
Minimalist General History of Israel III: Massacres and Exterminations, Restoration and War, Details Revealed, High-Energy Interpretation 01 A Dynasty Was Lost, The Millennium Dispersed 02 Millennium Middle Ages: Looting Sometimes, Killing Sometimes 03 The Vatican Ecclesiastical Power Falls, the Jews Walk Out of the Middle Ages 04 Spring Thunder, Zionism Calls out 05 Two thousand years of exile, the war of Restoration

author:Mu Wang V

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" >01 Once a dynasty was defeated, it was scattered for thousands of years</h1>

The Jews, who failed in the uprising, were driven out of Jerusalem by the Romans and have since become a worldly wandering people similar to the Gypsies.

As the old saying goes, God closes a door for you and at the same time closes a window for you, and the Jews are destroyed, and soon there is a universal "wave of anti-Semitism."

Anti-Semitism is based on the "Jewish conspiracy theory", that is, the Jews have been secretly planning to control all of humanity. The reality is that the Jews killed Jesus.

And the reason for this conspiracy theory is only because of two words: "weird."

The religion of the Jews, the laws, the non-intermarriage of foreign nations, and all other acts were full of eccentricities to europeans.

Under the onslaught of this trend of thought, the Jews became a "problem that urgently needed to be solved" in the eyes of almost everyone.

Jews were constantly burning religious synagogues everywhere, and massacres were taking place one after another, and entire villages of Jews were killed.

There were some Roman emperors with benevolent virtue who wanted to act according to the law and try to stop the atrocities of the Tujue, but they were reprimanded by the lord of the ecumenical church, who said a sentence that may be familiar to many people: Your Majesty, in the face of the great right and wrong of law and religion, which is more important?

Obviously the law was secondary, and the killing of Jews was the primary, and the emperor obediently closed his mouth when he heard it.

Minimalist General History of Israel III: Massacres and Exterminations, Restoration and War, Details Revealed, High-Energy Interpretation 01 A Dynasty Was Lost, The Millennium Dispersed 02 Millennium Middle Ages: Looting Sometimes, Killing Sometimes 03 The Vatican Ecclesiastical Power Falls, the Jews Walk Out of the Middle Ages 04 Spring Thunder, Zionism Calls out 05 Two thousand years of exile, the war of Restoration

Birth of the Pope

One might ask, didn't the Jews resist?

Well asked, since the beating of the Jews scattered, the entire ethnic group seems to have suddenly been magically cast by God, and the history is above, but seeing the blood of the Jews killed, there is almost no record of Jewish resistance.

Yes, the Jews, forced to leave their homeland, completely abandoned even righteous resistance, and in the face of killing, they closed their eyes, you have a wolf's tooth stick, I have a celestial cover, and they are completely tied up.

It was not until the 20th century that Jews took up arms again.

So, why is that?

In the previous document, we explained that the ultra-orthodox people of Judaism believe that all calamities are punishment after their own betrayal of the law, and all enemies are the tools of God's punishment of himself.

If this is the case, then kill and survive, and listen to Your Holiness.

Some Jews, on the other hand, tried to assimilate themselves into the foreign races, an idea that sounded good, but for nearly two thousand years, they had almost never succeeded.

Minimalist General History of Israel III: Massacres and Exterminations, Restoration and War, Details Revealed, High-Energy Interpretation 01 A Dynasty Was Lost, The Millennium Dispersed 02 Millennium Middle Ages: Looting Sometimes, Killing Sometimes 03 The Vatican Ecclesiastical Power Falls, the Jews Walk Out of the Middle Ages 04 Spring Thunder, Zionism Calls out 05 Two thousand years of exile, the war of Restoration

Stills from Shameless Bastard, this Gestapo is a bit cold

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="51" >02 Millennium Middle Ages: Loot sometimes, kill sometimes</h1>

In the seventh century, the Arabian Peninsula produced a young man with a strange skeleton, who was very interested in the religion of the Jews, so he studied hard, reformed and innovated, and finally succeeded in developing a new religion: Islam.

