
The Yunnan "Zongzi" that was burned in "Longing for Life" turned out to be not the most special

author:A small table

#618好物趋势 #

The original intention of writing this article is because:

Every year, there are a few rice dumplings in my refrigerator that live to be over 1 year old...

The Yunnan "Zongzi" that was burned in "Longing for Life" turned out to be not the most special

Because the rice dumpling thing is really (people in our kind of place) usually can't think of something to eat, the festival came to buy a bunch, and then eat the burden is too heavy, eat 1-2 meals to stop, the rest will be sealed indefinitely, until the end of the first birthday in the refrigerator ...

So this year I learned a lesson, resolutely do not buy traditional rice dumplings, just buy some more novel, so that at least out of freshness, will not be the rice dumplings unlimited leftovers, can be quickly solved, for example, last year I was the picture of freshly bought fun rice dumplings quickly eaten, traditional rice dumplings always forget to eat.

Although Zongzi is still a tradition that can stand the test, our curiosity is always unfair, and we want to try more

With this motivation in mind, this year I tried several special rice dumplings, and I will talk about them one by one

The Yunnan "Zongzi" that was burned in "Longing for Life" turned out to be not the most special

First of all -

Particularly long and long rice dumplings

<h2 class="Editable-styled" >(1) Zhejiang Changzong</h2>

This is in Suichang, Zhejiang, the long and long... Long dumplings.

The Yunnan "Zongzi" that was burned in "Longing for Life" turned out to be not the most special

Characteristic, is long.

The Yunnan "Zongzi" that was burned in "Longing for Life" turned out to be not the most special

Therefore, it is good for a family to eat one ~ the local meaning is also "the longer the rice dumplings, the longer the love and righteousness.".

The Yunnan "Zongzi" that was burned in "Longing for Life" turned out to be not the most special

The method is to stack more than a dozen leaves evenly, one hand is flat and steady, spread a thin layer of glutinous rice, sprinkle with fragrant dried plum vegetables, put one strip of meat after another, spread the glutinous rice, and finally cover it with sticky leaves, and tie it with dragon's whisker grass to form a strong and delicious rice dumpling.

The Yunnan "Zongzi" that was burned in "Longing for Life" turned out to be not the most special

Commonly used ingredients are red beans, pork filling, plum vegetables, salted eggs, bean paste, etc., and it is estimated that there are other fillings.

The Yunnan "Zongzi" that was burned in "Longing for Life" turned out to be not the most special

Then when eating, don't worry about not having such a deep pot at home (no one will have it), the store sells you the whole thing, but you can just cut it into sections and steam it:

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Suichang Chang Zong Plum Dried Vegetable Salted Egg Yolk Meat ¥22.9 Purchase

And then there's --

"Meat dumplings" without meat

<h2 class="Editable-styled" >(2) FLAVOR BACK FUTURE DUMPLINGS</h2>

I wrote about this in the previous plant meat food review, and it is just placed here for a scene.

At that time, it was also the time to do the evaluation, the overall search for "plant meat" was found, and after the online purchase, it was found that the packaging was the same as the name, which was very futuristic, because the things that could not be understood were quite futuristic.

The Yunnan "Zongzi" that was burned in "Longing for Life" turned out to be not the most special

On the inner packaging, it is honestly written "spiced artificial meat dumplings".

The Yunnan "Zongzi" that was burned in "Longing for Life" turned out to be not the most special

Comedy max.

I steamed a spiced one, a salted egg yolk one, and the next day cooked a beef curry.

The Yunnan "Zongzi" that was burned in "Longing for Life" turned out to be not the most special

This zongzi is a rice dumpling made of the most popular "plant meat", and the meat is more really made into the shape of real meat. You see, saying that it is spiced meat gives you a large piece of meat, saying that it is pork belly, even fat and thin are made for you:

The Yunnan "Zongzi" that was burned in "Longing for Life" turned out to be not the most special

Say it's a salted egg yolk and give you the whole salted egg yolk (off-topic):

The Yunnan "Zongzi" that was burned in "Longing for Life" turned out to be not the most special

To tell the truth about the appearance of such a complete meat, cosplay is very sincere, and the butter is also very curious about the taste, probably also deceived its sense of smell:

The Yunnan "Zongzi" that was burned in "Longing for Life" turned out to be not the most special

I stare!

