
Zheng Kai appeared in the "Beyond" Wuhan roadshow Li Yunrui's parents came to help

Source: Movie Network

Zheng Kai appeared in the "Beyond" Wuhan roadshow Li Yunrui's parents came to help

The movie "Beyond" has passed the halfway point of the national roadshow, and the lead actors Zheng Kai and Li Yunrui appeared in the Wuhan Media College on June 9 to interact closely with the students. As a producer and star, Zheng Kai expressed his hope to use his works to convey his understanding and understanding of life, dreams, and wins and losses, and Li Yunrui, as a Hubei native, not only received the confessions of many fans, but also Li's father and mother came to help him. Whether it is the youthful daily life depicted in the movie, the charismatic sprinting movement, or the theme of "run up, don't stop", it has been highly praised by the audience, and many people have been poked in tears by the plot of the protagonist in the film who is reinvigorated and runs with enthusiasm, and laments that "I must also become a person who is not afraid of difficulties and strives hard". The film will be released nationwide on June 12.

Zheng Kai talked about the different experiences of the two identities of the executive producer

Li Yunrui returned to Hubei to be supported by his parents and fans

This time parachuted into Wuhan, the two main creators were warmly welcomed by the audience, and Zheng Kai was more intimate to accompany all the students to watch the movie together. Since the film began the roadshow, the topic of "Zheng Kai's first time as a film producer" has become the focus of everyone's attention, when asked about the different experiences brought by actors and producers, Zheng Kai bluntly said "too different", he said: "This time as an actor, I only need to eat a little fat, lose weight, and shoot the scene well, but I have to worry about it from beginning to end as an executive producer." Zheng Kai also revealed that throughout the creative stage, he and the director "fell in love and killed each other", finished the scene in the dispute and the change of opinion, and experienced many unexpected difficulties.

As a Hubei native, Li Yunrui returned home with the movie this time, many fans rushed to the scene to warmly cheer, and Li's father and mother also went to the scene to "help" for their son The first time she watched the movie starring Li Yunrui on the screen, Li's mother said that she could not calm down for a long time after watching it, and also affirmed her son. "We were very worried about his choice to be an actor because it was a difficult path, but his performance in Beyond today finally put our minds at ease." At the same time, I also thanked Zheng Kai and the crew for their help to their son, as well as the support of fans for their son. Sunny handsome and versatile Li Yunrui is deeply loved by young people, and was domineeringly shouted by the female audience, "You listen to me well", "I want to send you three ones, must be happy, must be happy, must be safe, I like you so much" The confession caused screams and cheers on the scene.

Li Yunrui encouraged sports students who quit due to injury

Zheng Kai sent a message that "the enjoyment process is more important"

The ups and downs of the characters in the film have experienced peaks and valleys in their lives, which has aroused the empathy of many audiences, a boy who has been a sports student for 5 years, but eventually left the field due to injury, sharing, when watching the movie, he remembered the days when he and his friends sweated and competed in the training ground, and he couldn't help but think of the possibility of gaining weight and getting into trouble in the future. Li Yunrui, who once practiced sports, frankly said that he "felt empathy" with this audience: "There are times when we reach the peak level, there are also times when we have declined in state, when we have encountered injuries, and we have experienced career choices, all of which are accompanied by changes in mentality, no matter in which field, what we have to do is to keep moving forward, don't give up." ”

"Dedicated to you who are running hard for life and youth", the movie "Beyond" did bring a lot of positive energy to the audience, a female classmate said that there were many moments in life to give up, but now decided to run as hard as Hao Chaoyue. Zheng Kai also specially sent a message to everyone to "enjoy the process", he said: "When pursuing the goal, don't forget, we can only encounter beautiful scenery if we run, and we will be as brilliant as the fireworks on the last embankment." So enjoy the process of your own efforts every day, and enjoy your progress a little bit more than yesterday every day, which is the most important thing. ”

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