
Seven sesame officers

Seven sesame officers

Seven sesame officers

  Author: Gao Shulan

  Because of one person, a city was harmed; because of one person, Yangzhou was sealed down. On this special day, there is such a group of people, for the safety of the whole village, immediately made a decision, closed all the intersections in and out of the village, leaving only three important snaps to send people to guard and cut off all the virus chains. At a critical juncture, they rushed to the front line without hesitation, and every day they rushed around the east and west of the village and the north of the village south of the village.

  Lao Chen, the captain of the three villages, just took office in the first half of this year, only a few months after taking office, since the fight against the epidemic, he and the village cadres have been fighting in the front line of the fight against the epidemic, until now there is no rest for a day, no day and night stationed in the front line of the fight against the epidemic, during the day door to door to distribute epidemic prevention and control propaganda related materials, ask whether there are any villagers from Nanjing, Yangzhou and other places to return to Bao. At night, I was stationed at the village entrance buckle, and when I was tired, I would change shifts with my colleagues and rest in the small house at the buckle. Every day, he would run to the village eighteen times a day to preach to the villagers about the seriousness of the epidemic, and tirelessly instruct the villagers to stay at home during the extraordinary period, not to visit relatives and friends, and not to play mahjong. Be responsible for your family, for society, and for your country.

  In order to actively cooperate with the spirit of the higher-level documents; in order to ensure that the whole village nucleic acid test registration is participated in by the whole village, not one is missed; in order to ensure that the villagers' information is entered into my Yangzhou APP nucleic acid test registration, Lao Chen can count a lot of effort. Most of the village is left-behind elderly, there are few smart phones, and there are more elderly machines. Old Chen Lao Chen, the age is certainly not small, an old comrade, the operation of the mobile phone is certainly not as flexible as the young man, but the old Chen is not at all old, he asked the young cadres in the village to teach him hand in hand, careful he also recorded the steps step by step, at night when the buckle duty is fine, repeated practice, repeated operation, it took a night to finally learn. Happy, early the next morning, he went door to door to register, one family at a time, one household at a time, three brigades of nearly two hundred, carefully registering for everyone. At noon, it was pouring rain, and his clothes were wet, so he couldn't take care of it, but he braved the rain and worked until eight o'clock in the evening, and the clothes on his body did not know when they had dried.

  Every time he went to the door to register, the villagers always liked to joke with him: "Old Chen, you are not lucky, just took office, you are so busy, running eighteen battles a day, both legs are running thin." He always smiled happily and said: The thinner you run, the faster you run, so that you won't delay things. When the epidemic passes, the village holds a sports meeting, and I tell you oh, you will not be able to run me. "Yes, you can't run, you can't run, and you can't run fast with your thin legs!" Everyone laughed happily, which made the original tense atmosphere much easier.

  There are three urgent snaps in the village, and the village cadres take turns to be on duty for 24 hours, mainly checking the entry and exit personnel, vehicle information registration, body temperature measurement, and access permits. Today, the buckle under the Xiaowadian Canal is on duty by Hua Accountant and several of his colleagues. Suddenly, a small car slowly drove by, stopped and rolled down the window, and there was a man and a woman sitting inside. Hua Accountant looked, oh oh, it turned out that they were all acquaintances, both sides knew each other, and it was the eldest nephew and son of his sister-in-law's family, who brought his relatives with him. When the man saw that it was Hua Accountant, he quickly took out a cigarette, took out a cigarette, handed it over, and said: "Uncle, I haven't seen you for a long time, I came to see the old ones one by one, I didn't open a pass at home, I walked all the way worried that I couldn't go today, fortunately you were on duty today, I was relieved, please be accommodating, let me go Oh." "Smoke you put away, every ha will not eat your cigarette, so reasonable you can't get by, special period, no one without a pass, will not pass." Treat everyone equally, take care of this, I don't say you understand, wait until you have a pass, you come again. "You see, our family is close and dear, and you let me live." "There is no need to discuss, no one is allowed to enter the pass, this is the rule." The two people are still not dead-hearted, over there left and right said, dead skin lai face, think it works, who knows that today's Hua accountant and the one he knew before are two people, today's Hua accountant is Zhang Fei eating scales - iron heart. When the man saw that there was no drama, he angrily turned the car around and drove away, still grunting in his mouth. When the villagers next to them saw this situation, they couldn't help but joke: "Hua Accountant, Hua Accountant, you are a bird, offend your sister-in-law's family, see how your family goes to explain to your wife, Oh, this family will kneel and build a board." He smiled and said, "I came with the Sword of Shang fang, and besides, the issue of principle cannot cross the line, you are worried about being superfluous, and I have the final say in our family." The villagers laughed when they heard him.

  Not only this epidemic, usually as long as the villagers encounter difficulties, no matter how big or small, the village cadres will help coordinate the solution. Especially the left-behind elderly, the children have been running away for many years in order to live, resulting in the dilemma of loyalty and filial piety. So every time as long as the old people have something at home, big things, small things, trivia, troubles, trivial things, as long as a phone call, no matter how busy they are, they will personally come to the door to help negotiate and solve. It solves the difficulties of the elderly, and also solves the worries of all the children who work outside the home, so that they can work more at ease.

  In every village, in every corner, there are our seven-pin sesame officers, who, although small and capable, tie up a place and ensure the safety of one side; it is they who let the tension in the air slowly disappear; it is they who carry the weight for us in the wind and rain, like warriors.

  This is our Seven Pin Sesame Officials — village cadres, the parent officials of the people.

  Source: Baoying Life Network

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