
Legend of Ma Zhanshan (I)

Legend of Ma Zhanshan (I)

Oil painting of the Battle of Jiangqiao

When the country is in a difficult autumn, two of the three provinces have died, and those who have a little heart for the people will not hesitate to taste their courage and swear to save the dying. Although I am in a corner of Heilongjiang, it is still called a pure land... Then all those who enter our Province will swear to fight to the death!

This is a "Declaration of Resistance" issued by Ma Zhanshan when he first took over Heilongjiang Province in the face of the aggressive invasion of the Japanese Kwantung Army.

After more than ninety years, when I saw this passionate remark again, the people of Zhongsi were far away and the history was old, but in the end they did not stop the blood in their hearts from rolling.


After the "918" incident, under Zhang Xueliang's non-resistance orders, the Northeast Army marched like a dog that lost its family, ran away, surrendered, and let the Kwantung Army take Jiliao within three days without firing a single shot. After the Japanese soldiers approached Heilongjiang Province, the top brass of the Northeast Army was still drunk and gold-obsessed, nephrite jade was warm, Zhang Xueliang was in Beiping, and Wan Fulin, who was supposed to sit in Heilongjiang, also accompanied Zhang Xueliang to eat, drink and have fun in Beiping, and entrusted all the important affairs of the military and government to his uncontrolled son Wan Guobin to deal with.

Although Wan Guobin was a waste, he was fortunate to have a chief of staff with good insight and ability. With the presence of this chief of staff, the Northeast Army at the head of the nest finally won back a face, raised its eyebrows and breathed a sigh of relief.

The chief of staff was xie ke. Many people may not know of his existence, but in the face of such a figure, I have to say two more words, without him, perhaps the fate of Heilongjiang would be the same as that of Jiliao Province. Because without his advice, it is likely that there will be no legend of Ma Zhanshan behind. Xie Ke to Ma Zhanshan can be described as Bole to Qianlima.

Legend of Ma Zhanshan (I)

Xie Ke

When the Kwantung Army made a major move from Ji into the black, Zhang Haipeng of the Northeast Army stationed in Taonan, Jilin Province, immediately rebelled against the water and became a lackey of the Japanese army. When the news came, the mediocre Guests of Nations could not make any decisions, just like the hot pot ants were afraid of life. Faced with such a dangerous situation, Chief of Staff Xie Ke immediately stepped forward to help Heilongjiang stabilize the initial situation. While asking Wan Guobin to call Zhang Xueliang in Beiping to decide on the candidates for military and political affairs in Heilongjiang Province, he seized Zhang Haipeng's greed for an official position and stabilized Zhang Haipeng with the high position of "Governor of Manchuria and Mongolia", and then asked Wan Guobin to take advantage of his position as director of the railway bureau to take the opportunity to transfer all the trains from Taonan to Qiqihar, taking advantage of the opportunity to delay the attack time of the Japanese puppet army, and quickly mobilized elite troops to carry out military defense in Qiqihar, thus stabilizing the early situation for the later Jiangqiao War of Resistance.

Xie Ke's plan can be described as clever, in order to make Zhang Haipeng not suspect that he is deceitful, he performed the play extremely realistically. His advance envoy took the electric order to Taonan to give Zhang Haipeng a cover. After letting Wan Guobin use the power of the railway bureau chief to transfer all the trains from Taonan to Qiqihar, he also asked Wan Xia to give orders to prevent Zhang Haipeng from entering Qi.

Zhang Haipeng, who was annoyed and angry, was disobedient, and reflexively asked the new master, the Kwantung Army, to take a gun and a bullet, and vowed to enter Qiqihar to solicit all the guests of all countries and take back his official position.

Zhang Haipeng's little nine-nine, Xie Ke knew it, so when Zhang Haipeng joined hands with the fierce general Xu Jinglong to attack Qiqihar, he had already made military arrangements.

These things that Xie Ke did were easy to say, but in fact, they were frightening step by step.

