
Huang Xiaofeng: Searching for the Dragon Boat Festival in Song Paintings: Flowers, Baby Plays and Skeletons 丨202106-105 (No. 1704 in Total)

author:Song history research information

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Huang Xiaofeng: Searching for the Dragon Boat Festival in Song Paintings: Flowers, Baby Plays and Skeletons 丨202106-105 (No. 1704 in Total)
Huang Xiaofeng: Searching for the Dragon Boat Festival in Song Paintings: Flowers, Baby Plays and Skeletons 丨202106-105 (No. 1704 in Total)

Look for the Dragon Boat Festival in Song paintings

Flowers, baby plays and skeletons

Text / Huang Xiaofeng

Central Academy of Fine Arts

Guo Xi proposed two different ways to see paintings in "Lin Quan Gao Zhi":

The landscape and water are also great things, and the people who look at them must look at them from a distance, so that they can see the situation and weather of the mountains and rivers. If the female figure of the warrior, the small pen, that is, a few in the palm of the hand, can be seen at a glance. This way of looking at the painting also. [1]

Tuan Fan is exactly the painting that "in the palm of the hand" is looking at. For what is suitable for painting on the fan, how to paint appropriately, how to watch, the connoisseurs of the Song Dynasty may have had a set of norms. How to get a glimpse of the visual norms of the Song Dynasty from the surviving pictures of tuan fan that have long been stripped away from the original context? [2]

Huang Xiaofeng: Searching for the Dragon Boat Festival in Song Paintings: Flowers, Baby Plays and Skeletons 丨202106-105 (No. 1704 in Total)

Lu Zhi's "Hollyhock Flower Stone Diagram"

Silk color, bright

It is now in the collection of the Cleveland Museum of Art

The summer that spans the lunar calendar of April, May and June is the season of fans, and the symbol of entering the middle of summer is the Dragon Boat Festival in May. A considerable part of the surviving Song paintings are Tuan Fan paintings, which of these works are fans used for the Dragon Boat Festival? As an important festival and festival, what is the relationship between the Dragon Boat Festival and the painting fan?

Huang Xiaofeng: Searching for the Dragon Boat Festival in Song Paintings: Flowers, Baby Plays and Skeletons 丨202106-105 (No. 1704 in Total)

Although it refers specifically to the fifth day of the first month of the lunar calendar, the Dragon Boat Festival in a broad sense is a microcosm of the entire Month of May. The Dragon Boat Festival of the Song Dynasty is often called the "Tianzhong Festival". The Chronicle of the Ages explains: "The fifth day of may is also the number of days." Noon is the Middle Of the Day. [3] The so-called "number of days" is the one, three, five, seven, and nine mentioned in the Yi Zhi Zhi Shang, and the "five" is exactly in the middle of these five yang numbers. At noon, the sun is the highest and the yang is the most vigorous, so the noon of May 5 is "in the sky". Strictly speaking, this day is the summer solstice, which is the peak of the yang in the year, after which it gradually turns yin and reaches the peak of the yin on the winter solstice. The summer solstice is generally not at the beginning of the month, but in mid-to-late May, and it is considered to be one of the sources of the Dragon Boat Festival. The Dragon Boat Festival and the Summer Solstice are both distinct and closely linked. The former has a fixed time and is more festive, while the latter has a fixed time and has more astronomical calendar significance. Together, they make May one of the most important times of the year. In Hangzhou, the Southern Song Dynasty, at noon in May, people burn incense for a whole month, which can be seen in the importance it attaches.[5]

Attention is often motivated by fear. May is the "evil moon", which is believed to be a time of yin and yang, and ghosts are raging. In May, the weather quickly becomes hot, the sun is strong, and there are many plagues and diseases. One of the purposes of the festival is to turn "evil" into peace. The ancients also believed that May was the season to pray for a good harvest. In the Song Dynasty, around the Dragon Boat Festival, it was a critical period for grain production. The main food crops of the Song people were two wheat (barley, wheat) and rice. Around April and May, the two wheats ripened, and at the same time, after the wheat was harvested, the rice was also planted in May. The ancients had already marked this crucial period in the lunar decree, that is, the "mangsai" located between the "Lixia" and the "summer solstice", which the ancients called the "May Festival", and "the grain of the mango can be cultivated" [7]. The time of the mango seed often coincides with the Dragon Boat Festival. Folk festivals and astronomical solar terms are intertwined, giving May a special place in the year.

Huang Xiaofeng: Searching for the Dragon Boat Festival in Song Paintings: Flowers, Baby Plays and Skeletons 丨202106-105 (No. 1704 in Total)

The theme of the Dragon Boat Festival is to reduce fire and disaster, all things grow, the earth prays for abundant production, and people pray for health. It is both a fan of daily necessities and works of art, and is one of the ways to express and witness these prayers.

Although the "Dragon Boat Fan" was already a court ritual in the Tang Dynasty, the Song Dynasty was more institutionalized. Every year during the Dragon Boat Festival, officials of a certain grade or above will receive rewards with tuan fans, among which there are silver and no silver according to the height of the official quality [9]. During the Southern Song Dynasty, "Dragon Boat Fan" became a specific title[10]. This type of fan is roughly divided into three categories: craft fan, imperial book fan, and painting fan. Rewarding "painting fans" may not have become the norm until the Southern Song Dynasty. According to the records of the secretary provincial officials, among the four tuan fans given during the Dragon Boat Festival every year, there are two craft fans and two grass worm painting fans. During the Dragon Boat Festival, the imperial family also rewarded the court with painting fans for their relatives, Zaizhi, and princes, the most special of which was the "Imperial Book Sunflower Painting Fan", which was the imperial calligraphy on the one hand and the hollyhock or pomegranate flower painted by the court painter on the other.

Bureaucratic literati and the people of the city also gave fans as gifts during the Dragon Boat Festival. Most of the fans come from the market. In the Northern Song Dynasty, there were several special "drum fans and hundreds of ropes" in Kaifeng City, specializing in small drums, fans and five-color cable lines used in the Dragon Boat Festival. The Southern Song Dynasty also had special fan shops and painting troupe fan shops.[15]

Huang Xiaofeng: Searching for the Dragon Boat Festival in Song Paintings: Flowers, Baby Plays and Skeletons 丨202106-105 (No. 1704 in Total)

Southern Song Dynasty no model "Hollyhock Diagram"

Silk coloring

It is now in the national palace museum in Taipei

The theme of the Dragon Boat Festival is to ward off evil spirits and eliminate disasters. Therefore, the fans of the Dragon Boat Festival are sometimes called "plague avoidance fans" [16]. The reason why the fan can have such a function is that from a scientific point of view, it uses a cool breeze to drive away the diseases that may be brought about by the heat; from the perspective of faith, it is because the fan fan takes away the evil qi, and the auspicious pattern decorated on the fan surface also has the function of warding off evil spirits. The fans sold in the "Drum Fan Baisuo City" in Kaifeng have a special pattern: "Small fans, all blue, yellow, red, white, or embroidered into paintings, or gold, or color, the system is also different." [17] This five-color fan is similar to the five-color cord of the Dragon Boat Festival. However, Meng Yuanlao referred to the fan with patterns used in the Dragon Boat Festival as "flower and flower painting fan"[18], but did not tell us what "flowers and flowers" were included.

More complex than the pattern is the complete picture, and the fan is actually a painting that is appreciated in the palm of the hand. Decorating the fan with painting has an aesthetic purpose, but presumably it must also fit and strengthen the function of the "plague avoidance fan" and reflect the inherent needs of avoiding evil and eliminating disasters.

Huang Xiaofeng: Searching for the Dragon Boat Festival in Song Paintings: Flowers, Baby Plays and Skeletons 丨202106-105 (No. 1704 in Total)

The Dragon Boat Festival is first of all a time concept, how to mark this specific time?

May is a time of lush flowers and plants, and the most impressive are the marshmallows, pomegranate flowers, xuanhua, gardenias, calamus, and mugwort leaves, the so-called "sunflower durian douyan, gardenia and incense". One is known for its bright colors, and the other is dominated by its fragrant smell. Although these flowers and plants generally have a flowering period of several months, as long as the temperature is right, they can bloom until early autumn, but the peak period is in May. Moving these flowers and plants to your home (or potted plants, or bottle cuttings) during the Dragon Boat Festival means that the abstract Dragon Boat Festival has arrived. Whether rich or poor, the Dragon Boat Festival must plant these flowers in the home: "Ordinary flowers are provided, but they do not laugh, but they must not be made without flowers at noon." [20] The most ornate is the royal family, "with dozens of large golden vases, flowers of sunflowers, durians, and gardenias, surrounding the palace".

Inserted in a bottle and painted in a painting have the same function. Outdoor flowers, indoor vase flowers, hand painting flowers, the Dragon Boat Festival's flowers and plants connect different visual spaces into one.

Huang Xiaofeng: Searching for the Dragon Boat Festival in Song Paintings: Flowers, Baby Plays and Skeletons 丨202106-105 (No. 1704 in Total)

Southern Song Dynasty No Model "Xia Hui Biao Fang Tu"

Color on silk, 23.7cm × 25.2cm

It is now in the Palace Museum

Yu Ji of the Yuan Dynasty had seen a Tuan Fan of Emperor Gaozong of Song's "Poetry of The Grass", which was supposed to be accompanied by a court painter's Xuan Cao, which was a Dragon Boat Fan. In the surviving Southern Song Dynasty Fan paintings, there are many "hollyhock diagrams". Like flower arrangement, the Dragon Boat Festival flowers and plants in the painting fan are often combined. The Tuan Fan (formerly titled Southern Song Dynasty Lu Zonggui) is an example. The picture is centered on pink hollyhocks, with yellow flowers on the left and white gardenias on the right. The flowers of the flowers are close to the lily, but the leaves are like orchid leaves. Gardenia flowers have single and heavy petals, and the common ornamental gardenia flowers are heavy petals, called "large flower gardenia". In the painting is a single-petal gardenia flower with six petals, called "mountain gardenia". It is characterized by a tall tubular center in the middle of the petals, with six flower buds spread deep next to them.

