
Read the || Acheng: Art and Hypnosis

author:Translation Teaching and Research
Read the || Acheng: Art and Hypnosis

Acheng, known as Zhong Acheng, born in 1949, is a native of Beijing. In 1968, when he was in the first year of high school, he went to Shanxi and Inner Mongolia to join the team, and later went to Yunnan to work as a forestry worker. He returned to Beijing in 1979 and worked in the editorial department of World Book. In 1984, he published his debut novella "The King of Chess", which won the National Outstanding Novella Award from 1983 to 1984 and the Excellent Novella Award of 1984 in the Selected Novellas. Ah Cheng began to participate in film creation in 1986, and co-adapted the film "Furong Town" with Xie Jin. Screenwriter "Child King", "Chess King" and so on. He currently resides in the United States.

Art and hypnosis

A city

(with limitations)


"Past life fever" is "princess dream"

Read the || Acheng: Art and Hypnosis

Stills from "Four Hundred Years of Thrillers"

I don't know if animals are, but humans are easily hypnotized.

In the first two or three years, Taiwan experienced a "past life" fever. The cause was an American, Weiss, MD, yale university and director of the Department of Psychiatry at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami, who wrote a book claiming that through his hypnosis, the hypnotized person could actually see who he or she had been in his past life. A Taiwanese publishing house translated Weiss's book into Chinese's Past and Present Lives, causing a sensation, selling more than 400,000 copies in two years, while the original version of "Past And Present Lives" sold 400,000 copies in the United States in six years.

When I turned on the TV in Taipei, I was just going to see the "Past And Present Hypnosis Show" in Taipei. "Show" is show, the meaning of the show. Many of the hypnotized people are all kinds of stars. The scene was warm.

Strictly speaking, this is the kind of problem that is neither easy to prove true nor easy to prove false. There have always been many sensational cases of "past lives" around the world.

For example, the search for bridey merphy, a bestseller that swept the United States in 1956, can still be found in a used bookstore, saying that the hypnotist Bernstein deeply hypnotized Ruth Simmons, and the housewife told her past life in Irish-accented English: born in Cocktown, Ireland on December 20, 1798, under the name Bled Imme. Simmons's past lives are very detailed, and the time of death in the past life is also very specific, at the age of sixty-six.

The matter became more and more sensational, and there were many doubters, and the Denver Post's opponent, the Chicago American, was a skeptic, so it also launched an investigation. However, the Chicago Americans took the initiative to find "Ruth Simmons", and the result of the investigation was that Ruth lived in Chicago, and there was an aunt who immigrated from Ireland, who loved to nag about various things in Ireland; there was also an Irish woman living opposite Ruth's family, whose surname was Mo Fei before marriage, and the conclusion was inevitably that Ruth's past life told under deep hypnosis was a recomposition of what she heard every day. In Search of Brad Ilfrey immediately dropped from the best-seller list.

Wilson (l. Wilson) Wilson) gives an example in Mind Out of Time, saying that after being hypnotized, Miss C recalled that she had been a good friend of Maud, the Countess of Richard II, and after investigation, Miss C's description of the details of the time was quite accurate, but Miss C stated that she had never read the relevant books, but miss C later leaked a name "e · holt", and under investigation, there was originally Emily (emily). Holt) wrote a copy of The Countess of Maud, and Miss C's description is exactly the same as the book's.

I don't think Miss C is lying, she just recalls the forgotten reading hypnotic again. So when I hear the stars in the "Taipei Hypnosis Show" narrating their "past lives" in hypnosis, almost all of them are foreign princesses and noblewomen, I guess their most moving daily reading is probably "Prince Charming", which is also a box office supporter of "pure love films" in ancient Western times.


Hypnosis, awakening memories? Distorted memory?

Read the || Acheng: Art and Hypnosis

After being hypnotized, people's memory is enhanced.

Dr. F. L. Marcuse in the United States wrote hypnosis: facts & fictions, which gave an example of a prisoner who needed to find his mother because of his inheritance, but he left his hometown at an early age, and as a result, he could not remember where his hometown was, and he forgot even in which state.