This boy was Muhammad, whom Muslims callEdam The Prophet Muhammad.

Mu Was a man of great talent, not only full of whimsy in the field of religion, but also proficient in battle fronts, good at military aircraft, and within a few years, Muhammad led his army to unify the Arabian Peninsula. Then it attacked on all sides, sweeping across the Mediterranean coast, occupying Jerusalem, the Near East, Europe, Spain and other places.

It is said that Jews and Arabs are the descendants of Abraham, and they are related by blood, which is more or less related to each other, and the founding of Islam can also be regarded as a reference to the intellectual property rights of Judaism.

But the Arabs, or the Muslim world as a whole, ruled the Jews even worse, and Jewish men were often beheaded in public in front of their wives and children, who were then given slaves to muslims.

Throughout the Muslim world, the Jews were completely reduced to the human flesh machine of the caliph (the head of the Muslims), and it was a cash machine that could have its head cut off at any time.

Minimalist General History of Israel III: Massacres and Exterminations, Restoration and War, Details Revealed, High-Energy Interpretation 01 A Dynasty Was Lost, The Millennium Dispersed 02 Millennium Middle Ages: Looting Sometimes, Killing Sometimes 03 The Vatican Ecclesiastical Power Falls, the Jews Walk Out of the Middle Ages 04 Spring Thunder, Zionism Calls out 05 Two thousand years of exile, the war of Restoration

Muslim army

Speaking of the Christian world in Europe, when they saw the Muslims crusade and killed all four sides, even Jerusalem, the holy place where Jesus died, was occupied by these heretics.

Does this pay off?

So, at the Holy See, the headquarters of the Vatican, the Pope roared angrily, and he called on the monarchs of various countries to raise up righteous soldiers, recover the lost land, and completely eliminate the Muslims.

This is the famous "Crusade" in history, which lasted for nearly 200 years nine times before and after this religious war.

"Dynasty of Heaven," starring Eva Green and Orlando Bloom, is about this period.

Minimalist General History of Israel III: Massacres and Exterminations, Restoration and War, Details Revealed, High-Energy Interpretation 01 A Dynasty Was Lost, The Millennium Dispersed 02 Millennium Middle Ages: Looting Sometimes, Killing Sometimes 03 The Vatican Ecclesiastical Power Falls, the Jews Walk Out of the Middle Ages 04 Spring Thunder, Zionism Calls out 05 Two thousand years of exile, the war of Restoration

Heaven Dynasty

Then if there is a war, the soldiers and horses have not moved, the grain and grass have gone first, where does the money and grain come from?

In a hurry, without eating, without clothing, there was the Jew who sent it forward, there was no gun, no cannon, there was a Jew who made it for us.

In this way, in the territory of the Muslims, although the Jews were slaughtered, and at the same time, in the Territory of Christianity, they were also plundered, but the Crusaders were all knights, and we had to hold on to the spirit of knighthood, how could we stare at the innocent Jews?

Eh, with that, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds if you kill them all?

As a result, the Holocaust began in Lyon, France, and spread to Germany and Britain, and countless Jewish women and children were slaughtered.

Let me speak of King Edward I of England, a pioneer of anti-Semitism who made all sorts of whimsical laws to mistreat the Jews.

For example, after snowfall, children have the right to hit Jews with snowballs. Seeing an obese Jew, the children can pull him to weigh him and then ask the Jew to pay him the same weight of candy.

Of course, in order to rob the Jews of their money, killing and expelling them at will is commonplace.

If there is a motive for killing for the sake of looting money, it is particularly incomprehensible that many people seem to have worked tirelessly on how to deal with the Jews for no reason, and they have carried out arduous theoretical innovations.

Among them was a mad anti-Semitic theorist, a representative named Flalfonso, who, at the instigation of this madman, burned more than thirty thousand Jews alive in the Spanish Inquisition.

One of the sons bought a boat and fled, only to be blown back by the wind after going to sea, and the whole family was burned at the stake.