To be able to become the protagonist of the Dragon Boat Painting Fan, hollyhocks, durians, grasses, gardenias naturally have other flowers and plants that cannot be replaced. Hollyhocks are bright and rich in color, and the flowers bloom in five colors, often referred to as "five-color hollyhocks". The "five colors" symbolize the harmony of yin and yang, which is the theme of the Dragon Boat Festival. Marshmallow is a plant of the mallow family, under which in addition to the genus of hollyhock, there are also mallows, okra, hibiscus, cotton and so on. The ancients recognized the similarity between hollyhocks and hibiscus and okra (also known as yellow marshmallows), and also knew the relationship between hollyhocks and mallows with smaller flowers. There is also a good continuum between the hollyhock and hibiscus and okra. Hollyhocks were the earliest to bloom around the Dragon Boat Festival. Hibiscus is secondary, and the ancients believed that hibiscus was the time flower of the summer solstice. Okra blooms in late summer and early autumn. The common denominator of these mallows is that the plants are tall, brightly colored, widely planted, and just as importantly, they are also good medicinal herbs. Hollyhock flowers have a variety of colors, there are dark red, light red, purple, black, white, red, white two colors are the most common, is a good medicine for gynecological diseases, can treat women with under. The Tang and Five Dynasties Period Moon Ling Book "Four Hours of Compilation" talks about the production of medicines on the Dragon Boat Day: "Those who are white and white with hollyhocks, each collects the yin and dried, and cures the woman's red white belt (赤治赤, 白治白), and serves it for the last wine, which is very wonderful." [23] The Jin Dynasty physician Zhang Yuanyuan further elaborated on the principle: "Hollyhock flowers, the yang in the yin." The red one cures the red belt; the white one cures the white belt; the red one cures the dry blood; the white one cures the dryness, all of which take the work of its cold, smooth and moist profit. ”[24]

It can be seen that the ancients believed that although the hollyhock flower grew in the "evil moon" in the middle of summer, it was precisely the flower of yin and yang, which reconciled the dry heat and fire of the midsummer, which could go to the fire and dryness, and facilitate the intestines, so it could treat gynecological diseases, and even be a good medicine for the treatment of fetal misalignment and induction of labor. Similarly, the flowers and fruits of gardenia are also good medicinal herbs. Similar to marshmallow, the medicinal properties are cold, which can remove the heat and evil qi in the five internal organs, and is also specially used to treat maternal dysentery and postpartum sores [25]. The same is true for xuancao, which is also cool, reduces swelling and detoxification, mediates internal organs, and makes people comfortable and forgetful, so it is also called "forgetful grass". It is believed that pregnant women will give birth to boys when worn, commonly known as men, and for women who breastfeed after childbirth, they are often used to treat breast swelling and pain and ensure smooth milk [26]. An important custom of the "evil moon" of the Dragon Boat Festival is to collect medicines, medicines, and medicines, because medicines are the most effective anti-evil substances. Complicated prescriptions are a doctor's business, but the average person will also prepare some preventive drugs. During the Dragon Boat Festival, people will make an incense that mashes and mix marshmallows, wormwood, calamus and other Dragon Boat Flowers and herbs together to remove mosquitoes in summer. Even, this incense can also treat "bee scorpion stinging poison": "At noon on the fifth day of May, harvest hollyhock flowers, pomegranate flowers, and wormwood hearts in equal parts, and the yin is dried at the end, and the water is mixed." ”[27]

Carrying a Dragon Boat Painting Fan with you is equivalent to carrying the flowers and plants that ward off evil spirits and diseases on your body. The Southern Song Dynasty royal family rewarded many gifts to the court's relatives and courtiers during the Dragon Boat Festival, which can be summarized according to the records of the "Dragon Boat Festival" entries in the "Wulin Past Events" and the "Mengliang Record": 1. Simulated Dragon Boat Flower (woven with jewelry): Cuiye five-color sunflower / delicate gold flower. 2. Fan: Golden Silk Fan / Yushu Aoi Durian Fan. 3. Multicolored silk thread: true pearl Baisuo / Baisuo color line. 4. Drums: Silver drums. 5. Religious amulets: plutonium /charm bags, prayer cylinders. 6. Incense herbs: sachets, soft ambergris wear. 7. Textiles: Purple Lian, White Kudzu, Red Banana, Xiangluo/ Aihu Yarn Segment. 8. Food: Molasses, Ai Duo, Pu Si, Cai Tuan, Qiao Zong. Eating, wearing, and using all are included.

Huang Xiaofeng: Searching for the Dragon Boat Festival in Song Paintings: Flowers, Baby Plays and Skeletons 丨202106-105 (No. 1704 in Total)

Jiang Tingxi's "Hollyhock Diagram"

Color on silk, clear, 76 cm × 39 cm

It is now in the collection of the Liaoning Provincial Museum

The meaning of the four types of multicolored silk threads, religious amulets, incense and medicine, and food is obvious. The textile quality is transparent and thin, which is a must for summer escape. In particular, the tiger pattern made of mugwort leaves on it is often bright in color, with "five colors", so the meaning of warding off evil spirits is also obvious. The drum is a traditional thing that wards off evil spirits and uses sound to drive away evil spirits. The dragon boat flowers and fans woven with jewelry are both artificially imitating the seasonal flowers and plants of the Dragon Boat Festival, but one is woven and the other is painted.

As an important seasonal flower of the Dragon Boat Festival, the bright red pomegranate flower matches the red hollyhock often referred to as "Yizhang Red". In the so-called "five colors", red is the standard color of the Dragon Boat Festival, because May is a fire. One of Li Song's "Flower Basket Diagrams" Doufang (collected by the Palace Museum) depicts hollyhocks, xuanhua, gardenia, pomegranate and nocturnal flowers, all of which are summer flowers, and most of them are related to the Dragon Boat Festival. Of the five flowers, nocturnal flowers are the most difficult to identify. Among the surviving Southern Song Dynasty fan paintings are several works called "Night Flower Diagram". The most prominent feature of white flowers is that the flower head is drooping, it will not bloom, and it will be wrapped together like a lotus flower, and the white petals are wrapped in three pale green bracts. It is exactly the same as the white flower form in the "Flower Basket Diagram".

Huang Xiaofeng: Searching for the Dragon Boat Festival in Song Paintings: Flowers, Baby Plays and Skeletons 丨202106-105 (No. 1704 in Total)

Southern Song Dynasty no model "Night Flower Diagram"

Color on silk, 24.5 cm × 25 cm

It is now in the collection of the Shanghai Municipal Museum

[28] This nocturnal flower is a magnolia plant of the magnolia family, which is often referred to in modern horticulture as "magnoliaco" (Latin scientific name: Magnoliacoco). The flowers bloom in midsummer and May, and open at night with aromas. The name "Nocturnal Flower Diagram" was coined by later generations, and the "Nocturnal Flower" mentioned by the Song Dynasty basically refers to the flowers of the leguminous deciduous tree "Acacia Tree". The flower is pink and hairy, and the so-called "nocturnal" or "acacia" refers to its pinnate compound leaves, which combine at night. Since the "nocturnal flower" in the painting fan was not called by this name in the Song Dynasty, what was it called at that time?

A late clue may help solve the mystery. In the late Qing Dynasty, Guangdong painting Home Nest painted "Night Flower Diagram", which is exactly the night flower in the Song Dynasty Tuan Fan painting, but Ju Nest questioned the name "Night Flower" in the inscription, because it is not closed at night, but blooms at night, what is called "Night Flower":

Night and night are opening, and the name is not good.

Before the flower, I asked each other, and the bottom of the leaf only smiled.

The world mistakenly met, and the well-known lost Xiaozi.

Empty chicken tongue incense, diligent learning caries.

Night into night is open, and the name is not matched. Gudang is laughing. There are two kinds of purple and white in the old days, and the only small purple ears seen in this world. Although the branches and leaves are small and different, the flowers are similar in shape. [30]

He believes that this flower should be a kind of "laughing flower", because the flower leaves are larger than the laughing, so it should be called "big laughing". With a laughing flower, the flower will not bloom, as if it is slightly smiling, so it is called "smiling" (Latin scientific name: Micheliafigo). It is a laughing plant in the family Magnolia and is a close relative of the night magnolia. The two are similar in shape, both are South China flowers, like a semi-cloudy and half-sunny environment, and are equally fragrant. The difference is that there are no three pale green bracts outside the smiling petals, and the petal size is smaller than that of the night magnolia. Following juchao's view, we find that the Song Dynasty people are likely to classify the night fragrance mulan as a laughing flower. Chen Shan of the late Northern Song Dynasty and early Southern Song Dynasty mentioned the Flowers of South China that were not available in the North in the "New Tales of Lice", and specifically talked about smiling:

South and middle flowers and trees, there are no one in the north, jasmine, laughing flowers, jacquards, eagle claw flowers and the like, with sex are afraid of cold, so jasmine is only planted on June 6. There are four flowers with laughter, and there are four flowers in the small smile, but the summer is the most abundant, and there is purple laughter, and the fragrance is still fierce. Jasmine, with a smile, all in the west of the day, slightly shady, then blossom. At first opening, the fragrance is still fragrant. Yu Shanju had nothing to do, sitting in the small pavilion every night, suddenly smelling the incense breeze, the room was full of depression, and he knew that it was a smile. [31]

Chen Shan's opinion is estimated to represent the views of most of the Song Dynasty, divided in the shape of a flower, with a smile and two sizes. Divided by flower color, there are two kinds of purple and white with a smile. Purple laughing flowers are called "purple laughter" and bloom in late spring. In the "Past Events of Wulin" and "Mengliang Record", it is mentioned that the end of March and the beginning of April are good times to enjoy purple laughter. But the white smiling flowers were not mentioned. However, when introducing the flowers of Hangzhou, the "Record of Dreams" mentions a kind of "laughing flower" in the summer flowers. This flower is also found in the "Appreciation of Zhang Yuezhai" recorded in the "Past Events of Wulin": in May, in "Qihu Pavilion View Laughing Flower, South Lake View Xuancao, Ouzhu Pavilion View Five-colored Hollyhock". This kind of "laughing flower", which belongs to the same season as the flower and the hollyhock, will it be "laughing", and will the big laughing be the night magnolia, that is, the "night flower"?

