
Feng Shuzi, secretary of the Party Committee of Yang'a Township, former Yangyang County, led discipline inspection cadres at the epidemic prevention and control card point in Lizhuang Village

author:Yu Qingfeng


Feng Shuzi, secretary of the Party Committee of Yang'a Township, former Yangyang County, led discipline inspection cadres at the epidemic prevention and control card point in Lizhuang Village

Yuanyang County

On August 20, Feng Shuzi, secretary of the Party Committee of Yang'a Township, former Yangyang County, led discipline inspection cadres to go deep into the epidemic prevention and control card point in Lizhuang Village to supervise the implementation of the main responsibility for epidemic prevention and control, and tighten the "responsibility string" of epidemic prevention and control. This newspaper reporter Ma Bingyu correspondent Ma Xiaozhao took photos