
Introduction to Geography and History - Chongqing Warring States Rich List Li Resistance Wancheng Female Warlord Private Armed Virgin Dansha Queen with Financial Self-Defense and Qin Shi Huang Relationship ancient Chinese society Jingmu Jing women's friendship Guan Yu Se Lü Gan's friendship with Sun Jiao's civil tomb site Tomb Ancestral Hall Participated in the campaign Military education Song Yuan Ming Period Qing Dynasty Republic of China Period Republic of China Period Kuomintang Civil Civil War Period People's Republic of China

author:Old Hong said things

Chongqing, referred to as Bayu, Shancheng, Yudu, Qiaodu, Wudu, is the central municipality of the People's Republic of China, the national central city, the megacity, the world hot spring capital, the upper reaches of the Yangtze River economic center, financial center and innovation center, politics, culture, science and technology, education, art and other centers, the State Council positioned as an international metropolis. The central and western water, land and air integrated transportation hub.

Introduction to Geography and History - Chongqing Warring States Rich List Li Resistance Wancheng Female Warlord Private Armed Virgin Dansha Queen with Financial Self-Defense and Qin Shi Huang Relationship ancient Chinese society Jingmu Jing women's friendship Guan Yu Se Lü Gan's friendship with Sun Jiao's civil tomb site Tomb Ancestral Hall Participated in the campaign Military education Song Yuan Ming Period Qing Dynasty Republic of China Period Republic of China Period Kuomintang Civil Civil War Period People's Republic of China

Chongqing is called "Yushui" in ancient times because of the Jialing River, so Chongqing is referred to as "Yu". In the first year of the Northern Song Dynasty (1102), Chongqing Prefecture was changed to Gong Prefecture. In the first month of the 16th year (1189) of the Southern Song Dynasty, Emperor Xiaozong's son Zhao Huan (赵惇) was first enthroned as King Gong, and in February he was crowned Emperor Guangzong of Song, known as "Double Celebration", and Then Gong Prefecture was promoted to Chongqing Prefecture, from which Chongqing was named. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the government of the Republic of China designated Chongqing as the wartime capital and permanent capital of the Republic of China, and in the early days of the establishment of the Republic of China, it was the station of the southwest region and the central municipality directly under the central government, and after the restoration of the establishment of the central municipality directly under the central government on June 18, 1997, the pace of transformation and revitalization of Chongqing's old industrial base accelerated, forming a hundred billion-level industrial cluster such as electronic information, automobiles, equipment manufacturing, comprehensive chemical industry, materials, energy and consumer goods manufacturing, and the rapid development of modern service industries such as agriculture and rural areas and finance, trade logistics, and service outsourcing. Chongqing has the China-Singapore (Chongqing) Strategic Connectivity Demonstration Project, the state-level new area - Liangjiang New Area, the Yuxinou International Railway, the Chongqing Lianglu Inch Beach Bonded Port Area, the Chongqing Xiyong Comprehensive Bonded Zone, the Chongqing Railway Bonded Logistics Center, the Chongqing Nanpeng Highway Bonded Logistics Center, the Wanzhou Bonded Logistics Center, the transit within 72 hours of visa-free, import of vehicles, fruits, meat and other ports.

Great celebrities born in history

Ba Manzi

Ba Manzi was a native of Chungju (present-day Zhong County, Chongqing), Cuba, and was a pakistani general during the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (about the middle of the Warring States period). Around the 4th century BC, civil unrest broke out in the kingdom of Pu ren (around present-day Wanzhou), when the strength of the state of Pakistan was weakened, the monarch was coerced by rebel forces, and the people were mutilated. The Pakistani general Manzi then used Chu soldiers to quell the civil unrest at the cost of promising to reward the three cities of the Chu state. In peace, Chu made Suocheng, and Manzi believed that the country could not be divided, and as a human subject, he could not cut the city privately. But to fail to keep his promises is to be faithless, and to cut off the land is to be unfaithful, and Manzi admonished, "Thank me for my head, and the city will not be obtained." So he killed himself, in order to grant chu envoys. The story of Ba Manzi's head staying in the city and faithfulness is preached in the land of Bayu.

Introduction to Geography and History - Chongqing Warring States Rich List Li Resistance Wancheng Female Warlord Private Armed Virgin Dansha Queen with Financial Self-Defense and Qin Shi Huang Relationship ancient Chinese society Jingmu Jing women's friendship Guan Yu Se Lü Gan's friendship with Sun Jiao's civil tomb site Tomb Ancestral Hall Participated in the campaign Military education Song Yuan Ming Period Qing Dynasty Republic of China Period Republic of China Period Kuomintang Civil Civil War Period People's Republic of China

King Wu of Zhou was a "master of Shide Bashu" (尚書); "Ba Shi is brave and sharp, singing and dancing (battle front) to Ling (overwhelm) Yin Ren". Zhou Tianzi founded the state and established the Zhou Dynasty, and his sons with the surname of Feng Ji were the kings of the Ba kingdom, the land of the Tongba people, and the capital Jiangzhou (present-day Chongqing), which was the "head of the southern tu princes' kingdom" at that time.

Through the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States, a hero representing one side appeared in the country of Pakistan - General Ba Manzi. During the Ba manzi period, the monarch was in civil strife and the monarch was coerced. General Manzi once asked the king of the Chu state for help and promised the three cities of the ba state as a reward. The civil unrest subsided, and the envoys of the Chu state came to ask for the fulfillment of the covenant. He replied euphemistically and generously: "Promise, for the word of the great husband." However, the territory of Pakistan is inseparable, and how can people and subjects privately cut off the city. I would rather die than to be sorry for the sin of breaking my word. "After the words were finished, the self-inflicted wounds were filled with astonishment.

The envoy was helpless and held the head of General Manzi. The King of Chu sighed, "If you have such a loyal subject, why do you need a few cities?" Burial of his head by the Secretary of State; Ba Juguo was grieving, and Yu Guodu buried the headless body of General Ba Manzi. Chang Xuan deeply admired Ba Manzi's heroic behavior, and commented: "If Manzi is loyal and fierce, Fan Mu is fruitful, the customs are pure and thick, the world is a famous general, the Snai River, the Han Spirit, and the essence of the mountains are refreshing!".

Ba Manzi's tomb is located in Chongqing Qixinggang Lotus Pond Yuhai Building (the first floor of the furniture store next to Shanghai 100 shopping malls). The existing tombstone is the title of Dan Mao Xin in Churong County, the Republic of China, known as the "Tomb of the Eastern Zhou Ba General Manzi", the date of construction is no longer available, and it has been repaired throughout the ages. The existing Tomb of Ba Manzi was rebuilt in 1922. Ba Manzi was born in Linjiang City (present-day Zhong County) in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. Ba Manzi killed himself in order to protect the city, and his descendants remembered his loyalty and courage, and changed Linjiang to Chungju. The ancient city wall at the head of the city is located at the east gate of the county seat. At present, there is a couplet on the Shuangzhong Ancestral Hall in Banan District, Chongqing: "Guoshi Peerless Double Guoshi; Loyal servants are not two loyal subjects". Shuangguoshi: Refers to General Ba Manzi and Qin Liangyu. Ba Manzi, a mid-to-late Warring States period, was a general of the State of Pakistan. Qin Liangyu, a native of Zhongxian County, Sichuan, during the Ming Dynasty, was a famous female general of the Anti-Qing Dynasty at the end of the Ming Dynasty.

Ba widow Qing

Ba widow Qing, the name Qing, Ba is the meaning of Ba County. A large industrial and commercial owner in the Warring States period, the earliest female entrepreneur in China and even in the world. After her husband's death, the widow of Ba guarded the family business and defended the party with deep financial resources. It was one of the main providers of a large amount of mercury in the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, and because of its special status in politics and military, he and another large merchant, the great shepherd Wu Shiwei, were treated as guests of honor by the state.

The King of Qin, Yingzheng, also left her in Xianyang to raise her. Ba widow Qing died in 220 BC and was buried near Xianyang, the capital of the Qin state. Qin Shi Huang commended him for keeping the festival of chastity, named her a virgin, and ordered the construction of a "female Huai Qingtai" in his burial place to show the world. Ba widow Qing was appreciated by the Qin king Yingzheng, and was the only one in history.

Introduction to Geography and History - Chongqing Warring States Rich List Li Resistance Wancheng Female Warlord Private Armed Virgin Dansha Queen with Financial Self-Defense and Qin Shi Huang Relationship ancient Chinese society Jingmu Jing women's friendship Guan Yu Se Lü Gan's friendship with Sun Jiao's civil tomb site Tomb Ancestral Hall Participated in the campaign Military education Song Yuan Ming Period Qing Dynasty Republic of China Period Republic of China Period Kuomintang Civil Civil War Period People's Republic of China

"History of Cargo Breeding": Wu Shi's cattle husbandry, and the multitude, rebuffed, asked for strange things, and sacrificed the king of Rong. The king of Rong paid him more than he paid, and with his livestock, the cattle were fed with grain. Emperor Qin Shi Huang ordered Emperor Weibi to be enfeoffed as a prince, and then he made a court with his courtiers. And ba widow Qing, who first got the Dan Cave, and was good at its profits for several lifetimes, and the family was not guilty. Qing, widows, can also keep their jobs, defend themselves with money, and do not see violations. The Qin Emperor thought that he was a virgin and a guest, and huaiqingtai for the sake of the daughter. Isn't it true that husbands despise people and pastors, widows in poor villages, resist all kinds of multiplications, and are famous in the world?

