
"Nugget Journey": The blue ocean will eventually become the red sea, and behind the magic of gold is the conscience and warmth of the blue ocean business opportunities to choose the blue ocean to the red sea in the mixed interests and emotional entanglements behind the temptation to pan for gold, conveying kindness and warm epilogue

author:Entertainment small eight 223

There are many choices in people's lives, it is difficult to say which choice is correct, but because of the existence of choices, many people will be eager to try and want to highlight the siege to change the status quo. But in the end, you will find that if you do it again, you may still make the original decision, but the feelings are too difficult to give up, and you owe too much.

"Nugget Journey": The blue ocean will eventually become the red sea, and behind the magic of gold is the conscience and warmth of the blue ocean business opportunities to choose the blue ocean to the red sea in the mixed interests and emotional entanglements behind the temptation to pan for gold, conveying kindness and warm epilogue

"Nugget Journey" is a Brazilian film that combines the background of Brazil's gold rush to stage a conflict of interests between brothers, couples and couples. Some people say that the film expresses inspirational themes, but what I see in it is the idea of profit choices and business opportunities. Money, career, beauty and power are the most difficult temptations that people can refuse, and the only people can resist are conscience and emotion.

<h1>Blue Ocean Business Opportunity Decision</h1>

In 1979, in Brazil, a farmer stumbled upon the Serra perada Gold Mine, an open-pit mine that was easy to mine, and as soon as the news broke, many people went there with gold dreams. A week later, as the nuggets were transported into the presidential palace, the gold nuggets worth tens of millions of dollars were found by ordinary absenteeism, and Giuliano and Joquie could not hold back.

Mining has only been going on for a week, and the golden place is still a blue ocean. In economics, the market is divided into two types: the blue ocean and the red ocean. The blue ocean refers to the unexplored, emerging industries; the red sea is a market that has developed to the point of vicious competition, resulting in the "bloody taste" brought by the "red knife and white blade", so the image is named red sea.

"Nugget Journey": The blue ocean will eventually become the red sea, and behind the magic of gold is the conscience and warmth of the blue ocean business opportunities to choose the blue ocean to the red sea in the mixed interests and emotional entanglements behind the temptation to pan for gold, conveying kindness and warm epilogue

After a week of fermentation, the news spread quickly, and many people went to the mining area, but many industrial chains brought by gold have yet to be developed. Giuliano and Joquie set out for the mining area after much deliberation.

Under the righteousness is the helplessness of the deep predicament, but also the ambition driven by money. Giuliano used to fight and make a living, owed a bunch of debts, he had no choice, he just wanted to get rich overnight on gold. Qiao Kui was an intellectual who used to work as a teacher in a public school and was cut off for not having a staffing establishment. In fact, it is easy to find another job to support the family with Qiao Kui's knowledge, and his wife is pregnant. The temptation of the blue ocean of business made him unable to take care of so much, he was bent on getting rich and did not want his children to be poor intellectuals like him.

The charm of money is really big, like magic to attract people, the world panics, but for the broken silver, but these two pieces of silver can solve thousands of panic. We all think that getting rich can relieve our worries, and Jokui feels the same way.

"Nugget Journey": The blue ocean will eventually become the red sea, and behind the magic of gold is the conscience and warmth of the blue ocean business opportunities to choose the blue ocean to the red sea in the mixed interests and emotional entanglements behind the temptation to pan for gold, conveying kindness and warm epilogue

Giuliano and Joquet, two people who grew up and had different personalities, set out for the sea in their hearts without hesitation, and before leaving, Giuliano promised Joqui's wife that he would take good care of Jokui and would definitely bring back a living person for her.

<h1>The entanglement of interests and emotions in the transition from the blue ocean to the red ocean</h1>

No one can live in the same way, and few industries can be evergreen. Every good industry that develops will have a dividend period at the beginning, and there will be many people joining in the dividend period or even after the dividend period to share a piece of the pie. As a result, the industry becomes more crowded, and the future of profit and growth becomes more and more bleak.

Soon after Giuliano and Giorqui came to the mining area, the government took over the mining area. It is difficult for private individuals to have the opportunity to make a fortune, and with more and more people mining, the gold mining industry has changed from a blue ocean to a red ocean. The conflict of interests turned the mining area into malice, and after Giuliano was forced to kill people in order to fight for territory, the evil in his heart was completely triggered. Jokui says that this place inspires the evil of human nature, and sure enough, in the days of the mining area, we see the darkest side of human nature.

