
Matured in November, the introduction of planting sold to 6 yuan 1 catty, and now fell to more than a piece, villagers: abandon the seeds

author:Stick Ben

Introduction: Mature in November, the introduction of planting sold to 6 yuan 1 catty, and now it has fallen to more than one piece, villagers: abandon the seeds

Farming is the most common development project for rural enrichment, and the risk of planting is slightly less than that of aquaculture. Management investment is also relatively small, relying on the planting industry does make many villagers make money, especially some varieties of novel products, early planting, due to the scarcity of the market, the market is good, it is easy to make money, with a large number of follow-up planting, after the emergence of the listing situation, the price and market will often plummet. Especially for some fruit industries, it is even more troubled by this aspect.

Matured in November, the introduction of planting sold to 6 yuan 1 catty, and now fell to more than a piece, villagers: abandon the seeds

For apples everyone is after all loved, apples are the most planted and the largest amount of fruit, there is a kind of jujube, but it is related to apples, this jujube is very large color like a green apple, eat up with the taste of apples, pear crisp and jujube aroma, this mixed taste of the fruit is the famous: milk dates. Milk jujube is also called green jujube, apple jujube, also known as tropical small apple, is a rare fruit native to the tropics, subtropics, Taiwan Province planted milk jujube earlier, so also called this big green jujube Taiwan jujube.

Matured in November, the introduction of planting sold to 6 yuan 1 catty, and now fell to more than a piece, villagers: abandon the seeds

Milk dates to eat the taste of crisp, and a lot of juice, and the impression of the taste of the dates is very different, eating is a feeling of water, and the taste of both apples, pears and the fragrance of the faint dates, this color of green dates, with a crisp taste is very popular with everyone, milk dates are introduced into the planting, quickly recognized by the market, not only the sales market is relatively good, the price is relatively gratifying, the purchase price has been 5--6 yuan a pound, such a price for fruit farmers, Undoubtedly quite optimistic, such a market has also allowed this jujube to expand rapidly in Fujian, Guangdong and surrounding areas.

Milk jujube results cycle is longer, from November began to mature listing, can continue to pick the next year's March, such a time span, so that milk dates can occupy the market for a long time, thus avoiding the situation of piling up listing, which also makes the milk dates in recent years the market is relatively good overall, but this year's milk dates have just been listed, the price has encountered a freezing point, according to an agricultural website news, The purchase price of milk dates is only about 1.2--1.5, which is basically impossible to make money for growers who have worked hard for a year. And due to the influence of the environment, in addition to the low price of milk dates, sales are also tepid.

Matured in November, the introduction of planting sold to 6 yuan 1 catty, and now fell to more than a piece, villagers: abandon the seeds

Such a low price, but also let some growers for the milk date lost confidence, some villagers have begun to choose to abandon the seed, instead of planting some other varieties, milk dates although it is a good fruit, but the taste is a little light, the sweetness is not enough, milk dates are difficult to become the fruit of the public, the existence of a relatively niche coupled with the expansion of the number of plantings in recent years, resulting in the milk date market has become very poor, for this kind of green dates, what do you think? Welcome to add comments and comments.