
After 40 years, she moved back into her villa

author:Movie Story Club

Text/Sun Haifan

On March 18, 1990, a 78-year-old white-haired old lady who had been overseas for 40 years moved back to her villa in Shanghai, and she finally returned home.

After 40 years, she moved back into her villa

Rose Villa

Located in Lane 44, Fuxing West Road (formerly known as Bai SaiZhong Road) in Shanghai's Xuhui District, her villa is one of seven elegant three-storey garden villas with different styles. The 7 villas cover an area of 4,393 square meters, with a total gross floor area of 3,171 square meters, each with a floor area of 453 square meters. These villas, which the 28-year-old invested in in 1940 and personally presided over and supervised the construction, at that time Shanghai can be called a "top luxury house", she gave these villas a romantic name: rose villa. However, after living here for 9 years, she lost all her properties on the mainland, including the Rose Villa. After that, she fried gold in Hong Kong and eroded all her assets, and all day long she ate dried radish, and she fell into the lowest trough of her life.

After 40 years, she moved back into her villa

Lenny at the Rose Villa

Her name is Lenny, born in 1912, before the age of 37 she has been given the glory and wealth that many women dream of, and has seen the world and experienced ups and downs. But the speed at which she went from the peak of her life to the bottom was so fast that she had never expected it before, so she had attempted suicide in Hong Kong.

Like many of today's "rich sisters" who own a large number of real estate, when she built these houses in 1940 during the Japanese occupation of Shanghai, she did not expect that one day she would lose all this. At that time, in addition to being a mother who lived alone in Shanghai with her daughter and at the same time had to take care of her three children born to her ex-husband, she also had a "formal" identity, that is, the second wife of Sun Ke, then an executive member of the Kuomintang Central Committee, and the daughter-in-law of Dr. Sun Yat-sen.

After 40 years, she moved back into her villa

Sun Ke

Most people think that in her capacity in Shanghai, it must be the wind that wants the wind, and the rain that wants to rain, but it is not. At that time, it was a critical juncture of the War of Resistance, she originally moved to chongqing with her husband Sun Ke, but because Sun Ke's eldest wife Chen Shuying also came to Chongqing, Lan Ni was unwilling to live this kind of "monogamous and two wives" three people living under the same roof, in order to avoid embarrassment, she returned to Shanghai alone to reunite with her 2-year-old daughter Sun Huifen, who was placed in her mother's house.

Although Sun Ke is in a high position, he and Dr. Sun Yat-sen are the same as "do not store private wealth", so Lani and her daughter's source of life in Shanghai mainly depends on herself, and her mother's family cannot be counted on, because, 20 years ago, it was the family road that fell, she only interrupted her studies, and got married at the age of 18, and one of the conditions for getting married was that the man gave her parents 100 yuan per month as a family.

The Lan family originally had a prominent family background, the ancestor was the Miao King of Jianshui in Yunnan, her grandfather Lan Heguang was a person in the last years of guangxu in the Qing Dynasty, her father Lan Jianjun was also a professional revolutionary and a businessman, and also served as a local official, and her mother Fang Shuzhen was a bridesmaid, so Lan Ni's life before the age of 18 was carefree and well-fed.

After 40 years, she moved back into her villa

Lenny as a girl

She was born in Macao, 7 years old in Shanghai primary school, 11 years old in Nanjing Huiwen Middle School junior high school, 13 years old into Nanjing Jinan Girls' High School, 15 years old back to Shanghai renyong girls' high school, in that era, she has enjoyed the ordinary family girls can not get "higher education", but on the eve of her preparation for college, she had to terminate her studies, forced to marry a woman, because the family really has no source of livelihood.

The cause was that Lan Jianjun, who had been the director of the Wuxi Taxation Bureau and the director of Changshu Shatian, was suddenly attacked by gangsters when Lan Ni was 14 years old when she went out with her friends, and as a result, her friends were killed, and Lan Jianjun was frightened and insane, so he lost his job and recuperated at home for a long time. Lan Jianjun has a daughter and two sons, he has no income, the family sits on the mountain, and soon the savings will bottom out. At this time, Lan Jianjun remembered the sayings of "Zhi En Tu Bao" and "seeing the truth in danger", he had borrowed 200,000 silver yuan for his "iron brother" Liu Defu to open a ferry car ferry company in Hong Kong, if his life was good, he might not ask Liu Defu for this "huge amount of money". However, at present, his family has been cornered, don't say that he has taken it all back, and it is always okay to get back some emergencies, right?

