
Calling out the Un Security Council and angering the ten European and American countries, why has Erdogan been so grumpy recently

author:Small bean buns in the Great Northeast

Turkey has been tough lately, very hard.

Calling out the Un Security Council and angering the ten European and American countries, why has Erdogan been so grumpy recently

"There are more than five countries in the world!" On October 19, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in a speech in Angola that the Un Security Council has no right to determine the fate of mankind, and that the fate of mankind should not depend on the benevolence of the "few victorious countries" in World War II.

In response, Russian President Vladimir Putin responded that "the united nations will cancel the veto power of the permanent members of the Security Council sooner or later, so it will not work", while the other four countries in the Security Council, China, the United States, britain and France, have not even made a formal statement and ignored this stubble.

However, wave after wave of unevenness has risen again.

On October 21, Erdogan made a public criticism to the ambassadors of the United States, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, France, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway and Sweden to Turkey, in simple and crude language: "What qualifications do you have to point fingers at Turkey?" Who do you think you are? and threatened to expel the ambassadors of these ten countries.

Why is Turkey so tough?

It's really "children have no mothers, it's a long story". It all starts with the history of Turkey.

It is said that the history textbooks of the Turks say that they came from China and their ancestors were Huns, which is of course bragging and undocumented, but their ancestors did have great roots with the Turks of the Sui and Tang dynasties. During the tang taizong, tang gaozong, and wu zetian periods, the Eastern Turks, the Western Turks, and the Later Turks were destroyed successively, and the Turks in the Chinese territory were basically integrated into the Han nationality. But there were also remnants of the Western Turks in Central Asia, the ancestors of the Turks, who were counted as one of them, and all of them later converted to Islam.

In the 12th century, the Western Liao state of Huarazm, the great stone of Yelü, rose up and launched a conquest of West Asia, and it was at this time that the Turks came to West Asia from Central Asia and finally remained in the peninsula of Asia Minor.

They were once the younger brothers of the Rom Sultanate (Seljuks), a vassal state of the Mongols after the Western Expedition, and later they overthrew the Sultanate of Rom and established their own empire under the leadership of the legendary leader Ottoman (so they also called the Ottoman Empire), although they were once overthrown by the lame Timur of Central Asia, but they later achieved the king's hegemony and established the world's last empire that spanned Asia, Europe and Africa. At its peak, the entire Balkan Peninsula of West Asia, North Africa and Europe was turk territory, and half of the Mediterranean Sea became their inner lake, and they even intervened in European affairs from time to time under the big cities of Central Europe.

Calling out the Un Security Council and angering the ten European and American countries, why has Erdogan been so grumpy recently

After the Industrial Revolution, Turkey fell and became the famous "sick man of West Asia", a large area of territory was cut off, in the First World War, the Turks stood in the wrong line, became a defeated country, and finally the empire was completely dismembered, and the territory basically returned to the place where their ancestors, the Ottomans, set out from the peninsula of Asia Minor.

Turkey once almost fell into the abyss, because according to the ideas of the Western powers, even the mainland of Asia Minor did not want to leave Turkey a complete, but then the Turks produced a "savior" Mustafa Kemal, who led Turkey to overthrow the feudal monarch Sultan who knelt in the west, repelled the Greek intervention army, but maintained the last dignity of Turkey.

And Mustafa Kemal's greatest achievements do not stop there.

The sultan of Turkey was not only a feudal hereditary monarch, but also the highest Islamic leader in Turkey, and even the sultan of Turkey called himself the "caliph" of the entire Islamic world. It is a demigod, half-human being.

In order to completely enrich the country and strengthen the army, Mustafa Kemal, after expelling the Sultan, announced the establishment of a secular democratic state with separation of church and state, which was the first in the Islamic world, and to this day, among many Islamic countries, Turkey's separation of church and state is also the best.

Calling out the Un Security Council and angering the ten European and American countries, why has Erdogan been so grumpy recently

Mustafa Kemal

Of course, for more than 600 years, the theocratic system has made Turkey's religious power very large, in order to implement secular reforms and protect their rights, Mustafa Kemal's biggest reliance is on the Turkish army, which also leaves a hidden danger for Turkey, that is, in Turkey's national life, the Turkish military is very powerful, and even affects the political situation, after World War II, Turkey has carried out five coups d'état launched by military personnel, four of which were successful.

In addition to Turkey, there are also countries such as Pakistan and Myanmar, where military personnel play an important role in the political life of the country.

It's a bit verbose, and back to the point, let's talk about Turkey's current President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

After Mustafa Kemal's death, Turkey practiced a parliamentary republican system, with a president largely symbolic and a prime minister in power. The government is heavily influenced by the military.

When Erdogan entered politics, he tried to change this situation of military travailing, and his weapon was religion. Together with his then-good friend, the famous religious worker Gulen, he infiltrated politics through religion, and Erdogan was sentenced for inciting religion. But in the end it was successful, and Erdogan eventually became prime minister. Became a real power faction in Turkey.

