
"Could it be easier to let go of the two birds?"

author:User basket bell flower

There is a saying that goes like this: "Although peonies are good, they still have green leaves to support chun." "Whether it is practicing composition or writing an essay, the reason is the same.

A good essay, with a clear idea and a full content, is just a basic requirement. In order to make the article vivid and touching, we must also pay attention to the cultivation of lexicography and pay attention to the specific image in language to enhance its expression effect.

When composing, avoid using abstract words and try to use words that can create a vivid image like a picture.

"Could it be easier to let go of the two birds?"

Like what:

"He burst out laughing."

"He smiled happily."


"He laughed and rolled back and forth."

"Squint your eyes and cover your mouth and smirk."

The latter describes the laughter, smiles, and laughter of the characters in a concrete and vivid way.

Another example:

"Her eyes are beautiful." This sentence is very abstract, such as changing to "Her eyes are blue, flashing bright eyes, looking at me sweetly." "The image is moving, so that people can see their people and leave a deeper impression in their minds."

Pure thick and simple, the specific image is often accompanied by humor and vividness, giving people a pleasing feeling.

"Could it be easier to let go of the two birds?"

A few years earlier, I once read a copy of "The Story of Zhou Enlai", which has a story that is still fresh in my memory - it was the story of Premier Zhou Enlai who persuaded Guan Sushuang to change his name.

Guan Sushuang is a famous Peking Opera actor, formerly known as "Stork". In the early 1950s, the Yunnan Peking Opera Troupe led by her went to Beijing to perform, and the performance was a great success. In the meantime, Premier Zhou received her and praised her acting skills. After that, Premier Zhou said to her: "Your name is Guan Guan, the strokes are too complicated, not only is it troublesome to write, but also the general printing plant may lack these two words, and the typographic comrades are not convenient." Also, some people in society who do not have much literacy are difficult to remember, can it be simpler and let go of the two birds? ”

Premier Zhou's words made everyone present lively, and Guan Sushuang was also very happy to accept this suggestion, and said with equal humor: "Obey the order to release the two birds and change the name to Guan Sushuang, so that some old ladies and spectators who only recognize birds will call me guan birds." ”

"Could it be easier to let go of the two birds?"

I think that this dialogue between Premier Zhou and Guan Sushuang has a peaceful attitude, a tone of discussion, ordinary words, and a plain and vivid, simple and not rigid, relying on a superb language skill based on innovation, cleverly saying "remove the bird word" as "putting the two birds away," so that the generalized static expression becomes a dynamic behavior of the image, fresh, vivid, lively, so that the atmosphere present is active, which is closely related to the magic of figurative language.

As you can see from the dialogue, sometimes words without describing modified words can also make the article lively and vivid.

"Honestly, it's a great way to be accurate. You don't have to painstakingly embellish it. Logic and grammar are, in fact, honest methods. We rarely speak unintelligible words. This is because when you speak honestly, you can say whatever you want. However, when writing an article, painstakingly and lonely, it is often self-defeating, and to make the article vivid, I think it is a secret to use less adjectives. This is what Guo Moruo said.

"Could it be easier to let go of the two birds?"

Elder Guo's words were objective and fair. He just advocated that we "don't have to be painstakingly embellished" and "use fewer adjectives." Of course, some articles, especially the description of characters and scenes, realistically use modified words such as adjectives to enhance the power of infection and make people learn, which is beyond reproach. This requires image thinking, learning to describe, accurate and specific depiction and portrayal of people, events and environments, so that the image is clear and gives people a sense of immersion.

The language of excellent concrete images comes from the careful observation and real experience of things and life. Therefore, if you want to make your article language vivid, you must first love life.