
Every morning, it is not the alarm clock that wakes up the people of Shaoguan Xinfeng, but these unique delicacies...

author:Shao is about those things

Shaoguan Xinfeng said: Yes, it is absolutely impossible to wake me up is an alarm clock! I believe that many people's state every morning is sealed in bed like Xiaobian, and it is necessary to give delicious food to get up...

Every morning, it is not the alarm clock that wakes up the people of Shaoguan Xinfeng, but these unique delicacies...

At this time, the benefits of Xinfeng life are fully reflected, after all, there are too many delicious foods!

Every morning, it is not the alarm clock that wakes up the people of Shaoguan Xinfeng, but these unique delicacies...

01 intestinal powder

After eating in the morning, I still want to eat at noon

Intestinal noodles are one of the most common breakfasts in Xinfeng, not one of them!

Traditional brachy sausage, the most smooth to eat,

Drizzled with fragrant soy sauce for a super flavour.

Every morning, it is not the alarm clock that wakes up the people of Shaoguan Xinfeng, but these unique delicacies...

02 porridge

Even if you don't have an appetite, you will have an appetite after eating!

A bowl of freshly boiled raw porridge,

Always give the empty stomach a warm soothing.

Xinfeng's porridge is smooth and refreshing,

Plus the meat yard is even more delicious!

Every morning, it is not the alarm clock that wakes up the people of Shaoguan Xinfeng, but these unique delicacies...

03 Wonton noodles

Come a bowl in the morning, big big satisfaction!

Fresh face of refreshing teeth,

With a few net meat wontons,

Drink the soup clean!

Every morning, it is not the alarm clock that wakes up the people of Shaoguan Xinfeng, but these unique delicacies...

04 "Mouse Boy"

Breakfast for all ages, just serve you!

The Xinfeng people gave it this special name,

The noodles are slippery to eat and full of rice.

Serve with beef brisket, pork offal, sauerkraut and dried radish,

This simple bowl of powder is not to be described as rich.

Every morning, it is not the alarm clock that wakes up the people of Shaoguan Xinfeng, but these unique delicacies...

Usually after eating a meal, you can go to work full of energy