
Strange! The 15-year-old junior high school girl suddenly disappeared and was found hanging in the woods 2 days later...

author:Beiqing Net

On the day of return to school,

Junior high school girl Xiao An (pseudonym) accidentally disappeared.

After 2 days,

Police were in a grove of trees a few kilometers from the school

Her body was found.

On May 3, Xiao An's mother, Ms. Huang

Tell the Jimu News reporter,

Although forensic determination ruled out his killing.

But for the death of the daughter,

She still has many questions.

She didn't believe in that lively and cheerful daughter,

Will end their lives in this way.

Unexpectedly missing on homecoming day

Ms. Huang told Jimu News that she married from Chongqing to Lingshan County, Qinzhou, Guangxi, and now works with her husband in Dongguan, Guangdong. The youngest daughter, Xiao An, was born in June 2006 and has lived with them in Dongguan since childhood. More than a year ago, Xiao An transferred back to his household registration to study at Yunzhou Middle School in Xinxu Town, Lingshan County, and entered the third year of junior high school this year. Xiao An is a resident student who will go home after school on Friday and return to school on Sunday afternoon.

Strange! The 15-year-old junior high school girl suddenly disappeared and was found hanging in the woods 2 days later...

Ms. Huang told Jimu News that at about 1 p.m. on March 21, XiaoAn also chatted with her on WeChat video, and the two chatted for a long time. At about 2 p.m., Xiao An rushed to the school in a half-hour minibus as before.

However, at about 7 o'clock that night, Xiao An's father received a call from Xiao An's class teacher and was told that Xiao An did not go to the evening self-study. Ms. Huang quickly contacted relatives and friends in Lingshan County, but Xiao An was nowhere to be seen. Relatives searched fruitlessly and chose to call the police.

That night, after receiving the police at the Xinwei Police Station of the Lingshan County Public Security Bureau, the police force was organized to understand the situation from Xiao'an's parents and class teachers and launch an investigation.

Ms. Huang told Jimu News that she learned from one of her daughter's classmates afterwards that her daughter had returned to the dormitory to put things and also went to the county town to eat KFC. She also learned from police that her daughter had bought a fruit knife and a magnifying glass at a store.

Strange! The 15-year-old junior high school girl suddenly disappeared and was found hanging in the woods 2 days later...

Surveillance footage showed that at about 5 p.m. on the same day, Xiao An appeared at the bus shelter of the Rongjia Village Committee in Xinwei Town, and then disappeared.

After Xiao An disappeared, the family contacted her many times, but there was no response on the other end of the phone. On March 22, Xiao An's father rushed back to his hometown in Lingshan County from Dongguan. On the morning of the 23rd, Ms. Huang also hurried back.

Remains were found in remote woods

Ms. Huang learned of her daughter Xiao'an again on the afternoon of March 23. The local police informed them that a body had been found next to the Shengjiling Signal Tower of the Rongjia Village Committee in Xinxu Town, and the deceased was suspected of Being Xiao'an, so the family went to identify it.

Strange! The 15-year-old junior high school girl suddenly disappeared and was found hanging in the woods 2 days later...

Discover Xiao An's location

After Xiao An's father arrived at the scene, he found a woman hanging from a three-meter-high branch, and the woman's face and the bag on the ground made him have to accept the cruel reality: it was his daughter Xiao An in front of him.

Ms. Huang told reporters that the police speculated that XiaoAn's death was between 7 and 10 p.m. on March 21.

From a certificate provided by Ms. Huang, the Jimu news reporter saw that after the technical forensic identification of the criminal investigation brigade of the Lingshan County Public Security Bureau, it was excluded that he killed him and did not constitute a criminal case.

But Ms. Huang did not believe her daughter would commit suicide. In her eyes, Xiao An is her pride. Ms. Huang said that Xiao'an has a cheerful personality and has a good relationship with her family and classmates. Two days before the disappearance, the two of them also video chatted, and they couldn't see that XiaoAn had suicidal tendencies; she loved to play basketball and was very energetic; her academic performance never bothered her, although she was a transfer student, Xiao An quickly adapted to the new school and could still rank among the top in the grade.

Ms. Huang said that her daughter is very good at playing with mobile phones and can also make money through mobile phones. She sometimes helps people brush orders on weekends, and can earn hundreds of yuan a day. She saw from the chat records of her daughter and friends that before her daughter had an accident, she still had several thousand yuan in hand.

On May 3, Jimu News reporter contacted Xiao'an's class teacher. She said that XiaoAn did well in school, and teachers regretted her misfortune. The class teacher told reporters that Xiao An usually looks cheerful and has good academic performance. At the end of last semester, she ranked 19th in her grade on her overall score. In this year's middle school entrance examination, she is likely to be admitted to a key high school.

The class teacher said that at about 7 p.m. on March 21, she found that Xiao An did not go to the evening self-study, so she called her parents to inquire about the situation. In the post-mortem investigation, she learned that some classmates had come to school with her. But the class teacher said that the place where Xiao An had an accident was a few kilometers away from the school. She checked Xiao An's campus card records, and she did not enter or leave the school that day.

The family still has many questions

In order to answer the questions in her heart, Ms. Huang and her family once retraced the path of Xiao'an's disappearance. From the waiting booth of the Rongjia Village Committee in Xinwei Town, where Xiao An's figure was finally captured by surveillance, to the forest where Xiao An's body was found, Ms. Huang and others walked for 35 minutes. Ms. Huang said that this road is difficult to walk, mostly a muddy path with deep grass and trees, there are no street lights, and an adult woman does not dare to walk this road alone, let alone an underage girl who is afraid of the dark.

Ms. Huang said that the rope hanging XiaoAn was very short, about 60 centimeters long, and it was the lanyard of The Polaroid camera that Xiao An bought himself. Xiao An was hung on a branch about three meters above the ground, she was about 1.65 meters tall, even if she stood on the bricks on the ground, it was difficult to reach the rope. Ms. Huang had a hard time believing that if Xiao An had committed suicide, how she had done it. And Xiao An's neck did not scratch, and he felt very calm.

Strange! The 15-year-old junior high school girl suddenly disappeared and was found hanging in the woods 2 days later...

In addition, Ms. Huang also told reporters that after the police at the police station handed Over Xiao'an's mobile phone to them, she tried several times and finally unlocked the mobile phone password. Ms. Huang said that there was no software such as Alipay and Taobao in the mobile phone, and the chat records of Xiaoan and many people in WeChat were deleted. "My chat history with me was also deleted." Ms. Huang said.

Ms. Huang said she still had many questions in her mind, but no one could answer them for her. She did not believe that her daughter had died by suicide, and her body was still lying in the funeral home, and she wanted to find the cause of her death and cremate her daughter. At present, Ms. Huang has submitted an application to the relevant local departments, hoping that the local public security department can file a case to investigate the matter and be supervised by the local procuratorate.

On the afternoon of May 3, a reporter from Jimu News asked the Xinwei police station about the matter. The staff said that at that time, there was already a forensic evaluation of the county bureau, and whether it can now file a case for investigation is decided by the superior leader, not the police station.

The staff of the Office of the Lingshan County Public Security Bureau said that the relevant situation was not clear and could be questioned by the propaganda department of Lingshan County or the Public Security Bureau. However, the reporter repeatedly called the propaganda department, but no one answered.

Jimu news reporter Zhou Hao