
The Story of the Guibei Guerrillas No. 5: My Family During the Liberation War

author:Explore Guibei

Years and months leave traces - my dusty red past

Narrator: Wang Qinglin, former political attendant of the three major teams of the Guibei Guerrilla Corps, director of the Guilin Regional Light Industry Bureau, and veteran cadre who enjoys the treatment of department-level leave, is now 95 years old.

Finishers: Former Liuzhou (Nanning) Railway Bureau Political and Legal Committee, Comprehensive Management Committee, Guangxi Railway Road Protection Joint Defense Office Inspector, Senior Political Engineer, Retired Cadre Zhao Rongchao (Wang Qinglin and his uncle).

5 Hometown Family

My hometown is Waifeng Village, Neijian Township, Quanzhou County, Guangxi, surrounded by mountains and facing the river, about 100 miles away from the county seat. The village has wang, yang, lei, jiang, zhou, wen and other surnames, more than 200 households, more than 1500 people. Before liberation, many peasants and toiling masses in this village sympathized with the Communist Party and covertly covered up their support for the anti-Japanese and liberation revolutionary struggles. At that time, Wu Tengfang, Yang Xiongfei, Fu Yiping, Deng Chongji, and other major leaders of the underground party and guerrilla forces in northern Guizhou came here many times to meet for meetings or to stop and hide, and it is self-evident that this place is also a rare revolutionary fortress village for the guerrillas in northern Guizhou. In addition, 32 villagers in this village have successively joined the guerrillas in northern Guizhou, and more than 10 people have been incorporated into the regular troops of the People's Liberation Army in the south, participating in the campaign to liberate all of Guangxi and Liberate Hainan Island. At that time, more than 30 comrades-in-arms from one of our villages came out to fight guerrilla and dry revolutions and engage in armed struggle, and only a handful of them are still alive. The happy days are hard-won now, and I am very satisfied and cherished. The landscapes and rivers of my hometown and the feelings of my father and fellow countrymen are always haunting and lingering in my heart. In the first thirty years after the retirement, I still have to go back to see The Narrative every year, and in recent years, due to the high mountains and high roads and various reasons of physical condition, I have more than enough and my strength is insufficient, but my hometown voice has not changed, and my nostalgia is thick, because it is the place where I was born and raised, and it is the place where I lived and fought. To this day, my concern for the construction and development of my hometown still haunts me.

In order to maintain the livelihood of a family of 9 people, my father had to go to the landlord's old rich family in the next village to work for a long time, and he had to help the grain milling grain to pick up rice every three to five miles away from xing'an Jieshou Street, more than 100 miles away, to catch up with the children to sell. My family is a big family, there is a father and mother, the mother died early, after the victory of the War of Resistance, the father married the stepmother, there is a big sister and six brothers, the eldest sister has long been married to the village of Liuyuanli.

The eldest brother Wang Jifeng, born in 1919, has studied for several years in private school and written beautiful brush characters. In September 1944, he participated in the organization of the anti-Japanese armed struggle, served as the leader of the anti-Japanese guerrilla group of students in Jeonju County, and led the team to fight more than ten deadly battles with the Japanese invaders. In July 1947, he participated in the Armed Uprising of shitang of the Northern Guizhou Guerrilla Group led by the Communist Party and was a veteran member of the Third Brigade of the Northern Guizhou Guerrilla Brigade. After the failure of the uprising, in order to avoid the search and arrest of the Kuomintang activists, he was evacuated by the party organization and arranged to teach at Luojiang Primary School as a cover to engage in underground activities. At the end of 1947, for some reason, he was arrested and imprisoned by The Kuomintang secret agents and imprisoned in the Jeonju Detention Center for two years. On the eve of the liberation of Jeonju county in October 1949, he successfully escaped under the rescue of the party organization and returned to the revolutionary ranks to participate in the armed struggle. After liberation, he served as the director of the Food Department of Shaoshui District in Jeonju County.

