
Tongue twisters for practicing standard pronunciation (basic skills exercises) Short and fun tongue twisters to make your pronunciation more standard! (b) (p)(m)(f)(d)(t)(n)(l)(g)(k)(h)(j)(q)(x)(z)(c)(s)(zh)(z)(ch)(sh)(r)(y)(w)

author:The broadcaster presides over the professional committee

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > (basic exercises) Short and fun tongue twisters to make your pronunciation more standard! </h1>

Tongue twister is the basic skill of learning small hosts, which can enable practitioners to achieve the effect of accurate and clear words and rounded words, which has a certain help for the breath control in the host in the broadcast.

Today I would like to share with you a few simple tongue twisters, these tongue twisters can help children identify the difficulties in Mandarin pronunciation Oh ~ Can you read the first few sentences? Come and challenge it!

Tongue twisters for practicing standard pronunciation (basic skills exercises) Short and fun tongue twisters to make your pronunciation more standard! (b) (p)(m)(f)(d)(t)(n)(l)(g)(k)(h)(j)(q)(x)(z)(c)(s)(zh)(z)(ch)(sh)(r)(y)(w)

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="264">(b)(p)</h1>

1. "Grape Peel"

Eat grapes without spitting grape skins

Do not eat grapes and spit grape peels

2. "Eight Hundred Pacesetters"

Eight hundred pacesetters ran to the north slope

The artillery ran side by side to the north

The artillery was afraid to touch the pacesetters

The pacesetters were afraid to touch the artillery

3. "Counting Dates"

Out of the East Gate across the bridge,

A tree of dates under the bridge

Take a pole and go beat the dates

More blue and less red

One date, two dates

Three dates, four dates

Five dates, six dates

Seven dates, eight dates

Nine dates, ten dates

This is a tongue twister

It's good to say it all in one go

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="265">(m)</h1>

The White Temple and the White Cat

A white cat crouches outside the White Temple

There is a white hat in the White Temple

The white cat outside the White Temple saw the white hat

He ran out of the White Temple with the white hat in the White Temple

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="266">(f)</h1>

"Making Tofu"

Couples make tofu

Couples sell tofu

Couples don't make tofu

Couples do not sell tofu

"Painting the Phoenix"

Pink wall painted phoenix

The phoenix is painted on the pink wall

Red Phoenix Pink Phoenix

Pink Phoenix Flower Phoenix

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="267">(d)(t)</h1>

"Horseback Riding"

Big Mom rides a big horse

Big Daddy went to beat the horse in a big way

"Stepping Tower"

Mortals step on towers

Giant Tower

Mortals stomp on the tower

Giants step on the tower and collapse

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="268">(n)</h1>

"Deliver milk"

Can you take that cow under the tree next to the road

Pull to the Cow Nanshan Milk Station to milk the cows

Milk to the cow village

To the grandmother of Nanning Commune

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="269">(l)</h1>

"Li Li and Li Li"

Li Li and Li Li make games together

Li Li knocked li li down

Li Li did not complain about Li Li

Li Li said sorry Li Li

Li Li said that Li Li did not mean it

Auntie praised Li Li and Li Li

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="270">(g)</h1>

"Brother shoulder melon basket over wide ditch"

Brother satchel basket over the wide ditch

Hurry over the ditch to see the strange dog

Just look at the strange dog melon basket buckle

Melon roll basket empty brother monster dog

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="271">(k)</h1>


Coco and Coco go on to visit

Coco asked Coco to sit

Koko wants Coco to sit

Both were thirsty together

Drinking a cup of Coke quenches thirst

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="272">(h)</h1>

"Huahua and Red Red"

Huahua has two yellow flowers

There are two red flowers

Huahua wants safflower

Red and yellow flowers

Hua Hua gave Hong Hong a yellow flower

Honghong gave Huahua a red flower

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="273">(j)</h1>

《Beijing Opera》

Peking Opera is called Peking Opera

a yelling phrase

Peking opera cannot be called aphorisms

The aphorism cannot be called Peking Opera

"Wine Fan"

Nine wine fans have a drink

Nine glasses of nine glasses of wine

Nine drinkers took nine sips

Nine alcoholics were drunk

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="274">(q)</h1>


Hydrogen balloons, balloons light

Gently inflate the balloon

Raise the balloon and rejoice

Seven Plus One

Seven plus one seven minus one

Addition and subtraction equals several

Add and subtract or seven

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="275">(x)</h1>

"Playing Chess"

Sissi and Kiki play chess together

Sissi won a game of chess

Kiki wins a game of chess for Sisi

The two have to be high and low

A total of seven games of chess were played

I don't know if it's Sissi Shengqi

Or Odd victory over Sissi

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="276">(z)</h1>

"Picking Flowers"

Mom asked Hua Hua to plant flowers

Hua Hua listened to her mother pick flowers

Hua Hua plucked the flowers

Mom criticized her

Hua Hua did not know whether to pick flowers or plant flowers

It turned out that my mother didn't speak Mandarin

Mistakenly refers to planting flowers as picking flowers

"Do Morning Exercises"

Get up early and do morning exercises

Do morning exercises in the morning

Do the body well

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="277">(c)</h1>

"Two People Mountain Comes to Compare Legs"

There is a cui thick leg in front of the mountain

There is a cui with thick legs behind the mountain

The two-man mountain came to compare legs

I don't know if it is Cui's thick legs that are thicker than Cui's legs

Or Cui's legs are thicker than Cui's thick legs

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="278">(s)</h1>

"March 3"

March 3 Three umbrellas up the mountain

Up the hill and down the hill

Sweating profusely

Wet shirt

Ran up the hill and down the hill for three miles and three miles

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="279">(zh)(z)</h1>

"Four and Ten"

Four is four, ten is ten,

Fourteen is fourteen

Forty is forty,

Think about four and ten

It depends on the tongue and teeth

Who says forty is a "fact"

Whose tongue is not straight

Who says forty is "drama"

Whose tongue has no power

Practice 14 40 Forty-four


To know is to know

Not knowing is not knowing

Don't know to say you don't know

Don't pretend to know

We must be honest and seek truth from facts

Do it to the letter


Find no waseda

The grass is not noisy

Manufacturing is not self-made

Collection is not search

Don't miss the cow

Impatience is not a rogue

Annoyed don't think about the old way

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="280">(ch)</h1>

"Big Car Pulls Cart"

Big cart pulls trolley

The trolley pulls small stones

The stone fell down and smashed the little finger

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="281">(sh)</h1>

"Reading the Newspaper"

Teacher Shi tells stories

Always learn the knowledge of current affairs

Learn to read newspapers on current affairs

Read the newspaper often and think about it

I have the world in my heart

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="282">(r)</h1>

"Ren Ren"

An appointment is an appointment

A person's name is a person's name

Man is a man, and he is a man

Be clear when you read it


The sun is hot and the human flesh is basking

It was so bad to be sunburned

It's so uncomfortable to bask in human flesh

The sun makes the scalp wrinkled

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="283">(y)(w)</h1>

The Circle and the Full Moon

The circle is far from called the full moon

Call the full moon to admire the moon

The circle says "full moon"

The full moon says "full moon"

Round said

The eyes of the full moon are larger than the full moon