
Luohe Story | Fan Huan: Iron bone Zheng Zheng a literati

author:Luohe Network Information
Luohe Story | Fan Huan: Iron bone Zheng Zheng a literati

  Fan Huan's portrait (file image)

  Luohe is located in the hinterland of the Central Plains, and the people are brilliant. According to the records of Chencheng, Wuyang and Linying Counties, more than 300 Qing officials, honest officials, Haojie and Yishi have emerged in Luohe in history, leaving many legendary stories of the popular population for posterity. The reporter collects and sorts out ancient books and materials, tries to uncover the dusty history, takes you into the depths of time, appreciates the style of luohe historical figures, and perceives their joys and sorrows.

  First, let's talk about fan huan, a famous scholar of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

  The Later Han Shu Fan Huan Biography says: "Fan Huan zi Meng Bo, Runan Zheng Qiang people also." ShaoLi Qingjie, served by the state, held up filial piety and four lines of guanglu. According to historical records, Fan Huan was a native of Qingnian Town, Zhaoling District, born in 137 and died in 169. He lived in an era of foreign relatives, eunuch dictatorship, and the extremely corrupt government of the Eastern Han Dynasty, when a group of upright officials in the DPRK were extremely dissatisfied with the chaotic government and waged unremitting struggles, and Fan Huan was the most famous one.

  Fan Huan was influenced by a good family environment since childhood, and was not afraid of the powerful and powerful for the officials, daring to rectify the rule of officials and suppress the powerful, especially hating the eunuch dictatorship. Because of this, Fan Huan and other upright officials in the DPRK deeply touched the interests of the eunuchs and courtiers, and they regarded them as a thorn in their eyes and a thorn in their flesh.

  The Song Dynasty poet Lin Tongyou has a poem: "Ning will be trapped in trouble, and will not tolerate his mother's displacement." I am not evil, and Huang Quan has a word today. What does this poem mean? This must start from the calamity of the party and the court's wanton murder of the people who hooked the party.

  In the second year of the Han Ling Emperor Jianning (169), the imperial court killed the party members and ordered the urgent arrest of Fan Huan and others. The edict reached Runan, and he asked the governor of Runan county to be ordered to go to Zhengqiang to arrest Fan Huan, and the governor Wu Dao held the edict and cried.

  When Fan Huan heard about it, he said, "It must be that something happened to the imperial court, because of me." After saying that, he personally ran to the county and surrendered himself. The county commander's surname was Guo Mingyi, who was also an upright person, and when he saw Fan Huan coming, he was startled and said, "My God, sir, the world is so big, what are you doing here?" Hurry up and pack up, I am no longer an official, let's run together." Fan Huan did not want to involve his mother and colleagues, and said: "Lord Guo, I Fan Huan is dead, and the disaster is over, I dare not bother you because of my affairs." Besides, my old mother is still alive, so how dare I let her be afraid of me?" This is the meaning of the first sentence of the poem.

  Fan Huan became famous for his discipline at a young age. At that time, he was full of vigor, and the state and county officials were very appreciative of him, and called him filial piety and guanglu. At that time, there was a famine in Jizhou, the people were not happy, and bandits were rampant. The imperial court sent Fan Huan as an envoy to Jizhou to deal with pacification. During the journey and on the carriage, Fan Huan took the reins in his hands, and he was full of pride and wanted to achieve a great deed. But he he once thought that his ambition was not rewarded, and he died generously at the age of 33, issuing an exclamation that "I am not evil, Huang Quan has a word now". But it is also Fan Huan's integrity, honesty, filial piety, and achievement of his thousand-year-old reputation.

  It is said that the young Fan Huan was ordered to go to Jizhou to appease the hungry people, and before the carriage had reached Jizhou, he had already heard of Fan Huan's name as Taishou and County Commander, and was afraid that he would be punished for corruption and bribery, so he threw away the seal and ran away. During his political career in Jizhou, Fan Huan was a maverick and repeatedly reported to the imperial court against the public opinion, showing his open-mindedness, vision and determination.

  According to records, Fan Huan was later promoted to the chief of Guangluxun. At that time, Chen Fan was serving as Guanglu Xun, and Fan Huan visited Chen Fan with the etiquette of his subordinates seeing his superiors, Chen Fan did not stop him, Fan Huan felt very sorry, threw down the wat board and abandoned the official. When Guo Linzong heard about it, he rebuked Chen Fan and said, "How can a talent like Fan Huan ask him according to the etiquette of his subordinates to see their superiors?" Chen Fan then apologized to Fan Huan.

  Later, Fan Huan was recruited by Huang Qiong as an official, responsible for collecting civil reports and reporting officials. Fan Huan worked particularly seriously, and there were more than twenty powerful people such as the two thousand stones and the thorn history who were reported by him. Shangshu rebuked Fan Huan, thinking that he had reported too many people and felt that he had selfish intentions. Fan Huan replied: "If my impeachment is not aimed at rape and violence and eliminate harm for the people, then what is the need?" The subordinates heard that farmers must remove weeds when planting fields so that the crops can grow luxuriantly. Subordinates are willing to be punished if they have two hearts. ”

  Fan Huan was just and righteous, and offended many people, and those people concentrated their resentment on him, and everywhere they publicized that fan Huan used people as "Fan Dang", framed them for forming a party for personal gain, and planted the charge of "party members". In the ninth year of Emperor Huan's reign (166), Fan Huan was imprisoned in the Huangmen Beisi Prison, which was the first disaster of the party.