Even those who escaped by chance were burned at the stake in carved wooden statues.

Minimalist General History of Israel III: Massacres and Exterminations, Restoration and War, Details Revealed, High-Energy Interpretation 01 A Dynasty Was Lost, The Millennium Dispersed 02 Millennium Middle Ages: Looting Sometimes, Killing Sometimes 03 The Vatican Ecclesiastical Power Falls, the Jews Walk Out of the Middle Ages 04 Spring Thunder, Zionism Calls out 05 Two thousand years of exile, the war of Restoration

The Chronicles of Columbus at the stake

In Germany, the sow represents the dirty sinner, while the Jews in Germany are naturally equated with the sow, and from this derive a proper noun "Jewish pig", the image of the Jewish pig, printed on various objects, can be said to directly predict the future Holocaust, because the Jews, not really human.

At the same time as looting and killing, countries began to build "ghettos", which, as the name suggests, were places dedicated to segregating Jews, such as a small island, with high walls on all sides, in which Jews could only live, guarded by soldiers outside, and Jews had to pay the salaries of soldiers.

Of course, not everyone is trying to persecute the Jews, and the one who needs to be praised is Pope Clement VI.

At that time, the Black Death was raging in Europe, and the entire European continent was dead, which was undoubtedly a good excuse for the Jews to fabricate accusations, so they grabbed a few Jews and planned to export their evil spirits.

Do you think, under the heavy punishment, there is no trick?

However, this matter can be called the danger of extinction, and who can afford the crime of the Black Death?

Not to mention that the Holy See has always made it its mission to slaughter Jews, and as long as the Pope orders it, the Jews will not be spared.

However, to everyone's surprise, the then Pope Clement VI issued an edict saying that it was not the Jews who did it.

The crowd was indignant and shouted, so who did this?

At this time, the Pope exerted his imagination, and as soon as his eyes rolled and he counted his thoughts, he saw him wave his big hand and say to the angry crowd:

"It was done by the devil!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole seat was dumbfounded.

People were impressed by the wisdom of the leadership.

Minimalist General History of Israel III: Massacres and Exterminations, Restoration and War, Details Revealed, High-Energy Interpretation 01 A Dynasty Was Lost, The Millennium Dispersed 02 Millennium Middle Ages: Looting Sometimes, Killing Sometimes 03 The Vatican Ecclesiastical Power Falls, the Jews Walk Out of the Middle Ages 04 Spring Thunder, Zionism Calls out 05 Two thousand years of exile, the war of Restoration

black death

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="56" >03 The Vatican ecclesiastical power fell, and the Jews came out of the Middle Ages</h1>

In this way, the Jews were slaughtered at will, like rats and plagues, driven back and forth between nations. Sometimes I wonder if it would have been better if the Jews could trek through mountains and rivers and come to ancient China in the East.

In the early years of the Common Era, there were about 8 million Jews everywhere, and by the tenth century, there were only about 1 million left.

In 1506, a Jew named Solomon, who had just been expelled from Spain and Portugal and wandered to Italy, where he wrote a book called The Sceptre of Judah, which recorded countless massacres, and he angrily questioned:

Why does the world hate the Jews? I have never seen a wise man anti-Semitic, prejudice comes from ignorance.

God forbid, the Jews are finally beginning to understand anger.

Then, the Holy See, which had ruled the Continent for many years, finally began to split because of its perverse behavior, and a priest named Martin Luther began to openly challenge the Pope.

This undoubtedly required courage, and countless people had been burned at the stake before.

Father Ma knows the wisdom of struggle very well, he claims that faith only needs to be responsible to God, not to the Pope, let's put aside the middleman of the Holy See and directly contact God in prayer.

Soon, protestantism (i.e., Christianity), founded by Father Ma, blossomed everywhere, the power of the papacy friars plummeted, and the hands that had been strangled around the necks of the Jews for more than a thousand years finally loosened.

The Jews were overjoyed and intended to cooperate with Martin Luther, but the Horse father suddenly turned his face and soon published a book, The Jews and Their Lies.