Some clues can be drawn from the poetry of the chant. The Southern Song Dynasty poet Han Chun has a poem "Laughing Flower": "The laughing flower blooms only by itself, and the bottom of the hanging leaf is fragrant." Born Yang Zhen is innocent and often has a kind of incense in the world. [32] The posture and aroma of the "hanging head and the bottom of the leaf" indicate that this is what the ancients called "laughter". The flowers and leaves of the night magnolia are slightly larger than those of the laughing, and it is also appropriate to call it "laughing flower".

The Southern Song Dynasty Chen Jingyi's botanical work Quanfang Bizu quotes a poem with a smile on his face, which is said to have been written by Yang Wanli (1127-1206):

When the calamus festival is preluded, Cui Yu wears white jade muscles.

The dark folded flower room must be twilight, and the aroma will be known to everyone.

Half-opened slightly spit out the long treasure, wanting to say that Hugh even lowered his eyebrows.

The crisp branches of the tree are soft but the leaves are healthy, and they do not need to paint but to write poetry. [33]

The first sentence points out the season, like calamus, which is the flower of the Dragon Boat Festival. The second sentence describes the flower shape and color. "White jade muscle" is a white petal, "green feather clothes" should not refer to the flower leaves, but refers to the outer layer of the petals are wrapped in green bracts. This is fully in line with the characteristics of the night magnolia. At the end of the poem, the sentence "No more painting but only poetry" implies that people like to draw this flower into a picture. The surviving "Nocturnal Flower Diagram" should be one of these pictures, called "Laughing With a Smile" may be more in line with the habits of the Song people.

Is it possible that there are other flowers and plants on the Dragon Boat Painting Fan?

Zhao Chang's "Jasmine Diagram"

Silk color, Northern Song Dynasty, 24.9 × 27.1 cm.

In the existing Song Dynasty Tuan Fan paintings, you can also see the "Jasmine Flower Diagram". Jasmine is also a hot summer flower, although its flowering period can also last until late summer and early autumn, but the Dragon Boat Festival is the time when the first batch of jasmine flowers bloom. When talking about the GrandEur of the Dragon Boat Festival, the "Records of the Prosperity of the Old Man of the West Lake" said: "Jasmine blooms inside and outside the city, and there are no less than hundreds of people wearing flowers. [34] Jasmine is inserted into women's heads not only for beauty, but more importantly for fragrance. According to the "Past Affairs of Wulin", the bustling restaurants in Lin'an will be equipped with famous prostitutes who attract customers, who are "full of jasmine in the summer moon and full of incense". The records of the Records of Dreams can be corroborated by each other. Wu Zimu mentioned the "miscellaneous goods" of the Hangzhou market, in which flowers are bought and sold in all four seasons:

At four o'clock, there are flowers with fluttering belts, and there are also flowers that are sold into flowers, and there are flowers, cypress gui, and luohan leaves in bottles. Spring flutter with peach blossoms, four spices, Ruixiang, wood fragrance and other flowers, summer flutter golden lantern flower, jasmine, sunflower, durian flower, gardenia flower, autumn flutter jasmine, orchid, wood tree, autumn camellia, winter is fluttering wood spring flower, plum blossom, Ruixiang, orchid, daffodil, plum blossom, plum blossom, there are more Luo Pa de wax statues born four time twigs of flowers, along the street market chanting and selling. [36]

Jasmine is sold in summer and autumn, just across the flowering period of jasmine. In summer, jasmine is in the same column as typical Dragon Boat Flowers such as hollyhocks, pomegranates, and gardenias. Jasmine, like Han Xiao, is also a precious flower and tree in the south, especially with its charming aroma, not only fashionable women like to wear it, but also one of the raw materials for making ambergris: "Minguang City." Women like Jasmine, the so-called dark musk bearers on the eastern slope also. Dragon saliva makers, no frangipani flowers, mostly jasmine instead. [37] During the Southern Song Dynasty, jasmine was already cultivated in Zhejiang, but it was not widespread: "Recently, there have been good people in Zhejiang, and there are also jasmine and frangipani, all of which have turned to the sea by Fujian merchants, but it is not suitable for land, and it cannot flourish in the end." [38] According to well-documented records, the summer retreats of the Southern Song Dynasty royal family were widely decorated with fragrant flowers and plants such as jasmine, and gardenia was also one of them. Other upper-class Activities in May include melon picking, bayberry viewing, tasting honeywood, loquat viewing, and so on. In late April, there are cherry viewing and five-colored poppies.

Huang Xiaofeng: Searching for the Dragon Boat Festival in Song Paintings: Flowers, Baby Plays and Skeletons 丨202106-105 (No. 1704 in Total)

Zhao Tuo's "Loquat Mountain Bird Diagram" page

Ink pen on silk, Song, 22.6 cm × 24.5 cm

There are many "Loquat Mountain Bird Diagrams" in the Song Dynasty Tuan Fan paintings. One of the paintings passed down as Emperor Huizong of Song is ink painting. The picture is centered on a fruity loquat branch, with birds and butterflies dotted on the lower left and upper right, respectively. The bird is looking back at the loquat or the butterfly. There are many insect eyes on the loquat leaves, which can know the crisis encountered by the loquat tree, so it is also implied that the birds do not intend to steal loquats, but the small insects on those leaves, and the birds are actually the guardians of the healthy growth of loquat trees. This can be seen more clearly in the Southern Song Dynasty's "Loquat Finch Diagram". The bird on the loquat branch was looking down at the struggling bug in its paws. In another fight, the bird is watching the ants on the loquat fruit.

Lin Chun 《Loquat Mountain Bird Diagram》

Color on silk, Southern Song Dynasty, 26.9 cm × 27.2 cm

The fruiting period of loquat is only a short period between April and May. Mei Yaochen praised that "the Yellow Orange of May Loquat is like orange". The Taiping Imperial Records even cite scriptures that suggest that loquat ripened in April was a sacrifice sacrificed by the emperor during the Mengxia period. Loquat is a subtropical plant, and in the Northern Song Dynasty, cold weather in the north loquat is rare. Song Yu once lamented that loquat could not reach the north: "There are fruits that produce Hispanics, and flowers are cold. Trees flourish jasper leaves, and stacked golden pills. Can not be sent on, chewing taste alone sigh. [43] During the Southern Song Dynasty, loquat became a common and common fruit. For example, Zhao Fan (1143-1229) "Picking loquat on the Day of Heavy Noon and Recommending Wine Because of Two Absolute Sentences" [44]:

It has been loaded with the same endowment, and also Phi Du old poems.

The group grows its own leaves, and it is not very good.

Shu wine can dispel worries, and Changyang can relieve the year.

Chu Jun is the Chu Festival, and Xiang Ke reads the Xiang Ship.

Huang Quan (Biography) "Frequency (Ping) Boshan Bird Diagram"

Color on silk, 5th generation, 24.9 cm × 25.4 cm

Lin Yu and Li are both ancient names for apple plants. According to the classification of modern botanists, Chinese apples are divided into three categories: apple (柰), sand fruit (lin dan) and begonia fruit. Lin Yu is also known as lai fowl, which is smaller than The Bird, and is also known as the Pinnacle.[45] In the Song Dynasty, Lin Tan was a relatively precious fruit. According to the Tokyo Dream Record, the earliest batch of lin qi ripened in April, which was the time fruit of the offering on the eighth day of The Buddha's birthday on April 8. Lin Was found in the market until June. Among the surviving Song Dynasty Tuan fan paintings is a "Bird Diagram of Pin po Mountain", and the picture is exactly the same as that of a Dou Fang, Lin Chun's "Fruit Ripe Bird Diagram" (the collection of the Palace Museum).

Ai Xuan (biography) "Sketching Poppy Diagram"

Silk coloring, Song

Poppy viewing was listed by Zhang As the last activity of Mengxia in April. The "five colors" of poppies make it often compared with hollyhocks. For example, Zhang Wei's poem "Summer Rafting Because of Passing through Qionghua Garden": "The red lights of the poppy are dense, and the purple valerians around the sherong are flourishing." [47] Fang Hui's (1227-1305) poem "Early Summer" compares the poppy and the important symbols of the Dragon Boat Festival—pomegranate flowers, hollyhocks, light and transparent poppies, bamboo fans: "Grass and silk shirts and bamboo fans, pomegranate poppies and sunflowers." [48] There are many species of poppies, and in addition to opium poppies, the most common ornamental poppy is Yu Meiren. During the Song Dynasty, poppies were mainly used for food and medicinal herbs, with young seedlings comparable to garden vegetables and poppy seeds being used as porridge. The National Palace Museum in Taipei has transmitted Ai Xuan's "Sketching Poppy Diagram", which depicts Yu Meiren of Heti, with colorful colors, red and white, especially red.