Translation: Wu Shi Wei ran animal husbandry, and when the livestock were breeding, they sold them all, and then bought strange things and silk fabrics and offered them to the king of Rong. The king of Rong repaid him with ten times more than the goods offered, and gave him livestock, so many that the number of cattle and horses was calculated in the valley. Qin Shi Huang ordered Wu Shi Huang to be on the same throne as the fengjun and to enter the palace with the ministers at the prescribed time to worship. And the ancestors of the widow Qing of Ba County, since they got the cinnabar mine, actually monopolized their lida for several generations, and the family property was countless. Qing is a widow who can keep the family property of her ancestors, use money to protect herself from being violated by others. Qin Shi Huang treated her with courtesy and built a female Huai Qingtai for her. The widow of BaJun, The widow of Kiyoichisuke, can be famous in the world, and the dignity of the Ten Thousand Multiplications treats them with courtesy, is this not because they are rich?

Book of Han, Volume 91, Biography of the Value of Goods, 61: Ba widow Qing, who first got the Dan Cave, and was good at his profits for several lifetimes, and his family was not guilty. Widows can keep their jobs and defend themselves with money, and people dare not commit crimes. The First Emperor thought that he was a virgin and a guest, and he was pregnant with Qingtai for the sake of the Tsukihime.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="32" > the Warring States Rich List</h1>

Sima Qian's "History of Cargo Colonization" is the earliest work of economic history in China, and can be said to be the first rich list in China. Ba Widow Qing is the only female entrepreneur among them, and is also the most typical example of successful female industrial and commercial owners in the Qin and Han Dynasties.

The most influential entrepreneurs in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period were only Fan Li, Zigong, Bai Gui, Yi Dun, Guo Zhong, Wu Shi Wei, and Ba Widow Qing.

Ba widow Qing became one of the seven richest people in the Warring States as a woman, which is enough to be amazing.

His family is engaged in the Dan cave industry, that is, mining dan sand, because of the mastery of unique mining and smelting technology, so it has been passed down for generations without falling, monopolizing the business of dansha mining, and accumulating countless assets. The amount of her family wealth is about 800 million taels of silver and 5.8 million taels of red gold, and after she took charge of the family business, she even had thousands of servants, tens of thousands of dependents, and more than 2,000 private bodyguards, relying on strong financial resources to ensure the safety of one party.

His deeds are recorded in the histories of "History", "Chronicle of Unity", "Chronicle of Geographical Opinion", "Chronicle of Local Public Opinion", "Chronicle of Youdi Jisheng", and "Chronicle of the State Capital".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="38" ></h1>

The so-called "lily resistance to the ten thousand multiplications" is not that the widow Qing and Qin Shi Huang are competing, but that Qin Shi Huang, who has the dignity of ten thousand multiplications, treats her with courtesy.

Qin Shi Huang Wasing Zheng was an emperor who combined tyrants and Ming juns, and combined great destruction and great reputation, and historians recognized his personal brilliance and grandeur as incomparable to those of previous monarchs, and few emperors in later generations. The history books record that Qin Shi Huang had a strong and stern personality, and his behavior was based on strict law and torture, which was not close to human feelings. However, as the founder of the empire, Yingzheng was also an emperor who was also a corporal of Li Xian, and everyone in the world knew that Liu Bei had taken care of Maolu in order to win Zhuge Liang, but he did not know that Emperor Qin's Yao Jia, who was "a great thief of Liang and a vassal of Zhao Zhi", could achieve "a hundred rides in a hundred cars, a thousand gold pounds, a crown in his clothes, and a sword in dance", such as Li Si, Mao Jiao, and Dun Wei, ministers who dared to speak out and advise, wei Ji and Wang Qi, who were good at plotting hegemony or commanding troops to fight wars, and Qin Shi Huang's wide acceptance of talents and his attitude of not considering the previous suspicions. His boldness and boldness are extremely rare among emperors.

However, Qin Shi Huang also had an extremely suspicious and unkind side, and the great military master Wei Ji, after being received by Qin Shi Huang's great gift, with his keen observation of outstanding military experts, saw the cruelty and lack of benevolence of Yingzheng: the King of Qin had a high nose and long eyes, a chest as wide as an eagle, a low voice like a jackal, but his personality was widowed and less righteous, with a heart like a tiger and a wolf, and when he used people, he was humble to people, and when he was successful, he would eat people. After the reunification of China, the suspicious side of Yingzheng gradually did not hide it, "all ministers are subject to success, relying on the superior", causing the world to fear its violence, "dare not speak of its transgressions", and "tyranny is the beginning of the world".

"Use it first, then discard it", after the great unification, Qin Shi Huang's attitude toward the great industrial and commercial owners also changed, taking the bashan widow Qing as an example, in the name of being received to Xianyang to raise heavenly years, but the actual surveillance was carried out. This supreme courtesy of Qin Shi Huang is a special honor and a cage.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="43" > private arms of female warlords</h1>

Qin Shi Huang's courtesy to the Widow Qing was due to political and military considerations, and in military politics, the local powerful representative forces were part of the unification of the Qin Empire. In 316 BC, the Qin state fixed Bashu, Bashu was located at the junction of the Qin state and the Chu state, becoming a strategic area for the Qin state to complete the great cause of reunification, so Qin Shi Huang and the successive kings of the Qin state implemented a preferential favor policy for the Bayu region, and implemented the original management methods for the local rich families, allowing them to have industries, tribes and private armed forces, and the widow Qing family was the representative of the local magnates, and naturally was the object of the solicitation. After Qin Shi Huang came to power, the unification war entered a critical period, and Nakai Jide also believed that the Qin Emperor's courtesy to the widow Qing was "therefore the army has the capital to be rich in its strength, not to praise its wealth." "」

Experts speculate that the Ba widow probably used her immeasurable wealth to raise a private armed force to protect her business network throughout China. It is common for local magnates to have hundreds of vassals and vassals, which refers to both the dependent peasants on the land of the powerful landlords and the private armed forces raised by the haoqiang- the family members. According to the records of the "Chronicle of Changshou County", the history of the transformation of Ba County from the Qin Dynasty to the Ba County, the seat of the Ba Qing family at that time (including present-day Changshou, Fuling, Wulong, Nanchuan, Pengshui, Matjiang, Qijiang, Qianjiang and other places), the total population of the county is 50,000 people. Then, the disciples of the BaQing family actually accounted for one-fifth of the population of YuXian County, and the enterprises of tens of thousands of people are rare today, which shows the huge power of the widow Qing.

After Qin Shi Huang unified the Six Kingdoms, he strengthened his autocratic rule, the private armed forces of the local powerful were confiscated by Qin Shi Huang, and the nobles and powerful households were forced to move elsewhere, so that they could not gather forces in the same place to resist the central rule, of which 120,000 households were moved to Xianyang, and the widow Qing was also among them, the state built palaces for them, put them under the supervision of the central government, and it was also a measure for Qin Shi Huang to implement the county system against the local powerful.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="47" > virgins</h1>

Qin Shi Huang praised Ba Qing as a "virgin woman", which was absolutely unique to women at that time. Qin Shi Huang's respect and praise for the widow Qing, the most typical of which is to build a daughter Huai Qingtai. In Chinese history, the emperor built a platform to commemorate a woman, which was the original creation of Qin Shi Huang, and there have been few similar cases since then. From the currently known records, Qin Shi Huang gave such a high evaluation to women before his death, which is the only case.

After the widow of Ba was widowed, she did not remarry in order to inherit the huge family property, and the observance of the festival ended from one end. In the pre-Qin and Han dynasties, the gender issue was relatively open, and it was common for women to remarry bereaved, and some remarried many times without criticism. For example, according to the "History of the Chen Cheng Xiang Family", chen ping's wife Zhang Shi was the woman of Zeng Ke's fifth husband, and Chen Ping was her sixth husband. Lady Wang, the mother of Emperor Wu of Han, was also married twice. The pre-Qin women's sexual turmoil, Empress Qin Xuan and Qin Shi Huang's birth mother are representatives.

Qin Shi Huang became the King of Qin at the age of 13, the empress dowager and the chancellor Lü Buwei monopolized power, fornicated the palace, and then gave birth to an illegitimate son with her lover Concubine Yi in an attempt to plot a rebellion for her illegitimate son, (there are many doubts about the coup d'état, the historical data is unknown, on the surface it is Yan Yi who launched the coup, but from many doubts, some scholars and experts say that it was actually Qin Wang Yi Zheng who personally planned this coup, creating a conspiracy to force Consort Yi to rebel and thus successfully attacked the Chu forces, Lü forces and empress dowager forces, and since then the rights have been vested in the Qin King. The widow Qing's chastity and upright style are in stark contrast.

After the rebellion of Yin Zhengping, wuma divided the corpses of Consort Yi and his three clans, exiled thousands of concubines to Shudi, killed the two sons born to the empress, imprisoned the empress dowager in the partial palace, and cut off the limbs and hanging their heads to show the public the twenty-seven ministers who interceded for the empress, or Qi Ren Maojiao risked being boiled in oil to advise Yingzheng: "Your Majesty split the false father, and has a jealous heart; The two brothers of the sac, with the name of unkindness; Moving mother To Xianyang, there is no filial piety; Tribulus terrestris, there is a rule of the terrestris. The world has heard of it, it has disintegrated, and there is no direction for qin. The courtiers feared the death of Qin and endangered His Majesty. Later, Yingzheng had to take his mother back and return to Ganquan Palace, where he made concessions to public opinion for the great cause of reunification, but he did not forgive his mother.

He deliberately raised the "zhen" to commend the widow Qing, and deeply satirized the empress. The "Chronicle of The Land" says: Widow Qingtai Mountain, commonly known as Zhennu Mountain, is also seventy miles northeast of Yong'an County, Fuzhou. It was no accident that Yingzheng built the Virgins' Platform in the land of exile in the land of Bashu.