"Nugget Journey": The blue ocean will eventually become the red sea, and behind the magic of gold is the conscience and warmth of the blue ocean business opportunities to choose the blue ocean to the red sea in the mixed interests and emotional entanglements behind the temptation to pan for gold, conveying kindness and warm epilogue

First, the brothers turn against each other

In the beginning, Giuliano and Giorqui were able to work well together, and since Giuliano killed people, he has embarked on a road of no return. After the government took over the mining area, he began to cross the law to sell gold and sell drugs for huge profits. After Qiao Kui's persuasion was ineffective, he decided to take the money that belonged to him and go on his own, only to be stopped by Giuliano, who was obviously a mining area where two people were in partnership, and in front of the money, Giuliano chose to tear his face and only pay the wages of Qiao Kui's ordinary workers. The merchant who had been coveting the mining area saw that the two brothers were not in harmony and deliberately obstructed them, and Joquet's misunderstanding of Giuliano deepened until he took the ledger to the merchant and exposed Giuliano's crimes.

Second, insensitivity

There are no women in the mining area, and men fight in the stone pile during the day and go to the red light district to release themselves at night. The big bosses and small mining bosses who draw a lot of money are insensitive and treat ordinary miners like ants, and as long as they can still move, they have to dig for gold. Even if it encounters a landslide, the collapsed place makes it collapse, and the side of the collapse continues to dig.

"Nugget Journey": The blue ocean will eventually become the red sea, and behind the magic of gold is the conscience and warmth of the blue ocean business opportunities to choose the blue ocean to the red sea in the mixed interests and emotional entanglements behind the temptation to pan for gold, conveying kindness and warm epilogue

The miners themselves were numb, muddy water flowing down their faces, pasting their emotions and souls, and they indulged like shells in the red light district, and some even let their wives go to the red light district to make money.

The women in the red light district are drunk and drunk, swaying in the little world of red and green, with only money in their eyes and nothing else. When the men around them kill each other because of their interests and women, they are calm enough to make an expression that everything around them has nothing to do with them, whether it is the sound of gunshots or knife stabbing, can not cause any shock and screaming, or even a trace of sympathy.

Third, deformed feelings

Giuliano is in love with a woman who is about to get married, but there is no love to speak of in such a backwater, chaotic place. The woman was torn between Giuliano and her fiancé, two men fighting between interests and power. Love triangle is just a microcosm of the sentient beings here, and the feelings wrapped in money and blood have never been stable, just like the lives of people in the mining area, who knows which one will come back to this red light area alive tomorrow.

"Nugget Journey": The blue ocean will eventually become the red sea, and behind the magic of gold is the conscience and warmth of the blue ocean business opportunities to choose the blue ocean to the red sea in the mixed interests and emotional entanglements behind the temptation to pan for gold, conveying kindness and warm epilogue

This film shows the public the appearance of sentient beings in dirty places that hide dirt and dirt, and then expresses the disregard of capitalists for human nature and the helplessness of people at the bottom.

<h1>Behind the temptation of gold panning is kindness and warmth</h1>

The film ends with a reversal in which Giuliano reconciles with Joqui, who saves Joqui's life as usual. He was also the "big man" in Jokui's heart. At the beginning of the film, Giuliano's face is close-up with a pull-in camera, and when the police ask him if he has killed, sold drugs, or smuggled gold, his face is calm to the point of no convulsions, and his eyes are calm to the point that there is no wave, so he makes people shudder.

He never thought in his heart that what he had done before was wrong, but when the policeman asked him, "Is the man lying in the hospital involved in all the activities?" Giuliano closed his eyes, and then momentarily opened them, and the tension was the love of his heart for Joquie. He said, "No, he's my friend, everything has nothing to do with him." Neither the language nor the demeanor lied, and it seemed incomparably sincere.

"Nugget Journey": The blue ocean will eventually become the red sea, and behind the magic of gold is the conscience and warmth of the blue ocean business opportunities to choose the blue ocean to the red sea in the mixed interests and emotional entanglements behind the temptation to pan for gold, conveying kindness and warm epilogue

The film uses a plot setting that echoes from beginning to end, and the scene at the end of the film where the police officer tortures Giuliano reappears, ending their friendship to a successful end. Giuliano may have been a vicious man for a while, but at the moment he was just an ordinary miner, as he said. He harbored a friendship with Jokui in his heart, and finally figured out how to let go of his mistress and let her choose the life he wanted.