The so-called "soldiers bear one, will bear a nest", there is Zhang Xueliang's upper beam is not correct, and the generals below are simply crooked. When Xie Ke suggested that a large number of officers be sent to the black market to preside over military and political affairs, Zhang Xueliang was reduced to an embarrassing situation where no one could use it. It will be opened, but I can see that the generals under them are all crying bitterly and shirking in every way. Under the dark clouds, no one is willing to go to Heilongjiang to take on this heavy responsibility. Seeing that the danger was advancing step by step, Xie Ke, in desperation, had no choice but to suggest that Wan Guobin once again call Zhang Xueliang and let him make a decision between Ma Zhanshan and Su Bingwen, the commanders of the two most powerful brigades in Heilongjiang Province. After several deliberations, Zhang Xueliang sent Ma Zhanshan, who was stationed at Heihe, to Qiqihar to serve as the chairman of Heilongjiang Province and the military commander-in-chief to resist foreign enemies.

Later results proved that the young marshal of the Northeast Army, who was wrong again and again, was finally a rare and clever step at this step.

However, when Xie Ke was upset about heilongjiang affairs, the performance of those around him made him miserable. Ma Zhanshan's journey from Heihe to Qiqihar took time, and while others were still on the road, Zhang Haipeng of Taonan could not wait to start his operation. Faced with such a dangerous situation, Xie Ke immediately convened a military meeting to discuss countermeasures. Who would have thought that Xie Ke's operational proposal was unanimously opposed by the participants, and everyone changed their arrogance and arrogance in the past, and everyone was like a mourner, and only wanted to roll up the covers and run away. What disappointed Xie Ke even more was that this side of the box had only just finished, and at this time, Wan Guobin, the highest official of the Black Province, had abandoned them and ran to Harbin with a soft cigarette of gold and silver to enjoy it.

Xie Ke was extremely angry, knowing that there was no use in saying anything more, he simply ignored the colleagues who made him sick, and single-handedly provoked the burden of military defense in Qi City.

Fortunately, although Xie Ke had never been a military commander, he was also a person who had eaten staff meals for many years, not to mention how wise and wise he was, but it was also common for such a thing as platooning troops, and after some meticulous investigation, he set up his position in the land of Jiangqiao on the Nenjiang Railway.

Zhang Haipeng did not expect that the Heilongjiang defenders would dare to fight back against his imperial army dog, so he had nothing to fear and led his troops straight to Qi City.

Just as the so-called heaven has a road you don't go, hell has no door for you to come, since you Zhang Haipeng thinks you're fat, Xie Ke is of course not polite. As a result, when the puppet army arrived at Jiangqiao, it was unexpectedly beaten by Xie Ke, and before the strength of the three regiments could demonstrate, they had already been beaten by Xie Ke and defeated the puppet army in a battle.

Zhang Haipeng's front line collapsed, followed by a fire in the backyard again--the two new formations, unaccustomed to the traitorous behavior of the commander, began to break up. In desperation, Zhang Haipeng, who had lost his soldiers, had to retire to Taonan to take care of family affairs.

Two days later, in the middle of the night, Ma Zhanshan finally arrived in Qiqihar after several tossing and turning.

With the arrival of Ma Zhanshan, the black water of the white mountains in the dark finally ushered in a series of humiliations.

Legend of Ma Zhanshan (I)

Ma Zhanshan


Ma Zhanshan, a native of Northeast Hebei, is a descendant of a hero who once broke into the Kanto Region. His family was poor and could not go to school, so he had to help the Mongols herd their cattle for a living. But although he has little literacy, he is very good at kung fu (it should be a family heirloom). By the time he reached adulthood, in addition to practicing kung fu, his equestrian skills and marksmanship were also very good. According to the data, Ma Zhanshan's gun method is strange and accurate, and he is known for "fine riding and attacking". What is even more amazing is that his move of "hiding in stirrups" can be designed to deftly dive under the belly of a galloping horse to raise a gun against the enemy, firing a hundred shots and without false bullets.