However, since then, because Gülen's influence has been great, Erdogan began to limit religious forces after taking office, and finally the two fell in love, Gülen went into exile in the United States, and Erdogan became the president of Turkey, and also changed the Turkish political system into a presidential system, becoming the real Turkish boss, ruling Turkish politics for more than ten years, the scenery is infinitely good.

Calling out the Un Security Council and angering the ten European and American countries, why has Erdogan been so grumpy recently

Gulen in exile in the United States

Although Gulen was exiled to the United States, his influence was great, and he had fans of Gulen in almost all walks of life in Turkey, and even his influence in the military was not small.

In 2016, Erdogan ushered in a huge crisis in his life, when he was on a special plane trip, and an unexpected military coup broke out, which is the fifth of the five military coups mentioned above. According to media reports, the pilot of the Turkish F16 fighter who escorted Erdogan at that time was a coup d'état, his mission was to use F16 to shoot down Erdogan's plane, and as a result, at the last moment, the pilot gave up the assassination operation, but the military coup in Turkey broke out as scheduled, but Erdogan's influence was not small, the coup d'état killed and injured thousands of people on the spot, but in the end Erdogan still controlled the situation and extinguished the coup.

Calling out the Un Security Council and angering the ten European and American countries, why has Erdogan been so grumpy recently

2016 Turkish coup

It was also the only coup d'état in modern Turkish history that went unfounded.

Comrade Erdogan was furious. Thus, the Son of Heaven was angry, laying down millions of corpses, and bleeding for thousands of miles.

On the domestic front, shortly after the coup began in 2016, Erdogan began the fall-ahead accounting. The scope of liquidation covers almost all walks of life in Turkey, so "three hundred and sixty lines in Turkey, the line out of the suspects", a few years of tossing down, Erdogan dealt with tens of thousands of suspects.

Among them, the American missionary Brunson in Turkey was also suspected of participating in the coup d'état, and was arrested and sentenced by Turkey. When the missionary was arrested, Comrade Obama was still the president, and the Americans only issued a painless statement at that time, but in 2018, Trump, who was already the president of the United States, began to rescue the American in order to solicit votes for the midterm elections, and Erdogan was very tough at the time and refused to hand over!

The result was a big trade war with Turkey, double tariffs on Turkish steel and aluminum products, then a sharp drop in the exchange rate of the Turkish currency, the lira, against the dollar, and then after a toss, Turkey obeyed and released the American pastor.

On the foreign front, in January 2018, Erdogan dispatched troops to deal a heavy blow to northern Syria, the U.S.-backed Kurdish armed People's Protection Unit (YPG), for the first time since the 2011 Syrian civil war.

Then there was the second and third time, constantly hitting the American little brother in Syria.

Calling out the Un Security Council and angering the ten European and American countries, why has Erdogan been so grumpy recently

Then, Turkey, which had shot down Russian warplanes, suddenly began to make peace with Russia. Turkey, an important member of NATO, purchased the advanced S400 air defense system from the Russians. Then, as a sanction against Turkey's behavior, the Americans kicked Turkey out of the F35 project, not only the F35 development costs of hundreds of millions of dollars that Turkey had paid before, but even the 1.4 billion US dollars that Turkey had paid in advance this time were also withheld by the Americans...

Although Turkey's purchase of the F35 is a chicken and egg fight, Erdogan believes it is worth it, after all, liquidating the remnants of the 2016 coup is for political correctness and the most important job in consolidating Erdogan's power.

Like The American pastor Brunson, who was previously arrested to trigger hostilities between the United States and Turkey, the reason why Turkey was accused by ten European and American countries this time was also the arrest of a businessman in Turkey, named Kavala, who is considered a supporter of Gulen, who participated in the anti-2013 government demonstrations and the 2016 attempted coup, and was detained in 2017 until now.

Previously, the ambassadors of the United States, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, France, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway and Sweden had asked Turkey to release the businessman, which of course touched Erdogan's reverse scales.

That is to say, whether it is Erdogan calling the UN Security Council or angering the ten European and American countries, in fact, in order to maintain the "absolute correctness" of liquidating the attempted coup in 2016.

Calling out the Un Security Council and angering the ten European and American countries, why has Erdogan been so grumpy recently

Of course, Erdogan's toughness comes at a great cost. In the trade war between the United States and Turkey in 2018, the exchange rate of Turkey's currency lira against the US dollar fell to the bottom in a short period of time, and the economy almost collapsed, and this time Turkey's call also made the lira exchange rate continue to decline again.

Of course, the Turks are still very tough, but it is the hardest country in recent years, and in some ways it is even harder than Russia! In the past five years, they have invaded Syria, sent troops to Libya, intervened in the wars between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and have also been at odds with Greece.

In addition, they also called out the United Nations Security Council, which angered ten European and American countries this time.

Of course, Turkey also has a secret weapon, that is, the 3.7 million Syrian refugees who are now stranded in Turkey! They are Turkey's quota killers, and Europe and the United States are also very worried about Turkey letting refugees enter Europe without a word.