It was the first anti-Semitic work in the modern sense and was definitely the best theoretical guide to the Holocaust.

Father Ma, who is regarded as a saint by countless Christians today, writes in his book:

Any remnants of the Existence of the Jews should be completely destroyed, their books torn up, their property confiscated, their herded to live in a cowshed, or they should be hanged on the gallows.

It is well known that the later Nazis completely copied this model.

Minimalist General History of Israel III: Massacres and Exterminations, Restoration and War, Details Revealed, High-Energy Interpretation 01 A Dynasty Was Lost, The Millennium Dispersed 02 Millennium Middle Ages: Looting Sometimes, Killing Sometimes 03 The Vatican Ecclesiastical Power Falls, the Jews Walk Out of the Middle Ages 04 Spring Thunder, Zionism Calls out 05 Two thousand years of exile, the war of Restoration

Schindler's list

It is hard to imagine how Martin Luther, as the founder of modern Protestantism, gritted his teeth and distorted his facial features when he said these words.

Father Ma not only taught anti-Semitic theory, but he also took matters into his own hands, personally robbing the synagogue and expelling the Jews, which was really a combination of knowledge and action, which was amazing.

Finally, history went to 1648, the year in Which a Cossack revolt broke out in Ukraine in Eastern Europe.

At that time, Ukraine belonged to the Polish colony. Because the Jews had no land, they could only use their commercial talents to attach themselves to the Polish nobility and became the stewards of the Poles in Ukraine.

The Cossacks, who were originally nomadic peoples, had always been brave and good at war, and this unveiling of the pole rose up and killed the Polish nobles in a white expanse of the land, and the parasitic Jews naturally avoided the disaster of the pond fish, and the Jews of the whole of Eastern Europe were killed and injured.

The Cossack Massacre became an important turning point in the Jewish awakening.

After that, a 17-year-old Jewish prodigy named Manasseh heard about this, and he began to publish books like crazy to defend the Jews and show the world a positive image of Judaism.

The most crucial thing is that the young Manasseh heard that there was a country that was different recently, that they abolished their own kings and created a "constitutional monarchy", and maybe I should go and investigate.

Manasseh's trip abroad can be said to have indirectly contributed to the future of Zionism.

In this country, it was the great turmoil in England at that time, and Manasseh visited the British ruling Cromwell (written in high school history textbooks), and he strongly demanded that Britain repeal the legal provisions prohibiting the entry of Jews.

The British have always been rigorous and stupid, and as soon as they heard the news, they immediately set up a special committee to investigate the provisions of this law.

As a result, I took a magnifying glass and explored, and found that Britain had never legally banned Jews from entering the country.

Nani? Manasseh was taken aback and cried, "Hundreds of years ago, your king, Edward, did not drive out all of us Jews?"

The British shrugged their shoulders and smiled: Oh, misunderstanding, this is all a misunderstanding, driving you away is only the king's private behavior, and has nothing to do with the law, now the king has been ousted, we are a country ruled by law, talk about civilization? If you want to come, come, as long as you are safe and secure.

At this moment, a large number of Jews poured into Britain, and soon became an important force in the British financial community, the representative of which was the Rothschild family.

Why were the British able to fight, and why did they later rule a quarter of the earth's surface, claiming that the sun never sets?

Because there is money, where does the money come from?

The British pioneered the establishment of a central bank, which could issue government bonds at any time and borrow money from the world, and the most important force for raising money and financing for the Bank of England was the Rothschilds.

Looking at other countries in the same period, when a war is fought, they have to tax their own countries more, and once they are taxed, the people will not be able to live, so many taxes will die, and if they do not pay taxes, they will die. Waiting for death, the country of death can be? Gotta, brother brother, guy, the opposite.

Therefore, to fight a war with Britain is to wage war with The strength of one country and at the same time with Britain and the various shareholders of Britain.

By the 19th century, Jews had even become British prime ministers.

