
Dazhou millennium ancient town of Jiangling - my hometown

author:Bashan Boy

  Write down this topic without even a little thought, even if it is to give yourself a proposition essay!

  It has lived on earth for more than thirty years, of which more than ten years have been in Gangneung. Living in Gangneung was all childhood, and the memory was clear and vague, so the current Gangneung is strange and familiar to me. 

Dazhou millennium ancient town of Jiangling - my hometown

  Especially in the old home on the deep mountain, the collapsed houses and the paths covered with weeds are not only nothing, but also no one who was familiar with them, and the kind old people in the courtyard have long been turned into graves scattered among the fields. The new grave is dazzling and fearful, and within a few years the new grave has become one with a large area of nature, as if it had always been there, and has forgotten that when I was herding cattle there in my childhood, the cows liked to nibble on the newly grown weeds there.

Dazhou millennium ancient town of Jiangling - my hometown

  A few years ago, when he returned to his hometown, he would meet children he didn't know, and he had a curious eye and thought about who had intruded into his territory, and at that time he didn't know at all, he didn't know that I was also a native of here, I knew all the grass and trees here, and I knew how deep the pond here was and flooded by so-and-so. Today, there are no more strange children, and the sighs can only be directed at the silent mountain.

Dazhou millennium ancient town of Jiangling - my hometown

  Thus, the concept of hometown became Gangneung.

  Gangneung Shan literally understands the mausoleum by the river. I also heard the origin of the name of Jiangling, of course, there is no verifiable origin, according to legend, a prince of the Ming Dynasty was degraded and exiled to Yusi, buried by the river after his death, the emperor heard the news, commemorated it, so he named it Jiangling, which originated from the present. Don't worry about this legend, just listen to it. According to the Chronicle of Daxian County, wude was established in the second year of the Tang Dynasty (619) and was ruled by Guhengfeng County. After the destruction of the field, ming wan calendar reconstruction, for Yongmu County.

Dazhou millennium ancient town of Jiangling - my hometown

  Nowadays, you can often see centuries-old trees in Gangneung Town, as well as stone ladder roads that have been walked by many generations, which can prove that Gangneung has a history of thousands of years. Of course, you just drive by, just to comment on how Gangneung is, that is, you are too frivolous!

Dazhou millennium ancient town of Jiangling - my hometown

In modern history, the Red Army has also left footprints in gangneung town, and in 1933, the Red 30th Army set up a political department in the current Fengchang Street.

Dazhou millennium ancient town of Jiangling - my hometown

  After the liberation of Jiangling, compared with the surrounding townships, the villagers have a sense of pride, because it is larger than the surrounding townships, the popularity is also more prosperous, and the business is better. However, in recent years, a large part of the houses in Gangneung Town have been built on the riverbed, and the last flood almost flooded the thousand-year-old town, accelerating his decline, and the streets can still see buildings with broken walls that have not been repaired.

  In this process of urbanization, the remote Gangneung will inevitably slowly move towards depression. The Daba Expressway next to Gangneung is also uneventful. I almost forgot about Jiangling's several roll names in the 2020 government work report of Tongchuan District, which touched me to this article. Tongchuan District one axis, two wings and seven fulcrums, Gangneung is one of the fulcrums, in the report of key projects, there are Gangneung and Ba River Bridge, is expected to open to traffic at the end of the year.