According to the rule that widows are not allowed to "die twice and are not virgin" on the stone, and the stipulation that "children cannot be mothers" for women who have escaped marriage can be seen that Qin Shi Huang intends to take the widow Qing as a model of chastity and set up as a benchmark. Out of disgust with mothers, out of the code of conduct for women advocated in the edict of commendation, this "zhen" character also projects the image of Qin Shi Huang's mother in his heart - firm and independent.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="54" > Queen of Dansha</h1>

Ba Widow Qing gave full play to the use of the technology accumulated by her ancestors to extract and make Dansha, operated the Dansha Empire, thanks to her keen business acumen and the courage to seize opportunities, and the support of the supreme ruler.

Dansha was an important mineral at the time and its use was very extensive. It can be used to make vermilion pigments, can also be used as a sedative, and can also be used to treat skin diseases such as scabies. In addition, cinnabar is both poisonous and antiseptic, so the ancients believed that the use of cinnabar to refine jindan can make people immortal, often using cinnabar as the main material for alchemy. Qin Shi Huang sought immortality, and Dansha was particularly important.

Mercury ore refined into mercury, what the ancients called dansha. After the dansha is heated, it can be desulfurized and decomposed to obtain mercury. According to numerous literature records and the geological distribution of mercury mines in China, the eastern and southeastern parts of today's Chongqing are the main producers of Dansha in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, and many documents also prove the fact that Dansha was abundant in ancient Badi. It is precisely because Ba County is rich in Dan sand mines, the development value is high, the development time is early, it is the closest to the Guanzhong Plain, a main production area of Dansha, and in history, there is a tradition of Nangong Dansha to the Central Plains Dynasty.

Some experts believe that the qin shi huang mausoleum underground palace is filled with mercury as much as one hundred tons. Where does all this mercury come from? From the analysis of the production area and ownership of Dansha at that time, in addition to the land where Dansha was produced, Tongzi, Sinan, Dejiang and other places in Guizhou, and Xunyang, Luoyang, Shanyang, Fengxian and other places in Shaanxi were mined earlier. Therefore, the possibility of mercury mining in these places, which are located in Qindi and are called cheap, must not be ruled out.

Ba Widow Qing provided cinnabar and mercury to the Qinling Underground Palace, but it was not the only source.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="60" > defend yourself with money</h1>

Ba widow Qing not only for the rich and able, go all out to do a good job in labor welfare treatment, actively alleviate poverty and alleviate poverty, but also defend the peace of the party, is worshipped by the townspeople as a living god, and as a successful private entrepreneur is respected by more and more people. After the widow Qingke died in Xianyang, her coffin was transported back to her hometown and buried in the Longevity Dragon Cottage.

However, successive dynasties of agricultural production have cracked down on and restrained industry and commerce, so the praise of the widow Qing and Qin Shi Huang has always been mixed.

Zhongshu of the Song Renzong Dynasty ordered Xia Zhen to follow the feudal women's way, and criticized the widow Qing in the "Female Huai Qing Tai Ming" that "women overwinter the household, pre-empt foreign affairs, and are non-virgins; Figure cargo, forget to feed, is not filial piety; Mining danshi, abandoning weaving, non-gongye; Anti-monarchy, obedience to women, and non-virtue also". Accusing Qin Shi Huang of praising Ba Qing as "a woman who does not express what she expresses, and who watches greed and competition; Taiwan is not built for the sake of what it is, and it is also a disaster to build chaos. "I am afraid of the People of Shu, in the name of Qin." I fear the Shu women, and take the woman as virginity. Abandon virtue and pursue profits, and run in harmony. Therefore, the qin sin is the site of the ming. "Shows the oppressive ideas of business and women. Wang Anshi also believes that "annexation is a treacherous return, and the law of treachery is punishable." The momentum also comes from nowhere, and the hereafter begins to hold on. The Qianshou was difficult to cut, and the King of Qin did not know this, and he built a Qingtai even more. "

The Ming Dynasty Wang Lidao has the "Biography of the Mother of the Leaf": "To every time you read the "Chronicle of History and Cargo", to the widow Qing, I did not hesitate to sigh the love of the son and ridiculed it. Husbands pass on the goods to breed is no longer a precept, Qing is a woman and has the name of immortality, greedy husbands will be the Emperor of Japan!" He believes that for the record of the deeds of the widow of Ba, "if the whole world sees the benefit and does not hear of righteousness, then the sin of the son will grow." He accused Sima Qian of writing the "Biography of Cargo Breeding", which showed differences in socio-economic thinking, and the so-called "Qing is a woman and has an immortal name, and the greedy husband and the emperor will be the emperor of Japan", which not only maintains the traditional Confucian concept of righteousness and profit, but also reveals a certain gender discrimination against Qing as a woman.

Song Ru Mingru looked at ancient history with his narrow vision, and naturally he was cramped. And the Ming Dynasty Wang Shizhen's "Epitaph of the Ming Dynasty Zheng Mother Tang Xiaoren" has another discussion on the Qing affairs of the widows of Ba: "In the past, the Qin Emperor Gai Keba widow Qingyun, it is said that the Qing widows spared their wealth, the wealth could be used for self-defense, and there was no invasion, and the Heavenly Son honored them, and the edict was made to build a daughter Huai Qingtai. Why does Fu Qin take the Keba woman as well? It is difficult for a woman to be a husband. Guest's Zhifeng also, which means only right-handery?" It's a unique insight. He speculated that qin shi huang's behavior was not only a reward for getting rich through industry, but also a "zhifeng", that is, an affirmation and encouragement for women to be determined and able to bear the heavy responsibilities of their husbands.

In the post-Ming period, when handicraft industry was relatively developed, more talents began to face up to the achievements and greatness of the widow Qing, and the late Ming poet Jin Junming had a poem: "Dan cave passed on the world and could defend the country with wealth." The forces of the Dragon Ancestors have fallen into the world, and they have built a high platform to cherish the qing of women."

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="67" > relationship with Qin Shi Huang</h1>

Gansu Wuwei Mozui Zi Han Tomb unearthed a simple book of the "Wang Cane Edict Order", which contains the following provisions: No son male over sixty years old, for Kun; Women over sixty years of age are not sons, and are widows. That is to say, the widow Qing was more than sixty years old when she saw Qin Shi Huang appear in the historical data, she was dozens of years older than Qin Shi Huang, and the reason why she could get the honorable award was nothing more than her family and political and military aspects. Most of the widow Qing's energy in her later years was spent on preserving her family wealth under the oppression of Qin Shi Huang, but the result was also "moving the world to become richer than 120,000 households in Xianyang", and the final outcome of the Dansha Empire was not known.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="69" > the beginning of the female table in ancient Chinese society</h1>

In the canonical history, there are three women with identity records related to Qin Shi Huang, in addition to Qin Shi Huang's birth mother, there are also xiangshui goddesses and ba widow Qing. Qin Shi Huang's attitude toward them was one after another.

There are nine great unified dynasties in China's history, and there are not a few strong emperors. However, those who were strong enough to dare to punish the immortals were only Qin Shi Huang. The object of his punishment was the Xiangshui Goddess. According to the "Qin Shi Huang Benji" record: Qin Shi Huang crossed the Xiang River, and the Xiang River was windy and could not be passed. The First Emperor was furious and asked the ceremonial officer which immortal was in charge of living in Xiangshui. The ceremonial officer replied: It was Shun's wife, Emperor E, and Lady Ying, who lived on Mount Xiang. The First Emperor then ordered three thousand prisoners to cut down the trees on XiangShan, and the entire mountain was dyed ochre.

At the same time, Qin Shi Huang also praised and commended the widows of Bashan, regardless of the habits of heavy agriculture and businessmen, regardless of the custom of valuing sons over women, and built Huaiqingtai for the widows of Ba, which was the beginning of the ancient Chinese society.

The First Emperor asked the immortals for medicine, and mu asked for immortality, but at the same time, he punished the immortals if he was not satisfied. Since the Succession of the Shang Martingale Reform Law, the Shi Huang had focused on the policy of attacking industrialists and merchants, but also treated the widows of Wu Shi and Bashan with courtesy. This fully reflects his eclectic and fearless spirit, which is also the momentum of his annexation of the Eight Wastes.


Ganning (?) –220), courtesy name Xingba, was a native of Linjiang, Ba Commandery (present-day Zhong County, Chongqing), a famous general of Sun Wu during the Three Kingdoms period, an official to Xiling Taishou (西陵太守), and a general of Folding Chong. When he was a teenager, he was a good ranger, gathering people and horses, holding bows and crossbows, committing crimes in the local area, forming a canal division to rob ships of property, known as the Jinfan Thief. When he was young, he stopped robbing and read the sons. He served as a Shu Commandery (蜀郡丞), and later under Liu Biao and Huang Zu, and was not reused. In the thirteenth year of Jian'an (208), Gan Ning led his troops to defect to Sun Quan and began to make meritorious achievements. He successively accompanied Sun Quan to break Huang Zu's stronghold of ChuGuan, followed Zhou Yu to attack Cao Ren to take Yiling, followed Lusu Town Yiyang to reject Guan Yu, guarded Xiling, captured Zhu Guang, and led more than 100 people to attack Cao Ying at night, with great achievements. Sun Quan once said: "Meng De has Zhang Liao, lonely has Gan Xingba, and he is also an enemy of each other." He was deeply supported by his soldiers and soldiers, and was praised by Chen Shou as "the tiger minister of jiangbiao". In the twenty-fifth year of Jian'an (220), Gan Ning died.