The doctor in the prison then hypnotized him and let him return to the state of his childhood, but he still couldn't remember, but the prisoner remembered that when he was a child, he took the train, and the doctor told him to recall the sound of the station on the announcer station, so under the inducement of hypnosis, the pronunciation of the name of the station came to mind, but unfortunately there were six stations with this name in the United States. Unexpectedly, the prisoner remembered the surname of a family in his hometown town, and the result was a name and surname, so that he finally found his mother.

Read the || Acheng: Art and Hypnosis

Stills from "Rouge Buckle"

Hypnosis can help adults recall the names of their kindergarten teachers and children, of course, you guessed it, hypnosis can also induce victims or witnesses to recall many details of the scene and help the police solve the case.

In early 1994, there was a case in California, where a woman named Holly sought medical treatment for anorexia, and the doctor Isabella told Holly that 80 percent of anorexia was due to sexual assault as a child. As a result, Holly later remembered that when she was five to eight years old, she was harassed and raped by her father, Gurley, more than a dozen times. Isabella, assisted by Dr. Ross, hypnotizes Holly with hypnotic pills, and Holly recalls more details of being raped by her father.

The day after hypnosis, Holly began to accuse her father in person, and the next day, Holly's mother asked for a divorce. Things got into trouble, and the distillery where Gully worked fired Gully.

Feeling confused, Gray sued is sued is accused Isabella and Rose of hypnotizing his daughter and injecting incest into her head, the court held a hearing, Harvard University's anorexia expert said that the sexual disturbance in childhood had nothing to do with the development of anorexia, and the university of Pennsylvania's psychology professor believed that hypnosis did not have the function of determining the truth, but the patient would become sensitive. As a result, the court awarded the two doctors "no malice, but negligent" and compensated Mr. Gray for $500,000.

Because there are about three hundred such lawsuits in the United States every year, a group of people who have been wronged have formed a foundation to help doctors accuse of "indiscriminate implantation of memory."

Therefore, although hypnosis will enhance people's memory, people will also produce fiction and distortion in the hypnotic state of suggestion, and extremely embarrassing results will occur. France is an early country engaged in hypnosis research, so french courts do not allow hypnosis data as evidence, and most courts in the United States also stipulate this.


Authority is also a kind of hypnosis,

It is more convincing than science

Read the || Acheng: Art and Hypnosis

Stills from "Ghost Cadre"

Modern "psychoimmunology" is beginning to look at how a person's mental state affects their nervous system and immune system. In fact, in ancient Greece, there were priests who implied that the patient "will see God in his dreams, and God will instruct", while China's "Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic" is much more real and does not involve God.

Lu Xun ridiculed the medicinal primers in the Chinese medicine formula, and sarcastically said that crickets should also be originally matched. Chinese herbalists also have a lot of folk remedies, such as my father has hepatitis, there is a folk remedy that says to find a pumpkin leaf, on which there must be seven house finches, that is, sparrow's, just eat it. Oh my God, where can I find it? Summer to take in a small male cockroach, and then leave a child bride, autumn must be the original match, but a leaf just fell on seven sparrow, this sparrow has not become the Jordan in the NBA?

Another medicine for hepatitis was to swallow a live toad, and my father thought about it for a long time and said he couldn't swallow it. However, if you go to find such a pumpkin leaf, because it is difficult to find, the mood must be "sincere", and the result of hypnosis will be able to mobilize your physiological functions; if you really swallow a live toad, the effect of self-hypnosis is really to the limit, "cure all diseases", how to only inflame a liver.

