
The genius of the national army who does not kill, the boss in prison, the wisdom of Yan Xishan, his life is far more brilliant than you think

author:Huaxia Road
The genius of the national army who does not kill, the boss in prison, the wisdom of Yan Xishan, his life is far more brilliant than you think

Figure | Thin wave

He was a great communist.

In his lifetime, he was arrested four times, imprisoned twice, and in prison he advised the National Government, speaking more effectively than the warden.

Originally a wanted criminal of Yan Xishan, he ended up being Yan Laoxi's guest. Uniting with Yan Xishan to resist japan, he brought three comrades into Shanxi, but as a result, Shanxi became the base of the Red Army.

In the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression in Shanxi, he had indelible merit and glory, and he was Bo Yibo.

Sentenced to eight years in prison, he was imprisoned in Caolanzi Prison, where he waged a revolutionary struggle

In 1931, Bo Yibo was arrested, sentenced to eight years in prison, and imprisoned in Beiping Caolanzi Prison. In that year, due to the emergence of defectors in Hebei, many organs and organizations were destroyed, and Yin Jian, Yang Xianzhen, An Ziwen and others were implicated and were detained in Caolanzi Prison.

The genius of the national army who does not kill, the boss in prison, the wisdom of Yan Xishan, his life is far more brilliant than you think

Figure | Beiping Caolanzi Prison

In 1935, the Nationalist government in Nanjing decided to execute twelve of them, Bo Yibo, but when the order was given to the Peiping Nationalist government, it was not executed.

What caused the Nationalist government in Peiping to refuse to carry out the orders of the Nationalist government in Nanjing?

Bo Yibo's life in prison was not good at first, until 1933, when He Yingqin began to take charge of Beiping.

In this year, the Peiping Nationalist government launched three major interrogations of revolutionary comrades in Caolanzi Prison.

The first threat is gali lure. Through the way of conversation, from family relations to personal future, and finally to political tendencies. As a result, kang qiang replied to the comrades," and in the end even the nationalist government personnel in charge of interrogation did not want to continue.

The second was a separate interrogation. The comrades were taken out and interrogated by two judges in turn, and the result was predictable that the national government personnel, who were not legally accountable, once again touched the nose of ash.

The third time was intimidation. The comrades were called to the canteen, pointed at gunpoint, threatened, and shot without further change, only to see that the comrades did not react, and the members of the National Government themselves almost laughed.

After three fruitless interrogations, the Nationalist government began to brutally abuse comrades. They were not allowed to read books and newspapers, the quality of food gradually declined, and all new and old sick numbers were not allowed to seek medical treatment, and gradually the situation of comrades became more and more difficult.

In this case, Bo Yibo and others decided to fight by hunger strike, and after seven days and seven nights, the national government workers began to lose their breath.

As for these people in Caolanzi Prison, the Peiping Nationalist Government did not have the right to release them, nor did it have the right to kill them.

In desperation, the Nationalist government finally compromised, not only agreeing to the comrades' request to read books and newspapers, but also adding a few more braziers to the prison and seeking medical treatment for the wounded and sick.

Bo Yibo was the most dashing of the comrades, and after many struggles, his name as a talented son became more prosperous, which corresponded to the famous saying that there was no vain man under the fame. Faced with a complicated situation, all the problems that the Beiping Nationalist Government could not solve came to the prison to ask Bo Yibo for advice.

The genius of the national army who does not kill, the boss in prison, the wisdom of Yan Xishan, his life is far more brilliant than you think

Figure | Bo Yibo in Shanxi

Bo Yibo is also a person who does not refuse, and responds to all requests.

However, every time it comes to a critical moment, it stops immediately. Then tell the visitor that he is organized and disciplined, needs to ask the organization for instructions, and after getting approval, he can offer advice.

The Nationalist government had no choice but to go outside to seek instructions for Bo Yibo's organization.

Soon Bo Yibo received instructions from Liu Shaoqi, the leader of the Northern Bureau of the COMMUNIST Party:

Since then, Bo Yibo's treatment in prison has also been very good, almost becoming a prison adviser to the National Government, and sometimes his words are better than those of the warden.

It was during this period that the documents of the Wa yao Fort Conference were delivered from outside to the hands of comrades in prison. Of course, it was not the National Government personnel who sent it, but the Northern Bureau took advantage of the favorable conditions that could convey information inside and outside to send Kong Xiangzhen and other comrades to send it in.

In May 1935, when the Nationalist government in Nanjing issued a death order for twelve felons, the Beiping side did not immediately carry out the order.

At the same time, the rescue work of the Northern Bureau has gradually achieved results. The Northern Bureau wrote to the comrades in prison, asking them to confuse the enemy by means of false surrender.

