
Who can accompany me all the way home?

author:Fireworks by the freshwater river

In a sense, marriage needs to be lonely, and even if two people who get along day and night have aesthetic fatigue, they should find a way to regain the beauty of the past, and love is something that cannot allow a third person to intervene.

Marriage is a fact, but it does not completely conceal our deeply hidden humanity, and the pursuit of beauty, the yearning for excitement, often happens. It is undeniable that in life, we often suffer from temptations outside marriage without anticipation, and although we still love each other deeply, there is a new opposite sex that attracts our attention. Is this attraction normal and ethical? It should be said that this attraction is a normal reaction of normal people. Attraction, after all, is only a state of mind, which gives us a fantasy of the pursuit of good things. But fantasy is fantasy, you must not take it as a goal, desperate to pursue, this pursuit is blind, irresponsible, very stupid.

You can think differently, but it's best not to turn it into a fact. When you can't suppress an impulse, think about the following story.

Who can accompany me all the way home?

One day, two guests came to baiyun restaurant, a man and a woman, dressed well, looking like a couple.

The waiter smiled and groaned as he delivered the menu. The man took the menu and handed it to the woman and said, "You order, whatever you want to eat." The woman didn't even look at it, but looked up at the waiter and said, "Just bring us a bowl of ravioli."

The waiter was frustrated, and the man next to him spoke: "What wontons to eat, and don't you have no money?"

The woman shook her head: "I'm going to eat ravioli!" The man was stunned, saw the waiter's surprised eyes, and said with embarrassment: "Well, please bring us two bowls of ravioli."

"No!" The woman quickly added, "Just one bowl!" The man shook his head again: "How to eat a bowl?"'

The woman looked at the man and frowned, and said, "Didn't you say you would listen to me all the way?" Seeing the ravioli, the woman's eyes lit up, she put her face on the bowl surface, took a deep breath, as if she was reluctant to eat, and did not see it in her mouth for half a day. The man turned his head and looked around, a little embarrassed, and took the menu: "I've been hungry for a day, I want to make up." Then, in one breath, I ordered a few expensive dishes.

The woman was not hurried, and when the man finished ordering, she said to the waiter lightly: "You had better ask him if he has any money first, and watch out for him to eat the overlord meal."

Without waiting for the waiter to react, the man blushed angrily: "Will I eat the Overlord meal?" I'll run out of money?" As he spoke, he touched his arms and suddenly said, "What about my wallet?"

The woman said coldly: "Don't look for it, your watch, and my ring, we brought out all the valuable things this time, I threw them in the river." I still have five dollars on me, just enough to buy this bowl of wontons!"

The man's face turned white, and he sat down and glared at the woman angrily: "You're crazy, you're crazy!" We don't have any money on us, so how can we go back to such a long way?"

The woman's face was calm: "What is the hurry?" Anyway, we still had two legs, and we were home walking. 20 years ago, we didn't have a penny on us, didn't we go home like this? Days at that time. It's colder than it is now!"

The man couldn't help but stare straight, "What are you talking about?" The woman asked, "You really don't remember?" The man shook his head blankly.

The woman sighed: "It seems that you have a few dollars on your body over the years, and you really forgot everything." 20 years ago, we went out to do business for the first time, and we didn't expect to be deceived by someone, and even the cost of the trip home was gone. When you passed by here, you asked for a bowl of wontons for me to eat, and I knew that you had fifty cents left on you. ”

When the man heard this, his body shook: "This.... Here..." the woman said, "Yes, it is here, and I will never forget it, when it was still a small and broken wonton shop." ”

The man silently lowered his head, and the woman turned to the waiter who was stunned and said, "Girl, please bring me another empty bowl." The waiter quickly brought an empty bowl, and the woman picked up the wonton in front of her, dialed a large part of it into the empty bowl, and gently pushed it in front of the man: "Eat, after eating, let's go home together!"

The man stared at the half bowl of wontons in front of him for a long time before he said, "I'm not hungry." The woman had tears in her eyes and muttered, "You said the same thing 20 years ago!" After saying that, she stared at the bowl without moving the spoon, and sat quietly.

The man asked, "Why don't you eat yet?" The woman choked up again: "That's what you asked me 20 years ago." I remember when I answered you, if you want to eat it, you can eat it, or you don't eat it, and now, it's still the same sentence!"

The man was silent, reached out and picked up the spoon, and for some reason the hand holding the spoon shook badly, scooped it several times, and the wontons fell. Finally, he brought a ravioli to his mouth. When he scooped the second ravioli, the tears suddenly fell straight down.

The woman saw the situation, smiled, and also picked up the spoon. As soon as the ravioli entered his mouth, tears dripped into the bowl at the same time. The couple ate a bowl of ravioli with tears in their eyes.

Putting down the spoon, the man looked up and whispered to the woman, "Are you full?"

The woman shook her head. The man was very anxious, and suddenly seemed to remember something, bent down to take off a shoe, pulled out the insoles, and actually felt for five dollars. He froze and stared in disbelief at the money in his hand.

The woman smiled and said, "20 years ago, you lied to me that you only had fifty cents, and you could only buy a bowl of wontons, but in fact you still had fifty cents, so you hid them in your shoes." I know you're trying to wait until I'm hungry to take it out. Then you were forced to eat half of the ravioli, and knowing that I must not be full, you took the money out and bought another bowl!" After a pause, she said: "Fortunately, you remember what you did, these five dollars, I did not hide in vain!"'

The man handed the money to the waiter, "Give us another bowl of ravioli." The waiter did not take the money, ran away quickly, and in a few moments, he brought a large bowl full of ravioli.

The man poured a large part of the woman's bowl: "Eat, while it's hot!"

The woman didn't move and said, "After eating, we have to go home, you don't blame me, I just want to be hungry with you again before the breakup, bitter again!"

The man did not say a word, swallowed in a big mouth, and even brought water to the soup, and ate it cleanly. He put down the bowl and urged the woman: "Eat quickly, eat well and let's go home!"

The woman said, "You can rest assured, I mean what I say, I will sign when I go back, I don't want any money, which woman are good with you, marry ten or eight, I won't care about you."

The man yelled out, "I'll burn that Divorce Agreement when I get back, isn't it okay?" After saying that, he actually cried loudly, "I was wrong, is it not okay?"

Who can accompany me all the way home?

So, are you wrong? How many years have you been working together, even if the love is weaker, but the affection is stronger, do you really bear to hurt the person who once shared happiness and suffering with you? Are you really willing to destroy the happiness you have forged together? In the face of temptation, think about the story between you, and the person who loves you the most may not be the person who tries to please you, but the person who is willing to accompany you home.

The sadness of life is that there was once a person who loved you very much, and you were blinded by the flowers, not only did you not cherish it, but deeply hurt him. Maybe this disappearing love will still be faintly painful to think of, but what can it be, who let himself be unable to resist the temptation and go into the wrong track.

The greatest happiness in this life is to be loved and know how to love. To the person who loves you, you must cherish him with your heart. Little by little, he does for you, not only to thank him but also, to remember it, to think of him often. Finding someone who loves you is far better than finding a romantic lover.

Who can accompany me all the way home?