
Grasslands are protected and herders increase their incomes

author:People's Daily News

Source: People's Daily - People's Daily

"On that grassland where a hundred flowers bloom..." The song came and the 58-year-old herdsman Na Yin Taihe band members were stepping up rehearsals of the grassland classic song "Herdsmen Singing the Communist Party" in preparation for the upcoming competition.

Na Yin Tai's family lives in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region's Otok Banner Hu and Tolgai Gacha, and more than 30 years ago, he led a herdsmen band to perform for the surrounding herders.

Busy making a living, Na Yin tai wanted to disband the band several times. "In the past, a family lived in 3 earthen houses, life was not rich enough, raising sheep blindly pursued production, the result was that cashmere became thicker, meat quality declined, but it could not be sold at a price." That tone is too memorable.

In 2012, Otok Banner promoted the fine management of animal husbandry, increased investment in infrastructure, planted forage according to the plan, and protected cashmere goat breeds. Building sheep sheds, digging wells, breeding efficiency has improved year by year, the living standards of the Nayintai family have been continuously improved, and they have moved into a spacious new home, and all kinds of electrical appliances are complete.

"Now from April to June, seasonal fallow grazing is required." Nayintai planted 200 acres of alfalfa and corn, which not only protected the grassland ecology, but also saved 150,000 yuan of feed money every year.

In recent years, Otok Banner has continuously promoted the construction of intelligent pastures. "In the past, when preparing grass and feeding, several people were too busy to get up early and get dark. Now mechanized operation, one person can easily complete. 13 kilometers away from Na Yin Tai's home, the 42-year-old Rated Wu pulled an electric spreader truck and evenly sprinkled the matching alfalfa, corn, oats and so on in the pen.

Previously herding sheep, Ura rode a motorcycle with a telescope and did not dare to leave. "Now, you can click on your phone to see the situation around the farm in real time. Last month, the ewes concentrated on the lambs and observed them at any time on the mobile phone, saving a lot of trouble. ”

Today, the survival rate of lambs in Huhe Tolgagacha has increased to more than 98%, and the double lamb rate is nearly 50%. "There are more than 100,000 cashmere goats in the 440,000 mu of grassland in Gacha, of which 90% are house-fed. Through scale management, seasonal fallow grazing, cross-regional rotational grazing, variety improvement and protection, etc., a win-win situation of breeding income increase and grassland protection has been realized. Ao Zhigele, secretary of the Party Branch of Huhe Tolgai Gacha, introduced that the average income of Gacha households has increased from more than 1,000 yuan in the 1980s to 100,000 yuan today.

Life is richer, the herdsmen band is more energetic, everyone is enthusiastic, and the team members have increased to more than 50 people. These days, Naoto is busy creating new works, "I want to write out the good life of the herders and sing it to more people." ”

People's Daily ( 2021-05-14 01 edition)