
After entering the winter, this dish is in season, the longer it is put on, the more fragrant it is, and when it encounters more preparations, it is fried in winter and eaten with special flavor

author:Aunt Xiao Noodle's Food Diary
After entering the winter, this dish is in season, the longer it is put on, the more fragrant it is, and when it encounters more preparations, it is fried in winter and eaten with special flavor

Mo worries about the kitchen road ignorant of himself, who does not know the little face aunt. Hello everyone, I'm Little Face Auntie. Today, Aunt Noodles shared with you a recipe of "stir-fried bacon with garlic seedlings". For people who like to eat rice, the pot meat is one of the most popular next meals, not only delicious and delicious, but also very easy to make, the large meat is simply blanched, and then fried with garlic seedlings, plus some spices, the whole dish can be served. We often cook this dish of pot meat, and it doesn't feel greasy to eat all year round. It can be seen that the dish of making back pot meat is indispensable to garlic seedlings, which is a perfect match for large meat when stir-frying back to pot meat. But today I'm going to do it a different way, stir-fry bacon with garlic sprouts to see how it tastes. Bacon was the fresh meat I went to the market a few days ago, the noodles were fresh bought this morning, and the two ingredients were made together, and the result was really good, and the taste of the next meal was also very powerful.

The method of stir-frying bacon with garlic sprouts is generally the same as that of making back-pot meat, and the ingredients and spices used are similar. However, I have made a slight improvement in making this dish myself, considering that the bacon is already quite salty, so it is not exactly the same as the method of returning the pot meat. Instead, some red and green peppers are added to increase its spiciness, which will reduce the salty and heavy taste. At the same time, at the same time, the appearance of the whole dish looks very festive, so that the mood of the people who eat is more, now is the winter time, many places the people began to make bacon for the New Year, some places of bacon also began to sell in large quantities in the market, it is cold, eating large meat may increase gastrointestinal grease, but eating bacon will be better, so this time is also the best time to eat bacon. After entering the winter, do not be soft when encountering this dish, not afraid of expiration, buy more tun up, and eat it for a year

After entering the winter, this dish is in season, the longer it is put on, the more fragrant it is, and when it encounters more preparations, it is fried in winter and eaten with special flavor

After entering the winter, this dish is in season, the longer it is put on, the more fragrant it is, and when it encounters more preparations, it is fried in winter and eaten with special flavor! After entering the winter, my family will prepare more, bacon, sausage, bacon these ingredients, these ingredients are easy to store, will have been eating until the New Year, sometimes there is no time to buy vegetables, will take out a kind of wax flavor, with some vegetables simple a stir-fry, very delicious and delicious special rice, not tired of eating, cold garlic seedlings fried bacon is a very good next meal, bacon cooked transparent shiny, bright and translucent, eat meat fat is not greasy, the flavor of the unique taste mellow, this dish is very homely, simple and delicious, super rice, our whole family love to eat. Now I share this "garlic seedling stir-fried bacon" food recipe to everyone, like friends can follow the recipe to make it, give the family a delicious dish, give a love to relatives.

After entering the winter, this dish is in season, the longer it is put on, the more fragrant it is, and when it encounters more preparations, it is fried in winter and eaten with special flavor

【Stir-fried bacon with garlic seedlings】

Ingredients: 4 garlic sprouts, 1 piece of bacon, 3 red and green peppers, 1 piece of ginger, 2 pieces of garlic, 1 spoonful of soy sauce.


1. Prepare the required ingredients.

After entering the winter, this dish is in season, the longer it is put on, the more fragrant it is, and when it encounters more preparations, it is fried in winter and eaten with special flavor

2: Rinse the bacon with water and steam for half an hour.

After entering the winter, this dish is in season, the longer it is put on, the more fragrant it is, and when it encounters more preparations, it is fried in winter and eaten with special flavor

3: After the steamed bacon is slightly cooled, cut into thin slices with a knife and plated for later, the steamed bacon is translucent.

After entering the winter, this dish is in season, the longer it is put on, the more fragrant it is, and when it encounters more preparations, it is fried in winter and eaten with special flavor

4: Wash and cut the red and green peppers into small pieces, peel the garlic and cut into minced pieces, and cut the ginger into minced ginger.

After entering the winter, this dish is in season, the longer it is put on, the more fragrant it is, and when it encounters more preparations, it is fried in winter and eaten with special flavor

5, garlic seedlings to the roots to clean with a few pats, garlic white and leaves separate oblique knife cut into small pieces,

After entering the winter, this dish is in season, the longer it is put on, the more fragrant it is, and when it encounters more preparations, it is fried in winter and eaten with special flavor

6: Put a little oil in the pot, heat to 70%, add slices of bacon and sauté to bring out the oil.

After entering the winter, this dish is in season, the longer it is put on, the more fragrant it is, and when it encounters more preparations, it is fried in winter and eaten with special flavor

7: Stir-fry the oil in the pot, add the chili pepper segments, stir-fry the ginger and garlic until fragrant, first add the garlic white and stir-fry to make it soft.

After entering the winter, this dish is in season, the longer it is put on, the more fragrant it is, and when it encounters more preparations, it is fried in winter and eaten with special flavor

8: Then put the garlic leaves into the pot and continue to stir-fry the leaves to change color.

After entering the winter, this dish is in season, the longer it is put on, the more fragrant it is, and when it encounters more preparations, it is fried in winter and eaten with special flavor

9: Finally, add the bacon slices, no need to put salt, pour in 1 spoonful of light soy sauce, stir-fry for half a minute to get out of the pot.

After entering the winter, this dish is in season, the longer it is put on, the more fragrant it is, and when it encounters more preparations, it is fried in winter and eaten with special flavor

10, this home-cooked side dish, taste good to eat, special rice, like to try it.

After entering the winter, this dish is in season, the longer it is put on, the more fragrant it is, and when it encounters more preparations, it is fried in winter and eaten with special flavor

Mo worries about the kitchen road ignorant of himself, who does not know the little face aunt. Hello everyone! I'm a little aunt. Unconsciously, I have been with everyone on the road to cooking for five years! Get along for a few days, share the knowledge of food life together, and experience the happiness of food life together! Thank you! Well, dear friends, today's article will be shared with you here, if you have any different views on this article, welcome to publish your views in the comments at the bottom of the article, we will carefully read each of your messages ~

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