If hollyhocks, flowers, gardenias, pomegranate flowers, etc., were flowers and plants that ordinary people in the Song Dynasty could also enjoy, then nocturnal flowers, jasmine flowers, poppies, loquats, and lin dan had more to do with the life of the upper class.

Huang Xiaofeng: Searching for the Dragon Boat Festival in Song Paintings: Flowers, Baby Plays and Skeletons 丨202106-105 (No. 1704 in Total)

In the "Xuanhe Painting Notation", there are many works depicting flowers and plants in the Dragon Boat Festival, such as "Hollyhock Hen Diagram" and "Xuancao Drama Cat Diagram". Similar works can also be seen in the southern Song Dynasty court collection, such as Huang Juyu's "Xuancao Mountain Partridge", Xu Chongsi's "Hollyhock", Zhao Chang's "Xuancao Hollyhock" and "Pomegranate Flower". Cai Qi's "Discussion on the Tiewei Mountain" records that Wang Wei had Xu Xi's "Bi Si Marshmallow Diagram", but it was incomplete, only two, and later Huizong borrowed it to match the other half. It can be known that it should be a large barrier type hanging shaft [50]. Are these large paintings in the literature with the theme of flowers and plants in the Dragon Boat Festival originally used for decoration of the Dragon Boat Festival, just like tuanfan? How are they used?

Although Wen Zhenheng of the Ming Dynasty told us to hang paintings according to the moon order, "The Dragon Boat Festival, the Jade Rune, and the Song and Yuan Dynasties, such as Duanyangjing, Dragon Boat, Ai Hu, and Five Poisons",[51] there is no clear material showing that during the Five Dynasties and the Northern Song Dynasty, paintings would be used to decorate the architectural space according to specific seasons. We only know that the flowers and birds of the four seasons were already a common practice in the Northern Song Dynasty, and were often used to cover the walls of the church.

Huang Xiaofeng: Searching for the Dragon Boat Festival in Song Paintings: Flowers, Baby Plays and Skeletons 丨202106-105 (No. 1704 in Total)

No "Character Picture"

Color on silk, Song, 29 cm × 27.8 cm

There are not many living objects, and we can only turn to other discoveries. The Song Dynasty Figures in the National Palace Museum in Taipei is an album depicting the residence of a literati, with the protagonist dressed in the costumes of the Six Dynasties sitting on a bed, behind which is a large screen with a huge painting of flowers and birds, with the theme of Tinghua Water Birds. A pair of birds stands on the slope shore, and there is another pair of water birds in the water. There are reeds on both sides. The reeds in the close-up are carefully painted and bloom ochre red flowers. In the space between the reed and the harp, there is also a cluster of flowers, which, although farther away from the slope, are not too delicately painted, but are a hollyhock in the shape of its large goose-paw-shaped leaves and pink flowers. The appearance of marshmallows points to the midsummer scene, yet the reed flower is often a symbol of autumn. However, the flowering period of marshmallows can actually reach the end of summer, and the reed flowers bloom in late summer and continue into late autumn. Therefore, the appearance of two kinds of flowers and plants indicates that this small view of the pond is a scene in late summer and early autumn in June and July. If the screen in the painting can reflect the general view of the Song Dynasty on the relationship between painting and the environment, is there a connection between the space before the screen painting and the screen painting?

Huang Xiaofeng: Searching for the Dragon Boat Festival in Song Paintings: Flowers, Baby Plays and Skeletons 丨202106-105 (No. 1704 in Total)

No "Character Diagram" (Partial)

The picture is a retro-style imagination of the Song people, although it cannot be seen as a real reflection of the 12th century, but the concepts embodied in it are still related to the Song people. In the lower part of the picture is a stone-stacked flower table with a pot of flowers, which should be peonies or peonies. Peonies and peonies both bloom in late spring in March and bloom until early summer. The flowering period of peony is slightly later than that of peony. Another hint of time is that on the small table in front of the Chinese's bed, there are two plates of fruit, one pot of bright red and the other with a peduncle. Judging by the color, shape, and size of the fruit, it is most likely to be cherry and linden. Cherry is a precious fruit, also known as peach and wattle, which bears fruit in early summer and April. The Shanghai Museum has an album of "Cherry Yellow Orioles", and the red fruit can be compared to the cherry on the screen painting.

Huang Xiaofeng: Searching for the Dragon Boat Festival in Song Paintings: Flowers, Baby Plays and Skeletons 丨202106-105 (No. 1704 in Total)

No "Cherry Yellow Oriole Diagram", Empress Yang titled

Color on silk, Southern Song Dynasty, 12.2cm × 26.2cm

In "Character Painting", it is said that Wang Xizhi is Wang Xizhi. Interestingly, Wang Xizhi has a famous post", "Lai Fowl Qing Li Ti", which mentions several precious fruits in summer, including cherries and lin qi: "Qing Li, Lai Fowl, Cherries, and Ri Zhi Teng, the children are all sacs are better, and the envelopes are not born." "The picture creates a scene of literati gaoshi leisure in early summer. It is reasonable to say that the screen painting with hollyhocks and reed flowers is a landscape of late summer, which is not consistent with the early summer landscape composed of peonies, peonies, cherries and lin dan, but it is completely appropriate to say that it is intended to express summer life. Moreover, isn't the combination of late summer and early summer a complete summer?

The painting of the insects of the Villing grass is a tradition that has lasted for a long time. Kyoto's Manshu-in Temple has a pair of Vertical Scrolls of Lü Jingfu's "Grass Worm Diagram", and the central flower and grass in the picture are one of marshmallows and the other of poppies. In a painting of hollyhocks, a pomegranate flower protrudes from the outside of the painting and floats in the upper part of the picture. Hollyhocks and durian flowers are exactly the flowers we are familiar with in May, and are accompanied by summer flowers such as snakeberries and plantains. The poppy is accompanied by flowers and plants such as caryophyllus and artemisia, and two lizards can be seen on the ground, which is one of the so-called "five poisons" in later generations. But beyond the painting are the wood-lined flowers that bloom in late Spring in March. According to careful records, one of the activities in March was the "Yanxiangguan Viewing of The Forest Flowers". In fact, the contrast between marshmallow and poppy may be expressing a general summer scenery rather than pointing to specific seasons. One of the hollyhock and pomegranate flowers indicates the height of summer, while one of the poppy, caryophyllus and laminaria indicates late spring and early summer, and together they create a vibrant summer landscape.

Huang Xiaofeng: Searching for the Dragon Boat Festival in Song Paintings: Flowers, Baby Plays and Skeletons 丨202106-105 (No. 1704 in Total)

Qian Xuan's "Bird Gardenia" volume (partial)

Color on paper, yuan, 29.2x78.3cm

It is now in the collection of the Freer Museum of Fine Arts

Under the reflection of the large-scale panoramic painting, the special features of the Tuan Fan painting are more clearly reflected. As a small carry-on object, rather than a barrier and vertical axis fixed to the building, the fan has a closer interaction with the viewer. For example, the same person can have many Dragon Boat Painting Fans. The frequency of interaction between the fan and the viewer and the appreciation of the space extends far beyond the large paintings of the interior space. The sense of time in Tuan Fan painting is stronger, the subject matter is richer, and the expression methods are more diverse, which may be partially explained from here.

Huang Xiaofeng: Searching for the Dragon Boat Festival in Song Paintings: Flowers, Baby Plays and Skeletons 丨202106-105 (No. 1704 in Total)

Dragon Boat Flowers often appear as a backdrop for paintings. In the tuan fan of "Xuancao Dog Diagram", a small dog and a cluster of Flowers next to the stone are separated from the left and right sides of the Tuan Fan, and the puppy looks back and seems to be looking at Xuanhua.

Mao Yi (biography) "Xuancao Swimming Dog Diagram"

Silk color, Southern Song Dynasty

There is often an analogy between small animals and young children. The Boston Museum of Fine Arts' old title, Zhou Wenjie's "Dragon Boat Drama Baby Picture", is a painting that puts young animals and children together. The painting depicts a corner of an ornate courtyard dotted with marshmallows, flowers, and calamus. The floor is covered with a richly decorated carpet. A boy is lying on top of it playing with two kittens. Hollyhocks bloom throughout the courtyard, contrasting with ornate lake stones and railings. The hollyhocks in the painting are rich in color, including big red, pink and white. Place several bonsai in the foreground. There are two calamus bonsai, one planted in a lotus-shaped vessel and the other in a pot with a ring. The largest bonsai, placed on a red lacquered stool, is a small pot of lake stone plantain bonsai, dotted with delicate small lake stones and colorful small stones.