Introduction to Geography and History - Chongqing Warring States Rich List Li Resistance Wancheng Female Warlord Private Armed Virgin Dansha Queen with Financial Self-Defense and Qin Shi Huang Relationship ancient Chinese society Jingmu Jing women's friendship Guan Yu Se Lü Gan's friendship with Sun Jiao's civil tomb site Tomb Ancestral Hall Participated in the campaign Military education Song Yuan Ming Period Qing Dynasty Republic of China Period Republic of China Period Kuomintang Civil Civil War Period People's Republic of China

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="80" > Guan Yuse</h1>

While Guan Yu was defending Jingzhou, Gan Ning accompanied Lusu Tou to defend Yiyang (in present-day Hunan) and resistEdu. Guan Yu claimed to have 30,000 soldiers and horses, and he personally selected 5,000 elite soldiers and threw objects to block the shallow water area more than ten miles upstream, saying that he would wade through the river at night. Lu Su consulted with the generals on countermeasures. Gan Ning had three hundred soldiers at that time, so he said, "Can you add another five hundred people to me, I will go and deal with him, to ensure that as soon as Guan Yu hears my coughing and spitting, he will not dare to cross the river, and if he dares to cross, he will be captured by me." ”

Lu Su immediately chose a thousand people for him. Ganning rushed upstream overnight to fortify. Guan Yu heard that Gan Ning came, and seeing that the other party was ready, he abandoned the plan to cross the river and bundled firewood on the shore as a military camp. Later generations referred to this place as "Guan Yuse". Sun Quan rewarded Gan Ning for his merits and worshipped him as the Taishou of Xiling and the two counties of Xinyang and Xiayan.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="83" > lugan</h1>

Gan Ning has a rough temperament and is easy to kill. The next child in his kitchen made a mistake. Fleeing to Lü Meng, Lü Meng, fearing that he would be killed by Gan Ning, hid him and did not immediately send him back. Later, Gan Ning came to visit Lü Meng's mother with gifts, and when he wanted to go to the church to see his mother, Lü Meng called out the boy to return to Gan Ning, and Gan Ning promised not to kill him. However, after a while, back on the boat, Ganning tied the boy to a mulberry tree and shot him to death with his bow. Then, the men on board were ordered to strengthen the ship's cables and to undress themselves and lie in the boat. Lü Meng was furious, drummed and gathered troops, and prepared to get on the ship and attack Ganning. Gan Ning heard the movement and deliberately lay down unable to get up. Lü Meng's mother ran barefoot to dissuade Lü Meng: "The Lord treats you like flesh and bones, entrusting you with great things, how can you want to attack ganning because of personal anger?" If Ganning were to die, even if the Lord did not rebuke you, it would be illegal for you to do so as a courtier. Lu Meng had always been very filial, and after listening to his mother's words, he understood in his heart. He personally came to ganning's boat and greeted him with a smile: "Xingba, the old mother is waiting for you to eat, go ashore quickly!" Gan Ning was very ashamed, and choked on Lu Meng with tears and said, "I have failed you." So he went back with Lü Meng to meet Lü Mu and feasted and drank happily for a day.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="85" > befriend Sun Jiao</h1>

Gan Ning once had a temperate relationship with Sun Jiao, a famous general of Sun Quanzong, because he was drunk, and someone advised him to apologize, Gan Ning said: "The ministers should be equal, although Sun Jiao is a clan relative, how can he insult people!" When I meet the Lord, I should repay it with strength and life, but I cannot seek perfection because of worldly commissions. So Sun Quan wrote to Sun Jiao asking him to apologize to Gan Ning, and the two became friends.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="87" > folk gods</h1>

During the Song Dynasty, Gan Ning was named a god, and during the Southern Song Dynasty, he was even named "Zhaoyi Wuhui Left behind the Spirit Xianwang", and was able to build a temple to enjoy sacrifices, and was known as "King Wu" in some novel works. The crows gathered in front of its temple are called "sacred crows". Such as the "Bamboo Qing" story in Pu Songling's "Liaozhai Zhiyi".

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="90" > tomb site</h1>

Ganning Tomb is located in Banbi Mountain, Fuchi Town, Yangxin County, standing by the river and leaning on Junshan Mountain. Covering an area of 66.7 hectares, of which 53.36 hectares are forested, it is the tomb of Taishou Ganning in the Xiling Tomb of the Wu Kingdom during the Three Kingdoms period, which was funded by the local government to restore the original tomb during the Cultural Revolution. The garden is surrounded by mountains and ravines, evergreen in all seasons, there are ten acres of guiyuan garden in the northeast, ten acres of bamboo garden in the southwest, Ganning tomb is located in it, the tomb is 2 meters high, the circumference is 6 meters, in front of the tomb stands the antique Tianzhu Stone Square, elegant and spectacular, there is a natural "Ganquan Spring" in front of the stone square.

Qin Liangyu

Qin Liangyu (1574 – July 11, 1648), courtesy name Zhensu, was a native of Zhongzhou, Sichuan (present-day Zhong County, Chongqing), and a famous female general in the last years of the Ming Dynasty. Her husband Ma Qiancheng was a descendant of the Han Fubo general Ma Yuan, a hereditary Shizhu Xuanwei envoy (commonly known as Tosi), and after Ma Qiancheng was killed, because his son Ma Xianglin was young, Qin Liangyu took the post of consul. Qin Liangyu led his brothers Qin Bangping and Qin Minping to participate in the battles against the Qing army, the rebellion of Chongming, and the rebellion of Zhang Xianzhong, and other battles, and their battle achievements were outstanding, and they were awarded the title of Lady of the Erpin Commandment. The Chongzhen Emperor wrote four poems in praise of Qin Liangyu. After Qin Liangyu's death, later generations of literati praised Qin Liangyu's poems, and in modern times Bingxin and Guo Moruo also praised Qin Liangyu, and the patriotic general Feng Yuxiang also said: "To commemorate Mulan, we must learn from Qin Liangyu." After the fall of the Ming Dynasty, the Southern Ming Dynasty posthumously honored Qin Liangyu as the "Marquis of Zhongzhen". In the revision of history throughout the dynasties, female celebrities have been recorded in the biography of the daughters, and Qin Liangyu is the only hero in history who will be recorded as a dynasty name in the biography of Shan Independent biography.

Introduction to Geography and History - Chongqing Warring States Rich List Li Resistance Wancheng Female Warlord Private Armed Virgin Dansha Queen with Financial Self-Defense and Qin Shi Huang Relationship ancient Chinese society Jingmu Jing women's friendship Guan Yu Se Lü Gan's friendship with Sun Jiao's civil tomb site Tomb Ancestral Hall Participated in the campaign Military education Song Yuan Ming Period Qing Dynasty Republic of China Period Republic of China Period Kuomintang Civil Civil War Period People's Republic of China

In the sixteenth year of Chongzhen (1643), Zhang Xianzhong attacked Wuchang, executed Zhu Huakui, the king of Chu, and led his troops to attack Sichuan again, Qin Liangyu presented the situation in Sichuan to the inspector Chen Shiqi, and suggested sending troops to guard thirteen passes, but Chen Shiqi did not use it, Qin Liangyu again looked for inspector Liu Zhibo, Liu Zhibo agreed to Qin Liangyu's plan, but there were no troops to send.

In the seventeenth year of Chongzhen (1644), Zhang Xianzhong led a large army to drive straight in and attacked Kuizhou again, and Qin Liangyu led his army to the rescue, but was outnumbered and defeated. After Zhang Xianzhong captured Chengdu, Qin Liangyu said to his subordinates: "Both of my brothers were killed on the battlefield, and I am a woman who has been favored by the country for twenty years. At this point, I dare to stand at odds with thieves!" Therefore, Qin Liangyu divided his troops to guard the ShiLi Realm, and Zhang Xianzhong recruited Sichuan Toast everywhere, but he did not dare to come to Shi Li.

In the second year of Longwu (1646), the Longwu Emperor Zhu Yujian, who was far away in Fujian, sent envoys to Shizhu to crown Qin Liangyu Taibao and crown prince Taibao, and to be the Marquis of Zhongzhen (Qian Haiyue's History of southern Ming is the Marquis of Zhongzhou). At the same time, the Yongli Emperor Zhu Youluo, who was near the southwest, made Prince Taifu of Qin Liangyu the Prince of Qin, and appointed him as an envoy from Sichuan, and still used the general Zhendong to supervise the pacifying the thieves in Chuanzhong.

In the second year of the Yong Calendar, the Ming Dynasty patriarch Zhu Rongfan called the overseer of the state in Zhongzhou, sent emissaries to collect grain from Qin Liangyu, Qin Liangyu should not, Zhu Rongfan sent troops to attack it, Qin Liangyu asked for help from Li Zhanchun, and Zhu Rongfan retreated. He died on May 20 (5th year of The reign of Qing Shunzhi, 10 July 1648) at the age of 75.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="101" > tombs</h1>

It is rumored that Qin Liangyu died in 48 places, and those buried afterwards were poisoned and died. There are three existing Tombs of Qin Liangyu: 1, The Tomb of Qin Liangyu, located on Huilong Mountain, 7 kilometers east of Shizhu County. Built during the Reign of Qing Shun, it has a total area of 320 acres. There are 20 tombs of Qin Liangyu, Qin Liangyu Yiguan Tomb, Liangyuzi Ma Xianglin Tomb, Liangyu Brother Bangping, Di Minping and Liangyu descendants Ma Guangren and Ma Youzhao, and the general Ma Dejian. In front of the tomb of the good jade robe, there are stone figurines, stone horses, stone sheep, stone lions and other stone carvings lined up on both sides, with a solemn momentum; 2, Qin Liangyu East Tomb, the tombstone is engraved with "Qin Liangyu Tomb" five big characters, next to it is engraved: "Ming Shangzhu Guo Guanglu Dafu Town Guard Sichuan and other places of the governor of Han Tu officers and soldiers chief officer Hanging Zhendong General India Chinese Military Governor's Mansion Zuo Du Du Prince Tai Bao Zhongzhen Marquis" inscription; 3, Qin Liangyu West Tomb, the main stele is engraved: "Ma Mu Qin Clan Zhensu Tomb". On both sides, they are inscribed: "Ming Wanli Second Year Jia Shu Ji Birthday"; "Died in the fifth year of Qing Shunzhi's reign"; Inscriptions such as "Filial Piety Ma Xianglin Li".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="103" > ancestral hall</h1>

Qin LiangYu Ancestral Hall, also known as Taibao Ancestral Hall, was built in the Qianlong Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty (1762 in the Gregorian calendar) and repaired in the 19th year of Jiaqing (1815). After liberation, it was changed into a village primary school, and the Cultural Revolution was tragically destroyed, but the window flowers, reliefs, and steles were still faintly visible, and the scenery of the Qin Family Ancestral Hall still existed from a distance. It has been listed as a first-class protected building in Chongqing.

