
Reform in the field of national defense mobilization, if there is really a call to war this time, it will be returned

author:The Three Musketeers

Swordsman Jun Three Musketeers

Reform in the field of national defense mobilization, if there is really a call to war this time, it will be returned

Three Musketeers Caption/Datang

Before writing the article, there were several keywords in the swordsman's mind - people's war, rapid mobilization, if there is a war, summoning back... Why are these few, listen to the swordsmen one by one.

Yesterday there was a heavy news, like a depth charge.

Possibly, people's reactions are like splashes above the surface of the water, not so obvious, but the deep water has exploded and spread widely.

Therefore, it is the responsibility of the swordsman to reveal the true face of Lushan. This is an important decision adopted by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress --

"During the period of deepening the reform of the national defense mobilization system, temporarily adjust and apply the provisions of the "National Defense Mobilization Law of the People's Republic of China," the "People's Republic of China Civil Air Defense Law," the "National Defense Transportation Law of the People's Republic of China," and the "National Defense Education Law of the People's Republic of China" on national defense mobilization, as well as the leadership and management system for people's armed mobilization, economic mobilization, civil air defense, transportation combat readiness, and national defense education, the allocation of military and civilian functions, the establishment of working organs, and the command and use of national defense mobilization resources."

The literal meaning of this passage is not difficult to understand, which means that some of the contents of the regulations on national defense mobilization have been discontinued, opening the door to reform. But what is the meaning behind it?

In fact, this is an official announcement of the ongoing reform of the national defense mobilization system.

The prelude to the reform of the national defense mobilization system has been played, and a series of major actions are coming.

Reform in the field of national defense mobilization, if there is really a call to war this time, it will be returned

What is national defense mobilization? According to the standard definition, national defense mobilization generally refers to war mobilization, which is an emergency measure taken by the state to change from a state of peacetime to a state of wartime, and uniformly mobilizes human, material, and financial resources to serve the war. Specific contents include the mobilization of armed forces, national economy, civil air defense and political mobilization.

It can be seen that national defense mobilization is born out of war and is prepared for war, involving all aspects. This is the direction of reform from the perspective of the overall situation of the whole country, including the reform direction of the militia, the provincial military district system, the military-local integration department, and so on, which can be summed up in two points: First, it comes down to Chairman Mao's magic weapon for winning wars -- people's war; second, it is an important way to improve the ability to prepare for war and transform the broadest national defense potential into national defense strength.

Remember that 5 years ago, at the beginning of the new year in 2016, along with the great clarion call of reforming and strengthening the army, the National Defense Mobilization Department of the Central Military Commission was formally established: the National Defense Mobilization Department of the Central Military Commission was established to perform the functions of organizing and guiding national defense mobilization and reserve force building, and leading the management of the provincial military district.

Immediately after that, a series of institutional guarantees and organizational guarantees were perfected: The system of policies and regulations was gradually perfected, the provisions on military service law, the civil air defense law, and the militia combat readiness work were revised with great speed; the organizational leadership system was gradually straightened out, and the overall transformation from division to unification, from scattered to gathering, and from integration to integration was realized; and the leadership and command system of connecting the upper and lower levels, linking peacetime and wartime operations, interconnecting the military and the localities, and dividing labor and cooperation was further improved.

With regard to the reform of the militia and the reserve forces in particular, drastic measures have been made.

First, with regard to the militia: The scale of the national backbone militia has been reduced, the structural layout has tended to be rational, the key points of construction have become more prominent, and the safeguard measures have been continuously improved.

Second, with regard to reserve service: Since July 1, 2020, the reserve force has been fully integrated into the military leadership and command system, and has been adjusted from the current dual leadership of the military and the local government to the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission.

Reform in the field of national defense mobilization, if there is really a call to war this time, it will be returned

Reserve forces, whose essential attribute is "troops", belong to the "army". The readjustment from dual leadership of the military and the localities in the past to the centralized and unified leadership of the party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission is a major measure and a pragmatic embodiment of upholding the party's absolute leadership over the people's army.

Simply put, the command chain is smoother.

"The army is first and foremost a combat team, and it exists to fight wars." "The army does not seek to fight a war, cannot fight a war, so what do you want the army to do?!" The question of victory, the deafening!

The reform of national defense mobilization is to achieve: under one order, the movement is like the wind!

The military and the people are united as one, and we must see who can be the enemy of the world. The deepest root cause of the greatness of war lies among the people, and the masses of the people have always been the unbreakable and strong backing of our army.

Before the revolutionary war years rushed to send their sons and daughters to join the army, the people in the old areas used unicycles to launch victories in the war of liberation; during the period of peaceful construction, they enthusiastically carried out science and technology to support the army, and the masses from all walks of life supported the troops to improve their ability to win wars; in the future battlefield, no matter how the form of war changes, the people will still be the backers, and the strategic thinking of the people's war will never become obsolete!

In fact, it should be noted that from the joint combat command center of the Central Military Commission to the theater command organization, from the "Chinese military tents" of various exercise sites to the "nerve centers" for handling various emergencies, "national defense mobilization" has been organically integrated with other operational elements.

From large to small, from unit to individual, involving specific people. For example, veterans.

Reform in the field of national defense mobilization, if there is really a call to war this time, it will be returned

The "Military Service Law" clearly stipulates that when a soldier retires from active service and meets the requirements for reserve service, the army shall determine the service of the soldier in reserve; In addition, demobilized military officers usually have a reserve service registration certificate issued by the People's Armed Forces Department at or above the county level before they can report before they can report. There is also a group: conscripted citizens who have been registered for military service, and those who have not been recruited for active service, are registered as soldiers in reserve service.

That is to say, these are comrades-in-arms who are ready to join the combat team at any time.

This is the real battle, the call will be returned!

More than 30 years ago, the southern border of the motherland was in a hurry, and the Chinese army quickly assembled in the south at the behest of the order. As a result of the reforms implemented in the early armed forces, a large number of active-duty soldiers took off their uniforms, and there was a serious shortage of military personnel for a while. After careful study, the army issued a conscription order to some retired veterans.

Reform in the field of national defense mobilization, if there is really a call to war this time, it will be returned
Reform in the field of national defense mobilization, if there is really a call to war this time, it will be returned

At that time, these retired veterans had been distributed throughout the country, away from the smoke of gunfire, working and living in different positions in society.

However, what no one expected was that all the veterans who had been recalled at that time had all returned to the team, and no one was absent! After returning to the team, they quickly threw themselves into the battlefield to fight, and interpreted what is called "if there is a war, it will be called back" with real actions!

Now, the baton of history has reached the hands of our generation, and the change in national defense mobilization is coming, whether you wear a military uniform or not at this moment, it is all related to you.

Are you ready?