Zhou Wenjue (biography) "Dragon Boat Drama Baby Picture"

It is now in the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

There are two plantains, and both draw bright red buds. This is not an ordinary plantain, but a special variety of blooming safflowers: "(Banana flowers) Red is like a torch, called red plantain, white is called water plantain." [56] It can be seen that as long as it is red, it is collectively called red banana. There are several kinds of plantain plants that bloom safflower, and safflower plantains are often confused with cannabis. In fact, in modern botany, one is the genus Plantain of the family Plantainaceae and the other is the genus Canna of the Family Cannaidae. The flowering of safflower banana is not limited to the Dragon Boat Festival, as a temperate and subtropical plant, it can bloom in summer and autumn as long as the temperature is right. The reason why the "Dragon Boat Drama Baby Map" is accompanied by safflower bananas among the typical Dragon Boat Flowers such as hollyhocks, calamus, and Xuanhua is because of its relationship with the court, and second, it may also be because the red flowers are the color of the Dragon Boat Festival. There are many reds in the painting: children wear red belly pockets, a translucent red gauze coat, and a red headband tied from the hair on the forehead. Both kittens also wear red bands around their necks and small bells that echo the children's headbands. There are also red marshmallows, red plantain flowers, and even red pebbles.

The Dragon Boat Festival in the painting also includes a small drum next to the child, and the drumstick is tied into the adult form and held in the hands of the child. Drums are the main toys for children and an important festival item in the Dragon Boat Festival of the Song Dynasty. The role of the drum may be to use sound to achieve the purpose of warding off evil spirits. Probably for the same reason, there is also a small side of the drum, which is also tied with a red belt. The children in the painting appear to be playing with drums and cymbals, directing a game of two small animals of the same age.

Zhou Wenjue (biography) "Bath Baby Lady Picture"

Color on silk, Song, 23 cm × 24.5 cm

There is also a kind of "bath baby picture" in the Song Dynasty baby theater fan, such as a tuan fan in the Freer Art Museum, which is rich in color and is centered on a large golden bathtub, vividly reproducing a scene of children bathing. There are three boys and one girl in the painting. The three boys were in three different states: the one in the bathtub was taking a bath, and the boy next to him was holding the bathtub with both hands, and seemed to be waiting anxiously. The other had hair in a bun on the top of his head, which should have been washed and was being dressed by the maid. The prevailing view is that the "bath baby picture" is regarded as an auspicious painting congratulating a woman on the successful childbirth. The reason is that the center of the picture is the bathtub. In ancient times, women had to prepare a large basin during childbirth, filled with hot water, and the baby bathed immediately after birth. Therefore, female childbirth is often referred to as "pro-pot". The American scholar Ellen Johnson Laing also believes that according to the old custom, if a married woman is not pregnant and has a child in the second year after marriage, her mother's family will give a flower lantern during the Spring Festival, which reads "The child sits in the basin" as an auspicious greeting. However, regardless of the custom of "baby sitting in the pot" flower lantern, or when the title of "temporary pot" originated, it may be too simple to think that the large basin of bathing is related to childbirth.

When it comes to bathing babies, ancient and modern times are not much different. According to the records of the "Past Events of Wulin", whenever a royal woman became pregnant, after entering the court for seven months, she would reward various items and form a huge maternity bag, including the "big silver basin" side and the "miscellaneous pot" fifteen. The former, of noble materials, is clearly used for special rituals, and bathing newborns after childbirth is just one of them. Another important baby bath etiquette is during the full moon. According to the "Record of Dreams", on the day of the full moon of the newborn, many relatives and friends are invited to hold a "washing party" at home.

Looking closely at the images in the painting, the bath is not so much a "baby" as a toddler, not two or three years old and at least over the age of 19. It is not uncommon to show a baby bathing in the postpartum bath in the painting image, and the newborns in the bathtub are very small in size, have no posture, and need to be carefully held in the hands of the nanny. In contrast, "Bath Baby Picture", rather than taking a bath, it is more like playing in the water, and the children sitting in the basin are still blowing their noses. The scene is very natural.

Qiu Ying's "Bath Baby Diagram"

Color on silk, bright, 27.2 cm × 25.5 cm

It is now in the collection of the Shanghai Museum

The Shanghai Museum has another "Picture of a Baby Bathing" by the "Song People". This is actually a copy of the Ming Dynasty painter Qiu Ying, who copied a number of Song Dynasty Tuan Fan paintings in the home of the large collector Xiang Yuanbian, and his descendants compiled it into the "Song Ren Album of G TianLai Pavilion". Many of them still have the original works of the Song Dynasty, and comparing the two will find that Qiu Ying is almost exactly the same as it is. Therefore, the "Bath Baby Diagram" he copied can be regarded as a true reflection of a lost Song Dynasty tuan fan. The scene of the baby bathing in the painting is very similar to that of The Freer Tibetan, except that there is a small child by the basin and a lady next to her who dresses another child who has just taken a bath.

This high degree of similarity cannot help but make us suspect that Freer's tuan fan painting may actually be a facsimile. Most importantly, Qiu Ying's facsimile paints a rich scene. It was outdoors, a large courtyard of the upper class, with elaborate Taihu stone and red lacquered balustrades, as well as several kinds of flowers and plants indicating time. At the bottom of the picture is a cluster of red flowers. Behind the upper plantain is a pomegranate tree, and the fiery red pomegranate flower is blooming, reflecting the two flowers. They are all the flowers of the Dragon Boat Festival, which is a hint of the Dragon Boat Festival.

Bathing orchid soup is an important custom of the Dragon Boat Festival, people will collect a variety of herbs including calamus, wormwood, etc., and bathe in hot water in the hope of driving away diseases. So much so that the Dragon Boat Festival in the Song Dynasty also had a name: "Yulan Ling Festival". "Orchid" originally referred to a fragrant perrin, and later evolved into a collective term for various herbs placed in bath water. Children's bathing is more suitable for drawing pictures. Therefore, the "bath baby chart" should be more related to the bath orchid soup of the Dragon Boat Festival.

Qing "Five Baby Bath Drama"

It is now in the Sackler Museum of Art

We can also observe it with later images. In the Ming Dynasty's "Gu's Painting Spectrum", there is a "bath baby diagram", and the pattern is similar to the "G TianLai Ge Song Ren Picture Album", and there are also Xuanhua. The British Museum has a scroll of Zhou Wenjie's "Baby Drama" in a symmetrical form, which seems to be two separate scenes put together. There are two bathtubs in the picture, one on the left for bathing babies and one on the right for children to wash watermelons. Children and women wear light, light, transparent clothes, and summer is coming. The Metropolitan Museum of Art also houses a large carved lacquer plate between the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, decorated with a "Picture of a Baby Play in a Lotus Pavilion". There is a bathtub in the center of the picture, and children are taking a shower. Next to it are pomegranate trees and lake stones, and pomegranate flowers are blooming. Lotus flowers have bloomed in the pool, and many children are playing happily.

The relationship between the bath baby image and the Dragon Boat Festival can even be traced back to liu Zongdao's "Zhao Bon Bao" in the Northern Song Dynasty. According to Deng Chun's "Painting Succession" in the early years of the Southern Song Dynasty:

Liu Zongdao, a native of Jingshi. As a "child in the basin", with water pointing to the shadow, the shadow also refers to each other, and the shape and shadow are self-divided. For each painting, hundreds of copies must be drawn, and then shipped, and distributed on the same day. I am afraid that others will pass on the mold before it. [59]

Liu Zongdao's painting is the Tuan Fan. Probably children and bath tubs were already important themes in Tuan fan painting in the Northern Song Dynasty, so there will be such deliberate and innovative works as "ZhaoPu Bao'er".

The popularity of baby drama painting fans in the Dragon Boat Festival may be related to female audiences. There is a Song Dynasty anonymous poem "Ruan Lang Gui • Dragon Boat Festival" lyrics, in a female tone to write out a variety of decorations during the Dragon Boat Festival, holding a "baby painting fan" is the dragon boat festival everyone's fashion decoration [60]:

The door hangs high on the Ai people. Goose puffs. The knot is decorated with small charms. Snake Baisoer. Shapazi, Yuhuan'er. Baby draws fans. Nu'er is a bean girl. It's timely.

Huang Xiaofeng: Searching for the Dragon Boat Festival in Song Paintings: Flowers, Baby Plays and Skeletons 丨202106-105 (No. 1704 in Total)

In the Dragon Boat Festival," a considerable number of children wear red translucent gowns and wraps. Changing the light sarong robe is an important ritual in the summer and after the Dragon Boat Festival, and is the same for the court, bureaucrats, and people.

From the Tang Dynasty onwards, the Dragon Boat Festival would reward Ge or Luo with summer clothes, which was more common in the Song Dynasty. The Records of Dreams records: "On a midsummer day, the forbidden Zai gave the following public clothes. [61] It was not that the Hundred Officials were unable to purchase silk robes, but only after the Emperor's reward arrived did they officially sign the change of dress, and they could wear light and thin official clothes to work. In addition to the ministers, the court relatives and attendant eunuchs of the Southern Song Dynasty also received a rich amount of light and colorful clothing and clothing from the emperor during the Dragon Boat Festival, including purple lian, white ge, and red banana. On the occasion of the Dragon Boat Festival, "the residence of the chancellor is covered with fine ge and xiangluo" [62].

Huang Xiaofeng: Searching for the Dragon Boat Festival in Song Paintings: Flowers, Baby Plays and Skeletons 丨202106-105 (No. 1704 in Total)

Song "Baby Drama Picture Axis"

The ritual of rewarding dragon boat clothes in the Song Dynasty was very mature, called "time clothes". Two regulations in the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty made this system more complete. In the third year of Jianlong (962), Song Taizu gave hundreds of officials the Dragon Boat Dress that had originally been given only to high-ranking officials and favored subjects. In May of the ninth year of the Taiping Revival (984), the official institutionalization of the shifu of the vassals was formally institutionalized. There are two times a year when the reward is given, once in May, the Dragon Boat Festival, and the other is the first day of October, because both times are the key periods for the transition between cold and warm. The gift is not one piece, but a set from outer clothing to underwear. There are increases and decreases depending on the rank of the official. The most advanced of the Dragon Boat Festival's summer clothes is the so-called "Five Things", that is, a full set, including "Runluo official clothes, embroidered belly, yellow silk, cooked thread Aya, and small Aya", in addition to two "silver fans". The October winter coat replaced the single-layer Runluo official dress with a runluo jacket with a lizi, replaced the belly with a brocade robe, and replaced the yellow undershirt with a silk undershirt, without a fan. It can be seen that the typical characteristics of the Dragon Boat Dress are light and thin robes, yellow undershirts, embroidered belly, and fans.