Thinking of this, Lan Jianjun bid farewell to his wife Fang Shuzhen and Lan Ni's brothers and sisters, took two close-knit old servants Ding Fu and Gao Fu to Hong Kong, and finally found Liu Defu after several twists and turns, but did not expect that Liu Defu, who was called a brother and brother with Lan Jianjun, insisted that he had never borrowed this money from Lan Jianjun, and said that he must have made a mistake in his neurosis, and after that, he couldn't help but say that he was driven out of the door without even a meal, which reminded Lan Jianjun of a sentence that modern people often say: money cannot be borrowed, and people's hearts are too bad!

Ding Fu and Gao Fu were the old servants who had followed the Lan family for many years, and they were also the only relatives in front of Lan Jianjun's eyes, seeing this situation, the two old servants remembered the explanation that his wife Fang Shuzhen "must ensure the safe return of the old man" before leaving, and did their duty all the way to send Lan Jianjun back to Shanghai safely. However, after arriving in Shanghai, these two old servants who never seemed to turn their backs on the Lan family actually swept away the cost and entanglement of their master's medical treatment in Hong Kong, and fled! At this moment, the Lan family was completely forced into a desperate situation.

In fact, there was a way to alleviate the economic situation of the Lan family before, but Fang Shuzhen was really unwilling to take this step, so she did not agree for a long time, because this method was equivalent to "selling marriage" in Fang Shuzhen's view.

At that time, Li Tunsheng, the executive deputy director of the Finance Department of the Nanjing government, who lived not far from the Lan family, intended to marry Lan Ni as a daughter-in-law for his son Li Dingguo, and promised that if the Lan family agreed to this marriage, they could give the Lan family a monthly allowance of 100 yuan. Li Qiaosheng is a native of Wujin, Jiangsu Province, and the Li family is also a scholar, objectively speaking, Li Qiaosheng's proposal to the Lan family is not a danger to take advantage of people, but it has long been determined that Lan Ni, a girl with blue eyes and the title of "Princess miao Wang", is the best candidate for the Daughter-in-law of the Li family.

When cornered, Lanni can only sacrifice her own pursuit of free love, she told her mother with tears that she is willing to go to the Li family as a daughter-in-law to help the family get out of the predicament, and Fang Shuzhen can no longer refuse, in this way, 18-year-old LanNi shouldered the heavy responsibility of "saving the family in the water and fire" married into the Li family, and wholeheartedly became the full-time daughter-in-law of the Li family.

The Li family is a feudal bureaucratic family, there are many rules in the house, although Li Qiaosheng has repeatedly stressed that marrying Lan Ni as a daughter-in-law has nothing to do with relieving the lan family's difficulties, but the old people of the Li family do not even think so, they conclude that Lan Ni is "selling herself" to their family as a daughter-in-law, because of this, Lan Ni's status in the Li family is very low. Lenny is an educated woman, arrogant, stubborn, but very intelligent. She understood that at this time, she could only swallow her anger, as long as she was devoted to her husband and son, when her husband achieved the great cause of life, she would definitely raise her eyebrows.

However, after giving birth to three children, she was disappointed. Her husband, Li Dingguo, the "second generation of the rich," turned out to be a master who did not seek progress. He did not go out to become an official, nor did he think about making money to support his family, he had nothing to do at home all day, he ate and drank, and he rarely shared the humiliation that Lenny suffered mentally, although it did not worse, but all this began to make Lenny feel discouraged.

After all, Lan Ni has the blood of the Southwest Miao King, and there is the courage and assertiveness of the Southwest woman in her personality, plus she has received a Western-style education, so she believes that if she does not "cut the warehouse" in time for her current life, she will become the fertility machine of the Li family, and has been "trapped" in the Li family, and her life is frozen. Therefore, in the fifth year after marrying Li Dingguo, she resolutely proposed to divorce Li Dingguo, and she invited barrister Wu Kaisheng to handle the divorce agreement for her, and finally she was relieved. When she left home, she did not take any wealth, and barrister Wu Kaisheng asked her: "What are your plans after the divorce?" She said: "I still have a few hundred yuan on me, and when I run out, I will jump into the Huangpu River."