When Bo Yibo saw this fake surrender letter from the Northern Bureau, he immediately disagreed, preferring to sit on the bottom of the prison rather than surrender himself out of prison, which will certainly become an unclear matter in the future.

Soon after, the second letter from the Northern Bureau arrived, in which it was clearly stated that the false surrenders of 53 comrades from Caolanzi Prison would be registered in the archives, and Bo Yibo and others reluctantly agreed. 53 comrades were released from prison in eight times, and Bo Yibo was in the first batch.

After his release from prison, Bo Yibo's spirits were still good, and the Northern Bureau also arranged for comrades to pick up comrades near Caolanzi Hutong, but there were still comrades faster than the Comrades of the Northern Bureau.

The genius of the national army who does not kill, the boss in prison, the wisdom of Yan Xishan, his life is far more brilliant than you think

Figure | Yan Xishan

After learning the news of Bo Yibo's release from prison, Yan Xishan had already sent a special envoy to wait in the inner courtyard of the prison.

"Is it Mr. Bo Yibo?"

Bo Yibo looked at the envoy, waiting for him to continue.

"Chairman Yan would like to ask you for a favor and discuss the important matter of 'Baojin'"

Hearing this, Bo Yibo was lazy to even look at the envoy, thinking that Yan Xishan would be an emperor of the land, and would he still discuss it? ridiculous.

"I have something to consult with the organization, and I can't be the master personally."

Bo Yibo dropped a sentence, striding forward, leaving the envoy to stand still on the spot.

Bo Yibo's anti-Japanese years in Shanxi

Under the general situation of uniting all the forces that can be united, resisting Japan together, and resisting foreign humiliation, Bo Yibo was sent to Shanxi, and Xu Xiangqian went with Bo Yibo, both of whom were Shanxi people, just in line with Yan Xishan's wishes.

Despite this, Bo Yibo still had many questions about Yan Xishan:

With the consent of the leaders of the Northern Bureau, Bo Yibo brought comrades who were also in Beiping Caolanzi Prison, Yang Xianzhen, Dong Tianzhi, and Han Jun, to Shanxi.

Yan Xishan always regarded Shanxi as his own territory, where the economic foundation is strong, there are modernized large enterprises and arsenals, not only can make light weapons, but also can manufacture Type 88 field anti-aircraft guns.

Yan Xishan was surrounded by two important figures, Zhao Daiwen and Zhao Pilian, both of whom were the principals of Bo Yibo's studies at the Shanxi National Normal School, and Liang Huazhi, another of Yan Xishan's close associates, was Bo Yibo's classmate, and it turned out that these three had recommended Bo Yibo to Yan Xishan.

After Bo Yibo came to Shanxi, he made a request to Yan Xishan: to restore the Alliance. This was founded by some progressive young people in the Shanxi Self-Improvement and National Salvation Comrades Association, but after its establishment, it was left aside by Yan Xishan.

The genius of the national army who does not kill, the boss in prison, the wisdom of Yan Xishan, his life is far more brilliant than you think

Figure | The League

Bo Yibo told Yan Xishan that if this organization was not restored, it would be impossible to mobilize the masses to carry out the anti-Japanese salvation movement.

Hearing Bo Yibo say this, Yan Xishan immediately agreed.

Yan Xishan needs to use our party to mobilize the masses and call on the whole people of Shanxi to resist the enemy and save their lives; of course, Yan Xishan is called this, we call it anti-Japanese salvation, and he calls it resisting the enemy and saving the dead, we call it recovering the lost land, and he is calling it defending the land to resist the enemy.

For these, Bo Yibo received instructions that he did not need to be too true with Yan Xishan, in essence, he still hoped to unite Yan Xishan to resist Japan. As for mobilizing the masses, due to the strong feudal nature of Shanxi, it will be more convenient to carry out work in the name of "government-run groups".

After the establishment of a new leadership team, the League immediately recruited 1,000 progressive young students and patriotic youths and sent them to the countryside to assist the village chief in handling village affairs.

At the end of 1936, the Suiyuan War of Resistance broke out, and soon after, Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng put Chiang Kai-shek under house arrest in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province.

Under the propaganda campaign of patriotic youth in Shanxi, the anti-Japanese sentiment was unprecedentedly high, and the League soon grew to 300,000 people.

Twenty thousand outstanding young people were selected from among the members of the League, and as cadets of the "National Soldier Officers' Teaching Corps", ten regiments were formed to conduct political and military training.

The military and political training classes and the civil training cadre regiment developed extremely rapidly, and at that time, the patriotic movement in the whole country was not completely free, and under the call of the two regiments in Taiyuan, progressive young people from 22 provinces across the country poured into Shanxi like a tide.

On July 7, 1937, the July 7 Incident broke out, and the Japanese army's all-out invasion of China began.

