
Epidemic in the middle of the situation, love in the love

author:49 and crabs

Ask me, why would you want to do something like this? Where the heart goes.

2020 is destined to be an extraordinary year, after all, such a number of years to encounter is 3030 again. Before stepping into 2020, everyone said that the harmonic sound of "20" is to love you, and 2020 will be a happy year, but they did not expect a sudden outbreak of the epidemic a week before the Spring Festival. This undoubtedly covered the lively Spring Festival with a layer of dark clouds, and a smokeless war began.

At the beginning, many people did not pay attention to the fact that when Wuhan was locked down, very few people in our small city wore masks, until the epidemic was serious, and people gradually understood the seriousness of the epidemic. Spread from Wuhan as the center to the surrounding areas. Every city and every village and town has begun a small-scale "closed management", and our village has also closed the road since the beginning of the New Year. Although such a closed action can isolate the virus to the greatest extent, it cannot isolate love. In such a critical and dangerous situation, hospital medical staff in Xi'an, Tianjin, Shanghai, Chengdu, Liaoning and other cities voluntarily wrote a letter of request for battle, and embarked on a retrograde road, rushing to Wuhan to fight the epidemic with the people of Wuhan. Even some ordinary people have joined the fight against this war.

As a contemporary college student, I naturally joined the organization of anti-epidemic volunteers in our village. Ask me why? Because of the desire of my heart, I want to do something to do my best for this society. In fact, the anti-epidemic work in villages and towns is mainly two things: 1. The task of measuring body temperature and checking registration at the intersection; 2. The basic information and action traces of the residents of the village are counted and uploaded to the municipal network database. It may seem like two simple things, but you need to face a variety of situations.

Since the second day of the Chinese New Year, our village has set up checkpoints at the intersection, and every day on and off the time period to change the "guard". On the evening of the first day of the Chinese New Year, the villagers' committee informed me to go to the intersection checkpoint at six o'clock the next morning, and there would be a simple training for us by the staff of the village committee. The next day I struggled to get up from bed at five o'clock, put on my mask and rushed to the checkpoint, when it was still dark, I arrived and saw a small table at the intersection, two stools, a sign on the ground, standing around four or five people. A middle-aged woman told us what to do and pay attention to in the inspection process after determining the information of each of us, which are roughly: 1. All vehicles entering the intersection need to register the license plate number, the name, telephone number and body temperature of the passengers; 2. All personnel entering the intersection need to fill in the name, mobile phone number and body temperature; 3. Vehicles with foreign license plates are not allowed to enter, and those who do not wear masks are not allowed to enter; 4. If they encounter uncooperative workers, they can ask the police for help.

After the training, there was a shift and each of us was given a red sleeve with the words Youth Volunteers on it. The first day of volunteering begins. I remember it was very cold that day, and we sat at the checkpoint at the intersection from six o'clock until one o'clock in the afternoon, with someone else coming. The first day was the most impressive, it was very tiring, and when I came home, I didn't want to say a word, because there were so many words to say in the morning. Because it was my first day of volunteering, the family was very uneasy, about eight o'clock, my great and kind mother brought me four or five warm baby stickers and a warm water bag filled with hot water, and after a while Grandpa brought me a small blanket, saying that it was too cold to sit here all the time. It was really cold, but my heart was warmed by them. Later, I slowly adapted to work, and I didn't feel very difficult, and during this "standing guard" day, I encountered all kinds of things that made people warm or angry.

I saw a sentence before that said that it is not the old man who has become bad, but the bad person who has become old. One morning, I was in a good mood to work at the checkpoint because I was still immersed in the joy of a little girl who had brought us two masks the day before and said that we had worked hard and thanked us. However, there was a grandfather in his sixties who passed through the checkpoint, and we responsibly stopped him to register his name and then take his temperature. "I can't write! Don't know the words! You hurry up and let me pass! Grandpa was very fierce, and shouted at us in a loud voice, "It's okay, you say, I'll help you fill it out." Another volunteer friend said this, the grandfather stared at him, did not say a word, I went up to try to measure the temperature, but he reached out and blocked my hand holding the thermometer, and said to me, "I don't have a fever, I want to go!" "Even so, I and another volunteer friend still calmly persuaded him to assist in our work, but the grandfather seemed to want to forcibly break through, and even threw our registration book and pen to the ground, there was really no way we could only stop him while calling the police for help, the police uncle quickly arrived at the scene, saw the police came, the grandfather's attitude eased up a little, and we took the temperature and registered the information. In fact, this is just one of the many strange events, during the "standing guard", we have met a lot of people who do not cooperate and brush up on rogues, but most people are still very active in cooperating with the work.

The second thing to do volunteering is to go to each household's home to register the information and upload it to the web information database. This work is relatively easy, it took a whole day, visited each household, and registered more than 200 people's names, ID numbers, mobile phone numbers and other information. It took another day and a half to upload this information to the information database one by one, and in this process there were also problems, there were many ID cards written incorrectly, less numbers, and needed to call to re-check and re-upload. Seemingly simple thing, I basically did not delay filling in except for eating and sleeping, and even went to the toilet with filling, because I could only use the mobile phone to enter one name after another, one ID card after another, and my eyes quickly looked at the eyes. So I asked my sister to help me read them one by one, and I filled them out. Even if it took a day and a half, it is conceivable that the information of the country's 1.4 billion people is uploaded in this way, what a huge amount of data, what a huge database will be built.

During the period of fighting the epidemic, there was a young man in our village who returned from Wuhan on January 18, but he did not report it until january 27, when his uncles who lived downstairs in his house accidentally learned about it and reported the matter to the village committee. On the same day, the government defecated medical staff to visit the door for temperature measurement and disinfection. In the afternoon, disinfection personnel disinfected the roads in our village. But it is very gratifying that the young man did not have any symptoms of the virus, did not have fever, and was also negative after three tests. Since then, each household has been issued with a pass, and each pass can only be used by one person to buy vegetables or necessities of life, and it can only be done once every two days. Everyone in our village did a good job of complying with the requirements, staying at home honestly and trying not to go out.

Now the epidemic has gradually been controlled and is getting better. We would like to thank the 84-year-old academician Zhong Nanshan, the countless medical staff who have struggled in the front line of the protest, and all the volunteers who have contributed to this epidemic. Our generation of young people thrive in the embrace of the motherland, this epidemic is the coming-of-age ceremony of our generation of young people, only by facing up to such experiences, learning lessons and growing up in difficulties, can we live up to such a costly and painful experience, strengthen the quality of will in hard struggle, increase work skills in future practice, and let youth bloom in the places where the party and the people need it most.

The day we hope will eventually come, and maybe one day in the future, looking back at the past, we will naturally have a big heart, which is a defensive war. It's our war against the epidemic, and I think in the next spring, there will be no epidemic and crying, only spring breeze and flowers. We must believe that spring will always come, and the sun will eventually break through the dark clouds to bring us warmth. The cherry blossoms in Wuhan have bloomed, and China will return to peace and joy.

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