
Xerxes, King of Kings

author:Blue sky flying freely

More than two thousand years ago, when Xerxes, the king of kings of Persia, watched his million-strong army cross the Strait of Helles in tears, his uncle Ardaban asked him why he was at a loss. Xerxes replied with sentimentality that none of this mighty millions of people would survive a hundred years later.

This situation is somewhat similar to huan wen of the Jin dynasty in China lamenting, "The tree is like this, how can people be ashamed." ”

Thinking that life is short, rich as a dream, a generation of tyrants is also soft and knotted, it is difficult to let go. I think that at the moment of the cross-sea conquest, Xerxes may have given birth to self-questioning of why, but it was soon covered by a sense of revenge and glory.

Xerxes, King of Kings
Xerxes, King of Kings

The Second Greek-Persian War was waged, first of all, for the sake of shame. Just ten years earlier, Darius I, the most famous emperor of Persia, had crossed the Strait of Helles with his mighty forces in preparation for sweeping through the Greek city-states, only to return at the Battle of Marathon. Only the historical legacy of the famous marathon run is left.

Xerxes, King of Kings
Xerxes, King of Kings

His son Xerxes inherited the throne, inherited the rest, and launched the Second Hippoc War, which must regain face and avenge snow and hatred. The second is for honor. Xerxes was an arrogant man who thought he was on top of the world, looking down on thousands of beings like ants. People everywhere should crawl to the ground and be his subjects. So he had to conquer not only Greece, but also the whole of Europe.

Xerxes, King of Kings

However, he completely underestimated the resistance and military strength of Athens and Sparta, and like his father, Xerxes was defeated and returned.

Xerxes, King of Kings

This wise man, who lamented the annihilation of everything after a hundred years, finally could not resist the temptation of historical vanity and made a big gamble for the unpredictable future. In other words, since I have thought about the ultimate problem of life, it is better to follow the trend and ask the immortals, enjoy the flowers and willows, enjoy the beauty of the world, and then return to nothingness.