
Essay Review: Argumentative Essay Vertical Structure Template

author:Lao Xie Language Hall
Essay Review: Argumentative Essay Vertical Structure Template

The structural form of the argumentative essay mainly has two categories: vertical structure and horizontal structure, let's first study the general writing of longitudinal structure.

【Technical Analysis】

First, the review of associations

The pattern is: generalization - review - association - conclusion.

First of all, the perceptual material related to the topic is outlined, and through the refinement and necessary generalization, establish one's own understanding, and put forward the central or thesis of the article; then return to the perceptual material, rationally analyze it, interpret and comment from different angles, and further prove the argument; then in connection with the reality of life, enter a deeper excavation from the analysis of the perceptual material to achieve the deepening and sublimation of understanding; and finally summarize the overall conclusion.


The revelation of small ants

In the steppes of South America, such a thrilling thing has happened. ...... This feat of the little ant in the face of the devastating blow is really breathtaking, and it is really worth pondering for us humans.

So, what inspiration can we get from the feats of small ants?

First of all, it is their spirit of not being afraid of danger and consolidating their unity. ......

Second, they sacrifice some in exchange for the survival of the majority. ......

In our daily lives, there are not many crises like small ants. But......

Man, man! We are the "spirit of all things", we should have the excellent qualities that people should have, so that we can become a real person, so that our world will be better!

The first paragraph of the article briefly describes the materials of the small ants fighting in unity and self-salvation in the face of the fire, and puts forward the center; the second paragraph transitions and leads the following; the third and fourth paragraphs review the materials from two different angles: "not afraid of danger, consolidating one heart" and "sacrificing parts in exchange for the survival of the majority"; the fifth paragraph is linked to reality from the negative side, criticizing undesirable social phenomena; and the sixth paragraph concludes. The full outline is exhaustive and completed in one go.

Second, the logical advancement

The model is: to put forward arguments - to lay reasons - to say measures.

The first step is to present the argument by quoting the story, using famous quotes, or starting from the criticism of erroneous views; the second step is to ask the central thesis as a "why" question, using a rational answer as a sub-argument, and to argue the sub-argument; the third step: to make a "what to do" question for the central argument, to use its answer as a sub-argument, and to expound on it.

Celebrity endorsement ads can be closed

..., celebrity endorsement ads can be suspended.

Celebrity endorsement advertising is not a serious business. ......

Celebrity endorsement ads tend to mislead society. ......

The management of advertising should be strengthened. ......

Establish accountability for advertising. ......

Modern society should be an orderly society, and the phenomenon of celebrities going around endorsing advertisements and misleading society should be stopped.

The first paragraph of the article first puts forward the central thesis that "celebrity endorsement advertising can be suspended"; the second paragraph and the third paragraph set the reason to argue the central thesis from the perspective of why; the fourth and fifth paragraphs say measures to answer the central thesis from the perspective of "how"; the sixth paragraph concludes: the whole text is interlinked, layer by layer, and the structure is natural and rigorous.

Third, the argument is stacked

The model is: Argument - Argument Class 1 - Argument Class 2 - Argument Class 3 - Conclusion.

The general way of writing this structure is to first put forward the arguments, and then organize the arguments in a certain order, either chronologically from ancient times to the present, or geographically from the outside, or the examples of great people, scientists, ordinary people, or from positive arguments to negative arguments, or typical details to general enumerations, and so on. In short, we must pay attention to the categories of materials, combine arguments according to a certain logic, form a multi-order chain of arguments, and strictly prevent stacking of materials.

The true color is the most beautiful

..., this story shows us: "clear water out of the hibiscus, natural to carve ornaments", the true color is the most beautiful.

Peony is noble, summer lotus is elegant, autumn chrysanthemum is lonely and proud, winter plum is tough, and hundreds of flowers are beautiful because of their true color.

Yellow warblers are graceful, nightingales are melodious, crows are dumb, larks are crisp, and birds are pleasing because of their true colors.

Nature shows its diversity because of its true color, and human society also needs to maintain such a true color.

College student Xu Benyu gave up the opportunity to go to graduate school,......

In early 2008, Premier Wen Jiabao visited the families of three deceased workers in Changsha, Hunan Province,......

The mother-in-law is ugly, but... Saltless ugly, but... Meng Guang is ugly, but...

Zhao Shuli's Three Immortals,......。 Chekhov's Belikov...

