The film Dune is based on Frank Herbert's novel of the same name. The series consists of six novels: Dune, Dune 2: The Savior of Dune, Dune 3: The Savior of Dune, Dune 4: Dune God Emperor, Dune 5: Dune Heresy, and Dune 6: Temple Dune. The novel has a complex setting and a strong literary atmosphere, and is known as the most difficult novel in the history of film to adapt. As the first part of the entire series, "Dune" released this year needs to convey Dune's worldview to the audience, and the amount of information it contains must be huge. As an audience who has not been exposed to the novel, it is still difficult to understand "Dune" in this way. So, in order to help you understand the whole story, today we will take stock of the term "dune science" in "Dune". (The following explanations are from movies and books)
The main poster for the movie Dune
Arrakis, Aracis/Erracos: The Dune Star, originally the territory of the Furmans, but ruled by the Empire.
Fremen, The Furmans: Natives of Erracos, their eyes were blue due to their long exposure to spices.
The Furmans have blue eyes
Ibad, Ibad: A large number of practical spice essences produced by enamels, dark blue eyes.
Spice, Spice: A unique crop of Erracos, it is very expensive in the Imperial Market. The Fermans often used it as a hallucinogen, which was also good for health; in the Empire, spices were used by the astronautics as a way to find safe paths between the stars and were a necessity for spaceflight.
Harvester, spice collector: used to mine pure spices, with crawlers on the desert, also known as Sandcrawer, sand reptiles.
Harkonnens, Hakonin/Hakman: Former ruler of Erracos, ruled for 80 years. Benefiting greatly from controlling the production of spices, he was richer than the emperor and inherited the baronship.
Caladan Homeworld, Karadan Homestead: Where the 26th generation of the Ertridi family lived.
Atreides, House of Erreides: The new ruler of Erracus, a cousin of the Hucksman family, inherited the dukedom.
Voice, Voice: Beni Geiserit's skill, which can control enemies through tone of voice.
Bene Gesserit, Beni Geseret: An ancient institution that trains female students mentally and physically.
Shai-Hulud, Shahuru: The sandworms of Erlakos, up to four hundred meters long, are attracted to rhythmic sounds. When the word is pronounced in a special tone, it refers to the land god that the Freymans believed in.
Shah Hulu
Solari, Cosmic Cord/Daylight: The Official Currency of the Empire.
Spacing Guild, Aerospace Guild: Imperial Royalty, Lanzlard Federal Family, Aerospace Guild three-legged.
Shield, Shield: Generated by the generator, only objects are allowed to enter at a slow speed.
Giedi Prime, Jady/Gidy Main Star: The home planet of the Huckle Man.
Truthsayer, The True Speaker: A Virgin Mary with special powers, who can enter the spirit of truth and test whether the person in front of her is lying
a true speaker
Gom Jabbar, Gorm Thorn: A poisonous needle used to test the will of man.
Wisatz Haderach, Quetzhardhaek: A male Beni Jesserrit, a character whose spirit is strong enough to break through limits and allow the spirit and body to travel through time and space.
Shaddam IV of the House Corrino, Emperor Padesha of the Corrino family, Shadam IV.
Lisan al-Gaib, Lisan Algaeb: The Flemish legendary prophet from the outside world, the name given to the "Messiah".
Shield Wall, Shield field wall: A mountain range north of Erracos that protects the city from weather and worms.
Crysknife, Crystal Dagger/Crystal Knife: Sacred knife of the Fraxos Freymans, made from the teeth of dead sandworms.
Maker, Creator.
Hunter-Seeker, Hunter Dart: A metal dart that is controlled by a killer nearby and is often used for assassination.
Silence, soundproof area.
Sardaukar, Sardauka/Sadoka: Emperor Padesha's personal soldier, able to fight one against ten.
Judge of the Change, Change Adjudicator: Oversees the administrative turnover of a fief.
Paracompass, positioning compass: Azimuth can be determined in an unstable magnetic field.
Stillsuit, Distillation Suit: A fully enclosed set made by the Freimans. Heat dissipation, filtering body excrement, recycling water, and drinking directly through water pipes.
Distillation service design
Spotter Control, Observation Console: The reconnaissance plane of the spice mining team to observe the movement of sandworms.
Carryall, a vehicle: A flying vehicle used to transport large spice mining equipment.
Fremkit, Freeman Toolkit: Desert Survival Suit.
Stilltent, Distillation Tent: Water can be recovered from the user's breath for drinking.
Salusa Secundus, Sarusa Secondas: Originally the home star of the Corino family.
Thumper, Sand Hammer: A short wooden stake with a drumstick driven by a clockwork that constantly knocks on the sand to summon Shahulu.
Mahdi, Moody: The legendary savior of the Freymans.
Coriolis Storm, Storm Coriolis: A rare sandstorm on Erlakos that is so lethal.
Drum Sand: A high-density situation of sand that sounds like drumming when pedaling.
Maula Pistol, Mullah Gun: A spring gun that fires poison darts with a range of 40 meters.
Sayyadina, Sayadia: Female sacrifice in the Freiman class.
In fact, the science fiction world is just a derivation of reality to fantasy, although there are many new words, but the struggle for power in the world, the complexity of people's hearts is still exactly the same.
What will happen to paul and the Ertridy family?
Will the Huck family give up their spice resources and go home?
Can the Furmans reclaim their former homeland?
Let's go to Dune to find out.