Some people say that "early marriage makes people mature faster", at this time, only 23 years old, Lanni, but is already a mother of three children, she has both a natural beauty and a pair of blue eyes different from the Han, and has the temperament of an intellectual woman, and she is different from other girls of the same age in that she appears more gentle, virtuous, mature, both young and lively and more attractive. Therefore, when she entered the social circle of Shanghai's high society under the leadership of female classmates, she soon became a famous socialite in Shanghai.

At the age of 18, she saved her family with her marriage, and now she wants to save herself with her charm, she, after all, is a woman.

It didn't take long for her to choose a future for herself. The following year, at the age of 24, she was invited to a banquet with her classmates, where she met Sun Ke, one of the four sons of the Republic of China, the only son of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, and the president of the Legislative Yuan of the Republic of China government. At this time, Sun Keyuan's wife Chen Shuying was recuperating in Macao due to illness, and he lived alone in Nanjing, and as soon as he saw this beautiful and temperamental Lani who spoke English, he immediately "called". By the end of the dinner, Lanni already had a "job", that is, to serve as a private secretary for Sun Ke, responsible for his public and private affairs and taking care of his life, and soon, Lanni and Sun Ke arrived in Nanjing and began her new life.

Sun Ke is 21 years older than Lanni, and Lan Ni appears next to Sun Ke as a life secretary, even if she is inseparable, there will not be much criticism in the open Republic of China. However, if the old man and girl want to talk about marriage, that is another matter. Because, the marriage law of the Republic of China also has a "monogamous" provision, Sun Ke is the president of the legislature, and he wants to marry Lan Ni without resting Chen Shuying, that is, he knows the law and breaks the law.

After 40 years, she moved back into her villa

Sun Ke and Lenny

However, "the one who breaks the law is often the person who makes the law" is a big tradition in China, Sun Ke is also very traditional, he does not care so much, but he does not dare to make a big publicity, so when he married Lan Ni, he did not hold a formal wedding, nor did he formally go through the formalities, but only invited his colleagues in the Legislative Yuan to do four tables of wine, and at the wine table he also laughed at himself: "Haha, I know the law and break the law, and the crime is added to the first class!" After the marriage, in order to show his love and loyalty to Lan Ni, Sun Ke personally wrote a note to Lan Ni, and wrote: I only have two wives of the Yuan with Chen Clan and the Second Lady Lan Clan, in addition to no third person, hereby certify and hand over to Lan Yiyi (Lan Ni's word) the Second Wife to receive it. With this evidence, Lan Ni was relieved, but another woman, Yan Qianjuan, was heartbroken, she was Lan Ni's "predecessor", who followed Sun Ke for four years, and at this time she was still pregnant with Sun Ke's child to give birth, and it was precisely because of Lan Ni's appearance that she was forced to leave Sun Ke.

However, since marrying Lenny, Sun Ke has indeed "become honest". In 1938, Lan Ni gave birth to a daughter Sun Suifen in the French Concession in Shanghai, but soon she followed Sun Ke to Chongqing, at this time, during the second cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, Lan Ni followed Sun Ke to Zeng Jiayan's Eighth Route Army office, met many important MEMBERS of the Ccp, and privately became friends with Deng Yingchao, and it was Sister Deng who returned her to the "Rose Villa" decades later.

When Lenny left her first husband, Li Dingguo, she left three children, and she did not need or be able to bear the responsibility of raising them. But when she temporarily left Sun Ke from Chongqing to Shanghai, it was the most difficult moment of the War of Resistance, the life of the Li family was not as good as before, and her three children were only 8 or 9 years old, and Lan Ni naturally could not ignore it. As a result, Lani, who had just arrived in Shanghai, was faced with the livelihood problems of her mother's family and four children, and she needed to make money.

Like the one when she came out of the Li family, Lenny still didn't have any money at this time, but, unlike then, she already had a fairly wide network of contacts, and this was money.

From today's standpoint, Lenny's connections at that time were somewhat "unclean", which is clear at a glance at her "circle of friends". Since the Wang puppet regime at that time was also "uniting all forces that can be united", people with the identity of Sun Ke were naturally also the objects of their focus on fighting. Therefore, when Lan Ni reappeared in the social circle of Shanghai Beach, Zhou Fohai, Chen Gongbo, Chu Minyi, Mei Siping, these Wang pseudo-important people were not only not difficult for her, but also provided convenience for her to do things, so Lan Ni took this opportunity to start a business.

