
Peanuts are healthy and delicious with many recipes, which one would you make?

author:Chinese food jie

Two days ago, I saw raw peanuts hanging in the supermarket, and I felt that time passed too quickly and too quickly, and in the blink of an eye, a year had passed by more than half of the year. June is the harvest season, and summer is full of melons and fruits, and the aroma of rice is full. Humble peanuts are also known as "longevity fruits", so how to make peanuts delicious?

Peanuts are healthy and delicious with many recipes, which one would you make?

Peanut fields

Peanuts are also known as fallen peanuts. It is called a falling peanut because it results after the flower falls, and the flower stem burrows into the soil. It is also called "longevity fruit" because peanuts have high nutritional value and rich protein. Peanuts are generally divided into three shapes, cocoon shape (there are two peanut rice), beaded and curved stick shape (there are 3 or more peanut rice), the following for everyone to share a variety of delicious peanuts.

Peanuts are healthy and delicious with many recipes, which one would you make?


1. Chicken foot peanut soup (can also be replaced by pig's foot)

Ingredients: 10 chicken feet, some peanuts, ginger slices, fine salt to taste.

1. Cut off the claw tip of the chicken foot and wash it; Soak the peanuts in warm water for half an hour and wash them with clean water.

2. Add water to the pot and bring to a boil, add chicken feet, peanut rice, ginger slices, boil the water to skim off the foam, bring to a boil and simmer again for 1 hour to get salt out of the pot. Sprinkle with green onions before cooking.

Peanuts are healthy and delicious with many recipes, which one would you make?

2. Red jujube cinnamon peanut soup

Ingredients: 250 grams of peanut rice, red dates, cinnamon balls, sugar to taste.

Preparation: Wash the peanuts and rice, wash and remove the core of the dates. Put the peanut rice, red dates and cinnamon balls into the pot, boil for a while, add sugar and continue to cook until the peanuts are cooked, put it in a bowl and serve.

Peanuts are healthy and delicious with many recipes, which one would you make?

3. Peanut almond porridge

Ingredients: 250 g of rice. 50 grams of peanut rice, almonds, goji berries. Salt to taste.

1. Wash the peanut rice and soak it in cold water for 2-3 hours;

2. Add the rice to the appropriate amount of water pot and boil, after the water is boiled, turn the peanuts and rice and almonds to a low heat and continue to simmer for 40 minutes;

3. Add the goji berries and continue to cook for 10 minutes, then stir well with salt to get out of the pan.

Peanuts are healthy and delicious with many recipes, which one would you make?

4. Peanut soup:

Ingredients: 100g of peanut rice, 1 egg, sugar to taste, 1 carton of milk.

1: Put the peanut rice in the refrigerator and freeze or soak for 2-3 hours. Freeze the peanuts and rice, peel and wash them for later.

2: Add peanuts and rice to a boil in a pot, bring water to a boil, then continue to cook for 1.5 hours on low heat until the peanuts become soft.

3, prepare an egg liquid stir evenly, at this time and then high heat flowering raw soup, peanut soup boiled after directly pouring into the egg liquid stir evenly.

4: Stir in milk and sugar and eat.

Peanuts are healthy and delicious with many recipes, which one would you make?

5. Sugar peanuts:

Ingredients: peanuts and rice, sugar to taste

1: Wash and drain the peanuts and put them in the oven at 150 degrees for 15 minutes. Flip it a few times in the middle, but bake for 5 minutes before continuing.

2, pour sugar and water into the pot, heat and melt into syrup over medium heat, thicken the syrup and turn to low heat to pour peanuts, at this time to continuously stir-fry evenly, about 5 minutes can turn off the heat. After turning off the heat and allowing to cool, frosting will appear. Sugar peanuts are ready.

Peanuts are healthy and delicious with many recipes, which one would you make?

6. Brine peanuts:

Ingredients: some peanuts, salt to taste

Preparation: Wash the peanuts, peanuts under the pot, add water over the peanuts to boil for half an hour, stir well with salt and continue to simmer for 15 minutes to get out of the pot. Before coming out of the pan, you can try whether the taste is in place, and if there is no taste, you can continue to stir well under the salt.

Peanuts are healthy and delicious with many recipes, which one would you make?

There are too many peanut methods, such as cold mix peanut rice, peanut butter, peanut candy, peanut crisp, peanut sesame sticky rice fin and so on. There are many delicacies for peanuts. In this season of peanuts, you can make more recipes for peanuts, which is very nutritious.

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