Liu Bocheng

Liu Bocheng (December 4, 1892 – October 7, 1986), formerly known as Liu Mingzhao, was a native of Kaixian County, Sichuan Province (now Kaizhou District, Chongqing). He is an outstanding member of the Communist Party of China, a marshal of the People's Republic of China, one of the founders of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, a great proletarian revolutionary, a military scientist, a Marxist military theorist, and a military educator. He joined the army during the Xinhai Revolution and joined the Communist Party of China in 1926. He successively participated in the Northern Expedition, the August 1 nanchang Uprising, the Agrarian Revolutionary War, the Long March, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and the War of Liberation. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he successively served as the second secretary of the Southwest Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, the chairman of the Southwest Military and Political Committee, the president and political commissar of the Military Academy of the people's liberation army of the Chinese, and the vice chairman of the People's Revolutionary Military Committee of the Central People's Government. He was awarded the rank of Field Marshal in 1955. On October 7, 1986, Liu Bocheng died in Beijing at the age of 94. Liu Bocheng has made immortal meritorious contributions to the cause of the liberation of the Chinese nation and the Chinese people, made outstanding contributions to China's national defense construction and socialist construction, and made outstanding contributions to the army's march toward regularization and modernization.

Introduction to Geography and History - Chongqing Warring States Rich List Li Resistance Wancheng Female Warlord Private Armed Virgin Dansha Queen with Financial Self-Defense and Qin Shi Huang Relationship ancient Chinese society Jingmu Jing women's friendship Guan Yu Se Lü Gan's friendship with Sun Jiao's civil tomb site Tomb Ancestral Hall Participated in the campaign Military education Song Yuan Ming Period Qing Dynasty Republic of China Period Republic of China Period Kuomintang Civil Civil War Period People's Republic of China

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="111" > participated in the campaign</h1>

The Xinhai Revolution and the protection of the country by Yuan

When the Xinhai Revolution broke out, Liu Bocheng was already nineteen years old, and he immediately joined the struggle to overthrow feudal rule, joined the student army, and entered the Crash Course of the Chongqing Army General School the following year, and after graduation, he was assigned to the Fifth Division of the Shu Army as the chief of the department.

After the outbreak of the Patriotic War in 1915, he was changed to platoon commander, and because of his bravery in battle, he was promoted to company commander by the line of fire, but the Shu army was quickly defeated by Yuan Shikai's army, and even Xiong Kewu, the commander-in-chief of the Shu army who commanded Yuan Yuan, was also run away. The troops were scattered, Liu Bocheng returned home for a while, and soon, Liu Bocheng, who was eager to save the country, came out again to join the revolutionary struggle.

In 1916, in the struggle to protect the country, Liu Bocheng organized the fourth detachment of the Sichuan Protectorate Army, and soon this team grew to more than 2,000 people. He led his army to capture Fengdu, and in the counterattack of the reactionary army he was seriously wounded and lost his right eye. However, because of his good command and bravery in battle, Liu Bocheng, who was only twenty-four years old, fell under the reputation of a famous general of the Sichuan Army.

The Northern Expedition and the Agrarian Revolutionary War

In 1926, Liu Bocheng was guided by Wu Yuzhang and others

Introduction to Geography and History - Chongqing Warring States Rich List Li Resistance Wancheng Female Warlord Private Armed Virgin Dansha Queen with Financial Self-Defense and Qin Shi Huang Relationship ancient Chinese society Jingmu Jing women's friendship Guan Yu Se Lü Gan's friendship with Sun Jiao's civil tomb site Tomb Ancestral Hall Participated in the campaign Military education Song Yuan Ming Period Qing Dynasty Republic of China Period Republic of China Period Kuomintang Civil Civil War Period People's Republic of China

Liu Bocheng accepted Marxism and joined the Communist Party of China. Entrusted by the party, in order to cooperate with the Northern Expedition, he and Yang Mingong organized the Huzhou and Shunyi uprisings. After Chiang Kai-shek rebelled against the revolution and the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communists broke down, Liu Bocheng went east from Sichuan to Nanchang under the instructions of the party and went to Nanchang to organize the Nanchang Uprising together with Zhu De and other generals. After the failure of the uprising, Liu Bocheng and others sneaked to Hong Kong and moved to Shanghai in the winter of 1927. While hiding in Shanghai, Liu Bocheng, who was wanted, was denounced by his son, who was infected with vices, and was arrested several times. Under the arrangement of the party organization, Liu Bocheng went to the Soviet Union to study and escaped the pursuit of the reactionaries.

After returning from the Soviet Union, Liu Bocheng served as chief of the general staff of the Central Military Commission, assisted Zhou Enlai and Zhu De in commanding the fourth anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaign and won the war. In the face of the "Left" line and Li De's blind command, Liu Bocheng dared to stand up and wage a struggle, and he warned Li De: "If we do not stop this tactic of fighting for consumption and adopt a mobile and flexible policy, the base areas will be lost, the Red Army will be exhausted, and we will become sinners for eternity." His correct opinion was not only ignored, but he was also dismissed from his post as Chief of the General Staff.

Participate in the Long March

The Red Army began to learn lessons in its bitter defeat, and in January 1935, after the Red Army laid zunyi, an emergency meeting of the Central Committee was held, and Liu Bocheng resolutely supported Mao Zedong's correct opinion. After Mao Zedong presided over the work of the Central Military Commission, Liu Bocheng's military path gradually entered a favorable situation, and during the Long March, he always personally came to the front line to command at every critical moment. In the case of hundreds of thousands of pursuing soldiers and the danger of the Jinsha River, many people were afraid that the troops would not be able to cross the river, but Mao Zedong said humorously: "Comrade Zhu De said that Sichuan said that Liu Bocheng was a dragon under the heavens, how could the river waters stop the dragon?" He will take us over!" Liu Bocheng did not live up to the expectations of the people and enabled the army to cross the river safely. He also organized major military operations such as outwitting Zunyi, forcibly crossing the Dadu River, and crossing ethnic minority areas by accident, which made immortal contributions to the Long March of the Red Army.

The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Liu Bocheng served as the commander of the 129th Division, and together with the political commissar Deng Xiaoping led his troops deep behind the enemy lines, established the Jin-Hebei Luyu Anti-Japanese Base Area in the Taihang Mountains, organized and commanded the surprise attack on Yangmingbao, ambushed Shentouling, and Qiaosheng Qiquan Village, smashed the Nine-Way Siege of the Japanese Army, and broke the enemy's Thirteen-Way "Encirclement and Suppression." On the eve of the victory of the War of Resistance, he led his troops to counterattack the Japanese Kou in a large scale, annihilating more than 50,000 people and recovering 59 county seats.


During the Liberation War, Liu Bocheng served as the commander of the Second Field Army. He organized the Shangdang Campaign and annihilated thirteen enemy divisions. Subsequently, the Pinghan Campaign was fought, annihilating the enemy's two armies, and then fighting the Longhai Sea, settling down tao, waving the division south, and according to Mao Zedong's deployment, leaping thousands of miles into the Dabie Mountains, laying a wedge for the victory of the Liberation War. Liu Bocheng and Chen Yi's East China Field Army organized the Battle of Huaihai, annihilating more than 550,000 enemies in one fell swoop; The foundations for a national victory were laid. Then he crossed the Yangtze River, laid the city of Nanjing, and marched south, liberating east and southwest China.

The thousand-mile leap into Dabie Mountain should be said to be a masterpiece of Liu Bocheng's military command art, this battle

Introduction to Geography and History - Chongqing Warring States Rich List Li Resistance Wancheng Female Warlord Private Armed Virgin Dansha Queen with Financial Self-Defense and Qin Shi Huang Relationship ancient Chinese society Jingmu Jing women's friendship Guan Yu Se Lü Gan's friendship with Sun Jiao's civil tomb site Tomb Ancestral Hall Participated in the campaign Military education Song Yuan Ming Period Qing Dynasty Republic of China Period Republic of China Period Kuomintang Civil Civil War Period People's Republic of China

Liu Dengqian leapt into the Dabie Mountains to fight over the situation, not so much as fighting courage as fighting wisdom. At that time, the People's Liberation Army was still at a disadvantage, and the Second Field Army was already in the midst of a tiger-wolf attack when it left the base area and advanced into Luyu. In order to cover up the real attempt to use troops, Liu Bocheng commanded the army to make many "false" moves to lead the enemy into a lost path. Liu Bocheng first commanded the army to fight the Battle of Southwest Lu, which made the enemy mistakenly think that our army was going to seize the Longhai Sea, so he dispatched troops to defend; Subsequently, he ordered his troops to pretend to attack at the yellow river crossing, causing the situation of returning to the base area in the north, and Chiang Kai-shek immediately dispatched thirty brigades to march into Yuncheng and Juye in five routes. However, Liu Deng's army moved in the opposite direction, abandoning the big rear direction to advance southward, completely fighting a rear-line battle, and at this time Chiang Kai-shek still thought that Liu Deng's army was forced to move south without being able to cross. Only when Liu Deng's army crossed the Vortex River, the Shahe River, and the Yellow Pan Area did Jiang Jun understand our army's intentions, but it was too late. After our army advanced into the Dabie Mountains, it was like wedging a steel nail into the enemy's abdomen, which made Chiang Kai-shek's army deeply uneasy at any time. This move pinned down ninety of chiang's one hundred and sixty brigades on the southern front. Set the stage for victory in the War of Liberation.

