
The meaning and flower language of mandala are different in the 8 color systems, which are divided into two categories: light world and dark world

author:Ano Plant Sutra

The meaning of the mandala and the flower language: the white mandala means light and purity, the flower language is the flower that blooms in the sky; the golden mandala means the endless happiness, the flower language is the innate luck and love; the green mandala is the endless hope; the pink mandala represents the appropriateness; the red mandala bloody love; the black mandala is darkness and death; the purple mandala is terror; the blue mandala flower language is deception and deception.

The meaning and flower language of mandala are different in the 8 color systems, which are divided into two categories: light world and dark world

Mandala is a very peculiar flower, some people think that it is the flower of the holy Buddha kingdom, some people say that it is the flower of the netherworld that brings darkness, and its flower language and meaning are also the opposite, according to the mandala white, gold, green, pink, red, black, purple, blue These 8 color systems, a total of two categories are divided into the light world and the dark world.

The meaning and flower language of mandala are different in the 8 color systems, which are divided into two categories: light world and dark world

The mandala of white, gold, green and pink represents the hope and beauty of all things, while red, black, purple and blue represent all misfortunes and horrors, and the meaning of each color is different, like the red dust flower on earth with different missions, it can be a holy Buddhist relic, or a fallen flower of the netherworld, opening in the light world and rooted in the dark world.

The meaning and flower language of mandala are different in the 8 color systems, which are divided into two categories: light world and dark world

In the West, the mandala has always been an ominous representative, because this flower plant likes to grow under the guillotine, and the legend that the mandala under the guillotine will make a scream that pierces the soul, and the people who hear this sound will be frightened to the point of madness, and the mandala blossom represents the disappearance of one life after another, so it represents misfortune.

The meaning and flower language of mandala are different in the 8 color systems, which are divided into two categories: light world and dark world

But in the East, the meaning and status of the mandala is completely opposite to the West, in the religious culture of the East, the mandala is a holy plant, it is said that when the Buddha is discussing the Dharma, the rain of mandala flowers from heaven will bring good luck to people, and the mandala also represents the meaning of transcendent enlightenment and illusion, and the mandala flower can help people to see the underworld.

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The meaning and flower language of mandala are different in the 8 color systems, which are divided into two categories: light world and dark world

Some mandalas are poisonous, some are non-toxic, poisonous mandalas are not completely fatal, and correct use is a rare medicine. At that time, Hua Tuo and Bian Que were also the masters of the use of mandala flowers. If you have more understanding of the meaning and flower language of the mandala flower, please leave a message below to share!

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