The contrivance is not beautiful, the decoration is not real, or try to maintain a little authenticity.

After the article puts forward the arguments, the second and third sections of the text discuss natural phenomena, and the fourth section carries on the upper and lower parts, and transitions to human society; in this part of human society, the examples of Xu Benyu and Premier Wen are first discussed in more detail, and then a set of comparative sentences is used to summarize the three cases of the mother-in-law, from the main to the secondary, from the point to the surface, from the life example to the historical legend; and then use the examples of the Three Immortals and Belikov, from the positive to the negative, from the reality, historical figures to the literary image: the arguments are arranged in an orderly manner, and there is no sense of piling up.

Fourth, the pendulum digs up the type

Its model is: pendulum phenomenon - on harm - dig the root cause - to make suggestions.

The first step is to describe a certain social phenomenon and set a target for discussion; the second step is to analyze the harm of the above social phenomena to warn the world; the third step is to analyze the root causes of the above phenomena from the social, historical, psychological and other aspects; the fourth step is to point out the way and method of solving the above problems and point out the way out.

Save the next generation

I don't know if you have noticed the view at the entrance of the elementary school: ...

Here's a shot from a freshman's dorm room at a college: ...

We are grateful for the careful care of our elders, but we cannot but worry about how much independent survival ability our generation will have in the long run. ......

The reasons for such deformed care are complex, and one of the important points is that many parents do not understand the dialectical relationship between material care and spiritual care, and do not understand the dialectic of love and harm. ......

In the face of this situation, we are powerless to change society, and the only thing we can change is ourselves. ......

One hundred years ago, Mr. Liang Qichao shouted with his heart: "If the youth is strong, the country is strong, and if the youth is independent, the country is independent!" "Let us rely less on each other and be more independent, and grow into towering trees in the wind and rain of society."

The first and second paragraphs of the article put parents on the abnormal phenomenon of "carefully caring" for their children, the third paragraph analyzes the harm, pointing out that this "care" is not conducive to the healthy growth of children, the fourth paragraph analyzes the root causes of social thought, pointing out that this is the result of not understanding dialectics, the fifth paragraph proposes what we should do in this situation, and finally quotes Liang Qichao's words.

【New Topic Delivery】

Read the material below and compose as required.

In daily life, we have seen many faces deformed by anger, and we have also seen many scenes that cannot be cleaned up because of anger, so the introverted Chinese always regard anger as a flood beast; but there are also opposite examples, Yue Fei's anger rushes to the crown, showing the determination to clean up the old mountains and rivers, Long Yingtai's "Chinese, why aren't you angry", showing Chinese's desire to stand up and be a man... The same emotion, different angles, has different understandings and effects, so what is the anger in your eyes?

Please write an essay on the topic of "I see anger". Self-selected style, self-proposed title, do not deviate from the scope of the content and meaning of the material, do not make a set, do not copy.

5. Argument-like transfer method

The general way of writing this structural model is to first make positive arguments, put forward arguments, and then organize arguments in a certain order, either chronologically from ancient times to the present, or geographically from inside to outside, or the examples of great men, the examples of scientists, the examples of ordinary people, or from positive arguments to negatives; and so on.


What is the fruitful result of not paying?

Life is like a Rubik's Cube, many things happen unexpectedly, many people think that unexpected things happen by accident, but they are not. As long as we carefully analyze its causes and consequences, we will find its inevitability, and find that in fact, everything is reasonable, and it must be known that there will be fruitful results without paying.

[Positive reasoning, arguments, points]

Among the "moving China" figures revealed this year, there are several unknown people who never seem to have entered the public eye, but they have moved China together with shining figures in the past year. From the bustling city into the depths of the mountains, with his young shoulders, he carried the decadent classroom, carried the poor and lonely Xu Benyu; Liang Wanjun, who saved the test flight prototype in danger, fell to the sky and created a miracle; Gui Xien, who passed on warmth and gathered love and lifted the lid of AIDS; Ming Zhengbin, a drug-fighting hero who was not afraid, could not buy, and could not be overwhelmed by drug dealers... When the names of these originally ordinary characters appeared on the unveiling list of "Moving China", many people were surprised, but I would like to ask, if there is no selfless dedication, no tenacious spirit of perseverance, no extraordinary achievements and actions, how can they move China? It can be seen that the reason for some unexpected things is actually reasonable, and only by paying will there be gains!

