
The cadres organizing the work deeply studied the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party: Arming their minds with new ideas in the new era and planning for the layout of grass-roots party building in the streets

author:Miyun group worker
The cadres organizing the work deeply studied the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party: Arming their minds with new ideas in the new era and planning for the layout of grass-roots party building in the streets

Arm your mind with new ideas for the new era

Plan for the layout of grass-roots party building in the streets

Lu Guang, director of the Organization Department of the Party Working Committee of Gulou Subdistrict

Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era shines with a broad and profound theoretical light, pointing out the direction of the new journey of the whole party and the whole country and the whole army. Grassroots party building workers in the streets must arm their minds with new ideas in the new era and work in a state of work that does not wait for me and only seizes the day to plan for the layout of the grassroots party building work in the streets.

Arm all party members in the street with Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. In the 188 grass-roots party branches throughout the streets, comprehensively carry out the spiritual study and education of the Nineteenth National Congress, learn the principles of the original texts, invite experts and scholars to give lectures and explanations, carry out study and exchange meetings, and combine the grass-roots reality to transform new ideas into powerful weapons for guiding work.

We should do a good job in grassroots party building to the letter. Deepen the "1+5" party organization to lead the harmonious community construction mechanism, give play to the leading role of 16 demonstration points such as the Xiangyang West Party and Mass Activity Service Center, and comprehensively promote the "B+T+X" party building model; implement the "Six Communists" party building work method in 723 non-public enterprises to achieve "two full coverage"; strive to create a pioneer post for party members, and promote party members and cadres to set an example in relieving and rectifying and promoting promotion and serving the masses.

Build a contingent of high-quality grassroots cadres. Persist in correctly selecting and employing people, promote and reuse cadres who are loyal and clean and responsible to posts at the section level; plan in advance the work of changing community terms, select the best and strongest community leading bodies; pay attention to discovering and cultivating young cadres in the work of serving the masses in urgent, difficult, dangerous, and heavy tasks; distinguish between rewards and punishments, and support and encourage cadres who dare to take responsibility, do practical things, and do not seek profits.