
Guangdong Xinxing has something delicious

author:Entertain yourself 1

The last time I introduced play, this time it is definitely indispensable to eat.

1. Ome boiled chicken: made of tender chicken, green plum, onion and other raw materials. Full of color and fragrance.

Guangdong Xinxing has something delicious

2, stewed Tianlu mountain sheep: lamb is a good winter supplement, seasoned with green plum juice, stewed alpine sheep without steam, the meat is tender.

Guangdong Xinxing has something delicious

3, Liuzu Zhai: The main raw materials of Liuzu Vegetarian Zhai are sanru, six ears, soy products, gluten, melon and fruit, etc., the taste is smooth and soft, and the fragrance is integrated.

Guangdong Xinxing has something delicious

4, stir-fried mountain pit snail: mountain pit snail emerging locally called through the tuk snail, small size and long, conical shape, such as the size of a small finger. The meat is tender and delicious.

Guangdong Xinxing has something delicious

5, olive horn fried rice noodles: olive horn originates from the fruit of black olive, black olive is also called black olive, hanging fruit is blue-green, to autumn fruit ripening is black, is a healthy food. Xinxing Rice Noodles is made of local high-quality rice and fine quality spring water as raw materials, and the rice noodles produced are transparent and smooth, cooked without paste, stir-fried and have a unique taste.

Guangdong Xinxing has something delicious

6, stewed dog meat: there is a general "one yellow, two black, three flowers and four white", that is, the meat of the yellow dog is the most fragrant, and the meat of the white dog meat is the most fishy. After the dog is killed, the hair on the body is shaved, and then simmered with grass stalks (or firewood), simmered to yellow, wash the internal organs, cut into pieces and put them in a pot to fry dry water, then turn to the casserole with a low flame, mix with oil, salt, ginger, tangerine peel, slices of sugar, after the fire is cooked, the aroma is overflowing, indicating: (This dog is a rural dog, not a pet dog or the like).

Guangdong Xinxing has something delicious

7, liangguo: the emerging liangguo production industry was launched in the mid-to-late 1980s and then vigorously developed, unstoppable, liangguo processing varieties developed to dozens of species, the taste from sweet and salty to sweet, sour, spicy all tastes are complete, Xinxing County has become one of the main cool fruit processing and distribution centers in the country.

Guangdong Xinxing has something delicious

8, intestinal powder: Xinxing intestinal powder is ground with high-quality local rice

出来的,新兴肠粉是新兴人常吃的一种早餐,制作过程快速,大家点餐后,稍作等候,就可以吃上一碟新鲜出炉、热腾腾的肠粉,几‬分钟‬就‬可以‬吃到‬了‬,再‬加上‬老板‬的‬秘制‬酱料‬,那‬滋味‬太‬好‬了‬,新兴‬肠粉不像‬外面‬广州‬大‬城市‬里‬的‬,外面‬的‬放‬太多‬‬料‬一起‬蒸‬,反而‬简单‬、薄‬如‬纱‬才口‬感‬才‬好‬ 吃‬。

Guangdong Xinxing has something delicious

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