
Myrtle, a Chinese herbal medicine


Myrtle, a Chinese herbal medicine

<h2 id="hi-22037" > Myrtle</h2>

Pinyin Táo Jīn Niánɡ

Aliases hypericum, mountain barley, mountain root, dorhin, dried bean barley, barley fruit, polysperm, mountain milk, Su Yuanzi, pomegranate seed, white mill seed, gangnyo, water knife lotus, black belly, dang pear, dormant boy, barley

Source "Outline Collection": "Yue Zhi, the grass and flowers with the name of the mother, there are myrtles, bushes of wild, like plums and slightly sharp, like peaches and color doubles, pure purple stems, silk embellished with dark yellow like golden millet, the name of the peach golden lady." In August and September, it is ripe and milky. Produced in Guilin, there are many in present-day Guangzhou. "The original plant described is the same as the present-day Myrtle.

Source medicinal herb base source: The fruit of the myrtle plant Myrtle.

Latin botanical mineral name: Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Ait.) Hassk. [Myrtus tomentosa Ait.]

Harvesting and storage: Harvested and dried in the autumn when the fruit is ripe.

Original form shrub, 1-2 m tall. The young shoots have soft grayish-white hairs. Leaves are opposite; petiole length 4-7 mm; leaf leaves leathery, oval or inverted ovate, 3–8 cm long, 1–4 cm wide, round or blunt at the apex, often slightly concave, sometimes slightly pointed, broadly wedge-shaped at the base, initially hairless, later hairless, shiny, gray fur below, full margin; 3 out of the base, straight to the apex and combined. The flowers are solitary, purple-red, 2–4 cm in diameter, with long stems; the calyx is inverted ovate, 6 mm long, with gray hairs, lobes 5, nearly round, 4–5 mm long, and the petals are 5, inverted ovate, 1.3–2 cm long; stamens red, most, 7–8 mm long, anther longstinous lobes; lower ovary, 3 chambers, peduncle length 1 m, stigma enlarged. The berries are ovate pot-shaped, 1.5–2 cm long and 1–1.5 cm wide, purple-black when ripe; most of the seeds are mostly, 2 columns per chamber. The flowering period is from April to May, and the fruit period is from July to September.

Myrtle, a Chinese herbal medicine

Habitat Division Ecological Environment: Grows on hilly slopes and is an acidic soil indicator plant.

Resource distribution: distributed in Fujian, Taiwan, Hunan, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places.

Cultivation biology Prefers a humid, warm and humid climate. It is more drought tolerant and avoids standing water. Generally, the soil can be planted and grown on yellow and red loam soils.

Cultivation Techniques Propagation with seeds. Harvest the ripe fruit in autumn, remove the seeds, wash off the pulp, dry them a little, and sow the seeds. Seeds can also be stored in a ventilated place, sown in the spring of the following year, and sown as they are harvested, and the seed germination rate is high. When sowing, mix the seeds with grass and wood ash or fine soil, evenly sow on the seedbed, cover the fine soil with 2 cm, and water and moisturize. When the seedlings are 15 cm tall, the spacing between the plants is 35 cm× 35 cm is open, and 2-3 plants are planted each. Water the roots after planting.

Trait identification: the fruit is oblong spherical, slightly pointed at one end, about 1 cm in diameter, the surface is earthy yellow or dark greenish brown, the texture is hard, and there are 5 sepals and flower column remnants at the apex. There are mostly seeds inside, yellowish-white and flattened. The taste is light, slightly sweet, and the smell is slightly fragrant. Preferably large and dry.

Chemical ingredients The fruit contains flavonoids, phenolic components, amino acids and sugars.

Myrtle, a Chinese herbal medicine

Pharmacological effect bacteriostatic test, decoction has an inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus.

Sweet taste; astringent; sexual flatness

Return to the liver; spleen to the spleen

Function indications for blood nourishment and hemostasis; astringent intestines and sperm. Weakness of the main blood; vomiting blood; epistaxis; coughing up blood from exertion; blood in the stool; collapse and leakage; sperm retention; under the belt; dysentery; prolapse; burns; traumatic bleeding

Dosage for internal use: decoction, 6-15g, fresh products 15-30g; or soaked in wine. External use: appropriate amount, burn storage end adjustment.

Be careful that people with constipation are forbidden to take it. "Taiwan Medicinal Plants": "Children eat it, or it is difficult to defecate." ”

Each family discussed the "Flower Mirror": "Hypericum a myrtle lady. Out of Guilin County. The flowers are peach-like and large, their color is more prominent, the middle stem is pure purple, the heart spits yellow whiskers, spreads the flowers, and tightens the gold wire. Ripe in August and September, cyanosis is milky, its taste is sweet, and it can be used for medicinal purposes. ”

Excerpt from "Chinese Materia Medica"

Myrtle, a Chinese herbal medicine

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