Ma Zhanshan's experience is quite similar to Zhang Zuolin's, which is a model of turning from black to white. In the early days of Ma Zhanshan, due to the compulsion of life, he once fell into the grass and lived by robbery. Later, in the process of Wu Junsheng (Wu Dazhi, Zhang Zuolin's brother-in-law), he became Wu's subordinate because his skills were appreciated by Wu. After turning from black to white, Ma Zhanshan, who fought bravely and decisively for people, won the love of Wu Da's tongue, and then rose all the way to the position of brigade commander by virtue of his outstanding military achievements -- according to the digression, Zhang Haipeng, who defected to the Japanese, was also the same, and all the way up was also carried by Wu Da's tongue, from a certain point of view, Ma Zhanshan and Zhang Haipeng were counted as the same door.

Legend of Ma Zhanshan (I)

Zhang Haipeng, a traitor, was executed in 1951

After Ma Zhanshan arrived in Qi City, he began to reorganize the team without any delay, strictly disciplined and clear-cut, and strictly controlled the major members of all armies in Heilongjiang Province, and all those who escaped without permission were executed by military law. After the order was issued, wan Guobin, who had fled to Harbin to hide, was frightened and obediently returned to Qi City.

After taking this step, Ma Zhanshan immediately launched the work of restoring order in Qi city, severely cracked down on speculation, prohibited demagoguery, and struck a heavy blow, which soon stabilized the chaotic situation in Qi City. Immediately after that, he asked the secretary to issue the Declaration of Resistance MingZhi (that is, the opening word of this article). ), eliminate the fear of the military and the people, and enhance the morale of the anti-Japanese resistance.

With Chiang Kai-shek and Zhang Xueliang trying their best to declare that they would not clash and confront the Japanese, Ma Zhanshan's move can be said to have staked his life and death in the political career.

After doing this, Ma Zhanshan decided to take his former colleague and current traitor Zhang Haipeng to open the knife. This move is to take the opportunity to prove to the military and people of Qi City their attitude towards the traitors, and second, they really want to get rid of Zhang Haipeng, a dog thief. He asked his secretary to write a reward order to kill Zhang Haipeng's head, and to paste the reward notice all over Heilongjiang Province, on the condition that the soldiers who killed Zhang Haipeng were promoted two levels in a row to reward 10,000 oceans and the people were doubled, and the military and people of the black province were encouraged to assassinate the traitors.

As soon as the notice was posted, Zhang Haipeng was immediately frightened and scattered, and hurriedly called Zhang Xueliang to spit bitter water and plead.

Don't underestimate this matter, although Ma Zhanshan's move did not let Zhang Haipeng die in Huangquan, it really frightened him, after this beating, the old thief actually learned to play yin and yang with the Japanese tai chi.

Seeing that the dogs were no longer angry, the Japanese had no choice but to do it themselves.

In order to find an excuse for the attack, the Kwantung Army decided to use the river bridge to make a fuss.

Before Ma Zhanshan arrived in Qi, Xie Ke destroyed three bridge holes in the River Bridge after defeating Zhang Haipeng's troops, fearing that the Japanese army and dogs would counterattack. The reason why Xie Ke did not choose to blow up the bridge was that the Gainen River Railway had Japanese bonds and part of the right to operate, so Xie Ke still did not dare to blow up the bridge after thinking about it, so as not to be found by the Japanese to find an excuse to cause a big crisis.

But this destruction still allowed the Japanese to find an excuse to "build a bridge".

The Japanese wanted to use the excuse of building a bridge to enter Qi City, and Ma Zhanshan of course knew it, so he resolutely disagreed and promised that the Chinese side could complete this work. Ma Zhanshan made such a promise, the Japanese suddenly stopped talking, and it was not easy to say anything more, so they began to think of other methods.

After thinking about it, such rabbit cubs found that there was really no reason to use it, and immediately began to hit the rake, and they wanted to force Ma Zhanshan to obey on the grounds that they could not repair it within a week and were about to launch military retaliation.