When I was a zhiqing, there was a shortage of doctors and medicines in the countryside. There was a Zhiqingtian toothache from Shanghai, and I heard that there was a witch doctor in a village on the mountain who would treat toothache, and on the day of the day, a group of us went up, walked for a few hours, sweated profusely, and arrived. The witch doctor also has the appearance of a witch doctor, saying that it is good to take cow shit, paste it, dry it in the sun, and pull out the worms in the teeth. Of course, the scene was unbearable, but every day the toothache was even worse, so the face was covered with cow, exposed to the sun. Cow is actually not dirty, because the digestion and absorption capacity of cattle is too strong, and it is regurgitated and chewed slowly, otherwise how can it eat grass and squeeze out milk? How can they go out of their way to pull a cart for people to suffer? Cow dung is a treasure in Mongolia, and it depends on it to cook rice, and the fire is strong, and there is only a little ash burned out, which is fully burned and clean.

Well, finally the hour has come, the witch doctor will peel off the dried cow, the young man from Shanghai has a sweaty face, but his teeth do not hurt. The witch doctor pointed to the cow and said, you see, the worm is out. We looked over and sure enough, there were little bugs. How can there be no worms in the? Can you still call?

Don't debunk it all. You say that all this is false, that the worm tooth is not really a worm, and that the toothache every day is because of caries or periodontitis. Well, you're right, science, but do you have a way to alleviate his suffering in such a poor ravine that lacks medical care? If not, don't destroy hypnosis. As long as there is no medicine in the ravine for a day, no medicine, hypnosis is the most effective, and the witch doctor will live long live. Back in town, there are doctors and medicines, and it is not your turn to talk about science, and the dentists are more authoritative than you.

Read the || Acheng: Art and Hypnosis

"Medicine" poster

Gods, ghosts, and monsters cannot prove whether they are real or not. Medieval theology wanted to prove the reality of God by doing a favor and destroying God, but it was this empirical evidence that gave rise to the scientific spirit of the Renaissance. Religion is a spiritual activity of human beings, not empirical evidence. Many famous scientists will go to worship on weekends, and many clergy have also published scientific papers in scientific and technological journals, religion belongs to religion, and science belongs to science. The "faith" caused by science and the "faith" of religion are not the same "faith."

Authority comes with a hypnotic function. After the old Chinese medicine has taken the pulse, he knows in his heart, often prescribes some innocuous medicines such as licorice to those who have no disease, and carefully instructs him to go back to how to fry, fry what to fry first, fry what after frying, fry several times, when to take, "eat it just fine." It was good to eat it. Western medicine will also seriously prescribe some "placebos" in the same way, and it is really good to eat it. If I come and do what I do, and eat it for free, because I am not qualified as a doctor, god forbid, I have not even done a barefoot doctor. Elementary school students believe in teachers but do not believe in parents, often parents are more exposed than teachers, and authority collapses first.

When Simonton, who invented the "image gaze method", treated cancer patients, in addition to regular pharmacotherapy, he also asked patients to imagine that millions of rays of light were killing cancer cells. The report said that with this method, the number of months of cancer patients surviving doubled, and a small number of patients had tumor remission. Don't we also go through some kind of "chicken blood therapy", "hand-off therapy", "drinking water therapy"? My mother once opened the operation, just in time for the prevalence of "acupuncture anesthesia", was persuaded, went to the operating table, a knife down, "what numbness, pain!" However, with foreign guests visiting, how can we, a party member, tell the truth? "Guan Yunchang scraped the bone to cure the poison and pulled a person to play chess to divert the pain point's attention."

Hypnosis can be used to reduce subjective pain. Both dentistry and childbirth have psychologically expected "pain", and after the doctor takes hypnosis to suppress the subjective "pain", the real pain will be dull. I remember that Tang Muli painted an oil painting praising acupuncture anesthesia, and it seemed that there was a nurse reading Chairman Mao's quotations, which should be an official record of specific hypnotic methods in the history of Chinese painting, which is of great historical significance.


Everything that is popular has a hypnotic component

Read the || Acheng: Art and Hypnosis

Stills from Master hypnosis

When doing zhiqing, when encountering vigorous hard work and tiring work, the so-called "general battle" is as usual to be hypnotized by collective recitation, such as "one is not afraid of suffering, the other is not afraid of death", and "make up your mind, not afraid of sacrifice" and so on. To tell the truth, suffering and death, fear and fear are the same, the work will eventually be done, there is no escape. I think that one of the great driving forces of human progress is the fear of suffering, so I try to do a little trick to alleviate labor, the invention of the wheel, the use of leverage, it seems that all of them are the results of fear of suffering. The first reason I use a computer to write is that I can avoid the pain of copying.