Yellow silk is an extremely thin clothing, and it is a wrinkled yarn. Yarn is lighter and thinner than aya, silk, and luo, and can even penetrate the body. As a result, officials were generally not allowed to wear official clothes because they were not very elegant. Although officials are not allowed to wear translucent tulle in public, others, especially children, are perfectly fine. The children in "Dragon Boat Baby Drama" wear a red sleeved top with a split hem, and their bodies are completely transparent under the clothes. This could be a gauze coat. The neckline of the gauze is open, the child's shoulders are exposed, and on the inside of the shoulders, another red can be seen, which should be the belt that holds the belly.

Huang Xiaofeng: Searching for the Dragon Boat Festival in Song Paintings: Flowers, Baby Plays and Skeletons 丨202106-105 (No. 1704 in Total)

The Dragon Boat Festival is the season for picking medicines. It is believed that only herbs taken or made at noon on the fifth of May have the best power to cure diseases and ward off evil spirits. Medicine collection is closely related to religion, especially Taoism, and the Dragon Boat Festival is also considered to be the "earth wax" of Taoism, a day of ancestor sacrifice and atonement. Scientific medicine and unscientific medicine were difficult to separate in ancient times. This leads to the entanglement of medicine, medicine, witchcraft, and Taoism to form a unique medical culture. For the Dragon Boat Festival, the purpose of avoiding evil requires more preventive drugs. Some medicines do have the function of preventing diseases such as plague, heat stroke, and malaria that are susceptible to epidemics in summer, but there are also some medicines that rely more on faith. In addition, there are some medicines that are not really medicines, but religious charms, but they are considered to be the most effective, because what is expelled is not a general disease, but the root cause of the disease: ghosts and evil spirits. In fact, the painting of the Dragon Boat Festival, in a sense, is precisely to use visual effect to avoid evil spirits.

Among the surviving paintings, there is a Tuan Fan of the "Guan Shu Tu" that was passed down as the Song Dynasty, and the image of the picture is exactly a scene with medicine as the core, which is a Dragon Boat Festival painting fan. The picture takes a picture-in-picture approach. A Taoist priest selling medicine set up a herb stall with various herbs and small statues of Lü Dongbin and Shennong. He was showing the onlookers a portrait of a tiger riding a medicine king, Sun Simiao. Next to him stood another secular doctor, holding in his hand a rune with a simple pattern. Interestingly, there are not only real herbs on the stalls of Taoist medicine, but also several different types of skulls, ranging from large cats with pronounced canine teeth that resemble tiger skulls, as well as primates that resemble monkey skulls. In fact, animal skulls are an effective antidote to evil spirits.

Huang Xiaofeng: Searching for the Dragon Boat Festival in Song Paintings: Flowers, Baby Plays and Skeletons 丨202106-105 (No. 1704 in Total)

Li Song's "Cargo Lang Diagram"

Ink pen on silk, 24.1 cm × 26 cm

It is now in the collection of the Cleveland Museum of Art

At present, other paintings with skull images can be found, except for Li Song's "Cargo Lang Tu", all of which are paintings depicting Taoist immortals, including the "Medicine Picking Female Immortal Figure" Tuan Fan collected by the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the "Song yin Dao Dao Tu" Tuan Fan in the Palace Museum, and a "Magu Medicine Collection Map" Tuan Fan that is said to be the Song Dynasty, and the skull is hung under the canopy of the medicine collection box carried by the Taoist immortals, together with Lingzhi and other herbs. In "The Picture of the Immortals Collecting Medicine", the two fairies carry the cages of the medicine collection on their backs, filled with various herbs such as banana leaves. The one on the left has Ganoderma lucidum in his hand, and there is a canopy on his head, and under the canopy hangs many things, including Ganoderma lucidum, banana fans, gourds, and a skull, which is close to a monkey skull in terms of size. However, the focus of the picture is the fairy in the middle, there is no medicine box behind her, and there is a ginseng in her hand, which is clearly recognizable in human form, which is an extremely precious medicinal material. It seems that the three fairies acted separately and finally got together to show each other the results. The background of the picture is an ancient pine, and the specific time cannot be seen. However, the fairy on the left not only hangs a banana fan under the canopy, but also a long strip of banana fan painted with ink bamboo on the medicine collection box. Both fans can be seen as hints at summer.

Huang Xiaofeng: Searching for the Dragon Boat Festival in Song Paintings: Flowers, Baby Plays and Skeletons 丨202106-105 (No. 1704 in Total)

Of the four "Cargo Lang Diagrams" that are rumored to be Li Song, three appear skulls (the Palace Museum Book, the Cleveland Museum of Art, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art), which are hung on the cargo lang's shoulder in front of the cargo man's body. The same image can also be seen in the Yuan Dynasty Ren Yasumin's "Cargo Lang Tu" Tuan Fan (a private collection in Japan). In addition, Li Song also has the most confusing "Skeleton Illusion Diagram" under his name. In the records of the Ming Dynasty, Li Song also painted "Skeleton Dragging Car Diagram" and "Sitting Skeleton Diagram in Qian's Eyes". It seems that skull images are Already Li Song's specialty.

Huang Xiaofeng: Searching for the Dragon Boat Festival in Song Paintings: Flowers, Baby Plays and Skeletons 丨202106-105 (No. 1704 in Total)

Li Song's "Cargo Lang Diagram" (partial)

Color on silk, 25.5 cm × 70.4 cm

Huang Xiaofeng: Searching for the Dragon Boat Festival in Song Paintings: Flowers, Baby Plays and Skeletons 丨202106-105 (No. 1704 in Total)

Color on silk, 24.1 cm × 26 cm

However, there is no connection between the skull in "Cargo Lang Tu" and "Skull Illusion". The skull in Cargo Lang Tu is small in size, smaller than the head of a newborn baby, and is unlikely to be a real skull. In terms of size, it is exactly the same as the skull in "Guan Shu Tu" and "Medicine Fairy Figure". It is hidden among the other items of the Cargo Lang Dan, and with it hangs on the Cargo Lang Flat Bearer there are other medicinal herbs, and you can clearly see the herb-like plant and a turtle shell, and a long strip of items coiled together, which may indicate a snake metamorphosis. In addition, underneath it hangs a four-legged reptile, possibly a lizard or pangolin. These are important medicinal herbs. There are other hints of medicine on the cargo man, such as the eye round plate hanging as the doctor's logo on the neck, and the advertisement "Specialized Doctor Cow and Horse Child" on the cargo lang's shoulder. The "Cargo Lang Tu" may have been a painting used during the Lantern Festival, which is the beginning of the year. Its theme is to show the safety of the people of Guotai by displaying objects from all walks of life, and to protect individuals, families and countries. Medicine is naturally indispensable [71].

Huang Xiaofeng: Searching for the Dragon Boat Festival in Song Paintings: Flowers, Baby Plays and Skeletons 丨202106-105 (No. 1704 in Total)

"Skeleton Illusion" is a tuan fan. However, no one except Hong Zhixi paid attention to this point. From the perspective of type, it belongs to the "baby play", or a "baby fan". The traces of the fan handle are clearly visible, and it just passes through the gap between the hands of the little skeleton and the child, dividing the picture into two parts, left and right. On the left are large skeletons and small skeletons, and on the right are young women and children, forming a certain symmetrical relationship. It is worth noting that the big skeleton and the children are wearing translucent gowns. The child is wrapped in a red belly pocket and covered with a translucent gauze, and the rounded body is clearly visible under the gauze. The large skeleton was also clad in a gauze, and the bones were clearly exposed under the gauze. It wears a gauze hat and can see the skull clearly. Changing into a light tulle dress in summer is a festival of the Dragon Boat Festival, suggesting that the picture is no longer likely to be any other season except mid-summer.

Many scholars have mentioned that the National Palace Museum in Taipei has a Ming Dynasty", which is very similar to the "Skeleton Illusion" in composition. The big skeleton manipulates the small skeleton to attract children instead of the big boy operating the toad to attract the little boy, and the way the hanging puppet becomes a toad tied to a stick with a thread. The attracted little boy is also wearing a translucent gauze coat for the Dragon Boat Festival, and there is a bouquet of pomegranate flowers, calamus, and gardenia flowers.