For the matter of building the bridge, Ma Zhanshan has already sent experts to do an inspection, and it is impossible to complete it in two weeks, the Japanese are so noisy, Ma Zhanshan naturally knows the bad water in the stomach of these turtles and grandchildren.

When the matter came to this point, Ma Zhanshan knew that the war would definitely break out soon, so he simply ignored the Japanese pressure and ate with it, and secretly grasped the military deployment.

On November 3, 1931, when the Japanese had a week to go, the Kwantung Army, under the cover of aircraft armored vehicles, came to Jiangqiao to threaten Ma Zhanshan by forcibly taking over the construction of the bridge. In view of the fact that the two sides had not really fought, and the superiors had always sent orders to avoid conflict as much as possible, Ma Zhanshan had no choice but to hold back his anger and agree to let his "Mantetsu" workers repair the bridge, so he ordered his troops to retreat 15 miles when the Japanese repaired the bridge according to the requirements of the two sides. Forced by the geographical situation, Ma Zhanshan also let the troops retreat 3 miles more and enter the defensive position of Daxing Station.

Unexpectedly, in the process of retreating the troops, the murderous Japanese Kou actually betrayed his faith and let his air force pilots drop bombs to bomb our retreating troops!

This bombing completely provoked the anger of Ma Zhanshan. But in anger, he still suppressed his temper. Facing the well-equipped Kwantung Army, he knew he could not be impulsive, and he had to wait for the Japanese to make their own mistakes.

In the early morning of November 4, 1931, the Japanese army, which had long been unable to hold back, finally revealed their wolf ambitions. In the darkness, a squadron of Hamamoto United had already begun to march towards Daxing Station.

With the experience of the North Camp, the Japanese were full of hope that the Chinese defenders in Heilongjiang would not dare to fight back, so they were somewhat proud, and even began to fantasize about victory during the march. Unfortunately, they thought wrongly, they did not know that the generals of the Northeast Army on the other side were waiting in a solemn position, waiting to wash away their shame.

After the Japanese army crossed the 15-mile agreed line, the Northeast Army began to move. With the order of the commander of the position, the soldiers fired one bullet after another full of anger, and the Japanese army was caught off guard, and was instantly killed by the Northeast Army.

The Japanese stayed, which was a result they did not expect at all, and for a time, this vanguard squadron from the prestigious Sendai Division was chaotic because of panic, and in the blink of an eye, it was swept away again.

Seeing that the attack was damaged, the Japanese army immediately put in a brigade to participate in the attack, and launched a crazy attack on the northeast army position with air force bombing and ground attack troops.

The vigorous defense of jiangqiao has thus stepped onto the stage of history.

Legend of Ma Zhanshan (I)

Battle of Jiangqiao


In the first clash on November 4, the Japanese paid a heavy price. After the attack was blocked, the Japanese began to change tactics that night, taking the correct tactics to attack Jiangqiao again.

That night, while intensifying the intensity of the frontal attack, the Japanese army also sent a force along the east side of the Nenjiang Railway to sneak past, trying to bypass the Chinese defenders' positions and launch a bottom-breaking attack from the rear of the flank.

Just as the wing Ōsahama was proud of his tactics, the sneaking Japanese were hammered by a machine gun company that Ma Zhanshan had set up an ambush in the smokey area. Although Ma Zhanshan did not know a few large characters, the tactical quality cultivated over the years of actual combat was not worse than that of Hamamoto, who was born in a class, and he had inspected the terrain as early as before the station, and made an ambush in advance where the Japanese army might launch a sneak attack.

In this battle, the Japanese army was really hammered, Ma Zhanshan used all 99 of the most advanced Czech light machine guns here, just after the exchange of fire, the Japanese army was caught off guard, leaving a pile of corpses and fleeing, and finally because of the fierceness of the defenders' firepower, the Soviet Red Army was secretly supporting Ma Zhanshan.

After Hamamoto reported the situation, the commander-in-chief of the Kwantung Army, Honjo Shigeru, was first surprised, then turned into anger, and immediately sent an additional brigade to Hamamoto's use.

