
Wu Xieyu's handwritten letter to "Mother Killer Bully" was exposed: I am only 27 years old and I want to live

author:Henan Business Daily

After the appeal of "mother killer" Wu Xieyu, a new defense lawyer was added to the case recently, which aroused concern.

The Paper learned from Xu Xin, Wu Xieyu's second-instance defense lawyer, that Wu Xieyu had previously written to ask him to defend. Screenshots of some of the letters disclosed by the lawyer show that Wu Xieyu has clear handwriting and fluent writing, expressing a strong desire to survive, saying that he is only 27 years old, can still do a lot of things, is not willing to end up as a sinner, and hopes to change the atonement with practical actions.

Wu Xieyu's handwritten letter to "Mother Killer Bully" was exposed: I am only 27 years old and I want to live

Wu Xieyu's trial footage. Screenshot of the trial video

Xu Xin said: "Wu Xieyu's own letter cannot be fully provided for the time being, and the follow-up will be made public in a timely manner according to his own wishes and the progress of the case." ”

In the letter, Wu Xieyu said: "I am really unwilling, my life will end with such an abominable, hateful, pathetic, shameful, and despicable sinner!" ”

In the letter, Wu Xieyu spent a larger space expressing his desire to survive: "I really want to live, use my actual actions to repent, to admit my mistakes, to change, to atone for sins, to say sorry, I really want to have the opportunity to live to do these things, I am only 27 years old, I really can do a lot of things!" ”

Wu Xieyu's handwritten letter to "Mother Killer Bully" was exposed: I am only 27 years old and I want to live

Screenshot of a handwritten letter (partial) written by Wu Xieyu while in detention center. Respondents provided

Wu Xieyu also said in the letter that he would repent and change his sins: "In the past, I did not know how to be a person, but now that I have learned, I have really reformed myself and repented, and I really want to have the opportunity to be a new person, to be a good person, to be a useful person to society!" At the same time, he also said, "I really want to have a chance, I want to have time, but I don't know how much time I still have." ”

The Paper previously reported that on the morning of August 26, the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court publicly pronounced a first-instance judgment on the defendant Wu Xieyu's intentional homicide, fraud, and buying and selling identity documents. Defendant Wu Xieyu was convicted of intentional homicide, fraud, and the crime of buying and selling identity documents, and was punished for several crimes, and decided to carry out the death penalty, deprive him of his political rights for life, and impose a fine of RMB 13,000.

The court held that Wu Xieyu had been premeditated and planned for a long time in order to commit the crime of intentional homicide, and the subjective malignancy was extremely deep, and the criminal means were cruel. Wu Xieyu's act of killing his mother seriously violated family ethics and trampled on the normal emotions of human society, and the social impact was extremely bad and the crime was extremely serious. Although he truthfully confessed the facts of the crime after arriving at the case, it was not enough to give him a lenient punishment. The Court accordingly rendered the above-mentioned judgment.

At the trial, when it came to the recognition of his criminal behavior, Wu Xieyu said: "I want to say sorry to them, it is my relatives and friends, I want to make up for them." Although I know I am incompetent now, I can at least work. I don't have any time to waste, I study every moment of every day. ”

Xu Xin told The Paper that the reason for accepting Wu Xieyu's entrustment was that "after careful consideration, he believes that the case not only involves issues such as life and death, judicial identification of mental illness, etc., but also helps to think about human nature, reflect on education and social issues, and reduce the occurrence of similar tragedies." ”

Source: The Paper

Editor: Zhang Heng, Lv Ruitian