Huang Xiaofeng: Searching for the Dragon Boat Festival in Song Paintings: Flowers, Baby Plays and Skeletons 丨202106-105 (No. 1704 in Total)

Li Song's "Skeleton Illusion"

Color on silk, 26.3 cm × 27 cm

Why does "Skull Illusion" show the encounter between children and ghosts? If you understand it from the perspective of the Dragon Boat Fan, you may be able to find some answers. The Dragon Boat Festival is considered to be a time when ghosts and monsters are rampant. The best way to ward off evil spirits and exorcise demons is through Buddhist and Taoist runes and scriptures. Every Dragon Boat Festival, the temple will hold a festival, and Zen monks will also give lectures. Many senior monks in the Song Dynasty left quotations from the Dragon Boat Festival. From this, we can see the Buddhist understanding of exorcism during the Dragon Boat Festival [67]. On May 5, the twenty-eighth year of Emperor Gaozong of Song 's reign (1158), Zen master Pujue came to the church and said, "It's The fifth of May again, and the big ghosts clap their hands and dance with the little ghosts." Suddenly bumping into the peach rune god, his hands and chest screamed injustice. [68] The big ghost beats the beat with his hands, and the little ghost dances to the beat, elated, and seems to be enjoying the festival, looking forward to spreading joy in the world. I didn't want to meet the peach charm at the door of the house to ward off evil spirits and exorcise ghosts, and secretly cried out that it was not good. These big ghosts and small ghosts that roam during the Dragon Boat Festival do not look evil, but show a bit of funny. This scene is also somewhat similar to "Skeleton Illusion". The big skeleton's right foot is beating to a beat, its mouth is open as if it is singing lyrics, and the little skeleton is dancing with its hands. The scene has no sinister horrors, but a humorous and amusing atmosphere. The Northern Song Dynasty Practitioner once said in the Dragon Boat Festival: "In the past, Xiu Cai made the "Theory of No Ghosts."" Just put the pen down. A ghost appeared. The behead said to Xiu Caiyun: "What do I do?" 'If the white clouds were seen at that time. He made a quail dove by hand and said to Yi Dao: Gu Gu Gu. [69] In the face of such a mischievous ghost, the Zen master could not do anything about it.

The Song Dynasty Zen monks' understanding of the Dragon Boat Festival's ghosts seems to have a strong visual nature. The Northern Song Dynasty Enlightened Buddha-Fruit Zen Master Shangtangyun: "On the fifth day of May, the Heavenly Festival, thousands of demons were destroyed." In his eyes, he plucked Mount Meru, and pulled out a wedge of nails in his ears. Zhong Kui's little sister danced three stages, and the eight arms chewed pig iron. The interception is as urgent as the law. [70] "Hurry as a law" means that it is a sign. Talked about how to drive away ghosts. He imagined summoning Zhong Kui and Nazha. Goug your ears at the ghost. This is reminiscent of the so-called Wu Daozi's Zhong Kui, who used his fingers to pluck out the eyeballs of the little devil. He also mentioned the summoning of Zhong Kui and Little Sister, which was actually the popular theme of Zhong Kui's little sister's travel in the Song Dynasty. Sweeping away the ghosts in the Chinese New Year's Eve night was a very lively activity in the Song Dynasty. Zhong Kui was originally exorcised in the New Year, and gradually became a dragon boat exorcism in the visual arts after the late Ming Dynasty.

We can already see the rudiments of this transformation in the Dragon Boat Festival's words of the Zen monks of the Southern Song Dynasty. In a passage of dragon boat words of the Southern Song Dynasty Rujing monk Lang Lang, the big ghost Zhong Kui is a sharp weapon for exorcising ghosts in the Dragon Boat Festival: "Emperor of heaven and earth." Do you know? Zhong Kuiyuan is a ghost. Duh. Red mouth and demise. [71] Apparently, there are more ghosts in the Dragon Boat Festival than in Chinese New Year's Eve, and it is the general trend to ask for zhong kui. Zen Master Baiyun once went to the temple at the Dragon Boat Festival, and had this conversation with the monk: The monk asked, "On the fifth day of May this dynasty, the right to strike the drums." Even if you are a person who has nothing to do, please burn it. Shi Yun: "Hurry is like a law." Jin Yun: "Also wait for the little devil to do a trick." Shi Yun: "Zhong Kui scares you." ”[72]

Ghosts can both harm people and drive away evil spirits. The exorcism team of the big ghost Zhong Kui is all composed of small ghosts. The encounter between a child and a skeleton on a specific occasion depicted in "Skeleton Illusion" shows such a theme of warding off evil spirits. The large skeleton in the painting wearing a transparent summer coat does not look like a ghost, it seems to be very happy to play with children, and the novel hanging puppet is the favorite form of entertainment for children. In the picture, during the Dragon Boat Festival, people and ghosts meet next to the official road, coexist harmoniously and play together. Is there a better implication than that?

Huang Xiaofeng: Searching for the Dragon Boat Festival in Song Paintings: Flowers, Baby Plays and Skeletons 丨202106-105 (No. 1704 in Total)

This article focuses on the Dragon Boat Festival, and tries to sort out the interactive relationship between Tuan Fan painting and the context in which it is used. People can use tuan fan at any time of the year, and there are many important days of the year. At this special time of the Dragon Boat Festival, Tuan Fan painting presents a special theme and content. What about other special times? Answering more questions requires more in-depth research and exploration. But there is no doubt that the tuan fan and the visual images on it do condense the visual habits, lifestyles and even social changes of the ancients.

*This article was originally published in "Zhejiang University Art and Archaeology Research (Special Edition I)-Proceedings of the International Academic Conference on Song Painting", pp. 196-231, originally titled "Flowers, Baby Plays and Skeletons: Searching for the Dragon Boat Fan in Song Painting", which has been abridged for reasons of length.


[1] Guo Xi and Guo Si, "Lin Quan Gao Zhi • Landscape Training", included in Yu Jianhua's "Compilation of Chinese Painting Theory", vol. 1, People's Fine Arts Publishing House, 1986 edition, p. 632.

[2] Recently, scholars have begun to pay attention to tuan fan paintings, such as Ankeney Weitz, "The Vocabulary of Fashion: Word-Image Play in Southern Song Painted Fans," National Palace Museum Bulletin 44 (October 2011): 39–48.

[3] Chen Yuanliang, "Shi Guangji", vol. 21, "The First Compilation of The Series of Books", vol. 179-181, The Commercial Press, 1939, p. 234.

[4] For a detailed study of the Dragon Boat Festival, see Liu Xiaofeng's Dragon Boat Festival, Sanlian Bookstore, 2010.

[5] Wu Zimu's "MengliangLu • May", vol. 3, included in "Tokyo Dream Hualu (Outer Four)", Classical Literature Publishing House, 1958 edition, p. 157: "Hangcheng people, no matter how big or small, burn the noon incense in January, I don't know what kind of literary code." ”

[6] See Zeng Xiongsheng, "Analysis of the Second Narrative of Rice and Wheat in the Song Dynasty", Historical Research, No. 1, 2005, pp. 86-106; You Xiunian, "Rice Production in the Song Dynasty", Chinese Rice Science, No. 1, 1986, pp. 35-41.

[7] Chen Yuanliang, "The Chronicle of the Ages, Midsummer Moon", vol. 2, p. 16.

[8] For the Festival of the Dragon Boat Festival, see Yang Zhishui's "May Story Of The Subtle", included in the book "The Customs story of hiding in things", People's Fine Arts Publishing House, April 2016 edition, pp. 105-120.

[9] Xu Song's "Song Hui Zhi Manuscript", vol. 2, Zhonghua Bookstore, 1997 edition, p. 1696.

[10] Xu Song's "Song Hui Essential Manuscript" (vol. 2, p. 1729): "On August 1, 1162, the thirty-second year of Emperor Gaozong of Song's reign (1162), "Emperor Zhao's birthday and the order of the festivals were given together, except for the Dragon Boat Fan, which had been ordered to halve, and Yu was given according to Yuanfeng's order." ”

[11] Chen Qi (1128-1203) Records of the Southern Song Dynasty Pavilion, Vol. 6: "Festival: The Lantern of this Province, each person has five lotus lamps and three lamps; at noon, Hongzhou fan two and grass worm fan two; in the old age, peach charm and two door gods." Chen Qi et al., Zhang Fuxiang, "The Continuation of the Records of the Southern Song Dynasty Pavilion", Zhonghua Bookstore, 1998 edition, p. 67.

[12] Wu Zimu, MengliangLu May, vol. 3, p. 157.

[13] For example, Mei Yaochen's "Ink Fan and Wine Left by Bao Zhi Taifu before the Dragon Boat Festival": "Draw a fan double wine pot and set up a former soldier. Words will be strange to the country, and the wind and righteousness will be adhered to. Trees and stones on the ice to see, mountains and rivers in the moon in the people. He drank with calamus and was not afraid of flies and flies. See Zhu Dongrun's annotations on the Chronicles of Mei Yaochen's Collection, Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 1980, p. 671.

[14] [17] Chen Yuanliang, "Shi Guangji • Sending Drum Fans", vol. 21, p. 235.

[15] Several fan shops are recorded in the Dream Liang Lu, namely: the Fan Shop of Xu Mao's House in front of the Zhongwazi, the Fan Shop of Qing Grate Under the Tanqiao River, the Fan Shop of Zhou Jia Folding, and the Fan Shop of Chen Family Painting Troupe. In the night market, there are also fine painting silk fans, fine color paper fans, dust leakage fan handles, and heterochromatic shadow flower fans for sale. Wu Zimu's MengliangLu, vol. 13, "Shop Mat", "Night Market", pp. 240, 242.

[16] Feng Zhen's "Yunxian Miscellaneous Records • Luoyang New Year Festival", "Four Series Continuation" (Shanghai Hanfenlou photocopy Changshu Qu's Ming Periodicals), volume 350, volume 1: "The Dragon Boat Festival, with filigree pavilions, gives and avoids plague fans." ”

[18] Meng Yuanlao and Deng Zhicheng annotated Tokyo Dream Hualu, vol. 8, Zhonghua Bookstore, 1982 edition, p. 203.

[19] Wu Zimu, MengliangLu, p. 157.

