
The perpetrator of the "casino massacre" in Bangkok was arrested, and no Chinese involved!

author:Know Thailand

On the evening of August 3, in Thailand, where "gambling is illegal under the law", on the Rama 3rd Road in Bangkok, where the military and police are fully deployed,

Inside the "Thailand's First Casino" building, which has been in operation for 20 years, the sound of gunfire is like a police blockbuster .

A horrific "massacre" in which bullets were fired indiscriminately at more than 60 people present, resulting in the deaths of 4 people, including a senior police officer who was shot through the head.

A table full of gambling equipment, a wall full of bullet holes and blood.

The perpetrator of the "casino massacre" in Bangkok was arrested, and no Chinese involved!
The perpetrator of the "casino massacre" in Bangkok was arrested, and no Chinese involved!

Who the murderer really was, the police who came slowly at that time had no clue, and the casino owner "Di Ge" himself was also confused.

But the Thai media said they all understood. Therefore, in line with the news attitude of "rigorous and serious, timely follow-up", the Thai media published a high-traffic headline article, which read:

"The murderer took out a gun to kill people, and his behavior was extremely bad, and we heard that it seems that this incident was suspected to be done by 'Chinese'!"

The perpetrator of the "casino massacre" in Bangkok was arrested, and no Chinese involved!

In the next few days, Thai news with the "Chinese" tag got a lot of retweets on Google.

Presumably, the local Thai readers who are concerned about this matter are the same as the Thai media that broadcast the news to them - the impression in their minds is vaguely remembered, this is another murder case Chinese in Thailand.

However, on August 8, 2020, the dust settled and the fugitive murderer was finally arrested.

The perpetrator of the "casino massacre" in Bangkok was arrested, and no Chinese involved!

Police pulled out a Thai ID card in the killer's pocket.

At least for now, the entire case, the people involved, the victims, from beginning to end, from the inside to the outside,

There is no connection with the "suspected Chinese" in the mouth of the Thai media.

The perpetrator of the "casino massacre" in Bangkok was arrested, and no Chinese involved!

The 4-person killer in the casino, 61 years old, whose full name is Phphit Srisuwan , (alias "Boy Baan Khrua"), is known to people who know him as Boy (nickname).

The perpetrator of the "casino massacre" in Bangkok was arrested, and no Chinese involved!

Pure identity, authentic accent, this is a native Thai old man.

Thai media said so --

"Under the wisdom and martial prowess of the police and the high efficiency of solving the case, the murderer finally had nowhere to escape, and was finally arrested and arrested, and admitted the facts of the crime."

But in fact, before entering the detention room, Boy explained to the camera:

"No one arrested me, the police couldn't find me, I turned myself in, I ran to the police station myself and said that I was the person they were looking for, and asked them to arrest me..."

"I don't want to run, the wanted list is posted all over the country, but I'm 61 years old, and after killing people, I've always been scared and remorseful." I want to tell the public how chaotic the gun battle massacre was at that time, and I also want to confess, I am sorry for the families of the deceased..."

The perpetrator of the "casino massacre" in Bangkok was arrested, and no Chinese involved!

The police said that through interrogation and on-site evidence identification, we can make the following combing:

"Boy is a gambler, a gambler who has been a gambler since childhood, and he frequents the casino in Lane 66, 3Rd Road, Rama, and is not a casino bodyguard, staff member, shareholder, owner."

"According to Boy's confession, on August 3, at 22:00 local time, he was in the casino when suddenly a person (Thai, Tawang, 51 years old) broke in and argued with Matasa, a senior interrogation police officer in a bangkok district who was present, and the content was related to debt disputes and gambling fairness."

After completely losing his mind, Tawang directly took out his gun and killed 3 people in a row.

The first deceased (male), a senior Thai police officer (Matasa), died by shooting a shot through the head;

Second deceased (female), Cambodian nationality, casino licensing officer;

The third deceased (female), Thai, casino licensing officer.

The perpetrator of the "casino massacre" in Bangkok was arrested, and no Chinese involved!

At 22:40, after Tawang killed 3 people, he fled to the bathroom because he was out of control and turned his gun on Boy.

Boy was also frightened at the time, fearing that Tawang would continue to kill him, so he took out the gun that his brother had given him for self-defense and shot and killed Tawang.

At this point, Tawang, who killed 3 people, died, and the casino died a total of 4 people.

The perpetrator of the "casino massacre" in Bangkok was arrested, and no Chinese involved!

The whole event has two phases.

In the first stage, Tawang shot and killed 3 people.

In the second stage, Boy shoots and kills Tawang.

The shooters in both stages had a Thai identity card and a Thai name, which had nothing to do with Chinese.

Thai police have now indicted Boy on two major charges: "illegal possession of firearms causing the death of others" and "illegal gambling".

In addition, all the above evidence will be checked 3 times before being transferred to the Court.

The perpetrator of the "casino massacre" in Bangkok was arrested, and no Chinese involved!

However, according to the police of the General Police Department of Thailand National Police, the next step in the investigation of this case is very difficult.

First of all, Thai law clearly stipulates that gambling is illegal, but this casino can operate normally for 20 years, and the deceased in this case is not a senior police officer? It is naturally unreasonable to say that the police system in this case did not benefit from it, accept bribes, and support corruption.

Secondly, after the incident, the police deliberately delayed the arrival time, resulting in the destruction of casino surveillance and bloodstained bullet hole evidence. Some of the police officers involved in the investigation actually said that the store was not monitored in the first place.

The figure below compares before and after the monitoring was dismantled.

The perpetrator of the "casino massacre" in Bangkok was arrested, and no Chinese involved!
The perpetrator of the "casino massacre" in Bangkok was arrested, and no Chinese involved!

What's even crazier is that when people question whether the casino is covered by the police,

A representative of the police station near the casino publicly stated: "Gambling is prohibited in Thailand!" Who said it's a casino, this is obviously a card entertainment place, everyone is tired of work, get together, play cards, watch football games on TV who wins and who loses, this is not okay?! ”

"We warn people all over Thailand that we will arrest and investigate whoever dares to say it is a casino, and if you can prove that it is a casino, then we will admit that we are negligent."

The perpetrator of the "casino massacre" in Bangkok was arrested, and no Chinese involved!

As outsiders, police and bandits collude and other family affairs, we can't manage it, but the Thai news of "suspected Chinese murder" is still floating on the Internet.

So far, this pot that has spilled others has dirtyed himself, and no one has recognized it.

Thai media said that they listened to the news of witnesses and insiders, which wrote the conclusion of "suspected Chinese".

However, this untrue public opinion naturally hurts the "Chinese" in the hearts of Thais.

Why, the suspicion of the Thai media, before the investigation, the direction of nationality is so clear?

Why, before the Thai media do not know the nationality, can not be replaced by neutral words such as "foreigner"?

We are not provocateurs who like to "go online", nor are we delusional people who "report good news but not worry", nor are we overbearing people who publicize that in Thai Chinese will never do bad things.....

But just because of our huge base, we have to draw a charge in the crime of "we did it" and "we didn't do it", is this a denial that we are too good to bully?

Right things are not right, we know that the style of Thai media cannot be matched with the rigor we want in the short term, especially in the language barrier of "foreigner" things.

But believe that until you correct your bad habits of nonsense, the eyes of the "Thai net" will not close.

See once, or scold once.

(Text/Bu Zhou Ten Faces)