At dawn on 5 November, the replenished Japanese army once again attacked the Daxing defenders. Due to the huge disparity in strength and armament, the defenders fell into a desperate situation several times, and the defensive positions were repeatedly broken up by the Japanese death squads, but what the Japanese did not expect was that whenever they saw hope, they were extinguished by our heroic defenders. In the face of the Japanese ground attack troops that exceeded their own twice, the soldiers of the Daxing garrison fully carried forward the spirit of sacrifice, put life and death aside, and directly launched a white-bladed battle with the enemy to exchange life for life! Relying on bayonets and grenades to repel the frenzied Japanese attacks again and again.

It was a very difficult defense, and at the end of the fight, even the Japanese commander even directly tied explosives to encourage his death squad!

The enemy was so fierce, Ma Zhanshan was also impatient. After the Battle of Jiangqiao began, he originally thought that the fraternal units of the Northeast Army should come to help him, but what made him sad and disappointed was that all his former colleagues had become dumb, not only unwilling to fight with him, but even did not bring him a word of comfort. This was a very angry for Ma Zhanshan, which had a lot to do with his later surrender to the Japanese.

Without reinforcements, Ma Zhanshan became a lone army, which was because he did not think about the war in the long run, nor did he dare to easily use his reserves, he had to consider the precision of using every piece of good steel on the blade. Because of this arrangement, Ma Zhanshan almost martyred the country in Daxing. When Gein's battle entered a white-hot stranglehold, Ma Zhanshan was too anxious to do so, so he personally went to the front line. The jeep was too big a target, and as soon as it was on the road, it was discovered by enemy aircraft, so the Japanese immediately launched shell bombardment and low-altitude strafing of his car. This is really a trip to hell, although many of the guards around him have died, but Ma Zhanshan is a natural person and has escaped the disaster. According to post-war inspections, the bullet holes left on the body alone reached 29!

After Ma Zhanshan went to the front line to understand the situation, in order to preserve his strength, he immediately changed his mind and decided to retreat his troops into a more stable second defensive line to resist the enemy.

At this point, Ma Zhanshan's Japanese army of 2,700 men and nearly 5,400 men achieved comprehensive suppression, achieving a brilliant record of nearly 1:4 casualties.

After the Daxing defenders began to shift their positions, the Japanese wing commander Hamamoto Daisa, who could not be attacked for a long time, mistakenly thought that the defenders were not supported, and immediately ordered the troops to quickly follow. Due to impatience, coupled with the clamping of the terrain, the attacking Japanese army was gradually pulled into a long snake on the 18-mile long pursuit line, and the fire had been exchanged in the front, and the rear army was still marching. After Ma Zhanshan observed this situation, he immediately asked Wu Songlin, the commander of the cavalry brigade, to send sarib cavalry regiments to attack the Japanese rear from both flanks.

The Japanese army did not expect the defenders to have such a move, and the tactical quality of the heavy troops was far inferior to that of the combat troops, and suddenly saw the Rapid Wind of Chinese cavalry galloping forward, and they were stunned for a while, and many people did not return to their senses before they became the ghosts under the swords of our generals. After the cavalry regiment took control of the north bank bridgehead, the artillery immediately followed...

As a result, there was no suspense, killing people, blowing up bridges, destroying ships, and the Heavy Japanese troops were almost destroyed.

Seeing that the rear road was blocked, the Japanese front commander Tabata panicked, so he decided to implement a breakthrough and withdrawal.

However, halfway through the breakthrough, Tabata became angry, and he decided not to make a surprise, and reflexively fought with Ma Zhanshan again.

The plot is so reversed, what is the situation?!

It turned out that when Tabata was preparing to break through, because he was not sure of the situation, he sent a reconnaissance unit to explore the way, but this reconnaissance team was actually destroyed by the regiment. To irritate Tabata, Ma Zhanshan had his men cut off the heads of the dead Japanese reconnaissance team members and put them in sacks and throw them on the road. Sure enough, after Tabata found out, the spirit of Bushido was stimulated (it should be the result of feeling difficult to ride the tiger in front of his subordinates, because as far as the battle situation was concerned, the Japanese army could not break through the blockade. ), hence the operation.

