
Hongmeng controversy 19 years Hongmeng propaganda endless controversy at the end

author:Fantasies are once upon a time

Xiaobian found that Huawei Hongmeng system has many people who support and oppose it on the Internet some time ago, and after clicking once, I often see similar topics, and I also pay a little attention to it.

Hongmeng controversy 19 years Hongmeng propaganda endless controversy at the end

Xiaobian originally planned to write this manuscript, to understand all the relevant press conferences, but also to try to understand and understand the views of both sides of the debate on the Internet, but the professionalism is too strong, Xiaobian looks at the brain shell pain. The press conference only watched 19 years, did not look later, halfway felt that it is not worth paying too much, an article income do not know whether it is enough to 5 mao, can only be used as a summary of the views of ordinary people who only understand a little, views.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="81" > 19 years of Hongmeng propaganda</h1>

Hongmeng controversy 19 years Hongmeng propaganda endless controversy at the end

Only read 19 years to write 19 years, the first press conference must be of great significance, list the basic original words, do not dare to change the fear of misinterpreting the semantics. What changes have been made to the content and plan of the follow-up press conference, what has been added, and how it has progressed, you can leave a message in the comment area to tell the editor.

Smooth and efficient

Macro kernel, Android/linux kernel code is hugely redundant, 20 million lines of code, daily use only about eight percent, running memory occupies too much. Microkernel, distribution layer, faster, packet loss can still be used normally, resource scheduling savings, time engine, accurate mobilization.


Microkernel, high security level, no root, formal verification, permissions, mutual isolation, separate locking, safe and efficient.

Macro kernel-based, complex, different devices,

The same, gives birth to all things

Based on microkernel, the all-scenario distributed OS, 1+8+n set of operating systems, distributed, terminal connection, cross-device invocation, final control.


19 years hongmeng system kernel retained, linux kernel, liteos kernel, Hongmeng microkernel, Ark compiler support.

In the future, a Hongmeng kernel, using the outer core, user program framework framework, ATI supports Android, liunx applications.

The future development trend of microkernel, read and write transmission processing, low latency.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="80" > endless debate</h1>

Hongmeng controversy 19 years Hongmeng propaganda endless controversy at the end

From the first publication meeting in 19 years to the present, the debate has been continuous, and the editor has picked some small editors who can barely understand. Both sides think that the people on the other side have sent out a network of water troops, and ordinary people look very uncomfortable, true and false.

Support Hongmeng's views

Hongmeng API adaptation to ASOP, after which the ASOP code used, used to support Android. The two are independent and will be culled or replaced later.

Liunx and AOSP are both open source projects, even Liunx has traces of unix, android has Traces of Liunx.

Chip blockade, 5G technology, trade war, technology blockade "new Cold War", national strategy related.

Hongmeng represents the prospect, represents the future, security, and fluency.

Opposing views

Without GMS, trapped in the domestic market, HMS has not formed an ecology abroad, and it is precisely this that is blocked, so what is the significance of doing so much.

AOSP+, based on AOSP development, AOSP modified.

It is not much different from the OS essence of other mobile phone brands.

Overmarketing, fanaticalism, and disgusting.

Xiaobian only put a few points, some dare not write, some do not understand, spend too much time, find information is easy to fall into the controversy. In short, there are many views that support and many views that oppose, and there are countless kinds of views and statements on both sides, and the positions of both sides are usually relatively firm. Each point of hard words can be extended a lot, and it can be refuted through some views of the other side, falling into a never-ending negation. In fact, it is also largely limited by the level of the editor.

There are differences in values, pure technical problems, and the perspectives of professionals and ordinary people are different, and their views and positions will also be different. In the end, I don't understand Android and Hongmeng, or AOSP and Android, are nested, or independent of each other, or different layers, can anyone say it to Xiaobian?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="56" > last</h1>

Hongmeng controversy 19 years Hongmeng propaganda endless controversy at the end

Some official media support and publicity, Hongmeng open source plan, if only in the Xiaobian often understand the platform of information, Hongmeng in the heart of the Impression is positive. At the beginning, many people said that Hongmeng was an Android shell, and the editor asked a friend who was engaged in programming work, he did not know, and he had not read the source code.

In fact, on the issue of Hongmeng, many arguments have no meaning to xiaobian. Android shell, in the editor of this, you say yes, I also said yes to you, you said no, I also told you no. Patriotic marketing, you say yes, Xiaobian also said yes to you, you said no, Xiaobian also said no to you. The light of the nation, the great revival, so it goes.

Xiaobian has several friends who use high-end Huawei mobile phones, and a friend once asked Xiaobian.

If you want to change your phone, you have enough money, will you choose Huawei?

In fact, Xiaobian also has a Huawei backup rio-tl00, which listens to songs and novels every day. Listening to Huawei's theme song "Dream it Possible" when I was writing, I was once again moved, the moving melody, and the inspiring lyrics. It suddenly occurred to me that in some of Aoiji's film and television works, I saw that in the downloaded software and related comments, I belonged to the pride of our countrymen.

Huawei Xiaobian must support, of course, when the price Xiaobian can accept, it is usually the cost performance in front, and the performance of Xiaobian in front of the price can be discarded, of course, this is not absolute.

Because the mobile phone is used here in Xiaobian, the performance is always insufficient. Originally had to use Alipay plus lock screen key problem to replace the Window phone system Nokia, charge the red rice note2 contract machine finally broken the screen to touch problems, WiFi module problems only now with this mobile phone. Domestic now this mobile phone is also stuck to no, Xiaolong 652, but may also be used for a long time, insufficient memory, and the system has been upgraded more and more card.