The second brother, Wang Jiyun, is more than a year younger than the eldest brother, and has not read books since he was a child, but his mind is flexible and good, and the filial piety song he sings is full of emotion, which has touched many people. He joined the Guibei guerrillas in early 1948 and was an underground guerrilla of the three brigades who did not appear in public, and was repeatedly involved in collecting intelligence for the Communist Party, contacting and delivering letters, and collecting food and supplies. One night in the second half of 1949, I was preparing to go back to Waifeng Village with a long and short gun to get some grain, but on the way I was seen by an intelligence officer installed by the Kuomintang Central Command in the next village, and he immediately reported it to the security team of the township office. That night, as was customary, I did not stay at home, and tried to persuade my second brother to stay outside for one night, saying that he had never revealed his identity as a guerrilla, and when the enemy came, he could only treat him as a farmer. Unexpectedly, before dawn, the pseudo-township chief Liu Shiteng led seventy or eighty soldiers of the security regiment and three light machine guns to surround my house, and searched my house inside and out, and had to search me out before stopping. My parents and second brother both replied in unison that they had never seen Old Liu Wang Jilin return home, let alone where he was? When they found nothing, they arrested my father and second brother and detained them in the township office, and after several days of torture and interrogation, they could not find any results, and finally had no choice but to release my father to go home first, but still held my second brother as a hostage. About a month later, the township security regiment captured Tang Cunlu, a guerrilla from Dajingtang Village, and two others when they were clearing the countryside and suppressing the communists, and prepared to execute them publicly on the side of the mountain opposite guanyin hall to set an example, and together they tied up my second brother to accompany him to the execution ground. After the gunshot, my second brother was so frightened that he was deranged and frantic, and even his own family members and relatives did not recognize him. However, the Kuomintang still kept him in the township office until the People's Liberation Army occupied Jeonju and was not rescued. Not long after, when he was wandering around outside, he was actually seen by Tang Rixin, the former commander of the Kuomintang Inner Jianxiang Security Squadron and later escaped as a bandit, and was shot in retaliation, and his body was thrown away by the Mashi River. My second brother died for the revolution, and my second sister-in-law was later forced to remarry her daughter for her livelihood, and her son was left to his grandfather as an orphan. Later, in the struggle against bandits, we captured Tang Rixin, the executioner who killed my second brother, and he also confessed to this crime. Wang Jiyun's son Wang Jiyun was taken care of as a correspondent in the district government after liberation, and then joined the army and joined the army to change his profession, he was unwilling to cause trouble for the organization of the government, and so far he has not applied for a replacement revolutionary martyr's certificate for his father Wang Jiyun.

The third brother, Wang Jide, is more than a year younger than the second brother, and has not studied a day to read a page of a book, but he has been smart and sensible since he was a child, thick and stubborn, tired from eating, not afraid of death, and dare to fight hard, and he is also proud of morality. He participated in the July 1947 Guibei guerrilla army's Jeonju Shitang armed uprising, served as the leader of the three major brigades of the guibei guerrilla group, and led the team to participate in many fierce battles against the Kuomintang reactionaries, landlord armed forces and kuomintang troops and the suppression of bandits. After liberation, the organization transferred him to work in the newly established county public security bureau, and later arranged for him to go to the Shaoshui Labor Reform Farm as a cadre, saying that I could lead the soldiers to fight and charge into the battlefield, but I did not have the culture, the big characters could not recognize a few, or go home to farm and cultivate the land. In the end, he chose to understand Jia guitian and insisted on returning to his hometown to become an authentic farmer.

The fourth brother, Wang Jiyu, born in June 1922, after graduating from primary school, could not continue his studies due to his family's poverty, but he devoted himself to learning, engaged in primary school teacher work or farming for one year, and returned to school for one year to complete junior high school education on his own, and accepted advanced ideas during this period. In September 1944, he participated in the organization of the anti-Japanese armed struggle and served as a liaison officer and reconnaissance team leader of the anti-Japanese guerrilla group for students in Jeonju County. In August 1946, he was admitted to the Guangxi Provincial Senior Normal School and secretly engaged in revolutionary work. In the first half of 1947, he joined the Guibei guerrillas, participated in the advance detachment to start an armed struggle in Jeonju and Guanyang areas, participated in the organization and leadership of the Shitang armed uprising in Jeonju in July, and joined the Communist Party of China in October 1948. He served as the deputy commander of the third brigade of the guerrilla brigade in northern Guizhou and the instructor of the second detachment, alias Tang Ping (with his mother's surname), nicknamed Liujiu, and on many occasions single-handedly, was born into death, completed the tasks of developing and expanding the guerrilla contingent, and opened up the base areas for rural revolutionary activities, assisted the headquarters and brigades in directly organizing and commanding dozens of armed struggles directly against the Kuomintang reactionaries and landlords and bullies in the area of activity, and cooperated with the PLA's four-field southward troops, as well as establishing a newborn people's power, suppressing bandits, and suppressing counter-revolutionary actions. He was a well-known figure in the guerrillas in northern Guizhou, and the Kuomintang once posted a notice offering a reward of 1,000 oceans for catching him alive and buying his head for 500 oceans. He was wounded in the leg in a fierce battle between the guerrillas and the Kuomintang reactionary forces in Anhe Shichong Village, Jeonju, and it was the guerrillas who rescued him from the battlefield and carried him to the Guilin Hospital for rescue treatment. He was not only my leader and introducer in the guerrillas in northern Guizhou, but also my direct superior leader in the armed revolutionary struggle and in the later stages of socialist construction. After liberation, Wang Jiyu successively served as the governor of Jeonju, Guanyang, and Lingui County, and the secretary of the county party committee, and later served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Guilin Prefectural Committee of the COMMUNIST Party of China and a deputy commissioner and adviser of the regional administration. After leaving his post in October 1985 to recuperate, he still did a lot of work for the economic development of Guilin and the compilation of 12 county chronicles. His life has made positive contributions to the liberation of the people of northern Guizhou, and has also made every effort to build and develop the northern Guizhou region. He died on 29 April 2014 at the age of 92.