It was only then that tabata and the Northeast Army, who had risen to prominence, exchanged fire, and immediately withered again, because he found that he could not do it properly, or that if he was overwhelmed, he could not eat it. In desperation, Tabata had to bow his head and ask Wing Commander Hamabamoto for help.

Hamamoto on the other side of the river was shocked when he received the electricity, at this time he had thrown all his troops into the battlefield, and now there was no one available, so he had to call Honjo. Fortunately, Honjo was really prepared, and he had already sent a brigade to support the front. When Hamamoto and the front-line commander Tabata felt desperate, the force finally rushed over.

The Japanese rescue can not be said to be untimely, but because it is already deep in the night at this time, there is no aircraft to help, so the reinforcements can not know the specific location of Tabata, can only be in a hurry, dark and chaotic.

The Japanese army was eager to save people's hearts, and Ma Zhanshan decided to "encircle the point to help." His style of play is more special, different from the conventional military commander's "half-crossing and attacking" of crossing the river, but choosing to open the door widely and lay down a pocket array for the enemy to drill in. Ma Zhanshan did this because the battle was fought in the dark, and it was not easy for the Japanese army to find our target without the help of aircraft, so he decided to take advantage of the night to make a big deal and try to eat the Japanese in one bite. In order to do a good job in this aid, Ma Zhanshan threw in the entire Wu Songlin cavalry brigade, which was not easily used, to ensure that nothing was lost.

In order to meet the besieged Tabata as soon as possible, the reinforcements sent a cavalry team to take the lead and quickly rushed towards Tabata's headquarters.

At this moment, the Japanese cavalry team took itself in. As soon as Wu Songlin closed his pocket, he immediately came to catch turtles in an urn. That night, Ma Zhanshan's various units were killed by the besieging Japanese army, killing and wounding countless people, Tabata himself was killed, the rescue cavalry team was annihilated, and Ma Zhanshan shocked the entire Kwantung Army headquarters with the brilliant record of annihilating the enemy's one and a half company strength.

The commander was killed on the battlefield, and Honjo did not dare to hide it, so he had to report the truth to the domestic staff headquarters. When the General Staff Headquarters learned of the battle, it was shocked, and used this to determine that Ma Zhanshan must have received Assistance from the Soviet Union, and ordered the Kwantung Army not to act rashly.

Legend of Ma Zhanshan (I)

Commander of the Kwantung Army, Honjo Bo

Although the Japanese high-level did not allow them to act rashly, the Kwantung Army, which had always been "lower and higher," felt that it could not afford to lose this face, and there were still troops on the battlefield that had not yet been withdrawn; after the Kwantung Army's staff officers were provoked, Honjo Fan, who had always been known for his stability, could not sit still, so he once again sent a brigade to jiangqiao with the traitor Zhang Haipeng's men and horses to the River Bridge to reinforce Hamamoto.

On the morning of November 6, the Jiangqiao War of Resistance entered its most intense moment. Under the cover of bombing by aircraft cannons, Hamamoto, who had been supplied, began to attack, hoping to shame himself. Faced with twice as many Japanese troops, Ma Zhanshan did not dare to slacken off, and immediately threw all his troops into battle (five infantry regiments, six cavalry brigades). After two exchanges of fire, the heroic and tenacious defenders turned the situation around with their weak equipment, directly surrounding the Japanese reinforcements and fighting, and the soldiers even created the myth of machine guns shooting down a Japanese aircraft.

Seeing that the Chinese defenders were so brave, Hamamoto was completely frightened, and he knew that if he cared about face, he would definitely follow in Tabata's footsteps. Because after the short engagement, the Japanese pilots were afraid of accidentally injuring their own people and threw rat traps, and they could not carry out air bombing and machine gun strafing. Without the effective support of the air force, Hamamoto would not have the courage to fight with Ma Zhanshan, and he did not want to die in Daxing. So Hamamoto had to cheekily begin to ask Honjo for support.