The taste is quite special, not to say that it is delicious in heaven and earth, but it is the feeling of "meat without greasiness", that is, the feeling of being fragrant but not greasy.

The Yunnan "Zongzi" that was burned in "Longing for Life" turned out to be not the most special

I still like it, because I love to eat meat dumplings, but every time I think of the fat in the meat dumplings, I feel guilty.... So this meat dumpling is a good solution to my psychological shadow ~

The Yunnan "Zongzi" that was burned in "Longing for Life" turned out to be not the most special

Personally, I'm right in the middle.

If you want to eat salty dumplings with flavor, but don't want to eat too much fat, you can also try:

The same stamp here: "Link"

And then --

Sounds like swearing

<h2 class="Editable-styled" >(3) Yunnan</h2>

Strictly speaking, this is not a zongzi, but the appearance and packaging method are too similar to the special-shaped zongzi, so take it for a while.

That's right, I also know this from the latest season of "Longing for Life".

The Yunnan "Zongzi" that was burned in "Longing for Life" turned out to be not the most special

The name is "Milli Glutinous Suo", also called "Milli Luo", is a Dai language, also called splashing water, glutinous rice dumplings.

The Yunnan "Zongzi" that was burned in "Longing for Life" turned out to be not the most special
The Yunnan "Zongzi" that was burned in "Longing for Life" turned out to be not the most special

By the way, mango TV I bought your family members to open Blu-ray picture quality, you show me such a mushy picture?

This is generally only eaten on the annual Songkran Festival (April 13-15), so in the life they yearn for, everyone goes to splash the water to finish the year, and returns to the cottage Teacher Huang to make it for them.

The Yunnan "Zongzi" that was burned in "Longing for Life" turned out to be not the most special

As soon as the foodie radar was activated, I became diligent and eager to learn, and immediately began to check the information and practices.

It is mainly made of glutinous rice, accompanied by a little rice rice and wild fire flowers unique to Xishuangbanna, as well as brown sugar, sesame seeds, peanut kernels and lard. The processing process is to soak the rice softly, wash it and beat it, fill it with a cloth bag to filter the water, mix it with pre-ground fire noodles and brown sugar, sesame seeds, peanuts, lard, knead it thoroughly, make the main ingredients and ingredients mix evenly, and then spread it on the oiled banana leaves, wrap it in a rectangular packet, and steam it in a steamer until it is cooked through.

The Yunnan "Zongzi" that was burned in "Longing for Life" turned out to be not the most special

If you can't finish eating for a while, you can also dry it and eat it fried in oil, and there are also three-dimensional ones:

The Yunnan "Zongzi" that was burned in "Longing for Life" turned out to be not the most special

Finally, Teacher Huang's reproduction is here:

The Yunnan "Zongzi" that was burned in "Longing for Life" turned out to be not the most special
The Yunnan "Zongzi" that was burned in "Longing for Life" turned out to be not the most special

Harm, why do I call you so serious about doing it, you won't do it anyway, but I can buy this almighty big tb, link here:

Longing for the life of the same paragraph "no long", "link"

You don't necessarily buy it, and it's also excellent to poke in for a long time

And finally --

The Starbucks rice dumplings that have been named by many people, I ate last year and the year before, the appearance of the line, the body size mini, but the taste, IMHO:

They, really, don't deserve to be called Zongzi~

The above, is so far to eat, seen the fun Zongzi, the degree of novelty I think far more than the traditional Zongzi for a filling, sent out to show you, but to say that the good play of Zongzi, I recommend this I did last year:

Pinch your fingers, this glutinous rice egg you are now starting to learn, the holiday just showed a hand! Super cute rice dumplings

Hello everyone, I'm @芊小桌面er,

The evil wind of the food circle, the unhealthy wind of the recipe world,

Good at writing a paragraph recipe, making you smile and laugh at the cooking art upupup!

Now, I have a lot of good food,

Give me some time to update it slowly,

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