
Boiling fish soup, is it a pot under cold water or a boiling pot? Teach you the right way, the soup is as white as milk and delicious

author:Eat in Dongfu
Boiling fish soup, is it a pot under cold water or a boiling pot? Teach you the right way, the soup is as white as milk and delicious

Crucian carp contains protein, which is conducive to digestion and absorption, and improves the body's immunity. Crucian carp also has the effect of strengthening the spleen and dampness, activating blood circulation, etc., and more importantly, it is the elixir of postpartum women's milk! There are also many methods of crucian carp, yam steamed crucian carp, soft and tender, crucian carp casserole, delicious and juicy, boiled crucian carp, sour and spicy refreshing, the taste is very unique!

Boiling fish soup, is it a pot under cold water or a boiling pot? Teach you the right way, the soup is as white as milk and delicious

Today, let's share a crucian carp soup recipe. Crucian carp soup is loved by everyone, the soup is as white as milk, and the taste is delicious. So is the boiling fish soup a pot under cold water or a boiling pot? Let's see how the chef does it!

Crucian carp soup

Ingredients: Crucian carp


1. Wash two crucian carp, hit with a flower knife, easy to taste, and wash the mushroom.

Boiling fish soup, is it a pot under cold water or a boiling pot? Teach you the right way, the soup is as white as milk and delicious
Boiling fish soup, is it a pot under cold water or a boiling pot? Teach you the right way, the soup is as white as milk and delicious

2. Cut the shallots and ginger slices.

Boiling fish soup, is it a pot under cold water or a boiling pot? Teach you the right way, the soup is as white as milk and delicious

3. Heat the oil for 70% of the heat, fry the crucian carp, turn over a noodle in the process and fry it until golden brown.

Boiling fish soup, is it a pot under cold water or a boiling pot? Teach you the right way, the soup is as white as milk and delicious

4. Bring the water to a boil, add the ginger slices and simmer for 10 minutes. Freshen and fragrant.

Boiling fish soup, is it a pot under cold water or a boiling pot? Teach you the right way, the soup is as white as milk and delicious

5. The soup turns milky white, add the mushrooms, add a few goji berries, and add salt to taste. Fish soup with goji berries is more valuable.

Boiling fish soup, is it a pot under cold water or a boiling pot? Teach you the right way, the soup is as white as milk and delicious

6. Cook for 5 minutes, drizzle with sesame oil, add MSG, and you can get out of the pot.

Boiling fish soup, is it a pot under cold water or a boiling pot? Teach you the right way, the soup is as white as milk and delicious

In this way, the delicious crucian carp soup is ready, the crucian carp soup is very delicious, the taste is thick, it looks like milk, the meat is tender, plus sesame oil, monosodium glutamate, perfectly reduce the fresh flavor of crucian carp. The whole family gathered at a table to drink this bowl of nutritious fish soup, and the happiness was bursting. Take another bite, it's really evocative!

Boiling fish soup, is it a pot under cold water or a boiling pot? Teach you the right way, the soup is as white as milk and delicious

Summary: When making crucian carp soup, do not directly go to the pot, but fry first and then put down the pot, plus a variety of spices, the taste is more mellow!

If you like it, buy crucian carp and make it! Using this method, the soup is milky and delicious!

Finally, I wish you all a happy day!

Boiling fish soup, is it a pot under cold water or a boiling pot? Teach you the right way, the soup is as white as milk and delicious