

Last summer's Floyd affair led to the widespread rise of the "Black Lives Matter" movement in the United States, and some even issued slogans such as "stop funding the police." In this regard, Denzel Washington, a model black actor, has not followed suit, and he recently said in an interview with Yahoo Entertainment: "I have great respect for the police."

Denzel Washington, 67, who won Oscars for film and best supporting actor, has been very influential among black male stars, and he recently played the police officer for the 13th time in the movie "Clues". Washington said he has played law enforcement officers many times in his career and has a certain understanding of the frontline work of police officers.

DENZEL WASHINGTON: I have great respect for the police

"I have great respect for what they (the police) have done, for what our soldiers have done, for those who have sacrificed their lives to protect the people. I just don't like people who humiliate the police. ”

"Without their (police and soldiers') efforts, we wouldn't even have the freedom to protest against them."

DENZEL WASHINGTON: I have great respect for the police

Stills from "The Sky is Out of The Net"

Denzel Washington, who recalls his 1991 experience of life for the filming of "The Sky In the Dead," said: "I was on a mission with a police officer, and there was a crazy old man with a rifle in front of the house swearing and grinning. We drove around the house, and the officer sat me in the car, and I wasn't really ready to go out. ”

"The officer didn't react violently, he could have shot the emotional man and I think the guy might have suffered from dementia. I will never forget the lesson that incident taught me, what kind of people and what kind of situation our law enforcement officers are facing every day. ”