The fifth brother, Wang Jilun, is more than a year younger than the fourth brother, has not read books since he was a child, and his mind is a bit dull and dull, but he is honest and loyal, and his personality is introverted and kind. He had been working hard at home to cultivate the land, serving his parents with him, and without complaining, he had cut back on food and clothing for the guerrillas. Although he did not join the guerrillas, he silently undertook to pay and make up for the lack of warmth that our other brothers could leave their hometowns for a long time to carry out the revolution, and could not help take care of their filial parents at home.

I am Lao Liu Wang Jilin, born on July 29, 1926 in the lunar calendar, but the archives have been mistakenly filled in as born in August 1930. After four years of primary school and high school in Guanyintang, Neijian Township, and just after reaching the fourth semester of the National Middle School in Jeonju County, he was admitted to the Guangxi Provincial Guilin Normal School at public expense; in 1948, before graduating from the summer vacation, he threw himself into the pen, returned to his hometown to join the guerrillas in northern Guizhou, and served as a political attendant in the three major teams; his main task was to publicize and mobilize the masses to support the revolution and participate in the revolution, to use various channels and methods to raise guns, ammunition, and grain, and to cooperate in the armed struggle against the enemy. According to the needs of the revolutionary struggle at that time, I changed my name to Wang Qinglin (that is, the current name) and nicknamed "Old Monk". At the end of November 1949, I was transferred to Qinjiatang District (Seven Districts) in Jeonju County as a financial and grain assistant, an organization officer, a public security assistant (commissioner), a deputy district chief, and a district chief. In May 1953, he was introduced to the Communist Party of China by Ma Zongzhi, secretary of the district party committee, and Liu Qinggui, deputy commander of the Siye Southbound Unit, and collectively swore an oath to join the Communist Party of China in the auditorium of the Jeonju County Party Committee. After studying for one year at the Party School of the Guangxi Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China in 1954, he successively served as a county-level theoretical instructor of the Jeonju County Party Committee, deputy director of the Propaganda Department, and deputy section chief of the Guilin Paper Mill (Preparation). After 1958, he successively served as deputy section chief, deputy director and deputy manager in the Chemical Industry Bureau, Material Bureau, Light Industry Bureau and Township Enterprise Bureau of the Autonomous Region, and in 1985, he was appointed director of the Guilin Regional Light Industry Bureau. In August 1990, he retired to enjoy the treatment of the department.

Before liberation, the Kuomintang reactionaries and the puppet regime in the districts and townships regarded our family as a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh; they sought out dozens of opportunities and reasons, wantonly persecuted and destroyed our families and relatives, extorted money, rummaged through boxes and cabinets, frequently tied up and imprisoned, tortured and tortured to extract confessions, and even executed and intimidated. All these vicious tactics of the local Kuomintang reactionaries have not suppressed the determination to shake my brother's loss of revolutionary will, nor have they consumed the hope and conviction of our family in the prospects of revolution.

Through a brief account of the family and family, it can be seen that my family can be regarded as a real Red Revolutionary family, which is not a general family briefing, but a deep family sentiment, and I am proud of our family of this attribute.

The Story of the Guibei Guerrillas No. 5: My Family During the Liberation War

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