Compared with many women who use government resources to obtain major projects and real estate projects, Lani can be said to be the "xingzun" and "grandmother" of Chinese real estate female bosses. In 1940, not long after returning to Shanghai at the age of 28, Lennie used her strong "government connections" to start contracting projects, and soon her business was booming. Then, in order to obtain greater profits, Lenny began to get involved in the real estate industry and the import of high-end building materials.

"Lot, lot, or lot" is not what Lenny said, but she has long known this truth, to engage in real estate must be in a good location, so that the house can sell at a good price, there is a huge profit. Therefore, after investigation, Lenny took a fancy to a piece of land in the prime location of the French Concession at that time. For the sake of investment prudence, Lan Ni also consulted Yang Runsheng, a real estate tycoon in Shanghai at that time, who was equivalent to the identity of the "seal" and "stone" of today's real estate tycoons who were surprised by the storm. Yang Runshen did not say a word, immediately went to the field investigation, after reading it, praised Lanni for having vision, not only that, Yang Runshen also decided to throw himself a share to help Lanni.

Soon, Lan Ni got the title deed of this piece of land, and immediately asked the four famous designers Xi Fuquan, Huang Dayu, Zhao Di and Chen Zhi, who were also the strongest in Shanghai at that time and became the masters of Chinese architectural design, to design for her. Based on this "noble" land and environment, the architects designed 7 three-storey garden-style houses with different styles and colors, and Lenny personally supervised and built them according to the map. After the construction, Lanni found that the two bungalows facing the street at Malukou were owned by others, and she paid to buy them, so that the entire lane was Lanni's, and Lanni gave this lane an elegant name: Rose Villa, and set a "sky-high price" of 350,000 yuan per villa for these villas, becoming a "top mansion" in Shanghai.

Since then, Lani's real estate business has become bigger and bigger, and at the same time, the contracting project and the German paint agent have not stopped, and soon she has become one of the top "female real estate predators" in Shanghai. By the time of liberation, her property in Shanghai was worth millions of dollars, according to her own account. She finally got out of the financial difficulties, and several of her children were well-fed and well educated.

After 40 years, she moved back into her villa

Lenny is in Shanghai

However, it is still the same sentence "to come out of the mix is to pay back." In Shanghai during the Wang pseudo-period at the time of the national disaster, Lan Ni, as Sun Ke's wife, not only did not "shoulder the national mission and devote herself to the anti-Japanese movement", but only cared for her own small family and "only profit is the goal", which could not but arouse the disgust of the Chongqing side. Moreover, Sun Ke itself had many opposites in Chongqing, and as a result, Lani's behavior was quickly punished.

On August 16, 1945, Japan surrendered and the War of Resistance ended. "Shanghai real estate tycoon" Lan Ni immediately flew to Chongqing to reunite with Sun Ke, and then the husband and wife returned to Shanghai together, and then Sun Ke also lived in Lan Ni's home in Shanghai - Rose Villa No. 2, met her 7-year-old daughter Sun Suifen, and the family was immersed in the joy of reunion.

However, not long after Sun Ke returned to Chongqing on official business, Dai Kasa, director of the Military Command Bureau, who came to Shanghai to preside over the arrest of traitors and the confiscation of anti-production, put Lan Ni in prison on the grounds of "suspected traitors." At the same time, Dai Kasa also seized her property, sent troops to guard the Rose Villa, and confiscated the German imported pigment stack list worth dozens of gold bars under Lan Ni's name, that is, the inventory list (commodity securities) issued by Lan Ni's storage pigment warehouse. And the reason why Dai Kasa arrested her was very simple, that is, the relationship between her and those big traitors during the Wang pseudo period was difficult to escape.

Dai Kasa dared to "move the soil on the head of the old man" and got sun Gongzi's head, which made Sun Ke very angry, and he forced his scalp to find Dai Kasa and intercede, wanting the secret agent leader to release his favorite second wife. As a result, Dai Kasa did not eat Sun Ke's set at all, and he immediately refused Sun Ke's request, and also said lightly: "There are many beautiful women in the world, why should Lan ni?" Sun Ke of Qi gritted his teeth secretly.

Originally, Sun Ke was unhappy with Chiang Kai-shek because of his advocacy of "pro-Soviet communism" after the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, but this time Dai Kasa arrested his second wife, and Sun Ke, in a fit of anger, risked turning his face to Chiang Kai-shek and left Chongqing in early November 1945 without permission to go to Shanghai to rescue Lan Ni. Chiang Kai-shek was taken aback when he heard the news, and on November 12, he immediately sent Wu Tiecheng, secretary general of the Kuomintang Central Committee, to Nanjing by special plane, and explained it in this way.

