
The five-tier small city started and became famous throughout the country for five years, and its brand building depends on these two words!

author:Restaurant boss internal reference

Issue 1479

In terms of branding, many people think that there is no shortcut.

However, a catering supply chain enterprise relied on "taking shortcuts" and grew from a county-level brand to a nationally renowned brand in 5 years. One of its experiences is that it borrows power.

In fact, many brand marketing masters are also borrowing masters, such as Intel, Durex, Coca-Cola, McDonald's... How exactly do they borrow power?

■ Restaurant owner internal reference Wang Yanyan


By borrowing power, 5 years

A county-level brand became nationally known

Before September 2012, One Plus One was just a county-level flour brand; but today, 5 years later, it has become a representative brand of natural flour in China.

In just 5 years, why did this earth-shaking change occur? Wang Gang, chairman of One Plus One, said the secret - borrowing power.

Just like chip manufacturer Intel, it is not directly for B-end manufacturers, but for C-end consumers. By borrowing PC manufacturers, pasting the "Intel Inside" logo, and the "Advertising Rebate" mode is deeply bundled, it quickly seizes the minds of consumers, "whether the computer is good or not, see if you use an Intel processor."

The five-tier small city started and became famous throughout the country for five years, and its brand building depends on these two words!

Realize the "hello, is my good" one plus one, but also in the face of consumer force. Not only in the supermarket to carry out a variety of parent-child pasta activities, but also with the help of media advertising, to deepen the brand recognition of the consumer side.

Catering enterprises, in order to win the trust of consumers, also upgrade ingredients, and one plus one hand in hand, joint research and development, joint marketing, mutual trust endorsement. In this process, the brand potential of One Plus One continues to improve.

The five-tier small city started and became famous throughout the country for five years, and its brand building depends on these two words!

In fact, in addition to Intel, many brand marketing masters are also masters of borrowing.

Mattel's famous toy brand "Barbie Doll", since its listing in 1959, has been committed to joint promotion cooperation with various brands including clothing, jewelry, daily necessities, electronic products and other brands in a short period of time.

The five-tier small city started and became famous throughout the country for five years, and its brand building depends on these two words!

This saved Mattel a lot of money in developing new products, and Barbie dolls with fashionable new products became the best models of various brands. Because of this, collecting Barbie dolls has become the second largest collector's hobby in the world, after philately.

Therefore, "brand growth is a process of continuously borrowing and enhancing brand potential." Wang Gang believes that for restaurant companies, 7 kinds of forces can be used.


There are 7 principles for brand borrowing

First, borrow the power of upstream and downstream partners

In a recent interview with Xiao Ma Song, an independent strategic marketing consultant, when asked which restaurant brand he remembered the most, the first thing he remembered was the popular hometown chicken in Anhui.

The five-tier small city started and became famous throughout the country for five years, and its brand building depends on these two words!

"It positions itself as stewed chicken, and says that it uses Nongfu Mountain Spring stew, as soon as you enter the store, you will see a wall of Nongfu Spring, which is very impressive, and everyone will believe that it really uses Nongfu Spring." It felt a bit earthy, but it worked very well. Pony Song said.

In fact, all consumers lack one thing – a sense of security. So, what brands have to do is win the trust of consumers and give them a sense of security.

Every restaurant company, upstream and downstream have many partners, gather them together, you can borrow from each other. You can use high-potential brands as endorsements to build your own trust system.

The five-tier small city started and became famous throughout the country for five years, and its brand building depends on these two words!

For example, Banu uses one plus one natural flour as a trust endorsement. Not only has a special advertising slogan been designed: "Good noodles do not need to dance, natural 0 add", but also often invite families to participate in the interaction of dragging noodles in the store, so that consumers can truly experience good noodles, believe in good noodles, and then have a sense of trust in themselves.

Similarly, There is Gu Liantian Eight Treasures Porridge, inviting consumers to the store to experience the practice of Eight Treasures Porridge; BaiYan teaches children to make ramen in the store, in fact, they all use one plus one natural flour to endorse themselves.

Second, borrow the power of consumption trends

The current trend is consumption upgrading, people's requirements for eating must be healthy, green, natural, many brands are grasping the market opportunity of healthy catering. For example, brands such as Le Caesar, Xibei, and Jiumaojiu are promoting health concepts such as "natural additive-free".

The five-tier small city started and became famous throughout the country for five years, and its brand building depends on these two words!

