
Su Dongpo's 58-year-old masterpiece written down through the ages, some people commented: After reading this picture, there is no word in the world

author:Sanyu Book Club

If you choose a figure from Chinese history to represent Chinese culture, then this person will definitely be Su Dongpo. Among the cultural celebrities of the past generations, Su Dongpo's name can be described as a household name.

Su Dongpo is an all-rounder, but also a genius, in literature, he is one of the "Tang and Song Eight Masters", in painting, he created a precedent for literati painting, in calligraphy, he is one of the "Four Families of Song", he wrote "Huangzhou Cold Food Poems" became the "third line of the world", at the same time he is also a gourmet, etc., his life encounters are quite bumpy, but his life to reach the point of view, has also become the idol of countless Chinese people.

Su Dongpo's 58-year-old masterpiece written down through the ages, some people commented: After reading this picture, there is no word in the world

Su Shixing's Book of Li Baixian's Poems

Su Dongpo is not a professional calligrapher, calligraphy for ancient literati doctors, is a compulsory course, no top literati calligraphy is not good, just like su Dongpo era, before there were Zhou Yue, Ouyang Xiu, Cai Xiang, the same generation of Wang Yi, Su Rui, Cai Jing and other people, and then there are Mi Fu, Huang Tingjian, all of whom have made great achievements in calligraphy and painting.

Calligraphy to Su Dongpo is to follow his life's artistic expression, after experiencing the "Wutai Poetry Case", the disheartened Su Dongpo was degraded to Huangzhou, in the third year of the degraded Huangzhou in a miserable cold food festival, Su Dongpo wrote the ancient god work - "Huangzhou Cold Food Poetry", becoming a brilliant pearl in the history of calligraphy.

Su Dongpo's 58-year-old masterpiece written down through the ages, some people commented: After reading this picture, there is no word in the world

In 1093 AD, when Su Dongpo was 58 years old, although he was degraded for thousands of miles away, his state of mind allowed him to always find pleasure in life, and this year he wrote a poem for his beloved concubine Chaoyun, lingering with pity and deep affection.

"HuanXi Sha Dragon Boat Festival" Northern Song Dynasty. Su Shi sweated slightly, and the Ming Dynasty Dragon Boat Bath Fanglan. The fragrance is full of clear rivers. The colored thread gently wrapped around the red jade arm, and the small charm hung obliquely on the green cloud beard. Beauty has been seeing each other for a thousand years.

In the same year, he personally copied two poems by Li Bai, and this calligraphy work became a "divine work" in his life, and also became a classic that posterity copied from the heart.

Su Dongpo's 58-year-old masterpiece written down through the ages, some people commented: After reading this picture, there is no word in the world

This work is the famous "Li Baixian Poetry Volume".

The content of this volume of "Li Baixian Poetry Volume" is Two poems of Li Bai copied by Su Shi, these two poems are also not in the "Li Taibai Anthology", and there are many celebrity texts behind this work, of which Shi Yisheng is the most noteworthy:

Ode to taibai this. Then there is no poetry in the world, and there is no word in the world when guan Dongpo writes this pen. ”

This means that when you read these two poems of Li Bai, you will find that there are no good poems in the world. When you see this character written by Su Dongpo, then there is no word in the world that can compare with this work!

Su Dongpo's 58-year-old masterpiece written down through the ages, some people commented: After reading this picture, there is no word in the world

From the perspective of the artistic conception of the poem, Li Bai's two poems are beautiful and handsome, and there is a sense of Taoist immortal wind and Bone, which has to be admired by Li Bai's strangeness and wonderful thinking.

In terms of calligraphy, Su Dongpo's calligraphy is directly in the same vein as Yan Zhenqing and Yang Ningshi, and it is a high-level personality of its own, and he has injected rich learning into the calligraphy, making his calligraphy the most connotative person in the "Song Four Families".

Su Dongpo's 58-year-old masterpiece written down through the ages, some people commented: After reading this picture, there is no word in the world

Su Dongpo's "Li Baixian Poetry Scroll" from the pen, with the Jin and Tang Dynasties as the patriarchal law, but also has the "Su body" independent pen paradigm, in the knot to pay attention to the side of the change, can be in the calligraphy of the old and new, but also can have ancient meaning, the line of qi through, the sense of rhythm is very strong, the overall thick and dignified and not lose the state of light spirit, this realm is not a great master can do.

This work was composed in the eighth year of Yuan You, this year Dongpo was 58 years old, a cultural master who had experienced the vicissitudes of life, and his calligraphy had gradually approached the realm of pure fire and pure youth in the sitting light of the gods, and this work was compared to "Cold Food Post" in terms of temperament, which was a "divine work" that Su Dongpo did not produce in his lifetime.

Su Dongpo's 58-year-old masterpiece written down through the ages, some people commented: After reading this picture, there is no word in the world

This work later flowed into Japan, and now the people of the country are very popular.

Today, we use the ultra-high-definition micro-sprayer imported from Germany to copy Su Dongpo's "Li Baixian Poetry Scroll" 1:1 according to the size of the original work, restoring the work that is no different from the original work. Words are no different from authentic handwriting.

To purchase Su Dongpo's "Li Baixian Poetry Volume", please click below to purchase:

Su Dongpo's 58-year-old masterpiece written down through the ages, some people commented: After reading this picture, there is no word in the world

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Su Shixing book "Li Baixian Poetry Scroll" ¥36 purchase