The genius of the national army who does not kill, the boss in prison, the wisdom of Yan Xishan, his life is far more brilliant than you think

Figure | The July 7 Incident

After the Japanese invaded Andibeiping and Tianjin, they soon invaded Shanxi. A large part of the Jin Sui Army and the Central Army that came to support them collapsed at the touch of a button. At this time, Yan Xishan understood that relying on old Chiang Kai-shek's Central Army was out of play, and most importantly, even he could not rely on himself.

At this time, Bo Yibo approached Yan Xishan and suggested that since the old army was unreliable, it would be better to build a new army. Thinking of the new army, Yan Xishan certainly knew in his heart that there would definitely be an effect, yuan shikai relied on the new army to control the political power, and after that, the most capable of fighting in the northeast army was also the new army trained by Guo Songling.

After hearing Bo Yibo's suggestion, Yan Xishan quickly agreed and asked him to try a regiment first. Bo Yibo urgently reported the matter to Liu Shaoqi, the leader of the Northern Bureau.

Chairman Liu Shaoqi was very happy after hearing this, and immediately replied: "Good, hurry up!"

After receiving the instructions, Bo Yibo carefully selected 300 cadets from among the cadets of the National Soldier Officers' Training Corps, the Military and Political Training Class, and the Civil Training Cadre Regiment, formed a regiment, and called it the "Shanxi Youth Anti-Japanese War Death Squad" according to Yan Xishan's meaning.

For the formation of a new army, Bo Yibo made a very interesting request to Yan Xishan, and the political commissar in the whole army was the largest and could have the authority to remove and replace the commander-in-chief.

For this request, Yan Xishan actually agreed, perhaps he also felt that the new army really needed a new management model, which made Bo Yibo's work much easier.

On the day of taking office, the veterans and commanders of the old army who had fought several battles heard that a white-faced student had led the army, and they were not convinced in their hearts.

Although Bo Yibo had never brought soldiers, he had expected this earlier, and that day he gave himself a bearded image, completely looking like Guan Yun, not only did the soldiers dare not come out, but even Xu Jizhang quietly did not dare to speak out.

The genius of the national army who does not kill, the boss in prison, the wisdom of Yan Xishan, his life is far more brilliant than you think

Figure | Bo Yibo was in Shanxi

Gradually, Bo Yibo found that Yan Xishan really wanted to resist Japan, but he couldn't do anything about it. So he again suggested to Yan Xishan that the new army be expanded to 5-10 brigades, and Yan Xishan saw that the training of the new army regiment was good, so he agreed to Bo Yibo's proposal to expand the army by 5 brigades.

Before this difference, Yan Xishan officially issued the order in the name of the commander of the Second Theater.

Soon after, the four brigades of the army appeared in front of Yan Xishan with great vitality. Yan Xishan also had the heart to fight for leadership, but in the end it was calmly defused by Bo Yibo, because this new army had already learned the lessons of the defeat of the Great Revolution from the very beginning, and the army was firmly in the hands of the Red Army itself from top to bottom.

By 1939, seeing that Yan Xishan was too tight on the leadership of the new army, Bo Yibo simply sent all the elderly people in Yan Xishan in the new army to Luo Ruiqing's Kang Da to study.

This made Yan Xishan angry. Coupled with the fact that old Chiang was extremely dissatisfied with Yan Xishan's behavior in Shanxi, Yan Xishan ordered the old army to launch an attack on the new army. But what was more embarrassing was that he did not win the war.

After the Jinxi Incident, the new army was concentrated in the southeastern and northwestern Jin, and after reorganization, it joined the 129th and 120th Divisions of the Eighth Route Army.

At this time, some people suggested a complete reversal with Yan Xishan. Chairman Mao, on the other hand, said at this crucial moment:

The genius of the national army who does not kill, the boss in prison, the wisdom of Yan Xishan, his life is far more brilliant than you think

Figure | Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou, Bo Yibo

Because of this, although the new army joined the Eighth Route Army, it still maintained the number of the new army, and most of the incoming and outgoing telegrams would also be copied to Yan Xishan, but Yan Xishan never replied. Of course, since then, Yan Xishan has never had a war with the Eighth Route Army.

In 1940, the musician Xian Xinghai came to Shanxi, and after hearing the touching deeds of the Huangmeng Association, he created the sister article of the "Yellow River Chorus", "The Great Chorus of the Huangmeng".

Since then, Yan Xishan has often sighed in front of his subordinates: he has been good at calculation all his life, but he did not expect to miscalculate a move, and he had never fought a few young people.

In fact, Yan Xishan's words were not accurate. It is not that he has not fought a few young people, but he cannot stop the real voice in the hearts of the broad masses, and Bo Yibo has only put the inner world of the Shanxi masses under the sun.

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