
Talk about wolf nature and wolf ferocity

author:Author of fishing and hunting culture Chen Peifu
Talk about wolf nature and wolf ferocity

From the network

I posted an article about the legendary wolf, and the response was mixed, and many readers thought that the wolf was man-eating and fierce. Yes, wolves are wolves that must have cannibals, very few.

In everyone's impression, the wolf is of course ferocious, cannibalism, revenge, revenge, into the village in the daytime to take away children, at night into the sheep pen to eat sheep to bite the sheep to death, the pig from the pigsty to the mountain to eat, bite the cow, horse, donkey, etc., can be said to be indispensable, there is no way to eat, and even the wolf to the point of not being afraid of guns, in the eyes of people, the wolf can be described as a representative of ferocity.

First of all, let's talk about wolf nature, wolf ferocity is inherent, it is determined by the genes of wolves, wolves eat people, eat cows, horses, donkeys, pigs and sheep, chickens, ducks and geese, etc., which also occur from time to time.

Talking about dog nature, dogs are naturally kind and are the most loyal friends of human beings, do not doubt it.

However, dogs have been biting people since ancient times, and there are still many stories of dogs biting and biting people. A few years ago, a Tibetan mastiff in Harbin city bit its owner to death. You say dogs are kind or murderous. (You can search baidu to find out how many cases of dog bites and bites people every year) So how to determine whether dogs are kind or cruel? If an author writes a story about the incomparable cruelty of dogs, it will be refuted by most readers.

Human nature, the beginning of man, the nature of goodness, this is known to everyone. People are born to be good, but there are also many thugs, killing people and setting fires, doing no evil.

Like The Japanese imperialists of the last century, invading China, maiming the Chinese people, slaughtering villages, slaughtering cities, the Nanjing Massacre, killing Chinese in a variety of ways, burning and committing adultery, and committing all kinds of evil, do you say that Japanese devils have humanity? Japanese devils are more ferocious than wolves.

Everything should be divided into two, and although the wolf is fierce, it also has its good side.

Most of the life in the world is the weak and the strong, in order to survive, in order to pass on the generations.

The ferocity of the wolf depends on its food chain and people's attitude towards it, etc., and people must cure it to death, it must take revenge. Assuming that the wolf has enough food chain, it will not easily attack people.

The winter of the Northern Wilderness, long and cold, many animals are dormant, and deeply buried under the ice, under the snow, for wolves, the food chain has become very narrow, in order to survive, can only gather to hunt.

The success rate of collective hunting of wolves is not high, and in the case of not catching prey, pigs and sheep raised by humans are selected as food, and only humans are eaten in extreme cases.

The wolf is very intelligent, it knows that humans have fire, guns, and various tools, and their intelligence is far above that of wolves, so wolves dare not easily oppose humans. But some wolves still do not play cards according to common sense, attack pigs and sheep, and even eat people, and some wolves even eat their own companions, so some wolves are really cruel.

On the other hand, human beings are relatively civilized, but there have been many people who eat people in history. Goodness or civilization, it is based on people having a good life, without a good life, people will starve to death, and talk about civilization and goodness. How many lives have been killed in every uprising, suppression, and change of dynasty in history, to put it bluntly, it is the law of the jungle.

Character, what do you think of the question of ferocity.

The author, Chen Peifu, a native of Qingzhou, Shandong, works in Heilongjiang and now lives in Qingdao.

October 26, 2021