
Red is too late, go too early, the level is too high - Yao Beina left us the three regrets that red is too late to go too early and the level is too high

author:Mandarin talk

Yesterday was Yao Beina's birthday, or rather, her 40-year-old birthday. When she passed away, it was also a sensation, and many people lamented it. Year after year, I don't realize that it is the seventh year of her departure. Time is merciless, perhaps the number of people who miss her has gradually become less, if it were not for "Zhang Bichen celebrating Yao Beina's birthday for 7 consecutive years" becoming a hot topic, many people may not remember that yesterday was Yao Beina's 40th birthday.

Red is too late, go too early, the level is too high - Yao Beina left us the three regrets that red is too late to go too early and the level is too high

No matter how many people still remember her, the fact that cannot be changed is that we have truly lost such a beautiful musical elf. It is not terrible that everyone is born, old, sick and dead, but it is a special pity that this matter suddenly fell on Yao Beina, a talented singer who we have just met but is about to leave in the blink of an eye.

Just met, blink of an eye away, genius singer, yes, these are the three major regrets of Yao Beina's musical life: red too late, too early, the level is too high. Even if only one of them is missing, it will not be so deplorable.

Red is too late, go too early, the level is too high - Yao Beina left us the three regrets that red is too late to go too early and the level is too high

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > red too late</h1>

When she participated in "The Voice of China" in 2013, Yao Beina looked like a young and simple little girl like other girls, but in fact she was 32 years old at the time, belonging to the elderly students. It was not until this year that she really entered the public eye.

Red is too late, go too early, the level is too high - Yao Beina left us the three regrets that red is too late to go too early and the level is too high

It is also very ironic to say that singers like Yao Beina still need to participate in good voices. She is different from those plain girls who have just come out to chase their dreams, her time before the age of 32 is not wasted, she has a glamorous resume:

At the age of 16, he won the second place in the popular singing method of the professional group of the Hubei Division of the Youth Song Competition;

At the age of 19, he won the champion of the "Star Alliance Beauty Girl Tournament" in Hunan Jingshi, and was admitted to the China Conservatory of Music in the same year;

From the age of 20, he often sings on the stage of major domestic events or overseas visiting performances;

From 2005 to 2009, he served in the Haizheng Song and Dance Troupe as a soloist;

In 2005, he starred in the musical "Golden Sands" and officially stepped into the show business circle;

In 2006 and 2008, he participated in the Youth Song Competition twice, once winning the second place and once winning the championship;

Red is too late, go too early, the level is too high - Yao Beina left us the three regrets that red is too late to go too early and the level is too high

In 2007 and 2010, he appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala twice;

In 2011, he sang the opening song "Red Face Robbery" and the interlude "Bodhisattva Man" for the hit drama "The Biography of Zhen Huan";

In 2012, he released his first solo album "Little Hair" and his first solo collection "Just Because of Love";

In the spring of 2013, he served as a judge of the Youth Song Competition;

In the summer of the same year, Yao Beina stepped onto the stage of The Voice of China...

Red is too late, go too early, the level is too high - Yao Beina left us the three regrets that red is too late to go too early and the level is too high

In this way, Yao Beina, a young singer who had won the full score of the Youth Song Contest, served in the army's cultural and labor troupe, issued albums, and served as a judge of professional competitions, actually participated in a civilian talent show as a student. Isn't this a bitter satire on the Chinese music scene?

But there is no way, the times have changed, the CCTV youth song contest is no longer as influential as the local entertainment draft, and the academic strength singers are not as popular as the draft idols, which is the reality. Yao Beina, 32, has such a glamorous resume, but not many people know her name. Until the stage of good sound, a household name overnight, huh...

Red is too late, go too early, the level is too high - Yao Beina left us the three regrets that red is too late to go too early and the level is too high

While sighing, we are also glad that Yao Beina dared to put down her posture, calm her mind, and participate in this draft like others. Of course, through her later account, we know that an important reason for her to do this is that she developed breast cancer two years ago and underwent surgery. People who have experienced life and death, what else can not be opened, as long as they can sing, have more opportunities to sing to more people, there is nothing wrong, so she came.

Red is too late, go too early, the level is too high - Yao Beina left us the three regrets that red is too late to go too early and the level is too high

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > left too early</h1>

When participating in The Voice, Yao Beina has always been a demon-like presence, and everyone thought that she had booked the overall championship of this year. However, he was unexpectedly upset in the PK battle in the British team group and lost the qualification to advance to the finals. Yao Beina's exit also made Na Ying lose the opportunity to monopolize the first 4 seasons of the good voice championship mentor.