After the liberation of the whole country, Liu Bocheng resigned as chairman of the Southwest Military and Political Committee and founded the Chinese People's Liberation Army Military Academy to actively work for the regularization and modernization of the army. Liu Bocheng served as the dean of the military academy for more than seven years, and he often personally examined and approved the teaching materials and participated in exercises, so that the structure and curriculum of the military academy were gradually improved.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="129" > military education</h1>

Founded a military school

"To govern the army, we must first govern the school" is Liu Bocheng's famous saying, and he also practices it. For this reason

Introduction to Geography and History - Chongqing Warring States Rich List Li Resistance Wancheng Female Warlord Private Armed Virgin Dansha Queen with Financial Self-Defense and Qin Shi Huang Relationship ancient Chinese society Jingmu Jing women's friendship Guan Yu Se Lü Gan's friendship with Sun Jiao's civil tomb site Tomb Ancestral Hall Participated in the campaign Military education Song Yuan Ming Period Qing Dynasty Republic of China Period Republic of China Period Kuomintang Civil Civil War Period People's Republic of China

Liu Bocheng struggled all his life. As early as the Central Soviet Region, he served as the principal and political commissar of the Red Army School. During the Long March, he was the chief of staff of the Central Red Army and served as the principal of the Red University of the Second And Fourth Fronts. After arriving in northern Shaanxi, he concurrently served as vice president of the Central Red Army University during his busy war command. In the War of Liberation, he led the army to the north and south, and while serving as the commander of the Second Field Army, he also served as the president and political commissar of the Erye Military and Political University, commanded the war, and personally taught, appearing in front of the cadets as an instructor.

After the liberation of the whole country, Liu Bocheng became the chairman of the Southwest Military and Political Committee, he accepted the task of running the school, resigned from the military and political posts, and founded the Chinese People's Liberation Army Military Academy, where he served as the first dean and later as the dean and political commissar.

In the early days of liberation, when everything was in ruins and everything was waiting to be revived, he forced himself to support the sick and worked with teachers and cadres to explore the road to running a high-level military command academy well under the new historical conditions. He painstakingly selected teachers, carefully studied and determined the school-running policy word by word, and examined and approved teaching materials for each subject. In a peaceful environment, our army's policy of running a school, the curriculum and content selection of the higher military academy all condensed the painstaking efforts of Marshal Liu Bocheng. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Liu Bocheng presided over the work of the military academy for more than seven years, making immortal contributions to the cause of military education.

Military style

In the process of running the school, Liu Bocheng advocated a good learning style and school spirit. School spirit is an important environment for educating people, and learning style is an important condition for growth. In order to make the newly established schools form a good atmosphere as soon as possible, he established a complete formalized system of rules and regulations in the schools in a very short period of time, and only ensured the implementation of these systems through strict management.

In order to form a good school-running atmosphere and leadership style, he advocated that "everyone should be the dean" and "deacons should be their own duties" and each should take responsibility. Advocate "study politics together, delve into business separately; Unified and centralized leadership, single-handedly into the grassroots; Centralized leadership, division of labor and responsibility" work methods and leadership style.

Teaching principles

In order to meet the needs of modernization and formalization, Liu Bocheng personally reviewed the teaching content and teaching policy. He put forward the training guiding principle of "tactics for warp, technology for weft, warp and weft interweaving, vertical and horizontal linkage, and weaving together" to form an overall training guideline. He stressed that the training and training of commanders who are good at organizing and commanding the coordinated actions of various branches of the modern armed forces should be regarded as the training goals of high-level military command academies.

Teaching materials for teachers

Running a school is inseparable from teachers, and he proposed and adopted methods such as "fast-track" and "speed-up" to improve teachers

Introduction to Geography and History - Chongqing Warring States Rich List Li Resistance Wancheng Female Warlord Private Armed Virgin Dansha Queen with Financial Self-Defense and Qin Shi Huang Relationship ancient Chinese society Jingmu Jing women's friendship Guan Yu Se Lü Gan's friendship with Sun Jiao's civil tomb site Tomb Ancestral Hall Participated in the campaign Military education Song Yuan Ming Period Qing Dynasty Republic of China Period Republic of China Period Kuomintang Civil Civil War Period People's Republic of China

In December 1951, Marshal Liu Bocheng came to Bayi Factory to inspect the professional level and advocated "respecting teachers and emphasizing teaching" to promote the teachers' love for teaching work. Liu Bocheng is very concerned about the issue of teaching materials, and he advocates that the teaching materials should be small and refined, and the content should be prepared without error. He demanded proper formulation, scientific preparation of terminology, and error-free punctuation. He often personally grasps the compilation, translation, proofreading, and publication of teaching materials in his busy schedule.

Mao Zedong affirmed Liu Bocheng's achievements in "Instructions to military academies," saying: "The founding of the military academy and its education over the past year or so have made important contributions to building a regularized and modernized national defense force."

To sum up, it is not excessive to use words such as "pioneer of our military academies" and "father of our military academies and schools" to describe Liu Bocheng's contributions to military education. Liu Bocheng has read ancient and modern Chinese and foreign military works, combined with the practice of China's revolutionary war, studied Marxist military theory, and has a unique exposition on guerrilla warfare, mobile warfare, position warfare, and headquarters work. His military strategy and art of command were important contributions to Mao Zedong's military thought. His major military works have been included in Liu Bocheng's Selected Military Writings. He also translated many Soviet military works.

Historical changes

Before the Song Dynasty

In the early Paleolithic period, 2 million years ago, the earliest Chinese humans, the Wushan people, had appeared in Wushan County, Chongqing.

In the late Paleolithic period, between 20,000 and 30,000 years ago, the "Copper Liang Culture" (present-day Tongliang District, Chongqing) appeared.

Introduction to Geography and History - Chongqing Warring States Rich List Li Resistance Wancheng Female Warlord Private Armed Virgin Dansha Queen with Financial Self-Defense and Qin Shi Huang Relationship ancient Chinese society Jingmu Jing women's friendship Guan Yu Se Lü Gan's friendship with Sun Jiao's civil tomb site Tomb Ancestral Hall Participated in the campaign Military education Song Yuan Ming Period Qing Dynasty Republic of China Period Republic of China Period Kuomintang Civil Civil War Period People's Republic of China

During the Xia and Shang dynasties, the Three Gorges region was the main rock salt producing area in China, and because salt was one of the important hard currency in ancient times, it gave birth to the early Pakistani civilization in the Wushan area.

During the pre-Qin period, the princely states of Ba established capitals in Yu (present-day Fuling District, Chongqing), Jiangzhou (present-day Yuzhong District, Chongqing), and Matjiang (present-day Hechuan District, Chongqing). In the eighth year of King Zhuang of Zhou (689 BC), the State of Ba and the State of Chu fought fiercely at that place (southeast of present-day Jingmen City, Hubei Province), and the two sides held each other for several months, and the Ba people were defeated. The Battle of Bachu was intermittent and continued, almost throughout the history of Bachu.

In the fifth year of King Shenliang of Zhou and the ninth year of king Huiwen of Qin (316 BC), after Zhang Yi led his troops to destroy Ba, Tunbing Jiangzhou and Zhuba County (江州城), the site of which was near chaotianmen at the confluence of the Yangtze river and Jialing River in present-day Yuzhong District. It is the beginning of the founding of Chongqing in history. The Qin Dynasty divided the world into thirty-six counties, and Ba County was one.

During the Han Dynasty, Ba County was called Jiangzhou and was under the jurisdiction of the Yizhou Assassin History Department. In the eleventh year of Emperor Jianwu of han guangwu (35 AD), Cen Peng entered The Gongsun of Shu from Jiangzhou to Pacify The Shu. In the first year of the Han Dynasty (190), Liu Zhang divided Yongning Commandery and ruled Jiangzhou. In the sixth year (201) of the Han Dynasty Emperor Jian'an, he was restored to Ba County. In the nineteenth year (214) of The Han Dynasty's Jian'an, Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang moved from Jiangzhou to Shu pingding Yizhou.

During the Three Kingdoms period, Li Yan of the Shu Han Dynasty built a large city in Jiangzhou. The Jin Dynasty changed Yongning County to Badu County. Jin Huanwen rebelled against Li Shi, and Zhu Lingshi pacified The Rebellion, both from Jiangzhou into Shu. In the Southern Dynasty, Song Qifu was restored to Ba County, and the county was ruled by Jiangzhou. In the fourth year (550) of the Southern Dynasty Liang Yuan Emperor Taiqing, Xiao Ji, the king of Wuling, set up Chu Prefecture in Ba County, the Seventeenth Year of the Reign of Emperor Wen of Western Wei (551) changed it to Ba Prefecture, and in the first year of The Northern Zhou Emperor Min (557), it was changed to Chu Prefecture. During the Southern and Northern Dynasties of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, Ba County was successively a jurisdiction of Jingzhou, Yizhou, Bazhou, and Chuzhou.