It turned out that this was a sensitive period, and the two parties had originally scheduled to convene a political consultative conference on November 20 to form a new government, and the Kuomintang was also making intensive preparations for this meeting. Prior to this, there were already rumors of a split between the Kuomintang and the Nationalist government. Although Sun Ke's unauthorized trip was for Lan Ni, from the outside world, this is equivalent to confirming the authenticity of the discord rumors, so in this case, Chiang Kai-shek must stop Sun Ke's "flight" from happening.

As for Dr. Sun Yat-sen's son-in-law, Chiang Kai-shek has always treated him with courtesy on the surface. Therefore, even if Sun Ke left Chongqing very impulsively, Chiang Kai-shek was still kind enough to persuade him and would never come hard with him. He first asked Liu Jisheng, Mr. Zhongshan's attendant military attaché, to hand over a handwritten letter to Sun Ke to persuade him to change his mind, but Sun Ke ignored it; then wu Tiecheng arrived in Nanjing and relayed Chiang Kai-shek's meaning to his face, but Sun Ke still did not bother to pay attention. Wu Tiecheng saw that the persuasion was ineffective, and had to sincerely express that he was willing to accompany Sun Ke to Shanghai, and Sun Ke had a smile on his face.

On November 15, five days before the Political Consultative Conference. This morning, Wu Tiecheng specially chartered the next flight of the Central Airlines for Sun Ke, and personally accompanied Sun Ke on the plane, as a result, after the plane took off, it made a turn in the sky, not to Shanghai, but to Chongqing, and at this time, Sun Ke realized that he was deceived. On the morning of the 16th, Chiang Kai-shek summoned Wu Tiecheng, and Wu Tiecheng expressed his willingness to bear all the responsibility for "tying" Sun Ke back to Chongqing. Then Chiang Kai-shek instructed Wu Tiecheng to convey to Sun Ke, who was still "uneven, unwilling, and dissatisfied", that Lan Ni could be released on bail, but on the condition that "he would not live with Lan Ni in the future", Sun Ke was eager to save his wife and first promised to do so. Thus, after 96 days in captivity, Lenny was released in the spring of 1946.

After being "inexplicably" locked up for more than three months, Lenny's temper also grew, and during these three months, she learned to swear, mainly Dai Kasa. In prison, she scolded every day, and when she left the prison, she was still scolding, and when she returned to the home of the Rose Villa, she was even more scolding, because her property had suffered a lot of damage.

Back at Rose Villa No. 2, Lan ni wanted to have a glass of foreign wine to suppress the shock, but when she opened the wine cabinet, it was all empty bottles---- and the wine was all drunk by the guards. Three months later, these soldiers swept away The famous wines of various countries that Lan Ni had treasured as shanghai old yellow wine; Lan Ni immediately went to the "Reverse Production Group" (an institution specializing in dealing with Wang's fake reverse production) to recover the property they had seized. However, she did not see her most memorable stack of German imported pigments worth dozens of gold bars, and when she inquired, she knew that the reverse production group had not seen the "commodity securities" at all.

For this batch of pigments, Lenny investigated all the way down, and also used the relationship including the minister of finance, from 1946 to 1947, the whereabouts of this batch of pigments are still unknown. In fact, where did she know that the paint had been sold by those responsible for reverse production as early as when she was in prison. Because, at that time, the managers could get ten percent of the "commission" from the reverse production of the sale, so they could not wait to "help" Lanni process the pigment. When Lenny finally learned that the paint had been sold and that she could get back the remaining 90 percent of the property, the clerk told her that she could not get back the gold bars, but could only return them according to the legal tender at that time, but after a year, the legal tender had depreciated almost worthless, and Lenny's property was in vain.

Originally, these pigments were only a small part of Lenny's assets, but because Lenny used too much in this matter, the movement was too big, and Sun Ke was also involved, so it caused many negative effects. Because at that time, Sun Ke had written to Hong Youlan, secretary general of the National Assembly, for this matter, saying that the paint was owned by "our family" Lani and demanded that it be returned. Hong Lanyou wrote to Wu Rencang, director of the Central Trust Bureau (at that time, the Enemy and Counterfeit Industry Clearance Office under the CCC was responsible for this matter), saying that Lan Ni was President Sun's wife, and asked Wu Kan to return the paint to Lan Ni on President Sun's face. Unexpectedly, Sun Ke's "wife-loving" behavior directly ruined the future of his career and marriage.