Red is too late, go too early, the level is too high - Yao Beina left us the three regrets that red is too late to go too early and the level is too high

Although she failed to win the championship, Yao Beina finally gained super popularity with her show, with various performance activities continuously, and obtained the 2014 Spring Festival Gala ticket through "Straight to the Spring Festival Gala". At the Spring Festival Gala in 2014, Yao Beina sang "Tianyao China" in the finale before midnight.

Red is too late, go too early, the level is too high - Yao Beina left us the three regrets that red is too late to go too early and the level is too high

A song "Tianyao Zhonghua" seems to mark the official opening of the curtain of Yao Beina's singing career. Her name is known to everyone, her singles are released one after another, her performances are one after another... Although it is considered a late success, the era belonging to Yao Beina has finally arrived, and the next stop tianhou is just around the corner.

However, she never expected that these auras that came to her face were only the last care given to her by the god of fate. By the end of 2014, a resurgent illness knocked her down again, and the recurrent cancer cells had metastasized to the brain and lungs. On January 16, 2015, Yao Beina died in Peking University Shenzhen Hospital, ending her flower-like life at the age of 33.

Red is too late, go too early, the level is too high - Yao Beina left us the three regrets that red is too late to go too early and the level is too high

At the age of 33, it was the most brilliant years of a singer and a woman, but Yao Beina died at this moment. From being known to the public to her death, the time she left us is only more than a year, how can it not be deplorable! If you have to go, why is it in such a hurry, why doesn't God give her two more years, she must not have sung enough!

Red is too late, go too early, the level is too high - Yao Beina left us the three regrets that red is too late to go too early and the level is too high

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > level is too high</h1>

Saying that Yao Beina's level is too high, many people may question whether they want to "blow dead people"? When she wasn't dead, she didn't see you say she was so powerful, and as soon as she died, you blew her invincible?

Fans really don't have to believe too much, to understand Yao Beina's true strength and objective evaluation, or should understand the opinions of professionals in the music industry, and at the same time combine her previous performance in authoritative events such as the Youth Song Competition to make her own judgment.

Red is too late, go too early, the level is too high - Yao Beina left us the three regrets that red is too late to go too early and the level is too high

In fact, before Yao Beina became famous for her good voice, she was already very well recognized in the music circle. I have read the evaluation of many professionals, most people think that Yao Beina's singing strength is the existence of the ceiling among domestic post-80s female singers, whether it is deep or comprehensive, basically no opponent; if you must find an opponent for her, she should be able to compete with Tan Jing, a post-70s female singer.

Red is too late, go too early, the level is too high - Yao Beina left us the three regrets that red is too late to go too early and the level is too high

There have been netizens who commented that singers like Yao Beina have thousands of music conservatories. The musician Fishboy was shocked: "Thousands? Find another one for me to kneel, which is a great contribution to the Chinese music scene! ”

Liu Jiachang, a judge of the Youth Song Competition and a famous musician, in the case of the consensus that "pop singers do not have full scores", he still did not hesitate to give Yao Beina a full score during the competition, because he said that this is a genius, there is really no place to pick, he wants to take her away.

Red is too late, go too early, the level is too high - Yao Beina left us the three regrets that red is too late to go too early and the level is too high

As for Yao Beina so powerful, in the good voice is still defeated, this reason music critic Ear Emperor also said, in fact, the good voice of this stage, as long as there is a four-level technology is the top, Yao Beina belongs to the sixth-level technology of the players, according to the second to kill everyone; but more than the fourth level of technology, is not this kind of draft platform can be recognized, so your sixth-level devil, in front of other third- and fourth-level players, may not be able to show absolute crushing advantages, and she will also be subject to various factors such as song selection, sensationalism, play and platform insider, Sometimes it's not surprising that they lose.

Red is too late, go too early, the level is too high - Yao Beina left us the three regrets that red is too late to go too early and the level is too high

I don't think there is any doubt that Yao Beina is really powerful, not that the deceased is deliberately exaggerated for the sake of being big. And it is precisely because her level is too high that people feel more sorry. If she was just an ordinary talent singer, we would be very sorry to hear the news of her unfortunate death, but it certainly did not have the pain of losing her talents as much as in the face of Yao Beina's death.

Yao Beina, who was too late to red, who walked too early, and whose level was too high, was really active in front of the public for less than two years. This is a pity, but also a blessing, fortunate to have such a time, let everyone know her, let everyone know that there was such a talented singer in this world.

Red is too late, go too early, the level is too high - Yao Beina left us the three regrets that red is too late to go too early and the level is too high

She left the human world, but she incarnated as asteroid 41981, forever shining in the sky.

As Huang Jiaju, a musician who also died young, once said: "Playing life to the end at once in the most brilliant time is eternity." Perhaps this sentence is also suitable for Yao Beina.

Red is too late, go too early, the level is too high - Yao Beina left us the three regrets that red is too late to go too early and the level is too high

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