
Is it a bad omen to encounter a snake blocking the way? Why would a snake stand in the way? In fact, the snake is also unwilling, seeing the temperature of the snake that lets it walk the snake's reproductive way Why does the snake like to lie on the road?

author:Bee tribe

For our rural areas, due to the low level of education of rural people in the past, many phenomena cannot be explained, so for things that cannot be explained, they always use some god-nagging language to explain, in fact, there are so many mysterious events, but we can't explain it, today we will talk about even the rural people are more afraid of the guy, that is, the snake.

Is it a bad omen to encounter a snake blocking the way? Why would a snake stand in the way? In fact, the snake is also unwilling, seeing the temperature of the snake that lets it walk the snake's reproductive way Why does the snake like to lie on the road?

Snakes have a variety of meanings in the countryside, some say good, some say bad, in short, there are different customs everywhere, and the way of taboo is different. For example, in our local area, if the family just has a relative died, the family came to the snake after the relatives went up the mountain, the general host family will be well protected, even if afraid, will also ask people who understand snakes to catch away, or drive away, and even some directly let the snake go by themselves, mainly rural people think that the snake is changed after the death of relatives, is to come back to see relatives, after reading it will leave, some families will burn some incense paper and other sacrifices.

If it is not that there are relatives in the family who have just died, the general snake to the home is regarded as a bad phenomenon, superstitious people will also invite Taoist priests to do things, and another situation is to encounter snakes outside, especially in the case of snakes lying on the road outside, even if some people have a plan to go out, as long as they see this phenomenon, they will change the time or not go, they think that this is a reminder of the snake to the omen, commonly known as: "snake blocking the way."

Is it a bad omen to encounter a snake blocking the way? Why would a snake stand in the way? In fact, the snake is also unwilling, seeing the temperature of the snake that lets it walk the snake's reproductive way Why does the snake like to lie on the road?

Now that it is 2021, we naturally don't believe in superstitions, but there are indeed many people in the countryside who see snakes when they go out. I'm going to share it with you today.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > snake temperature</h1>

First, let's talk about the snake. Many of our friends may not know the body temperature of snakes, but we should have heard that snakes are cold-blooded animals, in fact, snakes are warm animals, which do not have a fixed temperature, the temperature will change with the temperature of the surrounding environment, and the temperature is too low to enter hibernation.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="18" > the reproductive mode of the snake</h1>

In all the ways of reproduction, many friends may be most familiar with the oviparous or viviparous, indeed in our lives are more common in these two ways of reproduction, in addition to these two ways of reproduction, it seems that we can not find a third way of reproduction, but in biology, there is indeed a third way of reproduction, and some snakes have such a way of reproduction, that is, the way of reproduction of oviparous birth.

Is it a bad omen to encounter a snake blocking the way? Why would a snake stand in the way? In fact, the snake is also unwilling, seeing the temperature of the snake that lets it walk the snake's reproductive way Why does the snake like to lie on the road?

What is the oviparous mode of reproduction? In fact, this mode of reproduction can be said to be a kind of compensation for oviparous birth, but it is not as advanced as viviparous, if you look at this problem from the perspective of biological evolution, Xiaobian guesses that this is equivalent to an excessive stage of oviparous and viviparous, which is related to the living environment of animals.

We all know that there are many types of snakes, different snakes have different tolerances for temperature and light, and some snakes are accustomed to surviving in the water, and some are accustomed to surviving in the tropics, which leads to different environments for snakes to live, and the difficulty of wanting to feed offspring is different.

Let's not talk about the snake's egg birth problem, if a snake is a water snake, or the snake is living in a place with a lower temperature, the snake as long as the egg is laid in the water or the ambient temperature is low, it is difficult to hatch, so the best way is to put the egg in their own stomach, use their own temperature to hatch the snake egg, so that the snake egg hatches, directly become a small snake to produce, so that many problems are avoided, but this mode of reproduction is not completely did not form an egg, but let the egg hatch in the stomach, Therefore, this mode of reproduction is not called viviparous, nor is it called oviparous, but oviparous.

Is it a bad omen to encounter a snake blocking the way? Why would a snake stand in the way? In fact, the snake is also unwilling, seeing the temperature of the snake that lets it walk the snake's reproductive way Why does the snake like to lie on the road?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="19" >Why snakes like to lie on the road? </h1>

After figuring out how snakes reproduce, let's take a look at why snakes like to lie on the road, and there are only a few reasons.

(1) Let the eggs accelerate hatching: as mentioned above, snakes are warm animals, if it is in the tropics, snakes can use the natural temperature to hatch snake eggs, but if it is in relatively cold or water, the snake can only rely on body temperature to hatch snake eggs, then the snake wants to increase its temperature, you have to let the outside temperature be higher, so when the sun comes out, we are more likely to see the snake put half of the body in the grass, half of the body outside the grass, in fact, this is very incomplete, but there is no way, this is conducive to the reproduction of the snake.

(2) The temperature of the grass is too low: It is already difficult for us to see snakes these days, why? The main thing is that the current highway is too developed, the snake's vision has a great problem, but the snake's hearing is very good, its body can feel a very small vibration, and now the road is a car, the snake is more sensitive to the road, unless mistakenly entered, otherwise it will not go up.

Is it a bad omen to encounter a snake blocking the way? Why would a snake stand in the way? In fact, the snake is also unwilling, seeing the temperature of the snake that lets it walk the snake's reproductive way Why does the snake like to lie on the road?

In the past, there were not so many roads, all of them were small roads, and the grass was still particularly deep, if it was early spring or late autumn, the temperature was not very high, in fact, it was more unsuitable for the activities of snakes, but it was not yet able to reach the conditions of hibernation, so these snakes would bask in exposed places, just to bask in the sun, and the rural past trails were the easiest places for snakes to find without shelter, so snakes developed the habit of basking in such a place, how do you think about it?

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