[Chinese example, comparative enumeration + negative argument + summary question]

Not only at home, but also abroad, we can also see many examples of what seems unexpected but is actually reasonable. Marx was able to write Capital when he was poor; Marie Curie became the only female scientist in the world to win the Nobel Prize twice; Newton discovered the law of conservation and transformation of energy; Bohr formed the world's first school of quantum physics; Bell invented the telephone... These unexpected achievements are inseparable from the scientific spirit of daring to question and innovate, and inseparable from their unremitting efforts.

[Transitional sentences + foreign examples, comparative enumeration + summary questions]

From great scientists and historical figures to our relatives and classmates around us, we can all discover "unexpected and reasonable" things. Looking at the results of the "dark horses" on the report card, while envying, have you ever thought of the night of hard reading behind the results and the fully attentive expression in the classroom? Opportunities belong only to those who are prepared!

[Transitional sentence + small things around + simple analysis and research]

There are so many unexpected and reasonable things, from which we see the unity of chance and inevitability, and understand the true meaning of "unexpected and reasonable"--what is the fruitful result without paying?

[Undertake the above + summary argument + point question]

【Structure Diagram】

First, put forward arguments

Some people think,......。 Not really,......

2. Factual arguments

1. Case studies in China

Turning over the history of our country,......。 ...... So-and-so,...... ;...... So-and-so,...... ;...... So-and-so,......。 Just think, if not...

2. Foreign cases

Not only at home, but also abroad,......。 ......

3. Examples around you

From great people and scientists to relatives and classmates around them,......。 ......

3. Summarize the whole text

...... The list goes on and on. These things...

6. The law of matter inference

The general way of writing this structural model is often to break first and then stand, criticize a wrong point of view and then put forward their own claims, then give detailed examples and arguments, and then quote famous quotes to reveal the truth. In writing this structure, we should pay attention to three combinations: in the main part of the article, we must pay attention to the combination of factual argumentation and factual theoretical evidence; in the level of factual argumentation, we must pay attention to the combination of detailed and omitted; in the level of factual theory, we must pay attention to the combination of introduction argument and reasoning argument.

Say cosy

Some people say that after material civilization reaches a certain level, ease becomes an inevitability. But I don't think so, because ease is not a good thing. Ouyang Xiu's "Preface to the Biography of Lingguan" explains the harm of ease. Emperor Zhuangzong was ordered to remember his father's instructions, sleep at night, be angry and strong, and in a few years conquered the Yan kingdom and the Liang kingdom, and his ambition was rewarded. But he did not think of danger in peace, did not understand the truth that sorrow can rejuvenate the country, and Yiyu can die, and finally was trapped by dozens of people, died and the country was destroyed, laughing for the world, which was a reasonable thing.

[Broken, critical of erroneous views]

Sorrow can rejuvenate the country, Yiyu can die, and ease is indeed the root of disaster, believe it.

[Stand, present the arguments of this article]

In fact, a vast history of China, because of ease and the destruction of the country and the family, why not Zhuangzong alone? Come and go, bibi knows.

[Transition, lead to factual arguments]

If the talented Sui Emperor had been brutal, loyal, distant, and repulsive, who would dare to say that he would not become a Ming Emperor? But history made a joke with him, chasing dogs and horses, coveting pleasure and comfort, and finally the country was destroyed and died, but it fell into an ancient infamy, sad!

[Typical Detailed Explanation 1]

The Emperor Qin Shi Huang destroyed the Six Kingdoms to unify China, unified currency, weights and measures, and writing to facilitate trade exchanges in the world, and if there was no later brutal despotism, it could also be called a generation of heroes, and Gai Shixun was honored. Unfortunately, he had no self-awareness, violently destroyed heavenly things, and in order to pursue comfortable pleasures, he recruited beautiful women, built a large number of civil engineering, repaired the Apan Palace, and the Lishan Mausoleum, so that resentment was rife and the people's anger was boiling, leaving the result to a short-lived dynasty for future generations.

[Typical Details II]

There are many such figures, such as the Tang Ming Emperor, the Ming Emperor, the Jiaqing, Daoguang, Xianfeng Emperors of the Qing Dynasty, and so on, all of which are incompetent emperors in Chinese history. Incompetence is only a symptom, and the cause of incompetence is the desire for pleasure and comfort.