In the first year of Emperor Wen of Sui's reign (581), the county was abolished, and the city was surrounded by Yushui (JialingJiang), and Chu Prefecture was changed to Yu Prefecture (渝州), Zhiba County. This is the origin of Chongqing's abbreviation Yu. In the early years of the Sui Dynasty Emperor's great cause, the state was abolished and restored to Ba County. In the first year (618) of Tang Gaozu Wude,Yu Prefecture (渝州), Tang Xuanzong Tianbao initially changed its name to Nanping Commandery (南平郡), and Tang Suzong Qianyuan initially restored it to Yu Prefecture(渝州). During the Tang Dynasty, it continued to be known as Yuzhou and was under the jurisdiction of Jiannan Province.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="159" > the Song and Yuan Ming dynasties</h1>

During the Song Dynasty, it was under the jurisdiction of Kuizhou Road, and in the first year of Chongning (1102), due to Zhao Chen's rebellion, Emperor Huizong of Song changed the name of Yu Prefecture to Gong Prefecture (恭州) with the meaning of "change" in the sense of "Yu". In the sixteenth year (1189) of Emperor Xiaozong of Song, Emperor Guangzong of Song first enfeoffed King Gong and then took the throne, proclaiming himself a "double celebration", and promoting Gong Prefecture to Chongqing Prefecture, from which Chongqing got its name.

At the end of the Song Dynasty, the Mongol army invaded the south on a large scale, successively capturing a number of important Sichuan towns such as Langzhong, Deyang, Zizhong, and Suining. In the summer of the first year of the Southern Song Dynasty (1259), Chengdu, Sichuan was in danger, and in October, the Mongolian army launched the Battle of Diaoyucheng (or DiaoyuCheng Defense War) in Hechuan, Chongqing, in order to intercept the reinforcements from Chongqing to rescue Chengdu, Sichuan. The Mongol Great Khan Möngke (Yuan Xianzong), known as the "Whip of God" during the battle, was killed by stray bullets, after which the Mongol kings in the Eurasian battlefields returned to compete for the Khan's throne, which made the Song Dynasty last for 20 years and even changed the pattern of the Eurasian battlefield.

Introduction to Geography and History - Chongqing Warring States Rich List Li Resistance Wancheng Female Warlord Private Armed Virgin Dansha Queen with Financial Self-Defense and Qin Shi Huang Relationship ancient Chinese society Jingmu Jing women's friendship Guan Yu Se Lü Gan's friendship with Sun Jiao's civil tomb site Tomb Ancestral Hall Participated in the campaign Military education Song Yuan Ming Period Qing Dynasty Republic of China Period Republic of China Period Kuomintang Civil Civil War Period People's Republic of China

In the second year of the Southern Song Dynasty and the second year of the Mongol unification (1261), the Mongolian army attacked Sichuan, the Song army retreated to Chongqing, and Peng Daya became the prefect of Chongqing. For the sake of defense, Peng Daya made every effort to expand the city of Chongqing, expanding north to the Jialing River, and westward to the line of Linjiangmen and Tongyuanmen, which was roughly twice the scope of Jiangzhou City expanded by Li Yan, laying the general pattern of the ancient city of Chongqing from then until the Ming and Qing dynasties. In the third year of the Southern Song Dynasty, in the first month of the fifteenth year of the Yuan Dynasty (1278), Chongqing was attacked by the Mongol army, and when it entered the city, the Mongolian army encountered fierce resistance, and the Mongolian army slaughtered in Chongqing. Hechuan Diaoyu City was not occupied until the second year of the Southern Song Dynasty, the 16th year of the Yuan Dynasty (1279). The diaoyu city has been defended for more than 36 years, and has written a rare example of the victory of the weak over the strong in the history of Chinese and foreign wars, so it has been praised by Europeans as "the city of Mecca in the East" and "the place where God folds the whip".

In the 16th year of the Yuan Dynasty (1280), the Chongqing Road Governorate was established, which was under the jurisdiction of the Xuanwei Division of Southern Sichuan Province, which was subordinate to Sichuan Province.

In the 20th year of The reign of Emperor Shunzong of Yuan (1360), Ming Yuzhen, the leader of the peasant rebel army, built his capital here, with the name of "Great Xia", which governed present-day Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places.

In the fourth year of the Ming Dynasty (1371), Pingxia was renamed Chongqing Prefecture, which was subordinate to the Sichuan Cloth Envoy Department, with jurisdiction over 2 prefectures, 11 counties, and 1 hall, including Ba County, Jiangjin, Changshou, Yongchuan, Rongchang, Qijiang, Nanchuan, Hezhou, Fuzhou, Tongliang, Dazu, Bishan, Dingyuan, and Jiangbei.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="167" > qing dynasty</h1>

On September 13, 1876, under the pretext of the "Dian Case", the British forced the Qing government to sign the Sino-British "Yantai Treaty", which stipulated that britain could send consuls to Chongqing.

On March 31, 1890, China and Britain signed the "New Yantai Treaty Renewal Special Article", which designated Chongqing as a treaty port. Subsequently, British merchants opened a steamship route from Yichang to Chongqing. In the same year, the British set up a Consulate General in Chongqing.

On March 1, 1891, Chongqing Customs was established near Chaotianmen.

In 1895, the Qing government was defeated by Japan in the Sino-Japanese War, and according to the Treaty of Maguan signed in April of that year (known in Japan as the Treaty of Nisshin peace), Chongqing became the first inland trade port opened to Japan in China.

In 1896, France, Japan, and the United States set up consulates general in Chongqing.

In 1901, Japan established the Japanese Concession in Wangjiatuo, present-day Nan'an District. In the same year, france successively established a marine division dock and a barracks near the marblehead in the present-day South Bank district.

In 1902, Tsarist Russia established a Russian mansion on loquat hill in present-day Yuzhong District.

In 1904, Germany established a consulate in Chongqing.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="176" > the Republic of China period</h1>

In 1921, Chongqing set up a port supervision office, appointed Yang Sen as the superintendent, and prepared for the municipal administration. At that time, the urban area of Chongqing was undecided, and the jurisdiction was under the jurisdiction of The County Pass of Ba County, that is, part of the present-day Yuzhong Peninsula and the residential area near the former Jiangbei County.

In 1922, the Commercial Port Office was changed to a municipal office.

In 1926, it was changed to the Office of the Governor of Commercial Ports, expanding the urban area and beginning urban construction.

In 1927, the Office of the Governor of the Commercial Port was changed to a city hall, with Pan Wenhua as the mayor, and 30 miles on the north and south banks of the upper and lower reaches of the Two Rivers of Chongqing was designated as the urban area. But there are no clear boundaries.

In 1929, Chongqing was officially established as a second-class provincial municipality of the National Government, and the first mayor was Pan Wenhua.

In February 1930, the 21st Army headquarters explicitly ordered the examination and approval of the city and county authority committee to handle the demarcation of the boundary, and the Chongqing Municipal Government and the Jiangbei and Ba county governments organized the urban survey committee.

In 1931, the people of Chongqing, who could not bear the loss of state rights and the humiliation of the people, took the expiration of the 30-year lease period of the Wangjiatuo Japanese Concession and the September 18 Incident as an opportunity to carry out many struggles.

In November 1937, the government of the Republic of China promulgated the "Declaration on the Relocation of the National Government to Chongqing", which designated Chongqing as the capital in wartime; on November 16, Lin Sen, chairman of the National Government, followed the plan of moving the capital, gave account to his civilian officials and cadres who joined the army, counted the important artifacts such as the Republic of China's seal flag, boarded the ship overnight, left Nanjing first and made its first way to Chongqing; on December 1, it officially opened its office in Chongqing, and on the 16th, the Japanese army attacked Nanjing. After becoming the "wartime capital", Chongqing became the political, military, economic and cultural center of the rear area during the Chinese War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the political stage of the anti-Japanese national united front, the command center of the Far East of the world anti-fascist war, and the internationally renowned "City of Heroes" and "City of Indomitable".

Introduction to Geography and History - Chongqing Warring States Rich List Li Resistance Wancheng Female Warlord Private Armed Virgin Dansha Queen with Financial Self-Defense and Qin Shi Huang Relationship ancient Chinese society Jingmu Jing women's friendship Guan Yu Se Lü Gan's friendship with Sun Jiao's civil tomb site Tomb Ancestral Hall Participated in the campaign Military education Song Yuan Ming Period Qing Dynasty Republic of China Period Republic of China Period Kuomintang Civil Civil War Period People's Republic of China

In 1938, the embassies of Britain, the United States, France, Belgium, Germany and Switzerland in the Republic of China were moved to Chongqing.

On May 5, 1939, the National Government of Nanjing issued an order to upgrade Chongqing to a city under the jurisdiction of the Central Court of the First Class (i.e., a municipality directly under the central government), and Chongqing was also the sixth city under the jurisdiction of the Central Court after Nanjing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Qingdao, and Beiping, with the jurisdiction roughly covering the main urban areas of present-day Chongqing, namely Yuzhong District, Jiulongpo District, Shapingba District, Jiangbei District, and Nan'an District, while Beibei City (present-day Beibei District, Chongqing) was the seat of the Central Executive Yuan and the Provisional Government.

On June 5, 1941, 7,764 citizens who escaped the carpet strategic bombing of the Japanese army suffocated and died in the public air defense tunnel in Yuzhong District, Chongqing, which is known as the "Great Tunnel Massacre". From the spring of 1938 to the winter of 1944, the Japanese Army and Navy Air Forces jointly carried out indiscriminate bombing of Chongqing for more than six years, known in history as the "Chongqing Bombing", which was extensive in area, frequent in bombing, and heavy in casualties. In the face of such a disaster, the resolute determination of the people of Chongqing not to bow to suffering has moved the world.