In fact, since Lenny was released from prison, her life has begun to decline, and when she actively recovers the paint, she has also had two major events.

The first was in the summer of 1946, when she and Sun Ke's then-8-year-old daughter Sun Suifen was kidnapped. The kidnappers offered a ransom of $300,000, and after some haggling, a ransom of $100,000 was agreed. In order to raise this huge amount of money, Lenny mortgaged the Rose Villa to the bank, and only then did she scrape together $100,000 to rescue her daughter. What Lan Ni did not expect was that the kidnappers turned out to be her two friends who opened a bank, Wu Yongji and Song Yushu, because the two gambled and lost their family property, and the financial industry in Shanghai at that time was also in a slump, so the two "bankers" took the risk and took advantage of the opportunity to eat with Lan Ni to move the tiger away from the mountain to let people kidnap Sun Suifen. What makes Lanni feel the most depressed is that this matter cannot be publicized, because if such a thing is seen in the news, it will have a bad impact on Sun Ke, so Lanni has suffered a big dumb loss.

After 40 years, she moved back into her villa

In her later years, Lenny and her daughter Sun Suifen

Compared with this matter, another thing has made a lot of noise in Shanghai, and it has also made Lan ni a gray face. The cause of the matter is still because of the Rose Villa. In 1940, when Villa Rose was first built, Lenny lived in Villa 2 herself and her parents lived in Villa 5. In August 1941, she rented Villa No. 4 to a merchant, Zhi Fuyuan, and In addition to collecting a "key fee" of 6,000 yuan, Lenny also agreed with Zhi Fuyuan to have a monthly rent of 1,600 yuan and an agreed lease period of 1 year. Unexpectedly, only 4 months of rent, the Japanese and pseudo authorities began to issue pseudo reserve bonds, and exchanged for legal tender in a 1:2 ratio, so that Lanni's rent became 800 yuan per month, coupled with the credit difference of pseudo reserve bonds, repeated depreciation, Lanni felt that she had lost a lot, so she wanted to let Zhi Fuyuan return the rent.

However, Zhi Fuyuan is not a good master, he first refused to raise the price, the second refused to check out, the reason is very simple, everything is executed according to the original lease. As soon as Lan Ni saw that she could not move him, she immediately invited a Japanese, who was also a pseudo-Shanghai Police Station, to come forward, thinking that Zhi Fuyuan would be scared away. Unexpectedly, Zhi Fuyuan was not panicked when he saw Otani Hatsuichi, and he also called a Japanese to help him, this Japanese named Kita, who was an adviser to the Shanghai Municipal Finance Bureau at that time and a teacher when he studied in Japan, so that Lanni lost the first round.

Zhi Fuyuan lived in the Rose Villa for 5 years, and in the blink of an eye to 1946, Zhi Fuyuan still refused to vacate the house, and Lan Ni really had no tricks, so she had to let Sun Ke come forward. Zhi Fuyuan now has no Kita, the Japanese patron, and knows that his arm cannot twist his thigh, and finally agrees to check out on the surface. However, he changed a trick again, saying that his original residence was occupied by a person surnamed Li, and he wanted to reclaim his house and then return Rose Villa No. 4, but the problem was that this surname Li also refused to give up the rent, he had now sued him in court, he asked the court to summon Lenny to testify on the grounds that President Sun and Lanni wanted to take back the house and he had nowhere to go, and hyped up to let the tabloid reporter pay attention to this matter, which pushed Sun Ke and Lanni into the public eye.

The president of a legislative yuan mixed up an ordinary housing dispute case, and this kind of hilarity was what Sun Ke's political enemies and ordinary people were willing to see. Sun Ke was very embarrassed by this matter, in order to clear himself and get rid of this disgraceful matter as soon as possible, Sun Ke immediately published a newspaper stating that he had no real estate in Shanghai except his residence in Nanjing, and the rumored housing dispute had nothing to do with him. However, Sun Ke's move not only made Lanni's efforts to reclaim the house fail, but also made Lanni feel a little cool - she did not expect that Sun Ke would "dry" herself alone.

Lanni's coolness towards Sun Ke soon turned into a chill, because then Lanni threw herself into the activity of helping Sun Ke run for vice president, and it was this activity that finally made Lanni and Sun Ke part ways.