Minimalist General History of Israel III: Massacres and Exterminations, Restoration and War, Details Revealed, High-Energy Interpretation 01 A Dynasty Was Lost, The Millennium Dispersed 02 Millennium Middle Ages: Looting Sometimes, Killing Sometimes 03 The Vatican Ecclesiastical Power Falls, the Jews Walk Out of the Middle Ages 04 Spring Thunder, Zionism Calls out 05 Two thousand years of exile, the war of Restoration

Two Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom, Benjamin Disraeli, a Jew

At the same time, as Britain opened up a new continent in the Americas, the Jews followed, and in the Americas, and later the independent United States, they quickly took root.

In the outside world, the Jews continued to fall under the butcher's knife, and Britain became a refuge and base camp for the Jews.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="121" >04 Spring thunder is in full swing, and restorationism is about to come out</h1>

In 1840, the same year as the Sino-British Opium War, a "blood sacrifice defamation case" occurred in Damascus.

Blood sacrifice, meaning sacrifice with a living person, is an important part of Jewish conspiracy theory.

At that time, two Catholic priests disappeared, and the French insisted that the Jews must have committed blood sacrifices and killed the priests, and that the Jews must be severely punished.

A jewish boy, who was 15 years old at the time, was very upset about this, wrote in his diary:

We would rather be tortured than killed in battle, and if the Jews rise up and set fire to Damascus, blow up the powder magazine, and fight the perpetrators to the death, do we need a reason?

Cowardly people, you don't deserve a better destiny.

This blood sacrifice incident, which was widely reported, spread all over the world.

The Jews of the whole world were indignant, and gradually began to form a union, and with the financial support of Jewish capitalists, including the Rothschilds, various Jewish organizations were established.

In 1859, a German Jew named Moses Hes, a true prophet, foresaw that in the 20th century there might be another mass killing of Jews.

The State of Israel must be rebuilt. The idea of Restorationism was formed!

After more than a thousand years, a large number of Jews began to return to Palestine, buying land from local Arab civilians and rebuilding their homeland.

Why didn't the Arabs prevent the Jews from returning to Palestine sooner, one might ask.

Just because the Arabs were also scattered at that time, they were also trying to carry out the movement for restoration and independence, and the main forces in the Arab world such as Syria, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia were either infighting at that time, or they were colonies of Britain and France.

On the whole, the Jewish Restoration movement predated the Arab independence movement by about 20 years, and it was this 20 years of life and death that bought a decisive time for the restoration of the Jews, otherwise Zionism would have been snuffed out by the Arabs long ago.

In the 20th century, the overall anti-Semitism in Europe cooled down, especially in Germany, which had always been fiercely anti-Semitic, almost achieved national integration with the Jews, and in the First World War, the Jews who fought for Germany were awarded more than 30,000 Iron Cross medals.

Minimalist General History of Israel III: Massacres and Exterminations, Restoration and War, Details Revealed, High-Energy Interpretation 01 A Dynasty Was Lost, The Millennium Dispersed 02 Millennium Middle Ages: Looting Sometimes, Killing Sometimes 03 The Vatican Ecclesiastical Power Falls, the Jews Walk Out of the Middle Ages 04 Spring Thunder, Zionism Calls out 05 Two thousand years of exile, the war of Restoration

Iron Cross of world war I

By 1933, Germany had won one-third of the world's Nobel Prizes, nearly half of which were won by Jews for Germany.

Sometimes it seems like a heavenly conspiracy, just a few years before the Nazis came to power, Germany tolerated the Jews, and then hitler, the ultimate killer, appeared and exterminated all the Jews.

Incidentally, during World War II, the Nazis came first on the list of butchers who killed Jews, and Hitler's homeland of Austria had to rank second, and Austrians killed more Jews per capita than Germans. Of all 6 concentration camps, 4 were in Charge of the Austrians.

The third place was the Romanians, who, in order to curry favor with the Nazis, inflicted various kinds of torture, gang rape, and torture on Jews.

Put it this way, the Nazis used poison gas, the Romanians used gasoline, and burned tens of thousands of Jews alive. The fact that the body was not buried after death caused the Nazis to resent.