Everything that is popular has a hypnotic component. Women often can't recognize their own conditions and wear it indiscriminately, which is the success of fashion promotion and the success of self-hypnosis.

Hypnosis is a great human ability, it is a mental activity caused by suggestion, and the resulting energy is amazing. Art, on the other hand, essentially has something in common with hypnosis.

I published a book A few years ago, Gossip, so I might as well copy myself:

In my opinion, art originated in the matriarchal era of witchcraft, and the principle was roughly established at that time. Writing was invented in patrilineal times to record the inheritance of matrilineal creation, or to tamper with this inheritance.

Why does witchcraft happen? For witches are full-time communicators with man and God, and their hearts must be sincere. To express this state of sincerity, there must be means, so art comes, chanting, song, dance, rhyme combination arrangement, color, graphic.

Wu is specialized in this, comparable to our current professional artists. As soon as something comes to a professional level, the tricks come.

Witches want to be inspired. For example, the great plague, the drought for a long time, the enemy attacks, the witch is the leader of a clan, thousands of eyes waiting for him, the agitation of the mental brain, long thoughts, suddenly obtained, the poet now should have the same feeling, the so-called creative anxiety or sincerity. If there is a season, a great harvest, a childbirth, and so on, we must also sincerely pray for thanks.

So many project needs, it is really necessary to be professional to cope with.

Therefore, in the era of witchcraft, art should initially be a tool, but after becoming a tool, the witch relies on it to hypnotize himself into a state, continue to produce art, and then hypnotize others, and everyone enters a hypnotic state together. This state should be ancient sincerity.


It should be said that to this day art is still in the form of a witch.

You may wish to observe your friends who are engaged in art, and then listen to their true or false "creation talk", which are all the relics of Wu Feng. Of course, there is also the sophistication of using wine to cover your face and borrow wine, because "art" can also be an excuse.

Art is first and foremost self-hypnotizing, and the resulting works are then hypnotized by the reader. You might as well pick up a novel at hand, start reading, and monitor your reading. If you have a hard time monitoring your reading, you probably realize what hypnosis is.

If you see a commenter say, "I was moved to tears," then you should be wary of whether the comment text after that is still speaking in the dream.

Some texts you find difficult to read suggest, suggesting that the author's suggestive system doesn't fit into your existing suggestive system.

Avant-garde, or avant-garde art, is to break the existing system of reading hypnosis. Before everyone was familiar with the "separation", such as a play, everyone was very touched to see, and as a result, a character who ran out of the scenery, talked nonsense, and let the audience wake up from the hypnotic state. Taiwan's "Performance Workshop" has a stage play called "Crush on Peach Blossom Garden", which uses the two plays in the play to constantly separate from each other, so that the audience can enjoy the play. Unfortunately, when "Crush on Peach Blossom Garden" was later made into a movie, it was forgotten that the movie was also a hypnotic system, and as a result, a good scene of separation was wrapped up like a quilt by the movie and could not be broken, and it was ruined. Although avant-garde art broke the previous hypnosis system, it will inevitably form a new hypnotic system, such as the familiar "stream of consciousness", so there are new pioneers to break the hypnotic system formed by the old pioneers, but it seems that no one has yet come to separate the "stream of consciousness".

However, it is difficult to form accumulation by "new" to eliminate "old". The result of blind elimination will be that only one "new" is left, which is too boring. Accumulation is coexistence, each taking a hypnotic system, as if shopping, which is interesting.


Cinema is the most hypnotic art,

Actors are the most skilled creators of multiple personalities

Read the || Acheng: Art and Hypnosis

Music is a strong hypnotic, but only the oldest means of hypnosis. Confucius attached equal importance to "ritual" and "pleasure", which we can still experience in many ritual activities. Confucius also said that after listening to "Shao Le", he actually "did not know the taste of meat in March", which is a typical hypnotic phenomenon, and closed some consciousness channels.