After 40 years, she moved back into her villa

In 1948, the Kuomintang convened the "Constitutional National Congress" and announced that it would be changed to the "Constitutional Year", and Chiang Kai-shek was elected by the National Assembly as the first president of the Nationalist government, while the election of the vice president became the focus of contention among various factions. Sun Ke is not interested in the vice president who has no power and only wants to be the president of his legislative yuan. However, as the only son of Sun Yat-sen and at the same time having a deep origin with the Guangdong side, Chiang Kai-shek vigorously encouraged Sun Ke to run for vice president. Li Zongren was Sun Ke's main opponent in the run for vice president, so Sun Ke was in a hostile position with the Gui clan when he first revealed his intention to run. On the one hand, they are prepared and determined to win, and the other side is a hasty army, sharpening their guns in the front, and the offensive and defensive battles between the two have become more and more intense. In order to help Sun Ke run, Lenny gave full play to her outstanding communication skills and actively canvassed for votes for her. Relying on the fact that the Lan family and the "King of Yunnan" Long Yun are family friends, they have tried their best to win over the Dian clan with the special relationship between the hometown friendship and Long Yun, and ask them to help Sun Ke run.

However, at the juncture of the first round of vice president's campaign, the so-called "Lenny Incident" occurred, which greatly affected Sun Ke in the election. In the first round of the vice presidential election, Sun Ke fell behind Li Zongren. On April 23, the National Convention held a plenary meeting to formally vote for the vice president, but the front page of the "National Salvation Daily" on the same day published a report that after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the Kuomintang Central Trust Bureau confiscated a batch of high-grade architectural paint imported from Germany from Lenny in Shanghai and disposed of it as enemy property. However, Sun Ke sent a letter to Hong Lanyou, secretary general of the National Assembly, saying that the paint was owned by "our relative" Lan Ni and demanded that it be returned. Hong Lanyou wrote to Wu Rencang, director of the Central Trust Bureau, saying that Lan Ni was President Sun's wife, and asked Wu to look at President Sun's face and return the paint to her. Originally, in order to ensure li Zongren's smooth election, the gui clan revived the old matter, and Huang Shaohu, li Zongren's main assistant, personally grabbed the knife and wrote an article on the matter of "Our Dependents Lan Ni" and published it in the "National Salvation Daily."

In the face of the wanton attacks made by political enemies using the "National Salvation Daily", Sun Ke not only did not publicly defend Lenny, but on the contrary, for his own face and political future, while denying writing the letter and on the other hand, he broke off relations with Lenny, which angered the stubborn Lenny. On April 29, after four rounds of elections, Li Zongren finally defeated Sun Ke and was elected. Sun Ke lost the election, and the campaign staff completely blamed Lan ni for the failure, and it is said that Sun Ke acquiesced to this statement in order to clear himself, which also caused Sun Ke and Lan Ni to finally break up completely.

In April 1949, Lanni reluctantly left the mainland and her real estate, at which time she deeply understood what "real estate" is, real estate is her untouchable property, that is, her rose villa and other properties, even if it once owned many, but could not take away a brick and tile.

After experiencing the bankruptcy of Hong Kong gold speculation, Lenny went to Thailand with her daughter Sun Suifen to live for four years, when her daughter was already a flight attendant, and she married a pilot. In 1962, Lenny settled in the United States with her daughter's family, and it was not until 1982 that she returned to the mainland of her motherland at the invitation of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee. In 1990, under the care of Deng Ying's super sister, Lan Ni moved back to Rose Villa No. 2, which had been inhabited by movie star Qin Yi for many years, and after decades of wandering overseas, she finally fell back to her roots.

After 40 years, she moved back into her villa

In her later years, Lenny was at the Rose Villa

In 1996, Lenny completed her legendary and complicated life at the age of 84.

In January 2011, Lenny and Sun Ke's daughter Sun Suifen died in a car accident in Taipei at the age of 74.

Two months later, in March 2011, then-U.S. President Barack Obama nominated Gary Locke as the next U.S. ambassador to China. He is the first Chinese ambassador to China in U.S. history, his wife is called Li Meng, his father-in-law is called Li Zhenya, and Li Zhenya is the only boy of the three children born to Lenny and her ex-husband Li Dingguo. Therefore, Locke Jiahui followed madame and called Lenny Grandma.

After 40 years, she moved back into her villa