The fourth place should be the French, the French during World War II, who were not only good at surrendering, but also good at flattery. As the saying goes, no one can occupy Paris before the French surrender. It is said that the French surrendered quickly, which can be called lightning speed, and no one can compare with it.

During the German occupation, the surrender government of France conscientiously sent the Jews in its territory into the German concentration camps.

By the way, tied for second place with Austria, it should be Tsarist Russia, which has been persistent in anti-Semitism, and the result is ultimately disaster.

In October 1917, in St. Petersburg, Russia, a cannon was heard, ambushes were heard, and the Bolsheviks entered the Winter Palace, shot the Tsar at the door, poured sulfate gasoline on his body, and set him on fire.

This was the October Revolution, and its direct leader was the second-ranking figure in the early days of the CPSU after Comrade Lenin, named Trotsky, who also had the status of a Jew.

Minimalist General History of Israel III: Massacres and Exterminations, Restoration and War, Details Revealed, High-Energy Interpretation 01 A Dynasty Was Lost, The Millennium Dispersed 02 Millennium Middle Ages: Looting Sometimes, Killing Sometimes 03 The Vatican Ecclesiastical Power Falls, the Jews Walk Out of the Middle Ages 04 Spring Thunder, Zionism Calls out 05 Two thousand years of exile, the war of Restoration

Group photo of former close comrades-in-arms, third from right is Trotsky

You might ask, how come I haven't heard of this person? Probably because later Comrade Stalin came to power, hunted down Trotsky all over the world, and finally in Mexico, he used a sharp axe to cut into the head of this comrade-in-arms.

After reading more about this smokey past, it seems that I think that probably dying at the hands of comrades is the ultimate destination of the revolutionaries.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="177" >05 Exiled for two thousand years, the war of restoration was fought</h1>

In 1917, Britain adopted the Belfort Declaration, which favored the Jews' reconstruction of Israel.

In particular, the later British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was fully supportive of the Zionist State, and he even helped establish the first Jewish armed forces.

What is less well known is that at this time, the visionary Arab Prince Faisal (the ancestor of the current Jordanian royal family) also spoke, welcoming the return of the Jews to their homeland and reviving Israel, expecting the Jews to use their wisdom and science to bring prosperity to palestine.

Finally, history entered the crucial 1940s.

The two most active Jewish leaders at this time, one named Ben Gurion and the other called Begin, were elected prime minister of Israel.

Ben Gurion traveled extensively to win the support of governments and Jewish capitalists, while Beking founded the Irgun Armed Forces in an attempt to restore the country by force.

To say that Begin was extremely strong, he was caught by the Soviets and sent to the Arctic Circle to be sent to labor camp, and Begin was able to escape alone from the vast snowy land, and finally died nine times, trekking through Central Asia and straight to Jerusalem.

At this time, there were only 20,000 to 40,000 Jewish armed forces in Palestine, and there were almost no heavy weapons, but around it, it was a black pressure on an Arab country, always wide-eyed, angry, and staring at the tiger.

The key to the successful restoration of the Jews, then, lay in the opinions of the international community, Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union.

Now we have to talk about the wisdom of Ben Gurion, who has always claimed to be a Marxist and wants to build a socialist Israel, so when the Soviets heard it, they were in the middle of it, and at that time they said that they would accept this little brother and give their full support.

In fact, Stalin was careless, do you think That Bergurion, a Jew who has been carrying the Bible in his arms for many years and kneeling on the ground to pray at every turn, can convert to Marxist-Leninist materialism?

Speaking of the United States, U.S. President Roosevelt, is simply an anti-Semite, he put the wheelchair in the middle of the room, it is the Prince here, the gods abdicated. If the Jews want to restore the kingdom, it is a matter of ascension.

Moreover, President Roosevelt had conspired with Saudi Arabia to never allow the Jews to establish a state, and the Arabs heard this and put their hearts in their stomachs.

The situation seems to have turned around, but the so-called time and earth are all working together, and it is not free to transport heroes.