I understood Tang Taizong's sentiments, "Jun, Zhou, Min, Shui also." I also understood the connotation of Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang's sentiment that "it is more difficult to sit in the world than to fight the world"; I also understood more clearly Mao Zedong's earnest teaching to the comrades of the whole party after the founding of New China: "We must prevent the attack of the enemy's sugar-coated shells... We must ensure that comrades continue to maintain a modest, cautious, non-arrogant, and non-impetuous style, and that comrades continue to maintain a style of arduous struggle."


A person cannot covet comfort, a nation cannot covet comfort, and a country cannot covet comfort. Those who covet comfort are doomed to be playthings and do nothing; a nation that covets ease is doomed to decline, devoid of vitality and creativity; and countries that covet ease are bound to be eliminated and abandoned in the context of increasingly fierce international competition.

[Rational argument]

Sorrow can rejuvenate the country, and Yiyu can die. Remember.

[Response Argument]

First, break first and then stand, and put forward arguments

1) Some people say..., but I don't think so, because....

2、...... (Argument), indeed.

1. Typical detailed explanation

Transitional sentence: In fact, a vast history of China ,......, come and go, and it abounds.

A、...... ×××,......。 If..., but history is joking with him...!

B、...... ×××,......。 If..., pity he....

2. Juxtaposed

There are many characters like this, ×××, ×××, ×××, ....

Third, the facts are theory

1. Introduction and argumentation

××× sighed: "..."; ××× taught: "...".

2. Rational argument

...... No............ No....... ...... Doomed...... ;...... Doomed.......

Fourth, respond to the argument

...... (Argument), keep in mind.

7. Logical Advancement Method

This structural model can generally first explain the relevant concepts and put forward the central thesis; then for the central argument, set one or two sub-arguments from the perspective of "why" and organize the argument; and then for the central argument, put forward one or two sub-arguments from the perspective of "how to do", and at the same time argue it.

Rules and Ethics

What are rules? Is it a legal provision in black and white, or a school rule for the seven chapters and eight major sections? It should be more than that. When a child falls next to you, there's no hard rule that requires you to lift him up, but you do it anyway because you have a rule in mind: Help someone weaker than you. The more such rules are in the mind, the more morality is formed. Rules and morality are mutually reinforcing.

[Explain the concept, make the argument: rules and morality are mutually reinforcing]

Without morality, rules cannot support the normal functioning of a society. The rules are set by people, and no matter how strict they are, they cannot be "seamless". Without moral support, rules can easily be exploited. You say you are not allowed to spit "on the ground", then I will spit on the park bench; you say that you are not allowed to "scribble", then I will "seriously" paint you a row of green-faced fangs, how? If things really come to that point, I am afraid it will not be as simple as a mouthful of phlegm and a painting. Lawyers can take advantage of the loopholes in the law and rely on their three inches of uncorrupted tongue to turn things upside down, without distinguishing between right and wrong, only to be afraid that every year there will be "snow in June".

[Present sub-arguments and argue together, answer the central argument from the perspective of "why"]

A society without rules is even more chaotic. Not everyone can be like Fan Zhongyan, "the world is worried and worried, and the world is happy and happy", and not everyone can achieve "the old and the old and the old, the young and the young and the young". "The road is not lost" may still be possible, but "the night is not hidden" how to sound like a beautiful myth and legend. When morality is not sufficient to constrain people's behavior, the rules will fill the loophole in due course. "Everyone sweeps the snow in front of the door, and the others are frosted" sounds like a moral fall, but the United States has made a law that requires you to sweep the snow in front of your house first, at least not to let passers-by slip by the snow in your house. This is the bottom line of morality – the rules drawn.

[Put forward sub-argument two and argue, still answer the central argument from the perspective of "why"]

The ideal society should be one in which rules and morals coexist. Rules constrain people so that they do not slide out of the bottom line of morality; at the same time, morality also fills in the loopholes in the rules and makes them more perfect. Only when a person is bound by external rules and inner morality can he become a real person; the rules of a society complement morality, and this society can be full of hope. Morality is the road to a better future, and rules are the lights on the side of the road, illuminating our pure souls and illuminating the road full of ideals. We bury morality in our hearts, hold the rules in our hands, and bravely face the future.

[Present his argument three and argue, answer the central argument from the perspective of "how"]

First, what is it – rules and morality are mutually reinforcing.

Second, why --

1, without morality, rules can not support the normal operation of a society.

2, a society without rules is even more chaotic.

How to - the ideal society should be ruled and moral.