Joquet finally "betrayed" Giuliano, on the one hand, instigated by malicious businessmen, but more often than not, he could not bear the condemnation of conscience, just as he was resolutely opposed to the workers after the collapse and to let the workers work, against Giuliano's killing. A gentleman loves money and has a way of getting it, and his personality and inner conscience are also in line with his identity as an intellectual.

Qiao Kui's heart has always been filled with his wife and children, and when his daughter was born, his wife sent him a photo. He put together the pictures of his wife and daughter, and looked at them repeatedly, which were the spiritual pillars of his boring and dirty life in the mining area.

Although he still did not make any money in the end, Qiao Kui chose to go home. He said, "It's easier to give up your dreams than to chase them," but he found that what he called that dream would not necessarily bring happiness to himself. In the process of gold panning, he is a relatively sober person, he has witnessed the disputes caused by money and interests and disregard for human life. It also witnessed the ugly state of some people after getting rich overnight: some people squandered all their money in a few days and returned to the mining area; some people used money to buy their lives and try love with money. Few people can keep their original intentions, and most people forget what he wanted to do to make money.

"Nugget Journey": The blue ocean will eventually become the red sea, and behind the magic of gold is the conscience and warmth of the blue ocean business opportunities to choose the blue ocean to the red sea in the mixed interests and emotional entanglements behind the temptation to pan for gold, conveying kindness and warm epilogue

After Qiao Kui returned home, he pushed the door of the courtyard and found that his daughter was already very tall, but fortunately, his wife never thought of abandoning him and waited for him to return.

Some people say that the ending is too satisfactory, making people feel a little fake, I think this is the director's intention, he wants to convey not only the hardships of the people at the bottom, but more is the evil of human nature stimulated by the interests of gold diggers, and finally convey to people a kind of: money is not omnipotent, it may be the source of evil, emotion is the most easily ignored, but the most precious thing.


After watching this movie, my feelings are quite deep, mainly the following points of thought.

First, about the blue and red seas

Every unknown emerging industry may be made into a red sea, such as the live broadcast industry, when it rose in 2015, there were a few platforms such as yy and six rooms, and there were not so many anchors, and the anchors at that time were easy to make big broadcasts. After several years of development, more and more platforms, when everyone can live broadcast, it is not so easy for individuals to be big.

We must have a keen sense of identifying opportunities in the blue ocean, and we need to maintain a sense of industry crisis at all times. Improving personal ability and quickly adapting to new industries are essential qualities for modern people.

"Nugget Journey": The blue ocean will eventually become the red sea, and behind the magic of gold is the conscience and warmth of the blue ocean business opportunities to choose the blue ocean to the red sea in the mixed interests and emotional entanglements behind the temptation to pan for gold, conveying kindness and warm epilogue

Second, on how to relieve worries, the only way to get rich is to get rich

Money can solve a lot of problems, but it can also bring a lot of trouble. Mark Twain once exposed the ugliness of human nature caused by money in the work "The Magic of Money". In fact, it is not that money itself is the source of all evil, but money that inspires the evil in people's hearts. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with chasing money in itself, but we should not be slaves to money, because the rich lose their hearts.

Third, about feelings

In fact, Giuliano's attitude towards his lover made me quite moved, he did not care about her identity, origin, did not care which man she had in her heart, he wanted to be good to her. Although in the process he revealed his greedy and selfish side to kidnap her and wanted to keep her around, he finally chose to give her freedom. It made me think that he at least really loved her.

Compared with this kind of love mixed with hypocrisy, Jokui's wife is innocent of Jokui's love, she is pregnant and watches Jokui go away from her to pan for gold, the child is so old and has not seen her father, and she is still waiting for Jokui.

Her love made Jokui finally wake up:

I originally thought that there are thousands of floating worlds, and I love three things: car, house, and money, the car is the dynasty, the house is the twilight, and the money is the twilight of the dynasty.

Finally, I understood that there are three thousand floating worlds, and I love three: the sun and the moon and the Qing, the sun is the dynasty, the moon is the twilight, and the qing is the twilight of the dynasty.

Maybe we are all Qiao Kui, one day, we will also understand that there are three thousand in the floating world, and I love three: the sun and the moon and the Qing.

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