After 6 and a half years of bombing, Chongqing did not fall, and the city of heroes under the bombing touched many foreign dignitaries. At that time, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, US President Roosevelt, Vice President Wallace, etc., called and wrote letters to the people of Chongqing to encourage and praise the perseverance of the people of Chongqing. In December, the government of the Republic of China issued a document declaring war on Nazi Germany in Chongqing, and the German embassy was closed; on December 31, Chiang Kai-shek set up a "spiritual fortress" at the intersection of Zourong Road and Wusi Road in Yuzhong District to show that the Nationalist government and the people of Chongqing had fought to the end, which was the predecessor of the Liberation Monument; from December to 1945 of the same year, Chongqing became the temporary residence of the Republic of Korea (government-in-exile).

Introduction to Geography and History - Chongqing Warring States Rich List Li Resistance Wancheng Female Warlord Private Armed Virgin Dansha Queen with Financial Self-Defense and Qin Shi Huang Relationship ancient Chinese society Jingmu Jing women's friendship Guan Yu Se Lü Gan's friendship with Sun Jiao's civil tomb site Tomb Ancestral Hall Participated in the campaign Military education Song Yuan Ming Period Qing Dynasty Republic of China Period Republic of China Period Kuomintang Civil Civil War Period People's Republic of China

On August 15, 1945, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression ended, and the Nationalist government returned to Nanjing. In the subsequent Constituent National Congress, Chongqing was made a permanent capital in the form of law.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="192" > period of the Kuomintang Civil War</h1>

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in 1945, in order to avoid civil war and strive for peace, the Nationalist government and the Communist Party of China held 43 days of peace talks in Chongqing, known in history as the "Chongqing Negotiations".

On February 10, 1946, when a riot occurred at the "Celebration of the Success of the Political Consultative Conference" held in Chongqing, Li Gongpu and Shi Fuliang were beaten, and more than 60 people, including Guo Moruo, Tao Xingzhi, Zhang Naiqi, journalists and members of the Labor Association, were also injured. The Chinese Communist Party called it a "bloody case" and a "tragic case," while the Nationalist government called it a "comparative incident."

On September 2, 1949, a fire broke out in Chongqing, which lasted for eighteen hours, killing nearly 10,000 people, and most of the buildings in Chongqing were damaged, and the Nationalist government claimed that the Chinese Communist Party had set fire to it, known in history as the "92nd Fire"; on October 11, the presidential decree announced that the government would move its office to Chongqing for the second time on October 15; on October 13, Acting President Li Zongren flew from Guangzhou to Guilin, and the heads of the Executive Yuan moved from Guangzhou to Chongqing; on October 15, it was announced that the Nationalist Government was officially working in Chongqing; on November 27, The Central Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang directly authorized the Central Committee to carry out a "final settlement" of more than 400 political prisoners detained in the Zha di Dong and Bai Mansions, which is known as the "11.27" massacre in Chongqing.

Introduction to Geography and History - Chongqing Warring States Rich List Li Resistance Wancheng Female Warlord Private Armed Virgin Dansha Queen with Financial Self-Defense and Qin Shi Huang Relationship ancient Chinese society Jingmu Jing women's friendship Guan Yu Se Lü Gan's friendship with Sun Jiao's civil tomb site Tomb Ancestral Hall Participated in the campaign Military education Song Yuan Ming Period Qing Dynasty Republic of China Period Republic of China Period Kuomintang Civil Civil War Period People's Republic of China

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="197" > people's republic of China</h1>

The second period of direct administration

On November 30, 1949, the Chinese People's Liberation Army entered Chongqing, and subsequently became the seat of the Southwest Military and Political Committee, which was the central municipality under the custody of the Southwest Region, and the Southwest Region was also located in Chongqing at that time.

In July 1954, the southwest region and Beibei City were merged into Chongqing, chongqing was abolished, Chongqing was demoted from a municipality directly under the central government to a sub-provincial city, and Chongqing merged with Sichuan.

Introduction to Geography and History - Chongqing Warring States Rich List Li Resistance Wancheng Female Warlord Private Armed Virgin Dansha Queen with Financial Self-Defense and Qin Shi Huang Relationship ancient Chinese society Jingmu Jing women's friendship Guan Yu Se Lü Gan's friendship with Sun Jiao's civil tomb site Tomb Ancestral Hall Participated in the campaign Military education Song Yuan Ming Period Qing Dynasty Republic of China Period Republic of China Period Kuomintang Civil Civil War Period People's Republic of China

During the period of merger with Sichuan

In 1964, the Beibu Gulf Incident broke out, and the construction of the third line began, and Chongqing became the core city of the third line construction.

In the four years from 1964 to 1968, more than 270,000 third-line workers were relocated from Shanghai, Jiangsu, Northeast China and other places, accounting for more than 1/4 of the employees of enterprises in Chongqing at that time.

In 1965 and 1979, the Yuqian Railway and the Xiang-Chongqing Railway, which were the key control railway projects in The construction of China's third line, were opened to traffic.

In 1975, the number of foreign workers who moved in the third-line construction of chongqing's main urban area reached its peak, with a total number of 435,000, accounting for 1/4 of the population of Chongqing at that time.

On March 3, 1983, eight counties in the Yongchuan region were merged into Chongqing Municipality, and Chongqing became the first planned city in China to enjoy provincial economic management authority.

In 1992, Chongqing was opened up as an open city along the river.

On September 15, 1996, the central government approved Chongqing Municipality to take charge of Wanxian City, Fuling City and Qianjiang District.

The third period of direct administration

Introduction to Geography and History - Chongqing Warring States Rich List Li Resistance Wancheng Female Warlord Private Armed Virgin Dansha Queen with Financial Self-Defense and Qin Shi Huang Relationship ancient Chinese society Jingmu Jing women's friendship Guan Yu Se Lü Gan's friendship with Sun Jiao's civil tomb site Tomb Ancestral Hall Participated in the campaign Military education Song Yuan Ming Period Qing Dynasty Republic of China Period Republic of China Period Kuomintang Civil Civil War Period People's Republic of China

On March 14, 1997, at the Fifth Session of the Eighth Chinese People's Congress of the People's Republic of China, Chongqing deliberated and passed a motion to merge the former Chongqing Municipality, Wanxian City, Fuling City, and Qianjiang District of Sichuan Province to establish Chongqing Municipality. On June 18, 1997, the government agencies directly under the Central Government of Chongqing were officially listed. For the third time in history, Chongqing has become a municipality directly under the central government.

On December 20, 1998, Wanxian District of Chongqing Was renamed Wanzhou District, and Wanxian Immigration Development Zone was renamed Wanzhou Immigration Development Zone.

Introduction to Geography and History - Chongqing Warring States Rich List Li Resistance Wancheng Female Warlord Private Armed Virgin Dansha Queen with Financial Self-Defense and Qin Shi Huang Relationship ancient Chinese society Jingmu Jing women's friendship Guan Yu Se Lü Gan's friendship with Sun Jiao's civil tomb site Tomb Ancestral Hall Participated in the campaign Military education Song Yuan Ming Period Qing Dynasty Republic of China Period Republic of China Period Kuomintang Civil Civil War Period People's Republic of China

On June 25, 2000, Qianjiang Tujia and Miao Autonomous County was abolished, And Qianjiang District of Chongqing City was established, and the Wanzhou Immigration Development Zone and the Qianjiang Development Zone were abolished.

On December 25, 2001, Changshou County was abolished and Chongqing Changshou District was established.

On April 10, 2003, Chongqing's "Hundred Towns Project", aimed at narrowing the economic gap between the main urban area of Chongqing and the new Chongqing area, was officially launched, and the first batch of 40 towns were launched.

From October 12 to 13, 2005, the 5th Asia-Pacific City Mayors Summit was held in Chongqing, and Chongqing was designated as the permanent host city.

On October 22, 2006, Jiangjin City, Hechuan City, Yongchuan City and Nanchuan City were abolished, and Jiangjin District of Chongqing City, Hechuan District of Chongqing City, Yongchuan District of Chongqing City and Nanchuan District of Chongqing City were established respectively.

On January 16, 2009, the State Council issued the Several Opinions of the State Council on Promoting the Overall Planning of Urban and Rural Reform and Development in Chongqing (State Council No. 3 of 2009), which identified Chongqing as a "National Coordinated Urban and Rural Comprehensive Reform Pilot Zone".

On June 18, 2010, Liangjiang New Area, China's third sub-provincial new area and the first state-level new area in the central and western regions, was officially established, with an area of 1,200 square kilometers, including parts of Chongqing's Yubei District, Jiangbei District and Beibei District, with a developable area of about 650 square kilometers.

Introduction to Geography and History - Chongqing Warring States Rich List Li Resistance Wancheng Female Warlord Private Armed Virgin Dansha Queen with Financial Self-Defense and Qin Shi Huang Relationship ancient Chinese society Jingmu Jing women's friendship Guan Yu Se Lü Gan's friendship with Sun Jiao's civil tomb site Tomb Ancestral Hall Participated in the campaign Military education Song Yuan Ming Period Qing Dynasty Republic of China Period Republic of China Period Kuomintang Civil Civil War Period People's Republic of China

On October 27, 2011, Wansheng District and Qijiang County were abolished and Chongqing Qijiang District and Wansheng Economic and Technological Development Zone were established; Shuangqiao District and Dazu County were abolished to establish Chongqing Dazu District and Shuangqiao Economic and Technological Development Zone; in the same year, the State Council positioned Chongqing as one of the four major international metropolises.

In 2012, Chongqing won the 10th place in the 11th China City Competitiveness Ranking. In the same year, Chongqing was awarded the Top Ten Cities of Happiness and the Top Ten Cities of Leisure. It was shortlisted Chinese mainland the most developed city in tourism and the safest city in China.

On May 2, 2014, Tongliang County and Bishan County were abolished and Tongliang District and Bishan District were established.

On April 28, 2015, Rongchang County and Tongnan County were abolished and Rongchang District and Tongnan District were established.