On April 12, 1945, Roosevelt suffered a sudden cerebral hemorrhage and died of illness overnight.

Immediately, President Truman took office, and In order to win the votes of Jewish Americans, Du Zong expressed his full support for the Restoration of the Jewish Nation.

It was with Truman's support that the resolution on Israel's restoration was passed by a large margin at the subsequent United Nations referendum meeting.

Minimalist General History of Israel III: Massacres and Exterminations, Restoration and War, Details Revealed, High-Energy Interpretation 01 A Dynasty Was Lost, The Millennium Dispersed 02 Millennium Middle Ages: Looting Sometimes, Killing Sometimes 03 The Vatican Ecclesiastical Power Falls, the Jews Walk Out of the Middle Ages 04 Spring Thunder, Zionism Calls out 05 Two thousand years of exile, the war of Restoration

Star of David

So, what about the Attitude of the United Kingdom?

The great leader Churchill, just after the end of World War II, was swept down by the British, and the current British Army department is strongly opposed to the Restoration of the Jews.

If nothing else, because the Arabs said that if Britain dared to support the Jews, it would use oil weapons to sanction Britain, and Britain was defeated in World War II, and it was almost over, and it was really powerless to resist the Arab world.

At this time, the explosion maniac Beking returning from the Arctic Circle appeared, because He and his men carried explosives and bombarded the British troops stationed in Palestine, killing and injuring many civilians.

The British were blown up with black faces and scorched heads, and finally they could only helplessly say: Originally, we stationed our troops in Palestine to protect the Jews from being exterminated by the Arabs.

So on May 14, 1948, the United Nations passed a resolution to designate a statehood area for the Jews in Palestine, but this area is separate, and there are several pieces of land isolated from each other, which can be said to be very embarrassing.

Speaking at the United Nations, Ben Gurion loudly proclaimed: Ethriel, today, is founded, the Jewish people, henceforth, stand up. (Pay attention to the intonation here)

On the night of May 14, the Egyptian Air Force roared in and began a bombing campaign against the nascent Israel.

Minimalist General History of Israel III: Massacres and Exterminations, Restoration and War, Details Revealed, High-Energy Interpretation 01 A Dynasty Was Lost, The Millennium Dispersed 02 Millennium Middle Ages: Looting Sometimes, Killing Sometimes 03 The Vatican Ecclesiastical Power Falls, the Jews Walk Out of the Middle Ages 04 Spring Thunder, Zionism Calls out 05 Two thousand years of exile, the war of Restoration

In the early morning of the 15th, the British army withdrew from the Palestinian area, followed by the Arab coalition army composed of Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and other countries, and began to advance from the ground, and the British officers sat in command.

Overhead planes roared, tanks roared on the ground, and marching song swirled and swirled, vowing to drive the Jews completely into the Mediterranean, leaving no one behind.

The Secretary-General of the Arab League declares to the world that this is bound to be an extermination and a massacre.

At this moment, General Patton, who was far away in England, made a speech, his eyebrows furrowed, and he sighed: "Oh, the Jews can't last a week."

But where did he know that as early as the beginning of April, Ben Gurion took the map of the area to be divided by the United Nations on May 14, ordered the Zionist Army to launch a surprise attack, completely open up the enclaves, connect all the regions, and then all the generals, with the heart of death, reorganize the armaments.

That is to say, although the Arabs did not intend to abide by the resolutions of the United Nations, the Jews never intended to abide by any United Nations agreement, and the restoration of the country by force was inevitable.

In the early morning of the 15th, the dark night was torn apart by the firelight, the cannon roared, the flames soared into the sky, and the murderous atmosphere filled the ancient Palestine.

Li Taibai's poem fits this scene:

The mule horse crossed the white jade saddle and fought against the cold moon on the battlefield. The iron drums at the head of the city were still shaking, and the blood of the golden knife in the box was not dry.

So who are the heroes of the world?

Let's go back next time, and then say!

High-energy interpretation, cautious attention, if you need to reprint, please contact the author!

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