Proust of France wrote a "Remembrance of The Age of Water", which uses taste to evoke the process of recalling the past, which is a wonderful narrative that enters self-hypnosis with "suggestion".

Cinema is the most hypnotic art, it combines all the artistic means that human beings have painstakingly accumulated, and shows them in a dark room, and the cinema is born to imitate the hypnotist's treatment room. As soon as the lights come on, the movie ends, pay attention to the faces of the people around you, often with the typical hypnotic numbness and fatigue. There are also excitement, and immediately someone sings the theme song of the movie on the street, imitating a large section of dialogue, and the memory caused by hypnosis is really amazing. Of course, there are also people who go back wrapped in a quilt and have a crush.

The TV is better, it's in the open, and the surroundings are enough to disturb you into deep hypnosis. But people's self-hypnotic ability is too strong, do not look anywhere, look at the screen, children also have to stand very close to see, by the parents reprimanded.

Self-hypnosis can also cause multiple personalities. This is the case when writers create multi-character novels, and critics like to judge whether the personalities of those characters are complete, or which character's personality is the author's personality, or what the author's personality is. Sensitive readers often make such judgments. I guess that when the writers who often engage in books sign and sell books on the spot, the readers who rush to them must have a part of the mood of identifying "fake and shoddy". I also asked booksellers to do these kinds of activities two or three times in the past few years, and the result was that readers were disappointed, and it seemed that I was really "fake and shoddy".

A friend who was about to receive the award asked me, "How can I avoid hypocrisy and vanity when receiving the prize"? This problem is comparable to Kundera's "kitsch", how you do it is "kitsch", even if you don't do it, it is "kitsch". I say, observe, observe the audience, observe the presenter, observe the emcee, observe the environment, and observe yourself. This is actually a way to create a dual personality, leaving the calm one to "yourself", and if there is a fire at the awards site, you will be the first to find out.

Mature actors are the most skilled creators of multiple personalities, of course, some people will also go crazy to play the heavy person, lose the monitoring personality, get back to God, do not think about eating, the so-called deep self-hypnosis. In hypnosis cases, some hypnotized people do not lose all of their "self-awareness", they often have a consciousness channel that is awake and watches themselves in a hurry. Old Tolstoy once said that he did not arrange for Anna to commit suicide, but Anna "herself" finally committed suicide, and he could not do anything with her.

I really want to say that aesthetics may be so simple as to be just a system of hypnotic suggestion.

The U.S. Department of Mental Health studied "multiple personalities" in the 1980s and found that their brain waves did not change with personality transitions. Witch gods often do "soul possession" things, saying that they are doing multiple personality transformations, and when you prove that it is true, you must first check whether you yourself are hypnotized and self-hypnotized.

Zhao Shuli wrote in "Little Erhei Marriage" that XiaoQin's mother was a witch, and while séanced, she was still worried about the "rotten rice" in the pot, and a god I saw in the countryside of Western Hubei in the seventies was much more dedicated, and after the soul was repeatedly unincorporated, he quietly chewed some hemp leaves. He was probably tired, at that time, he studied dazhai every day, there was no agricultural leisure, and it was illegal to séance spirits.

In terms of art as a kind of hypnosis, if I am a writer, I think the main thing is not whether what you write is real, but what you want to write, or how you want to write; if I am a painter, the main thing is not whether what you draw is real, but what you want to draw, or how you want to draw; if I am a musician, the main thing is not what the sound you make looks like, but what kind of sound you want to produce, or how you want to combine sounds... I can keep it until you bother me.

Before you bother me, put the pen away. However, you should be aware of a logical quirk: Am I writing these words also hypnotic?

December 1996, Shanghai Qingpu

【Content from】

Read the || Acheng: Art and Hypnosis

Title: Common Sense and General Knowledge

Author: Acheng

Publisher: Writers Press

Year of publication: 1999

This article is transferred from: Phoenix Network Culture