
Xinhua All Media + 丨 Watchmen

author:Taiyuan God replied

The continuous rainfall since October has caused severe damage to Shanxi Province. Hu Zhirong's Fenxi County' Natural Village in Xiangzhu Town is located in a deep mountain ditch, and the disaster is particularly serious.

Xinhua All Media + 丨 Watchmen
Xinhua All Media + 丨 Watchmen

On the evening of October 7, after overnight repairs, the road in and out of the village was opened, and 21 people from 11 households in the village began to move en masse. However, the village cannot be left unattended, and Hu Zhirong, as the leader of the villagers' group and a member of the Communist Party, has left behind without hesitation, guarding his homeland, inspecting the disaster situation, raising pigs, chickens, cats, and dogs for the relocated households, and persuading those who return to the village...

Xinhua All Media + 丨 Watchmen
Xinhua All Media + 丨 Watchmen

The village was cut off from water and electricity, mobile phone signals were intermittent, and life was very inconvenient. Hu Zhirong has been guarding the village and has not left for a day.

Xinhua All Media + 丨 Watchmen
Xinhua All Media + 丨 Watchmen

"I don't know how long I'm going to hold out, but I'll keep doing it." Hu Zhirong said, "The disaster will always pass, and everything will be fine!" ”

Xinhua All Media + 丨 Watchmen

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