
Top 10 videos recommended for doctors, must see!

Top 10 videos recommended for doctors, must see!

If you don't have time to go out and walk around, it's also a good idea to stay at home and watch movies. Xiao Wei recommends several films suitable for doctors to accompany you to celebrate the National Day. Without further ado, this is for you!

1. Grey's Anatomy

Top 10 videos recommended for doctors, must see!

The show is closely focused on medical themes and has completed its twelfth season in May 2016. It depicts the emotional entanglement between a group of young intern doctors and their progress and tempering in their careers, and while training doctors with high intensity, it is mixed with a large number of comedy and love elements, and the plot humor is slightly entangled.

2. "The Human World"

Top 10 videos recommended for doctors, must see!

Not long ago, a very popular medical documentary. "Seeing too much 'perfect' medical propaganda, this angle is even more touching." Failure is also something that doctors and families must face, and it is incomplete to talk about medical treatment around this topic. Life hurts, it's good to have you! This is what netizens think is the highlight of this documentary.

3. "Dr. House"

Top 10 videos recommended for doctors, must see!

Inside the Princeton University Hospital, sits a well-known physician, dressed casually, on crutches, rigid, and sharp, completely without the image of the kind of humble and rigorous professional physicians that people remember. But beneath this jaw-dropping exterior lies the superb medical skills and rich knowledge that are admired by peers and patients. So to speak, he has the next second that you don't expect.

4. "Doctor X"

Top 10 videos recommended for doctors, must see!

Set against the backdrop of the harsh realities of the medical system, money, and connections of various large hospitals, the play tells the story of a free doctor who confronts the White Tower organization and tortures the morality of doctors. The decline of university-affiliated medical institutions, the deterioration of the working environment due to the shortage of doctors, and the increased risk of medical litigation have spawned a new wave of free doctors. Does not work in hospitals, does not operate clinics independently, does not belong to any specific medical institution, and practices medicine on the move.

5. "The White Tower"

Top 10 videos recommended for doctors, must see!

Is it by any means to climb up and become a professor? Or are you willing to be an ordinary medical worker all your life without violating your conscience? Do you prioritize the treatment of patients to the powerful or do you treat them equally? A play in the play is also being staged in our country. I hope that every doctor can seriously look at it once, and I believe that after reading it, you will have a strong collision in your heart.

6. "Magic Hands True Feelings"

Top 10 videos recommended for doctors, must see!

Patch Adams wanted to be a clown, but at the same time he wanted to be a doctor. So he combined the two and became the person he is now. Adams, a pioneer in proposing that doctors should treat people, not diseases, was convinced that compassion was as important to doctors as a panacea and technological progress.

7. "Healing Dragon"

Top 10 videos recommended for doctors, must see!

In the play, one pursues power and fame, one values human life, and two opposing doctors struggle in the university hospital and reveal the dark side of the medical system, the story has a unique theme, which is different from the same story that is either love or love. The shooting is serious and delicate, the surgical scenes are more realistic than "The Story of the Emergency Room", and the atmosphere of the whole drama is comparable to the beauty of "Infernal Affairs".

8. "24 Hours of Life-Saving Ward"

Top 10 videos recommended for doctors, must see!

Based on the controversial issues existing in modern emergency medical treatment, it mainly shows the extraordinary cold temperament, resilience and living conditions of the attendance doctors in urban emergency centers. The audience was shown the medical scene, the growth of young doctors, the duties of doctors, the medical system, etc., which was more profound.

9. "Doctor Foster"

Top 10 videos recommended for doctors, must see!

In the eyes of others, Dr. Foster has everything that is enviable, respected for his work, happy and harmonious family, sweet love between husband and wife, and well-behaved and obedient children. Until one day, a lipstick, a blonde hair appeared, making her begin to doubt everything in front of her. In order to find out whether her husband is really cheating, she even uses patients to help her track her husband, only to find that the truth of the matter is completely unexpected by her...

10. "Because I'm a Doctor"

Top 10 videos recommended for doctors, must see!

The show is China's first medical documentary humanistic reality show. The program focuses on young doctors and closely follows the social issues of doctor-patient relationship. Seven young residents from prestigious medical schools, trained for years, faced a wide variety of cases in the busiest departments of China's top hospitals, made life-and-death decisions, and addressed concerns for patients and families.

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