[20] "The Prosperity of the Elderly of West Lake", in Tokyo Dream Record (Outer Four Types), p. 118.

[21] Zhou Mi's "Past Events of Wulin and Dragon Boat Festival", vol. 3, in Tokyo Dream Hualu (Outer Four Types), p. 379.

[22] Yu Ji 's Title Song Emperor Shu Bian Mian": "The previous Dragon Boat Festival's fan, the inner court Qi Qi, as for the pavilion, all of them. This "Poetry of The Grass", at that time, had already died its paintings, and the fan-backed er was in vain. However, if you abstain from drinking and wish to forget your worries, is it the meaning of yellow hair for a period of time? "The First Edition of the Four Series of Periodicals • Ancient Records of Daoyuan Studies (IV)" volume 10, volume 1438 (photocopy of Ming Jingtai's translation of the Yuan journal).

[23] Han E's Four Hours of Compilation and Summer Order (Korean Re-engraving of the Eighteenth Year of the Wanli Calendar), vol. 3.

[24] Written by Li Shizhen, Edited by Liu Hengru and Liu Shanyong, The Compendium of Materia Medica, Huaxia Publishing House, 2008, p. 720.

[25] Li Shizhen, Compendium of Materia Medica, vol. II, p. 1399.

[26] Li Shizhen, Compendium of Materia Medica, vol. 715.

[27] Li Shizhen, Compendium of Materia Medica, vol. 720.

[28] Chen Baoliang, "Night Together" [Magnoliacoco (Lour.) DC.] Research", Journal of Sun Yat-sen University (Natural Science Edition), No. 3, 1985, pp. 82-88; Lu Difei, editor-in-chief, Floralology • Evening Fragrance Mulan, China Agricultural Press, 1998 edition, page 358.

[29] Chen Jingyi, Quanfang Beizu, Qianji, And Yehehua, vol. 310, vol. 14 (Photocopy of the Complete Book of the Four Libraries of the National Library of China), The Commercial Press, 2006, p. 482.

[30] Zhang Xiaodong, "The Mystery of the Second Residence and the Ten Fragrances", Collector, No. 7, 2013, pp. 35-45.

[31] Chen Shan, "New Words of Lice: On The Flowers of Nanzhong", vol. 310, Vol. 1, Vol. 4, The First Edition of the Series of Books, The Commercial Press, 1939 Edition, p. 41.

[32] Han Chun's Jian Quan Ji And Zao Xing, vol. 16, Siku Quanshu, vol. 394, p. 533.

[33] Chen Jingyi, Quanfang Beizu, Qianji, vol. 19, siku quanshu, vol. 310, p. 494.

[34] The Prosperity of the Elderly of West Lake, p. 118.

[35] Zhou Mi, Wulin Past Affairs, Restaurant, vol. 6, p. 442.

[36] Wu Zimu' Records of Dream Liang, vol. 13, p. 246.

[37] [38] Chen Shan, "New Tales of Lice", p. 42.

[39] Zhou Mi's "Past Affairs of Wulin • Forbidden In The Cold", vol. 3, pp. 379-380: "Hundreds of pots of southern flowers such as jasmine, frangipani, Jianlan, musk vine, zhu hibiscus, jade gui, red banana, Jian Po, and Xue Lu were placed in Guangting, and the wind wheel was drummed, and the qing fen filled the temple." "Gingerbrush, considered gardenia. See Southern Song Dynasty Li Shi's Gardenia Endowment: "Ruofu Gardenia Flowerer, Lotus Flower Also", Ark Collection, Vol. 1, in Song Collection Rare Books Series, vol. 43, Linebound Bookstore, 2004 edition, p. 377.

[40] Zhou Mi, "The Past Affair of Wulin and the Pleasure of Zhang Youzhai", vol. 10, p. 514.

[41] Mei Yaochen, "Loquat of Yi Rhyme and Action", "Notes on the Chronicles of Mei Yaochen", vol. II, p. 767.

[42] Li Fang et al., eds., Taiping Imperial Records, Loquat, vol. 971, Guobu VIII, Zhonghua Bookstore, 1995 edition, p. 4304.

[43] Song Kuo, "JingWen Collection and Supplements", Siku Quanshu, vol. 363, p. 674.

[44] Zhao Fan, ChunXi Manuscript, Siku Quanshu, vol. 386, vol. 16, p. 84.

[45] Liu Zhenya, "A Preliminary Study on the History of Apple Cultivation in China", Journal of Henan Agricultural College, No. 4, 1982, pp. 74-77; Zhang Fan, "Pin po Guo Kao: A Spot in the History of Apple Cultivation in China", Sinology Research, vol. 13, Peking University Press, 2004, pp. 217-238.

[46] Meng Yuanlao, Tokyo Dream Hualu: April 8, vol. 8, p. 202.

[47] Zhang Wei, Nanhu Collection, vol. 8, Siku Quanshu, vol. 389, p. 209.

[48] Fang Hui, Tongjiang Sequel, vol. 8, Siku Quanshu, vol. 398, p. 569.

[49] Chen Qi et al., Records of the Southern Song Dynasty Pavilion, p. 186.

[50] Cai Yun, "Discussion on the Tiewei Mountain", vol. 4, Zhonghua Bookstore, 1983 edition, p. 78.

[51] Wen Zhenheng, Chen Zhi, and Yang Chaobo edited "Annotations on the Chronicle of Long Things and Hanging Paintings", vol. 5, Jiangsu Science and Technology Publishing House, 1984 edition, p. 221.

[52] Lin Lina, "Chengxin Guanshi: A Study of Song Wuqian's Characters", Forbidden City Academic Quarterly, Vol. 24, No. 4 (2007), pp. 71-118.

[53] Another view is citrus, see Lin Lina's ChengXin GuanShi: A Study of Song Wuqian's Characters.

[54] Chen Jingyi, Quanfang Beizu, Houji, Cherry, vol. 9, Siku Quanshu, vol. 310, p. 542.

[55] Zhou Mi, "The Past Affairs of Wulin and the Pleasure of Zhang Youzhai", vol. 10, p. 513.

[56] Chen Jingyi, Quanfang Beizu, Houji, Basho, vol. 13, Siku Quanshu, vol. 310, p. 553.

[57] EllenJ.Laing,"AuspiciousImagesofChildreninChina:NinthtoThirteenthCentury,"Orientations27,no.1(1996):47-52.

[58] Wu Zimu, MengliangLu and Yuzi, vol. 13, pp. 307-308.

[59] Deng Chun's Painting Succession, Vol. 6, in The History of Painting Series, Volume 1, Shanghai People's Fine Arts Publishing House, 1962, p. 46.

[60] Included in Tang Guizhang's Quan Song Ci, vol. 5, Zhonghua Bookstore, 1965 edition, p. 3674.

[61] Wu Zimu, Records of Dream Liang, vol. 3, p. 156.

[62] The Past Affairs of Wulin, vol. 3, p. 379.

[63] For the system of rewarding seasonal clothes in the Song Dynasty, see Zhao Jing, "A Comparative Study of the Warehouse Orders of the Tang and Song Dynasties", Journal of Chinese Economic History, No. 2, 2014, pp. 99-102.

[64] For example, Zhao Youshi's (1172-1228) Bin Retreat records several stories of yarn public service: "The late Yang Jinweng tasted the words to say: 'In the past, it was takishui Ling, and when it was in the middle of the summer in the first county, the DeqingLin Shouhui dressed in yarn public clothes and sent out Yanke.'" It is said to be a remote county, daring to indulge, and its wilderness is so. After reading chuliao's "Collection of Foreign Systems", there was a pilgrimage to Liu Xuan, who was dressed in a yarn public uniform and specially demoted an official. Cover the government and the room. He also repaired the "Jiayou Magazine" Cloud: "A dynasty soldier, living in May, dressed in silk and public clothes, and was corrected by the Taisi. The Three Divisions envoy Bao Zheng also dressed in yarn and official clothes, and the Gate made it easy, and questioned what regulations, answering the cloud: Do not see the old practice, only see the Supreme Emperor's ear!' I know that there is no generation, but Bao Gong may not be er. See Zhao Youshi and Qi Zhiping' Transcription of Bin Retreat, Vol. 3, Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 1983, p. 37.

[65] For a detailed discussion of this painting, see Huang Xiaofeng, "Seeing Paintings to Cure Diseases: A Study of the Song Dynasty's GuanHuatu", Meiyuan, No. 4, 2012. pp. 68-80.

[66] Hong Zhixi proposed that the form of tuan fan meant that the purpose of the painting was not to illustrate religious ideas, but to create a picture for appreciation and viewing. See Hong, "Theatricalizing Death and Society," 63.

[67] Zhang Yingbin, "Dragon Boat Festival and Buddhism," Chuanshan Journal, No. 2, 2008, pp. 129-132.

[68] Quotations of dahui Pujue Zen Master JujingShan Nengren Zen Temple, vol. 6, Taisho New Cultivation of the Great Tibetan Sutra, vol. 47, Buddhist Association of Hebei Province, 2005, p. 835.

[69] In the Quotations of the Zen Master of the Dharma, Taisho New Cultivation of the Great Tibetan Sutra, vol. 47, p. 658.

[70] Quotations of the Enlightened Buddha,Guo Zen Master, vol. 7, Taisho New Shu Daizo Sutra, vol. 47, p. 744.

[71] Quotations of the Rujing Monk, vol. 48, Taisho Shinshu Daizo Sutra, vol. 48, p. 124.

[72] In the Quotations of the Zen Master of dharma, Taisho Shinshu Daizo Sutra, vol. 47, p. 661.

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