Luohe Story | Fan Huan: Iron bone Zheng Zheng a literati

The Book of later Han records of Fan Huan.

  The Zizhi Tongjian Fan Huan (Zizhi Tongjian Fan Huan) says, "The prison official said: 'Whoever sits on the throne offers sacrifices to Gao Tao.' 'Gao Tao, the direct subject of the ancients, knows that He is not guilty, and will be justified to the emperor, and if he is guilty, what is the benefit of the sacrifice!'" In prison, the jailer said arrogantly, "You prisoners, no matter how big the officials are, when you come here, you must worship Old Master Gao Tao." Fan Huan sternly resisted the bad practice of nominally sacrificing the sage Gao Tao, but in fact the prison officials took advantage of the opportunity to amass wealth. When the jailer asked Fan Huan to pay money for the sacrifice, Fan Huan said: "Sage Gao Tao is an upright and selfless minister who will not distort the facts, he knows that I am innocent, and he will let the emperor understand." If I am guilty, the sacrifice is useless. ”

  When the people heard this, those who had intended to worship did not worship anymore. The jailers could not get the benefits, and when they were ashamed and angry, they tortured them severely, and Fan Huan had no fear. He saw that many sick and weak people had been arrested together, and fearing that they would not be able to withstand torture, he demanded that they be tortured first, and his fellow villager Yuan Zhongshen was deeply moved and competed with Fan Huan to be poisoned first.

  In the first year of the Reign of Emperor Huan of Han (167 AD), through the efforts of the general Dou Wu and others, the captured officials were released and sent back to their original homes. At this time, Fan Huan was already famous all over the world. Hearing that Fan Huan was coming back, the scholars and doctors of Runan and Nanyang drove to pick him up, and went to thousands of vehicles at once. As the "General History of China" said: Yin Tao and Huang Mu, who were imprisoned in the same township, were also spared from their crimes, and guarded Fan Huan to deal with the guests. Fan Huan said to the two, "If you two go along, it will aggravate my sin." He fled back to his hometown.

  After the first disaster of the party, the students and scholars in various places were full of admiration for Fan Huan's lofty integrity, calling Guo Tai, Fan Huan, and eight others "eight gu". (According to the "Book of the Later Han Dynasty and the Preface to the Transmission of the Party", during the Eastern Han Dynasty, due to the cruel persecution of the eunuch clique, the Tai students gave well-known figures who dared to fight against the eunuchs the titles of "Three Kings" and "Eight Gu".) Gu means to be able to guide others with virtue. )

  In the second year of Jianning (169 AD), Fan Huan was arrested and imprisoned again, and his mother went to visit, and the mother and son met, which was extremely sad. Fan Huan comforted her and said, "After I die, my brother will raise you." Don't be too sad. Fan Mu said, "I am satisfied enough that you can leave a good reputation like Li and Du (referring to Li Bing and Du Mi). You don't have to be sad. ”

  Fan Huan knelt down to listen to his mother finish speaking, turned back to his son and said, "I want to tell you to do bad things, but bad things should not be done after all; I want to tell you to do good deeds, but I have never done anything bad in my life, but I have ended up in this step. "There is no one around who listens without tears. Then, Fan Huan calmly followed the postmaster to the capital, and soon died in prison, only 33 years old.

  At the critical moment of life and death with her son, Fan Mu did not cry bitterly, did not complain and complain, and did not persuade her son to yield and retreat, but encouraged her son not to be afraid of rape and sacrifice, and to pursue awe-inspiring integrity for her own ideals. This is the affectionate encouragement of a righteous mother to her son, who bid farewell to her son who was dying in anger and expressed her unyielding submission to the forces of darkness. "Fan Huan Beimu" has left a unique song for chinese cultural history. Later generations commented on fan Huan's mother's and son's righteous deeds: "The son prostrates his death while the mother rejoices in his righteousness. ”

  Su Dongpo, a great writer of the Song Dynasty, was deeply influenced by Fan Huan and aspired to learn from Fan Huan from an early age. The Biography of Su Shi of Song records a conversation between Su Shi's mother and son. Su Shi asked his mother, "If I were to behave like Fan Huan in the future, would you agree?" Fan Mu replied without hesitation: "If you can be Fan Huan, can't I be Fan Huan's mother?" Fan Huan's influence is far-reaching, in addition to Su Dongpo, Wen Tianxiang also has poetry praise. During the "Cultural Revolution", the proletarian revolutionary Tao Zhu was unjustly imprisoned, and during his imprisonment, he passionately told his daughter Tao Siliang about Fan Huan's uprightness and struggle against eunuchs who had abused power and brought calamity to the country.

  The Book of Han contains a hundred years, and the number of square inches is spring and autumn; On the paper, The Qiang (Luohe) counts the wind currents. The "Later Han Shu Fan Huan Biography" and "Zizhi Tongjian Fan Huan" all have nearly a thousand words of records of Fan Huan, and Bai Shouyi's "General History of China" also spares no effort to introduce Fan Huan's deeds. The poems and stories that have been passed down through the generations are innumerable. The large-scale historical new screenwriter "Fan Huan" written by Yu Fei, a well-known playwright in our city, has been created at present. "For all ages, gods are temple food, and eternal history sows heroes." Fan Huan, a skeletal literati, did he ever think that he would leave a name in history before he died generously and be deeply respected by future generations?

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