Not only that, but even fast food chain giants like McCann are transforming towards health. This summer, KFC opened a "K PRO" green concept restaurant in Hangzhou to get rid of the inherent image of "junk food".

Moreover, in the past two years, the frequent financing of salad brands focusing on health is also proof of this trend. Among these brands, the user portrait of the lecherous salad is widely praised - it does not matter whether a woman is good-looking, but she must be healthy and sexy.

The five-tier small city started and became famous throughout the country for five years, and its brand building depends on these two words!

Third, borrow the power of location advantage

Some areas have a natural advantage over the product, a natural endorsement of good ingredients, no need to educate consumers, and enhance the sense of authenticity. For example, knife-cut noodles in Shanxi, apples from Lingbao, Hetian jade from Xinjiang, and beef and mutton from the Inner Mongolian grassland.

Just like the lamb kebabs of a long time ago, hulunbuir has been making a fuss all the time.

The five-tier small city started and became famous throughout the country for five years, and its brand building depends on these two words!

Similarly, "My rice is from Heilongjiang Wuchang", "My king crab is from Hokkaido, Japan", "My dried ginger is from Luoping, Yunnan"...

Fourth, borrow the power of competitors

The stronger the competitor, the greater the power you can borrow from him. What does this mean? It's about standing on the opposite side of it. In fact, it is not enough to stand on its opposite side, but also to stick to it and hook it with a hook.

There are numerous examples of this.

"Service is not a feature of Banu, but hairy belly and mushroom soup." With this sentence, after 2012, Banu surpassed Haidilao, which is known for its service in regional cities.

What is Burger King's daily routine? Eat and sleep at McDonald's. On the eve of Halloween this year, Burger King launched a terrifying short film aimed directly at Uncle McDonald.

In the video, titled "Night of the Clowns of Horror," a boy on a bicycle is chased by a group of hideous-looking clowns and flees into Burger King's shop. The leader is the clown in the shape of Uncle McDonald. In conjunction with this video, Burger King also launched a promotion - wearing a clown costume on Halloween Day can get a free Royal Castle.

As long as it is the marketing of Rye Donald's, Burger King always does it well.

Fifth, borrow the power of consumer demand

Don't just satisfy your customers, start a new business and create a new consumer demand.

For example, Le Caesar pioneered durian pizza.

Heytea pioneered the "cheese milk cap" and carried it forward.

The lustful salad has entered from a small category that can no longer be small, occupying the market heights of fat loss and muscle gain.

The reason why NaiXue Tea became popular in Shenzhen and opened 19 directly operated stores in just one year is because it created a consumption model of "tea + soft European bags".

The five-tier small city started and became famous throughout the country for five years, and its brand building depends on these two words!

Sixth, borrow the power of their core advantages

Build a brand without forgetting your core strengths. It is necessary to tap into their core competitiveness and continuously strengthen the recognition of this advantage in the minds of consumers.

In the past two years, it has been particularly popular to change the name to smaller, which is actually practicing this theory. For example, Xijiade dumplings were renamed Xijiade shrimp dumplings, and Luban Zhang, which was positioned for Chinese food business banquets, was renamed Luban Zhang scallion grilled sea cucumber.

From large and complete to small and fine, focus on a single product, give consumers a reason to remember you, but also leave a memory point.

Seventh, advertising is also a kind of borrowing

If the strength allows, you should do some advertising appropriately to show your advantages to customers.

The five-tier small city started and became famous throughout the country for five years, and its brand building depends on these two words!

A key action of Xibei brand building is to cast super ads on super platforms. Xibei once spent more than 20 million yuan to make a patch advertisement before the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, and when the advertisement was broadcast, the Baidu index soared, and the number of views on the official website also soared. Xibei became the first Chinese food brand in the catering industry to land on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, and the outside world commented: "Everyone feels that xibei's brand has changed greatly in recent years, as if everyone knows it at once."

| concluding |

Wang Gang believes that on the road to brand building, it also follows the "law of conservation of energy", and how much force can be borrowed depends entirely on how much force they can give. Therefore, playing iron also needs to be hard, and the more force you give, the greater the force you can borrow. On this basis, or go with the flow, or highlight the advantages, or benchmark the strong, or find another way, or join hands with the strong, in order to achieve the multiplier effect of brand development with small and broad.

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Co-ordinator 丨 Zhang Linjuan

Editor| Qianni Visual | Chen Xiaoyue