Honjo had no choice but to set his sights on Lieutenant General DomonJiro, the commander of the Sendai Division, and used the treasure at the bottom of the pressure box.

After learning the information that the main forces of the Duomen Division had begun to reinforce Daxing, Ma Zhanshan knew that Daxing could no longer be defended, because whether it was military strength or manpower, the Japanese army was far superior to his own lonely man, and if he wanted to kill the Japanese army, he could not rely on brute force! So that night, he summoned the generals to a military conference, informed the people of the strategic arrangements for rebuilding the defense that he had weighed for a long time, and announced the abandonment of Daxing.

After the orderly withdrawal of the defenders, the Japanese army was stationed in a messy Daxing. In order to prevent the pursuit from being annihilated, Honjo asked many gates to stop the brute force and wait for new orders. The Battle of Jiangqiao came to an end.

Legend of Ma Zhanshan (I)

Schematic diagram of the Battle of Jiangqiao searched by Sogou


The first battle of Jiangqiao, famous for the victory of the weak over the strong Ma Zhanshan, suddenly shocked the opposition, and even the Japanese began to look at him with admiration, specially collecting his data for research. For a time, Ma Zhanshan's bravery aroused the anti-Japanese enthusiasm of the people of the whole country, and all parts of the country rushed to raise funds to support the War of Resistance, and even the ascetic monks and prostitutes who sold themselves did not hesitate to sacrifice their dry purses to support the anti-Japanese resistance in Heilongjiang; Mr. Tao Xingzhi, a great educator, also specially wrote poems to pay tribute to Ma Zhanshan; the National Government in Nanjing also gave various telegrams and commendations, breaking down to promote Ma Zhanshan to the rank of general of the army; and even Ma Zhanshan brand patriotic cigarettes appeared in Shanghai.

However, no matter how loud the voice and the propaganda was, it could not eliminate the melancholy in Ma Zhanshan's heart. Because the Nationalist government in Nanjing did not take out anything substantive to help him resist Japan except to draw him a big cake, Chiang Kai-shek and Zhang Xueliang said beautifully in their mouths, but they looked forward to the intervention of the League of Nations one day and did not want to openly tear up relations with Japan. Despite the people's scolding, who can stand up to Chiang Kai-shek? As long as he is shy, you still can't do anything - in fact, it is the same, chiang kai-shek at that time, even if he held a meeting, he would be scolded by the dog's bloody head, but the real power was in his hands, and others had no choice.

Chiang Kai-shek is like this, Zhang Xueliang is the same, according to the theory, the northeast is his home, even if Nanjing does not care, he should also defend his own family and defend the land, but he is completely fine, sitting and watching Ma Zhanshan alone to resist Japan. At that time, there were still many troops of the Northeast Army north of Jinzhou, but the big guys just watched Ma Zhanshan fight alone with such indifference, and they didn't know how they could be so at ease!

It is worth mentioning that Cai Tingkai, in the entire national military system, he alone expressed his support for Ma Zhanshan with actions. When the northeast war broke out, he was the commander of the Nineteenth Route Army at the time, and he had the idea of going north to resist Japan, but unfortunately he was refused several times. After being rejected, Cai Tingkai did not give up, resolutely resigned from the 19th Route Army, and sent people with lofty ideals to the northeast to fight against Japan with Ma Zhanshan. However, just as he was preparing to go to the northeast, the Japanese Navy was making trouble in Shanghai. With Shanghai as an anti-Japanese battlefield, Cai Tingkaicai stayed in Shanghai again and fulfilled his anti-Japanese wish in the "128" Battle of Songhu. Without the Battle of Songhu, Ma Zhanshan would have had one more fierce comrade-in-arms in the northeast.

Legend of Ma Zhanshan (I)

Cai Tingkai

To be continued